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How to Conceive a Male Child Using PinkBluers Method: A Comprehensive Guide for Couples Hoping to Conceive Their Baby Boy
How to Conceive a Male Child Using PinkBluers Method: A Comprehensive Guide for Couples Hoping to Conceive Their Baby Boy
How to Conceive a Male Child Using PinkBluers Method: A Comprehensive Guide for Couples Hoping to Conceive Their Baby Boy
Ebook190 pages1 hour

How to Conceive a Male Child Using PinkBluers Method: A Comprehensive Guide for Couples Hoping to Conceive Their Baby Boy

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About this ebook

Desiring to Conceive a Male Child Naturally?

Here's the only effective resource used by thousands of couples from different parts of the world to conceive their male children naturally. We've got amazing testimonies since its first use in 2018.

Lots of stressed marriages have been saved as a result of their knowledge of the Pinkbluers Method.

This eBook contains all that you and your partner need to conceive your baby girl naturally

It is easy to read with beautiful diagrams and charts designed to aid your easy and proper understanding

It is filled with practical real-life examples for easy implementation

It is well-detailed, effective, and reads like an interesting story

It documents common mistakes to avoid to keep your chances of success very high


Learn effective Natural Birth Control - included in the book with step-by-step textual, pictorial explanations, and practical examples. Say NO to contraceptive pills and implants.

Get access to join over 140,000 women who have gotten their desired gender or are learning to preselect the gender of their next baby. You are not alone. (Link included in the book)

If you cannot afford IVF plus PGT, then this is for you.

See you inside

PublisherJoyce Bas
Release dateMar 6, 2024
How to Conceive a Male Child Using PinkBluers Method: A Comprehensive Guide for Couples Hoping to Conceive Their Baby Boy

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    Book preview

    How to Conceive a Male Child Using PinkBluers Method - Joyce Bassey


    The Desire to Have a Male Child

    Some couples still find it hard to believe when we tell them they can choose the gender of the children they want to have.

    I believe that by the time you finish reading this guide, you will realize that it is very possible.

    A very warm welcome to you. Good to have you here. Trust you are doing wonderfully well.

    You are most likely reading this book because you are seeking information with which you can naturally conceive a male child or male children.

    Rest assured you are reading the right book. Just relax and make yourself comfortable as you go through this book at your convenient time and pace. The book is not lengthy, so relax as we go through it together.

    This book series: PinkBluers Natural Gender Selection E-Guides has two books: How to Conceive a Male Child Using Pinkbluers Method, which you are currently reading, and How to Conceive a Female Child Using Pinkbluers Method

    A Common Problem With an Uncommon Solution

    Gender selection has been a subject of concern for a long time. The subject has received active research from the medical field, dating as far back as the ’90s. Since that is the case, how come you probably haven’t heard about it before now?

    The reason is that due to the potential abuse of such information and other issues associated with gender disappointment, like abortion and other vices, the government of some countries placed a ban or restriction on gender selection while some allowed it only for family balancing, or for individuals with proven genetic abnormalities.

    Early publications on the subject of sex selection made in the ‘90s faced some resistance at that time and then ended up in the hands of a select few individuals. As a result, most people are still ignorant of natural, and inexpensive gender selection methods which have both medical and scientific bases.

    Today, there has been more enlightenment, and more people are beginning to search for both natural and artificial methods of selecting the gender of their baby as the topic gains more popularity in our society.

    There are studies on sex selection by the United Nations Populations Fund (UNPF). Many other studies exist on sex selection. Some of these were marketed under the title family balancing and others related to titles like genetic diagnosis.

    Several scientists have also researched the timing of sexual intercourse in relation to ovulation, as used in gender selection, while some scientists have questioned the effectiveness of such practices.

    With so many sex preference resources out there, one easily gets confused and overwhelmed with information. This makes choosing a method that really works difficult.

    To this end, the PinkBluers Method was born.

    The Goal of Pinkbluers Method

    The goal of the Pinkbluers Method is to help couples naturally optimize their chances of getting their eggs fertilized by the desired spermatozoa thereby producing their desired gender.

    About Me...

    My name is Joyce Bassey.

    I’m a researcher, teacher, wife, mother, social entrepreneur, natural gender selection and natural birth control coach, who is actively seeking solutions to the problems faced by women, seeing that a lot of women go through terrible gender disappointments, heartbreaks, and pains that they don’t deserve and can’t explain.

    Before we proceed, let me quickly mention that I am not a medical doctor. I also don't have a medical degree yet, though I am in the process of pursuing a degree in health education.

    So Why Should You Listen to Me?

    It’s already a known fact that most women face gender disappointment and I was not exempted. Some have suffered abuse and other social vices, while some have been heartbroken and have watched their homes crash before their eyes because they don't have a male child - especially in Africa.

    I had my own fair share of the depression that comes with gender disappointment which you will see as you read through this book.

    My struggles, experience, findings, and knowledge gathered through gender disappointment and depression afforded me valuable insights which I have to share with you in this book.

    I have also taken time to go through a lot of scientific research works that are published in professional journals from which I gathered the major ideas that formed the basis for the writing of this book.

    My Taste of Gender Disappointment.

    I had always dreamed of having a male child as my first child.  I had nothing against having a female child though. It’s just that I wanted a male child first.

    It turns out that as a teacher, I spent time with both genders and boys were for the most time, the smart ones in my class. So, I had this bond with boys than girls.

    When I had my first unplanned pregnancy, I was so excited because I couldn’t think or picture any gender other than my prince charming, mummy’s boy. Not for a second did I ever think of giving birth to a girl because I didn’t have that in mind.

    Fast forward to the day I went for my 24-week ultrasound scan, that day was the saddest and most frustrating day of my life when the result turned out the opposite of what I wanted. (it was a girl). I thought I was doomed, I cried, I hated everything about the pregnancy. However, with the help and support from family members, I was able to carry a full term to delivery.

    After the delivery, when the nurse put her on my chest I felt so guilty for feeling the way I did. Today she is my best friend.

    However, there were still some days when I thought about what it would have been like if she was a male…

    My Initial Quest for Gender Selection

    The recurrent feeling of gender depression that I experienced, pushed me to embark on researching the possibility of determining or choosing a particular gender to be pregnant with.

    This was with the hope of finding a lasting solution to the disappointment I had with my first pregnancy.

    So, I went into extensive research on gender selection methods that exist and also those with higher success rates.

    My initial findings showed that one might have to

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