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Street Royalty
Street Royalty
Street Royalty
Ebook72 pages52 minutes

Street Royalty

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Born into the ruthless streets of Richmond, Virginia, Karma Jackson had it all: power, respect, and an empire built on blood and betrayal. As the daughter of Big Ray, the most feared drug lord in the city, Karma learned the game early, rising to become the queen of the streets. But when her father's empire starts crumbling and betrayals lurk around every corner, Karma's world spirals into chaos.

Caught between loyalty and survival, she navigates a treacherous path filled with love, lies, and relentless ambition. Her ruthless tactics and cold-hearted decisions come back to haunt her as enemies close in, the law tightens its grip, and even her closest allies turn against her. As Karma fights to maintain her empire, she faces a brutal reality where every decision could be her last.

From deadly shootouts and undercover stings to high-stakes courtroom drama, "Street Royalty" takes you deep into the dark heart of urban life. Karma's journey is a gritty, raw tale of power and betrayal, where the streets are unforgiving, and survival is never guaranteed. Will she rise again from the ashes, or will the streets claim her as their final victim?

Engage with the suspense, the drama, and the intense world of "Street Royalty," where every chapter leaves you hanging on the edge, and every twist could mean the difference between life and death.

PublisherRachael Reed
Release dateJun 30, 2024
Street Royalty

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    Book preview

    Street Royalty - Rachael Reed



    Rachael Reed


    Copyright © 2024 by Rachael Reed

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, Resold, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or otherwise


    Chapter 1: Royal Beginnings

    Chapter 2: Street Princess

    Chapter 3: The Heir Apparent

    Chapter 4: Business and Pleasure

    Chapter 5: Trouble Brewing

    Chapter 6: Family Ties

    Chapter 7: Love and Lies

    Chapter 8: Empire in Peril

    Chapter 9: The Downfall Begins

    Chapter 10: Blood and Betrayal

    Chapter 11: Love's Last Stand

    Chapter 12: Desperate Measures

    Chapter 13: The Sting

    Chapter 14: Facing the Music

    Chapter 15: The Great Betrayal

    Chapter 16: The Fall

    Chapter 17: The Verdict

    Chapter 18: Reflections in a Cell

    Chapter 1: Royal Beginnings

    Karma had it all from the start. Born into the gritty streets of Richmond, Virginia, she was the young, wealthy daughter of Big Ray, the most feared and respected drug lord in the city. Her childhood was a strange mix of luxury and danger, a world where power and violence walked hand in hand.

    From a young age, Karma was pampered like a princess. She lived in a big house on the outskirts of the hood, a place where expensive cars lined the driveway and designer clothes filled her closet. Big Ray made sure his daughter had everything she wanted, but he also made sure she knew exactly where all that money came from. The streets.

    Yo, Karma, you gotta understand, Big Ray would tell her, his voice rough but filled with a rare kind of fatherly love. Ain’t nothin’ in this world free. Everything we got, we had to take. You gettin’ all this nice shit ‘cause I’m out there, makin’ moves.

    Big Ray was a legend in Richmond. He ran the game with an iron fist, controlling the flow of drugs through the city like a puppeteer. Everyone knew his name, and those who didn’t respect it quickly learned the hard way. His presence was larger than life, a constant shadow over Karma’s world.

    Karma’s early years were filled with the sights and sounds of the street life. She’d see Big Ray’s boys coming in and out of the house, talking in hushed tones about deals and territories. The smell of money and danger was always in the air. And Karma soaked it all in, learning the game from the best.

    She was quick-witted and smart, picking up on the nuances of the drug trade even as a child. She watched her father closely, seeing how he handled his business, how he commanded respect with just a look. Big Ray was a king, and Karma was his princess, destined to inherit his empire.

    But life in the hood was never simple. Despite the luxury, there was always an undercurrent of violence. Karma witnessed shootouts and street brawls, saw men beg for their lives and others lose them without a second thought. It was a brutal world, but it was the only one she knew.

    Daddy, why them boys always fightin’? Karma asked one day, her big brown eyes filled with curiosity.

    Big Ray looked at her, a grim smile on his face. This the way it is, baby girl. Out here, you gotta fight for what’s yours. Ain’t nobody gonna give you nothin’. You take it, or you lose it.

    Karma took those words to heart. She grew up understanding that power was everything, that to stay on top, you had to be ruthless. She saw how her father dealt with betrayal, how he crushed anyone who crossed him. And she knew that one day, she’d have to do the same.

    As she got older, Karma started to get more involved in Big Ray’s empire. She wasn’t just the pampered princess anymore; she was a player in the game. Her beauty and charm became weapons, tools she used to manipulate and control. She knew how to get what she wanted, and she wasn’t afraid to play dirty to get it.

    The streets whispered about Karma, calling her Big Ray’s little queen. She had a reputation for being cold-hearted,

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