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What's Your F*cking Destiny?: Manifest Your Dreams Using Astrology
What's Your F*cking Destiny?: Manifest Your Dreams Using Astrology
What's Your F*cking Destiny?: Manifest Your Dreams Using Astrology
Ebook236 pages2 hours

What's Your F*cking Destiny?: Manifest Your Dreams Using Astrology

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Make your f*cking dreams come true!

It’s about time you wrote your own story. What’s Your F*cking Destiny? can help you write it with insights and tips tailored to your astrological chart that make creating the life of your dreams as easy as being yourself. Ever wonder why you can’t sit still and meditate to save your d*mn life? Or how you can turn gratitude into cash? It’s all in your astrological DNA. With info on all twelve signs of the zodiac, you’ll discover manifestation methods that work for you.

- How can an Aries level up at work? Visualize themselves kicking ass.
- What can a Libra do to secure that happily-ever-after they crave? Surround themselves with people who raise their vibe (and cut out any toxic a**holes who take advantage).
- How can a Capricorn feel good as hell? Relax that death grip and let the universe do its thing.

Embrace your cosmic nature and you can manifest a job you love, supportive relationships, a life that lights you up, and anything else you put your mind to. It’s all up to you! So, What’s Your F*cking Destiny?

Release dateJun 20, 2023
What's Your F*cking Destiny?: Manifest Your Dreams Using Astrology

Amelia Wood

AMELIA WOOD is a Gemini who gets sh*t done. When she's not staring into your soul after you've told her your sign, she can be found multitasking the sh*t out of writing projects and charming the pants off all of her friends and accomplices.

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    What's Your F*cking Destiny? - Amelia Wood


    The Ram


    March 21–April 19


    Fire | Cardinal | Masculine




    Going all in


    Waiting patiently, or at all


    Reese Witherspoon Robert Downey, Jr.

    Mariah Carey

    If there’s anyone better suited to manifesting the life of their dreams, Aries will arm-wrestle them for the title right now. This fiery sign doesn’t have any problem going out and getting what they want. There’s no challenge too big, no problem too daunting, and no warning too sensible to keep them from their goal. That natural courage, optimism, and positive energy give Aries the edge when it comes to communicating their desires with the universe. But because these passionate visionaries tend to run headfirst into the fray without giving it a second fucking thought, they can usually benefit from a bit of patience and strategic thinking. Armed with the right advice, this sign can master manifestation without breaking a sweat.



    Aries doesn’t need to find their flow. Aries invented flow. This sign goes all in on every task, barreling forward with the force of a border collie chasing a delinquent sheep. What they need is a challenge worth their valuable fucking time. A job with action and excitement is a given. But Aries also needs to lead the way and rack up plenty of wins. And if a few people want to revere them for their accomplishments, well, all the better. That might seem like a tall order, but there’s no other kind as far as this fire sign is concerned.

    Manifestation moves to make

    The universe doesn’t just make shit up. It needs to be told what to do. Luckily, there’s nothing an Aries likes better than telling someone what to do. By leaning into their (some might say compulsive) need to lead, Aries can manifest work they love faster than they can say challenge accepted! It all starts with the game plan. Whether you put pen to paper or you practice your touchdown dance, get super clear on what a W looks like. Is it bucking up your team from the trenches? Bandaging wounds? Making the best fucking bánh mì on the planet? Figure out your endgame, and the universe will fall in line.

    Badass magical habits to master

    As an Aries, every bone in your body tells you to make big moves. But when you manifest things, you’re meeting the universe halfway. And the universe would like you to take a damn seat once in a while. Once you’ve done what you can, you need to let the universe take the wheel. While you wait, raise that vibration (a tried-and-true manifestation technique) by helping others reach their goals. They get the support they need, and you get to show the universe you’re serious about bringing a sense of purpose into your life.

    Shit that can help

    When it comes to work, Aries can get just a bit competitive. Just kidding! Aries will race a stranger on the subway to a wide-open car. That incredible drive to succeed is one of the many reasons this sign tends to come out on top. But if you’re going to manifest the job of your dreams, make sure that the need to compete isn’t coming from a scarcity mindset (aka the deep-seated and false AF belief that there isn’t enough of something to go around). You don’t have to fight for what you want. It’s already yours.


    Help the less fortunate by lending a bit of your ambition and optimism to an ambivalent Pisces.


    Aries doesn’t need any prompting to take the next step—you’ll usually catch them taking two or three at a time. That doesn’t mean they don’t need a little help finding their footing along the way. (Or a gentle reminder that they’re still at the bottom of the ladder and probably shouldn’t call their boss dumb as fuck.) Whether they’re angling for a promotion, starting their own business, or trying to buy out a tech empire, Aries is always ready to level up. Combining that confidence with the right manifestation methods is how they make the magic happen.

    Manifestation moves to make

    When it comes to their career, Aries can do anything they put their damn mind to. The capable and courageous creatives born under this sign are as often entrepreneurs and politicians as they are pro athletes and EMTs. But that means they have to do a little legwork to figure out which direction suits them before they suit up. Once they get clear on what they want, Aries just needs to bring their unstoppable optimism—and a fuck-ton of patience—to the task.

    Badass magical habits to master

    As much as Aries hates to admit it, a lot of leveling up involves relying on other people. And to do that, you’ll need to practice a little gratitude. It’s not in Aries’s nature to share the spotlight, but shining yours on what other people are great at and what you can learn from them is one powerful way to let the universe know you’re ready for more. It’s also a great way to productively reframe your own limitations (especially when you’re completely fucking unwilling to acknowledge them in the first place).

    Shit that can help

    Visualization can feel too passive for the go-getters born under this sign, but this manifestation practice goes and gets results. And you can get it over with in a few minutes. Just close your eyes, take a deep breath, and put that signature Aries focus to good use. Imagine doing your work and feeling like you’re kicking ass (so, you know, an ordinary day for you). See yourself being congratulated. If you have a specific goal in mind, throw that in there. Otherwise, let the universe surprise you.


    Making money isn’t the hard part for Aries. This sign attracts cash like the fucking boss that they are. But they also spend it like a boss—one with a secret account in the Caymans. If you’re not secret-money flush (mattress stashes don’t count), then you may want to make some changes. Good news is, it’s all in your head. Working on your financial mindset can pay literal dividends. Maybe you make it to the islands, or maybe you just get yourself one of those fruity drinks with the little umbrellas. But you will make money your bitch.

    Manifestation moves to make

    You don’t manifest shit just by wanting it. You have to get intentional about it. Use that natural Aries inclination to smash goals to your advantage by making financial freedom one of them. When you work toward a goal instead of just winging it (like you usually do), you let the universe know you’re not fucking around. You don’t have to have the how figured out. Just set your goal and start doing whatever you can to get there. (Within reason—karma doesn’t reward criminals or crypto bros.)

    Badass magical habits to master

    Money has a magic all its own. When you’re intentional about how you spend it (i.e., you put half a damn thought into where it’s going before you whip out Apple Pay), you direct that magic. In other words, mastering your money flow takes mindfulness. It’s not a practice that comes naturally to Aries, whose money mantra is usually something along the lines of YOLO. But as any Aries will tell you, nothing worth doing comes easy. To other signs, anyway. Capable, creative Aries can do anything they set their damn mind to.

    Shit that can help

    Paying attention to where your money’s going is just the beginning. Figuring out why it’s going there is the real trick. With a tendency to give as little thought to their purchases as they give to base-jumping off a fucking cliff, Aries doesn’t usually bother with the why of it all. But when you do, you shift your mindset and clarify your priorities. Instead of spending your money on stupid shit you don’t actually want, put it toward the things that are important to you. That intentional energy will bring more of the good shit your way.



    You can’t truly love someone else until you love and accept yourself. Luckily, that’s not a problem for Aries. You know exactly what you bring to the table—a heaping helping of independence, optimism, loyalty, passion, and excitement. But on the flip side of that blindingly shiny plate are some high AF standards and a bit of a savior complex, if you’re being honest. (And you usually are.) Taking time to reflect on whether who you are aligns with what you want could save you a lot of bad-date taco binges.

    Manifestation moves to make

    When you live your life like a human bullet train, you’re bound to miss a few things—like how much you’ve grown over the years. For example, you no longer think cage fighting is a fun first date. The important thing is to hit the brakes once in a while and appreciate that growth. You might not want the same things anymore. When you stumble sideways into something you do want (which is the only way for Aries), bring your attention to it and tell the universe to take fucking note of it.

    Badass magical habits to master

    The energy of this fiery sign can move fucking mountains. But you can’t do shit if you don’t set your mind to it, and you’ve probably been letting yours run on autopilot for too long. Time to take back control. An affirmation practice may seem like it’s lacking the action this sign loves, but few methods are better when you want to redirect some neural pathways (aka, change the way you think). Come up with a few that match who you want to be, and recite them every day until they sink

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