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Creatures from the Dirt
Creatures from the Dirt
Creatures from the Dirt
Ebook138 pages1 hour

Creatures from the Dirt

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They discover a nest of human-like insects in their basement. After they find out there's much more to this problem than they could have possibly imagined, they find themselves fighting for their lives, and their sanity.

PublisherHudson Ryder
Release dateJul 1, 2024
Creatures from the Dirt

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    Creatures from the Dirt - Hudson Ryder

    Table of Contents

    Creatures from the Dirt

    The house creaks again. For the fifth time in a row. It wakes me up for a fifth time in a row, and I turn on the light by my bed again. Looking around for a moment, I don’t see anything and realize I’m just freaking out again.

    I’m scared of the dark. Always have been. I’m 18 years old and a guy and I’m still afraid of the dark. My parents always thought I’d grow out of it. They were wrong about that one. I’ve learned how to face and deal with my fear, but it never went away. It’s just how I am.

    The house creaks for a sixth time. What the hell. Seriously. I mean, it is windy out there. The creaks of this house always freak me out. They make me feel like there’s something crawling around in the walls or the attic. Just the thought of that gives me shivers down my spine.

    Looking over at my alarm clock I see 3:12 a.m. God damn it. It’s literally the middle of the night. I feel so tired, but at the same time, I don’t. The wind howls and makes the house creak again. That fucking wind is the reason I don’t. I give my window the finger. Fucking god damn wind. Fuck off. Cunt.

    The house creaks again. This time, it's pretty loud. It’s right around the door. Well, like around the area above it near the ceiling. That’s an odd place for a creak. Another loud creak sort of to the right of the last one in the corner where the wall meets the ceiling. My stomach churns. What the fuck. I immediately envision something crawling around the inside of the wall. I’m so fucking creeped out. Maybe I should just try and relax. Perhaps that’ll get my mind off of it. I close my eyes and think of squirrels burying their nuts. That’s what I’d like to do to my girlfriend. oh wait, I don’t have a girlfriend. I’m hilarious. I should do stand up comedy.

    The wind howls, but surprisingly enough, no creak this time. Fan fucking phenomenal. Turning off my light, I relax and feel tired again. I close my eyes and feel like I’m about to crash.

    My door opens slightly. What the fuck. What’s my dad doing up. He has to leave for work soon. What does he want.


    No response.

    Dad, its 3 am, what are-

    The door opens fully. Okay, what the f-

    I turn on my light and see something about the size of a golden retriever scurry at light speed from the other side of my door to underneath my bed. It was so fast all I saw was a blur.

    I jump up.


    I continue standing on my bed for a few seconds before sprinting to the bathroom. I slam the door shut and then immediately crack it open again anticipating something to be waiting outside for me, or jumping at me.

    I don’t see anything in my room or under my bed. No movement at all.

    The house creaks as heavy footsteps approach from the right.

    Sean, what the fuck are you doing? It’s three in the fucking morning. I have to be up in a few hours.

    I-I-I saw something really big, uh, move really fast under, under my bed.

    My dad looks at me like I just said the dumbest thing he’s ever heard.

    I-I don’t know what it was, but it moved so fast I could hardly see it...

    He quietly yells.

    Are you fucking kidding me?! You’re 18 fucking years old and you’re still seeing shit in your head. If you were 5, I’d understand, but you’re an adult!

    No, I swear...

    He stomps back to his room, rummages around his closet, and comes back with a heavy duty flashlight. He stops a few feet in front of me, gives me a look, then goes into my room. He bends down slightly and illuminates the underside of my bed.

    Nothing’s fucking here, son.

    He says it in a 'no shit' tone.

    No giant bugs, no animals, no demons, or evil spirits.

    After a moment, he looks back at me.

    I look at him.

    His eyes dart to the left and then back at me and he gives me an impatient face.

    I reluctantly leave the bathroom and kneel down to check. Nothing’s there.

    Dad, I swear something big ran really fast-

    And where could it have gone.

    He stands up and checks my closet. Nothing anywhere.

    I stand there with my mouth kind of open trying to say something, but I can’t think of anything. Did I really just imagine a giant something move at light speed into my room? Am I just losing my shit?

    My dad stares at me for a good while.

    You’re still seeing shit in your head.

    He looks down and rubs his foot on the carpet.


    He yells at the top of his lungs.

    It’s hard enough paying for this house and all the bills by myself, but you making it harder for me to do that is FUCKING BULLSHIT. You’re lucky I’m even letting you live here. Most adults have a job and support themselves.

    While he catches his breath, I stand still, looking at the ground.

    "If you had a fucking job, you’d be able to help

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