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Ebook93 pages31 minutes


Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

In his third poetry collection, Primer, Aaron Smith grapples with the ugly realities of the private self, in which desire feels more like a trap than fulfillment. What is the face we prepare in our public lives to distract others from our private grief?

Smith's poetry explores that inexplicable tension between what we say and how we actually feel, exposing the complications of intimacy and the limitations of language to bridge those distances between friends, family members, and lovers. What we deny, in the end, may be just what we actually survive.

Mortality in Smith's work remains the uncomfortable foundation at the center of our relationship with others, to faith, to art, to love as we grow older, and ultimately, to our own sense of who we are in our bodies in the world.

The struggle of this book, finally, is in naming whether just what we say we want is enough to satisfy our primal needs, or are the choices we make to stay alive the same choices we make to help us, in so many small ways, to die.
Release dateOct 6, 2016

T.C. Boyle

T.C. Boyle is an American novelist and short-story writer. Since the mid-1970s, he has published eighteen novels and twelve collections of short stories. He won the PEN/Faulkner Award in 1988 for his third novel, World’s End, and the Prix Médicis étranger (France) in 1995 for The Tortilla Curtain. His novel Drop City was a finalist for the 2003 National Book Award. Most recently, he has been the recipient of the Mark Twain American Voice in Literature Award, the Henry David Thoreau Prize, and the Jonathan Swift Prize for satire. He is a Distinguished Professor of English Emeritus at the University of Southern California and lives in Santa Barbara.

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    Book preview

    Primer - T.C. Boyle

    Pitt Poetry Series

    Ed Ochester, Editor



    University of Pittsburgh Press

    Published by the University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh, Pa., 15260

    Copyright © 2016, Aaron Smith

    All rights reserved

    Manufactured in the United States of America

    Printed on acid-free paper

    10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

    ISBN 13: 978-0-8229-6434-6

    ISBN 10: 0-8229-6434-1

    Cover art: Elly Smallwood, Untitled – Mike, 2014

    Cover design by Melissa Dias-Mandoly

    ISBN 13: 978-0-8229-8230-2 (electronic)

    for my sister, Belinda, the bravest person I know


    for Manuel Muñoz, who listens and listens and listens

                                             You can’t walk through

    the thinghood empty-handed, shirking the knives

    of fact.

    —Reginald Shepherd



    Still Life with Gun

    Notes for a Lecture: Keith Haring


    Ars Poetica

    A Letter Regarding Your Recent Artwork


    Poem for Straight Guys

    Like Him

    Not All Faggots Bump Themselves off at the End of the Story

    Middle School Summer

    Blue Exits


    The Worried Well

    College Summer

    The Julianne Moore Collection

    Jack White Gives Contract Advice to the Poet



    New York Pretending to Be Paris

    Born Again


    Still Life with Train

    Boston: Late Summer


    This Exact Sky

    This Unknown Buried in the Known

    The River Phoenix Collection


    When You Told Me Your Father Was Dying

    Still Life with Antidepressants

    Jennifer Lawrence

    Still Life with a Hundred Crucifixions




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    Primer for Men

    Each Light a Knife

    The Bar Closes But You Don’t Want to Go Home

    Driving North on Interstate 99 the Poet Considers His Life at Forty





    I’d never been in a fight, but I knew

    I could take him. I punched Kenny Roth

    on the playground. My fist smashed the bone

    in his nose. A week before he’d stayed at my house,

    tried to kiss me, touch my underwear. I wanted more

    like he did, but didn’t know what that would mean about me.

    He said he was only joking. He said he wouldn’t tell.

    Still I slugged him, tried to break his jaw

    in front of his girlfriend. It had something to do with sin,

    or the honor of men, which usually means it’s about violence.

    I liked the way his lip opened under my fist.

    I liked what it felt like to be a man.


    I know a guy who likes

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