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The Gods of Andromeda: Science Fiction - Quantum series, #5
The Gods of Andromeda: Science Fiction - Quantum series, #5
The Gods of Andromeda: Science Fiction - Quantum series, #5
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The Gods of Andromeda: Science Fiction - Quantum series, #5

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From the beginning of time, people have often thought about changing their past actions as easily as they could change their minds, maybe wish they had done things differently, or perhaps wish they could see into the future to decide their next move.  Other than in fiction books and movies, nobody has yet built a 'Time Machine' to go back and change history, or go ahead and find out what is happening tomorrow, or what lottery tickets to buy.

Do not give up hope however, as scientists all over the world are investigating the science of Time, trying to manipulate it, predict it, and change it, using advanced versions of quantum entanglement, superposition teleportation and other techniques.  This has only resulted in their ability to measure time more accurately than any other parameter, but the basic nature, the essence of Time still eludes them.

PublisherIan Kent
Release dateJul 1, 2024
The Gods of Andromeda: Science Fiction - Quantum series, #5

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    The Gods of Andromeda - Ian Kent





    rom the beginning of time, people have often thought about changing their past actions as easily as they could change their minds, maybe wish they had done things dixerently, or perhaps wish they could see into the future to decide their next move. kther than in ‘ction booTs and movies, nobody has yet built a M’ime Dachineq to go bacT and change history, or go ahead and ‘nd out what is happening tomorrow, or what lottery ticTets to


    -o not give up hope however, as scientists all over the world are investigating the science of ’ime, trying to manipulate it, predict it, and change it, using advanced versions of quantum entangle- ment, superposition teleportation and other techniques. ’his has only resulted in their ability to measure time more accurately than any other parameter, but the basic nature, the essence of ’ime still eludes them.


    ndrew Tucker, a young Canadian archaeologist is strug- gling with a puzzle handed down to him by his great uncle,

    apuzzle involving time twisting adventures with ancient Greek Myths. Eventually, with the help of his best friend, they contact the Belmont Research Centre, known for their problem solving skills to answer some of his time travel questions. Their expertise in quantum mathematics and astro-physics becomes apparent as they communicate with a distant exoplanet. Working together, their curiosity leads to even more complicated interactions between this planet and others, as well as testing the patience of a galactic visitor.

    Author’s note:

    Writing, the linking together of words and symbols to transfer thoughts and actions to others, or just to remind yourself of some- thing, is an interesting study. I suppose it began when farmers and other workers tried to keep track of their crops, what they


    were trading with others, and how it compared with the same crop last year. Our characters in this story study ancient scripts and attempt to compare them with scripts from another world. One example I mention is Linear A, an early form of writing used by the Minoans that still de4es decryption to this day. I show an example of Linear A at the beginning of each chapter. As I sit here, typing on my computer, I realize how simple it is for me to pass on similar thoughts and actions to you, the reader. If I were to do this at about 5066 B.C.E., I would be trying to scratch out a story, perhaps on a wet clay tablet. The following example is what I might have scratched out over ‘666 years ago. As a result of my research, this is the type of ‘writing’ they were using at that time and I have put together this little story using that script. To those who might be experts in ancient scripts, please do not blame me for any errors in punctuation.

    Modern English translation:

    One sunny day, a man caught a fish in a net, and walked with his ox up the mountain to offer it to the Gods.

    CHAPTER  1

    hen Dr. Khara Miller returned to her ocfe abter a wrieb korginv Cafation in Lhile at the Sa Oilla swyerCatorA

    yite in the mtafama deyert‘ the 1ryt thinv yhe kay bafed kith kay tko keegy ob ’ynailpmailx that had Tiled uT in her inpwo2. my an aytroThAyifiyt‘ yhe alkaAy enoAed vettinv out into the 1eld to e2Terienfe time kith real teleyfoTey and the rari1ed air ob montain lofationy. 4he Sa Oilla swyerCatorA‘ lofated in the mtafama deyert at an eleCation ob awout 0EBB metery‘ Tlafed it in yome ob the fleanp eyt air in the korld‘ an ideal lofation bor the 1uroTean Oouthern swyerCatorA to inytall their teleyfoTey to yearfh the flear ygiey bor e2oTlanety and offayional ayteroid near miyyey. 7afg in 0BRP‘ yhe had the oTTortunitA to korg kith the 4ImNNGO4 teleyfoTe‘ one ob the manA teleyfoTey at Sa Oilla‘ all fontrolled remotelA brom the

    0 Gmz K1z4

    OTAFE LENTRE IN 7ELVIUM khen Mifhael qillon diyfoCered a ytar kith yeCen earth yiJed Tlanety‘ awout bortA livht Aeary akaA. 7ut in refent monthy‘ her aytroThAyify korg kith khat theA had diyp foCered in that 4ImNNGO4 yAytem had fomwined kith Uuantum ThAyify‘ fomTlifatinv her libe. Worginv at their ymall 7elmont Iep yearfh Lentre kith her woAbriend mndA zifholy and hiy ayyofiate Vafg 1dkardy on the Thenomenon ob ’Uuantum entanvlementx‘ theA had yuffeyybullA fommunifated kith yome ligepminded yfip entiyty on one ob the e2oTlanety in the 4ImNNGO4 yAytem. 4hiy diyfoCerA had Trovreyyed too bayt bor her to handle‘ reyultinv in an ’interytellarx Tolitifal friyiy yeriouy enouvh that that the jnited zationy had wefome inColCed kith jzssOm‘ the jnited zap tiony scfe bor suter OTafe mFairy in Hienna. mbter theA toog oCer‘ Khara woked out‘ leaCinv the diTlomatif korg to the e2Terty.

    MOYT OB HER MAIL KAY unimTortant‘ reUuirinv CerA little ob her time. 4he ’3ungx mail had ween keeded out wA DaThne‘ her nek adminp iytratiCe and reyearfh ayyiytant‘ a lu2urA yhe kay onlA refentlA wep fominv uyed to. my yhe RiTTed throuvh her mail‘ yhe alyo en3oAed the lu2urA ob yiTTinv on a breyhlA wreked fuT ob foFee. for Aeary‘ the ymall vrouT had ytruvvled to yurCiCe‘ e2iytinv on ymall vranty to fomTlete their e2Terimenty‘ maginv their okn foFee and orderinv TiJJay. Gt kay onlA abter theA had the wreagthrouvh in Uuantum

    4Y1 qsDO sf mzDIsM1Dm 3

    entanvlement that had oTened the fommunifation fhannel to the 4ImNNGO4 e2oTlanet khen their vrant moneA and yuTTort had wefome unrealiytif.

    4he reUueyty bor emTloAment and reyearfh ideay uyuallA 1lled uT moyt ob her mail‘ and ib it kay emaily‘ yhe bound it eayA to reTlA kith a Tolite ytandard re3eftion. SatelA‘ CerA bek reUueyty or intereytinv inUuiriey aftuallA arriCed wA ’ynailpmailx‘ khat eCerAone fonyidered to we the ’oldpbayhionedx kaA. my yhe oTened an enCep loTe and UuifglA yfanned the enfloyed letter‘ a bek kordy fauvht her eAe. firyt‘ it kay brom a man falled mndA‘ the yame name ay her woApbriend. 4hiy kould not normallA mean anAthinv‘ other than to ylok dokn her readinv. 4he ne2t kordy that yloked her kere ’arfhaeolovAx and ’timex. 7efauye her korg kith the e2oTlanp et weinvy had inColCed arfhaeolovifal Thenomenon and traCel to anfient yitey‘ her intereyt kay de1nitelA TiUued.

    4he letter kay brom an mndA 4ufger‘ wut Khara realiJed thiy kay not 3uyt Aour aCerave vuA looginv bor a 3ow. Ye kay ayginv bor an audienfe‘ a meetinv kith Khara and ToyyiwlA yome other yfientiyty in the reyearfh bafilitA.

    !DaThneQ‘ yhe falled out to her ayyiytant. DaThne entered the ocfe almoyt immediatelA.

    !5ey‘ Dr. MillerQ‘ yhe ytood there an2iouylA kaitinv inytrufp tiony..

    !Lould Aou Tleaye do a little reyearfh bor me? G kant Aou to 1nd out khateCer Aou fan awout an mndA 4ufger. GxCe ’qoovled himx and

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