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What's Your Story?: A Journal for Everyday Evolution
What's Your Story?: A Journal for Everyday Evolution
What's Your Story?: A Journal for Everyday Evolution
Ebook236 pages37 minutes

What's Your Story?: A Journal for Everyday Evolution

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This journal is beautiful. It will help you find your voice and, finally, hold it sacred.” ―Cleo Wade, bestselling author of Heart Talk 
Transformational questions for personal and collective change.
In this time of global reckoning, revolution, and reinvention, authors Rebecca Walker and Lily Diamond invite you to excavate the narratives that have shaped your life and write a new, fulfilling story for the future.  

Consisting of 150+ questions―designed to be answered in as little as five minutes or as long as a lifetime―Whats Your Story?: A Journal for Everyday Evolution is essential for anyone ready to begin living their most authentic, creative, and meaningful life.   Explore by area of life: Each chapter invites you to explore a different part of life as you move through your day―from waking up and encountering your mind, to being in relationship with your body, other people, nature, and technology, to reflecting on community, identity, and mortality. Explore by theme: Five themes, color-coded throughout each chapter, allow you to explore a particular focus from beginning to end: creativity and self-expression; self-care; activism; spirituality; and grief, loss, and the work of healing. “Finding the voice to know, write, and speak your story can mean the difference between an existence of repressed silence and a life of joyful fulfillment,” write the authors. “Our stories have the power to limit or liberate us.”

Release dateDec 8, 2020
What's Your Story?: A Journal for Everyday Evolution

Rebecca Walker

Rebecca Walker has contributed to the global conversation about race, gender, power, and the evolution of the human family for three decades. Since graduating from Yale, she has authored and edited seven bestselling books. Walker has written, developed, and produced film and television projects with Warner Brothers, NBC Universal, Amazon, HBO, and Paramount, and spoken at over four hundred universities and corporate campuses internationally, including Harvard, The Whitney Museum, and TEDx Lund. Walker cofounded the Third Wave Fund, which makes grants to women and transgender youth working for social justice. Walker has won many awards, including the Women Who Could Be President Award from the League of Women Voters, was named by Time magazine as one of the most influential leaders of her generation, and continues to teach her masterclass, The Art of Memoir.

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    Book preview

    What's Your Story? - Rebecca Walker


    Not everything that is faced can be changed.

    But nothing can be changed until it is faced.


    Do you ever wish you could talk to someone who asked the right questions about every part of your life and being — every single time? Not the easy questions, but the hard ones that draw out your truth. The ones that push you beyond who you are right now, and challenge your ideas about who you can be. These are the sacred questions: the ones that expose how you came to be who you are, and reveal what you must do to become someone else — someone less fearful and more honest, less confused and more, well, free.

    Yeah. Us, too. Which is why we spent a decade developing What’s Your Story?, a process that reveals the old, repetitive stories that shape our lives and transforms the next leg of the journey. This self-inquiry method integrates insights from our combined forty years of personal and political activism, memoir writing, and psychospiritual and psychosomatic practice in Buddhist, Hindu, and Western healing traditions. What’s Your Story? is for writers, creatives, scientists, psychologists, lawyers, activists, and anyone who longs to bring a new story to life.

    In other words, What’s Your Story? is for you.

    You, because you are ready to rewrite the stories of your life that resist all your attempts to change them. The stories that, despite your best efforts, keep you smaller than you want to be. That pattern you keep repeating with romantic partner after romantic partner? You want it to end. The lack of connection you feel in every one of your friendships? You can no longer bear it. The sinking sensation you get in your stomach every time you talk to your family? It’s making you sick and you want — no, need — to be well. Those thirty-five minutes you spend in bed each night comparing who you thought you’d be by now to who you actually are? Quite frankly, you’d rather get some sleep. And we’d rather see you well

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