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The Phoenix Knight: An Epic Fantasy Poem
The Phoenix Knight: An Epic Fantasy Poem
The Phoenix Knight: An Epic Fantasy Poem
Ebook48 pages16 minutes

The Phoenix Knight: An Epic Fantasy Poem

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Ravçe-el is born a princess but lives as a prisoner high in a castle tower. All that changes when she meets her first and only friend. Following this friendship to freedom, she learns about healing and love, life's lessons she should have been gifted by family. Courageous and hopeful, her transformation is a beacon of light to all. Written in bl

Release dateJun 20, 2024
The Phoenix Knight: An Epic Fantasy Poem

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    Book preview

    The Phoenix Knight - Draco Amethystus

    The Phoenix Knight

    An Epic Fantasy Poem

    Draco Amethystus

    Storm Dragon Publishing

    The Phoenix Knight: An Epic Fantasy Poem

    By Draco Amethystus

    Published by Storm Dragon Publishing, LLC.

    Copyright © 2024 by Draco Amethystus.

    All rights reserved. Published in the United States by Storm Dragon Publishing, LLC.

    No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.

    This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Cover design by Draco Amethystus.

    Printed in the United States.

    Cataloging-in-Publication Date on file with the Library of Congress.

    For all those who were not loved by their loved ones as they should have been.

    Remember that love still exists and awaits you.


    ​The Phoenix Knight is an epic fantasy poem I wrote in blank verse to honor all those who have not received love where love should have been most freely given. This might have been family, friends, or other loved ones. This might have occurred in childhood or as an adult. Be the circumstances what they may, I have experienced firsthand brave souls who have learned to love well despite never having been taught to do so by someone else in their life. While I hope that this poem will resonate in some manner for all those who read it, this story is first and foremost for them.

    Draco Amethystus


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