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Ebook43 pages29 minutes


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Struggling comedian Fred Marvin lost touch with audiences without realizing it. Running out of steam and telling jokes that lack punch, his career grinds to a sad, screeching halt. Going nowhere. And much too fast for his bitter taste.

But a chance encounter with a young, up-and-coming comedian changes his outlook.

And shows Fred that the pursuit of laughter can be a nightmare.

A unique voice set amidst the darkly funny world of comedy clubs, "Cheers" sets the relentless grind of a career standup comedian against deep questions of motivation, success, and the sacrifices we make in service of our dreams. Pick up a copy now and read a story so funny, it's cursed!

Release dateJul 1, 2024

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    Book preview

    Cheers - Niz Thomas

    A wrinkled comedy show poster style version of a book cover.



    Throughplace Publishing



    Made in the USA

    Published by Throughplace Publishing

    Text copyright © 2024 by Michael Nisivoccia

    All rights reserved.

    Cover and Layout copyright © 2024 by Throughplace Publishing

    Cover design by Michael Nisivoccia / Throughplace Publishing

    Cover art copyright © julydfg / crumpled paper / Depositphotos

    Cover art copyright © azatvaleev / comedy poster image / Depositphotos

    This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. All rights reserved. This is a work of fiction. All characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional, and any resemblance to real people or incidents is purely coincidental. This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission.


    Family Tree

    Made in the USA

    Published by Throughplace Publishing

    Text excerpt copyright © 2023 by Michael Nisivoccia

    All rights reserved.

    Cover and Layout copyright © 2023 by Throughplace Publishing

    Cover design by Michael Nisivoccia / Throughplace Publishing

    Cover art copyright © Robert Adrian Hillman / Shutterstock

    This text excerpt is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. All rights reserved. This is a work of fiction. All characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional, and any resemblance to real people or incidents is purely coincidental. This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission.


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Family Tree

    Chapter 1

    Also By Niz Thomas

    About the Author



    I thought it was all part of the process.

    Twelve-fifteen. Thursday night. The Laugh Hole. Light buzz, keeping it semi-professional. Same spot, corner stool next to the back bar, waiting for my turn at the mike, Jimmy Twins drying a martini glass with a rag that probably hadn't been washed in a decade.

    They call him Jimmy Twins because he's got tits the size of GMO watermelons. Big, bulging breasts that would make any straight guy take a second look, they weren't jutting out from fat, hairy, sad-sack-of-shit Jimmy Twins. Some hormone thing, I heard.

    The set finishessome broad I'd seen around named Trist or Trix or Trizz. The fuck knows? Young'ns come onto the scene faster than I can keep track these days, all hopped up on whatever drugs their pediatricians prescribed them, the Netflix glory hole gaze in their eyes.

    This one's nice looking, though, in a maybe-I-can-bang-the-hot-babysitter

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