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English Prepositions. Exercises Part 2
English Prepositions. Exercises Part 2
English Prepositions. Exercises Part 2
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English Prepositions. Exercises Part 2

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Incorrect usage of prepositions in English is like driving your car at night with the headlights off. You can't find the way in darkness. English prepositions. Exercises Part 2 illuminates the way by being the most definiti

Release dateApr 1, 2024
English Prepositions. Exercises Part 2

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    English Prepositions. Exercises Part 2 - Więckowski


    Although the most important part of the English sentence is the verbal group, prepositions form its integral part. Incorrect usage of prepositions is like driving your car at night with the headlights off. You can’t find the way in darkness. English Prepositions - Exercises Part 2 illuminates the way by being the most definitive resource for English learners at all levels. With this self-study guide, you will be able to broaden and test your knowledge of such prepositions as: for, from, in, into, of, with.

    A plethora of real-life sentences constitutes the biggest value of the ebook. The sentences come from such papers and magazines as The Washington Post, The Guardian, Newsweek, Time, Business English Magazine, as well as websites,, or, The Writer’s Guide to Prepositions by Charles Prieur and Elizabeth Champion Speyer has been an interesting reference book from which a lot of examples are derived. The biggest asset of the publication is a thorough and definitive presentation of English prepositions in a wide range of interesting and contrastive contexts.

    The overriding aim of the ebook is a practical one: the more examples you have, the better chance of gaining a feel for preposition usage. The best way to learn which prepositions go with which words is to read as much as you can in English, and pay attention to which combinations sound right.

    English Prepositions. Exercises Part 1, English Prepositions. Exercises Part 3 and English Prepositions. Test serve as perfect complements to the ebook.

    Radosław Więckowski

    An introductory note on the method for learning English prepositions

    The basic question you can ask yourself is how to remember which preposition you should use with the given verb, adjective or noun. The ebook covers the most important prepositions in a variety of contexts which pose much difficulty to learners of English at different levels. In the exercises the following method for learning prepositions has been adopted. First you get to know contrastive and short examples of preposition usage above the horizontal line and then you can proceed to do exercises below and quickly check the correctness of your answers consulting a key. Prepositions given in brackets can be omitted: increase/decrease (by) 5%. The exercises consist in putting the correct preposition in blanks below:


    difficulty (in) doing sth ; difficulty with sth

    help sb in doing sth ; help sb with sth

    be late in doing sth ; be late with sth


    1. She has no difficulty ___ remembering English words.

    2. She has no difficulty ___ English.

    Key to 1:

    1. She has no difficulty in remembering English words.

    2. She has no difficulty with English.

    1. Preposition for


    a book for sb

    be easy for sb ; be easy to sb (easy to sb’s opinion , to sb’s mind)

    support for sb (given for sb) ; support of sb

    a forecast for sth (regarding sth) ; a forecast of sth ; a forecast about sth (over sth)


    1. She bought presents ___ her family.

    2. It’s a book ___ you.

    3. It is easy ___ me.

    4. It is easy ___ me. (in my opinion)

    5. The flowers are ___ you.

    6. It is a club ___ young people.

    7. The support ___ the organization. (organization is the supporter) is necessary

    8. The support ___ (given for) the organization is necessary.

    9. It is difficult to make long-term forecasts ___ (regarding) a fast-growing industry.

    10. Forecasts ___ (over) the economy are often misleading.

    11. It's a short-term forecast ___ the UK economy.

    Key to 1:

    1. She bought presents for her family.

    2. It’s a book for you.

    3. It is easy for me.

    4. It is easy to me.

    5. The flowers are for you.

    6. It is a club for young people.

    7. The support of the organization is necessary.

    8. The support for the organization is necessary.

    9. It is difficult to make long-term forecasts for a fast-growing industry.

    10. Forecasts about the economy are often misleading.

    11. It's a short-term forecast of the UK economy.


    be a surprise to/for sb ; be a surprise for sb to see sth

    pierogi is good for sb ; pierogi tastes good to sb

    risky for me ; risky to me (risky in my opinion, to my mind)


    1. It was a meal ticket ___ the family.

    2. It was a shock ___ him.

    3. It was a shock ___ him to see it.

    4. It was an adventure ___ us to see the pyramids.

    5. Broccoli (brɒkəli) is good ___ me.

    6. Broccoli taste good ___ me.

    7. Her presence was a great solace ___ me.

    8. Would going out during the pandemic be risky ___ you? (do you think it's a risky idea to try and go out?

    9. Would going out during the pandemic be risky ___ you? (is asking whether you would be at risk risk if you go out)

    Key to 2:

    1. It was a meal ticket to/for the family.

    2. It was a shock to/for him.

    3. It was a shock for him to see it.

    4. It was an adventure for us to see the pyramids.

    5. Broccoli (brɒkəli) is good for me.

    6. Broccoli taste good to me.

    7. Her presence was a great solace to/for me.

    8. Would going out during the pandemic be risky to you? (do you think it's a risky idea to try and go out?

    9. Would going out during the pandemic be risky for you? (is asking whether you would be at risk risk if you go out)


    a spokesman/a spokeswoman for Google (focus on representing the company) ; a spokesman at Google (focus on a workplace)

    a correspondent/an announcer for/with BBC = a correspondent/an announcer at BBC (focus on a workplace)

    a distributor/a marketer for Samsung smartphones (with the company proper name you should use the preposition for)

    a distributor/a marketer of smartphones (with the company products or services you should use the preposition of)


    1. I am a spokesman ___ (representing) the company. ; I am a spokesman ___ the company. (focus on a workplace)

    2. He was a staff announcer ___ the CBS radio network.

    3. He was a staff announcer ___ the CBS radio network. (focus on a workplace)

    5. He works part-time as an announcer ___ a local radio station.

    6. He works part-time as an announcer ___ a local radio station. (focus on a workplace)

    7. She is an agent ___ (representing) the travel agency.

    8. She is an agent ___ the travel agency. (focus on a workplace)

    9. It is a distributor ___ computer software.

    10. It is a distributor ___ IBM computer software.

    11. It is the UK’s largest distributorship ___ Samsung products.

    12. It is a leading marketer ___ cosmetics.

    13. It is a leading marketer ___ Oriflame cosmetics.

    14. She is a marketer ___ Oriflame.

    15. She is a marketer ___ Oriflame.

    Key to 3:

    1. I am a spokesman for the company. ; I am a spokesman at the company.

    2. He was a staff announcer for/with the CBS radio network.

    3. He was a staff announcer at the CBS radio network.

    5. He works part-time as an announcer for/with a local radio station.

    6. He works part-time as an announcer at a local radio station.

    7. She is an agent for the travel agency.

    8. She is an agent at the travel agency.

    9. It is a distributor of computer software.

    10. It is a distributor for IBM computer software.

    11. It is the UK’s largest distributorship for Samsung products.

    12. It is a leading marketer of cosmetics.

    13. It is a leading marketer for Oriflame cosmetics.

    14. She is a marketer for/with Oriflame.

    15. She is a marketer at Oriflame.


    competition for sth ; a request for sth


    1. We are in competition ___ customers with a lot of other companies.

    2. The scramble ___ power is a problem.

    3. Thousands of applicants are competing ___ the same job.

    4. He is bucking ___ a promotion ___ work.

    5. Few thought she would ever be in contention ___ the major prizes again.

    6. We received many requests ___ the brochure.

    7. They filed a suit ___ damages.

    Key to 4:

    1. We are in competition for customers with a lot of other companies.

    2. The scramble for power is a problem.

    3. Thousands of applicants are competing for the same job.

    4. He is bucking for a promotion at work.

    5. Few thought she would ever be in contention for the major prizes again.

    6. We received many requests for the brochure.

    7. They filed a suit for damages.


    a winner for/in sth ; get (a) B for/in sth

    a new record for/in the high jump


    1. He is a Nobel Prize Winner ___ literature.

    2. He got (a) C ___ Physics.

    3. He holds the Olympic record ___ the shot put.

    4. He set the world record ___ the 100-meter dash.

    5. He broke the record ___ the high jump.

    Key to 5:

    1. He is a Nobel Prize Winner for/in literature.

    2. He got (a) C for/in Physics.

    3. He holds the Olympic record for/in the shot put.

    4. He set the world record for/in the 100-meter dash.

    5. He broke the record for/in the high jump.


    a system for reliability (system ensuring reliability) ; for reliability (as to reliability)


    1. It’s a new type of flash memory ___ compatibility, data protection and lifetime use.

    2. It is food ___ healthy teeth.

    3. ___ reliability, there is no better system.

    4. It’s an effective system ___ reliability.

    Key to 6:

    1. It’s a new type of flash memory for compatibility, data protection and lifetime use.

    2. It is food for healthy teeth.

    3. For reliability, there is no better system.

    4. It’s an effective system for reliability.


    an analysis (ə’næləsɪs) for sth (the aim of which is to obtain sth) ; an analysis of sth (the subject of which is …)

    data for sth (regarding sth or the purpose of which is to - purpose)

    data for sb (provided to sb) ; data of/from sth (source) ; data on sb/sth (on the subject of) ; data about sb/sth (regarding)


    1. To better understand the results, we must perform an analysis ___ the data.

    2. We decided to perform an analysis ___ (the aim of which is to obtain) the data.

    3. It is an analysis ___ (the aim of which is) the prevention of diseases.

    4. The sample contains data ___ (source) four U.S. companies.

    5. The sample contains data ___ (regarding or provided to) four U.S. companies.

    6. We have no data ___ (regarding) southern Mexico companies.

    7. We have no data ___ (source) southern Mexico.

    8. Data ___ (regarding) patients is only released with their permission.

    9. We have some data ___ (on the subject of) recession.

    10. The students' task was to prepare all the posters and electronic data ___ (purpose) the publicity campaign.

    11. Let’s collect some data ___ (provided to) him, shall we?

    Key to 7:

    1. To better understand the results, we must perform an analysis of the data.

    2. We decided to perform an analysis for the data.

    3. It is an analysis for the prevention of diseases.

    4. The sample contains data of/from four U.S. companies.

    5. The sample contains data for four U.S. companies.

    6. We have no data about southern Mexico companies.

    7. We have no data of southern Mexico.

    8. Data about patients is only released with their permission.

    9. We have some data about recession.

    10. The students' task was to prepare all the posters and electronic data for the publicity campaign.

    11. Let’s collect some data for him, shall we?


    a configuration for sth (sth isn’t yet in use) ; a configuration of sth (sth is in use)

    an outline for sth (an initial description of the main facts or points involved in something) ; an outline of sth (the line that goes around the edge of something, showing its main shape but not the details or a ready description of the main facts or points involved in something)

    a brief outline of Polish history

    a design for sth (in its initial phase) ; a design of sth (a ready design)

    construction for sth (in its initial phase) ; construction on sth (focus on construction works) ; construction of sth


    1. He left a rough outline ___ (the line that goes around the edge of something, showing its main shape but not the details) his body in the sand.

    2. Here’s an outline ___ (a ready description of) my essay.

    3. Write an outline ___ (an initial description of the main facts or points) your essay.

    4. Here’s a brief outline ___ Chinese history.

    5. Here’s a brief outline ___ annual sales.

    6. You should draw up a plan or outline ___ (an initial description of the main facts or points) the project.

    7. You set the configuration ___ a port. However, you create (design) a configuration ___ a port.

    8. The basic design ___ (ready design) the car is very similar to that of earlier models.

    9. It’s a design ___ (in its initial phase) a new car.

    10. Construction ___ (in its initial phase) the $11.5 billion project began in 2014.

    11. Construction ___ (focus on construction works) the school has just begun.

    12. Construction ___ the school has just begun.

    13. Construction ___ (in its initial phase) the new school began on January 28, 2020.

    Key to 8:

    1. He left a rough outline of his body in the sand.

    2. Here’s an outline of my essay.

    3. Write an outline for your essay.

    4. Here’s a brief outline of Chinese history.

    5. Here’s a brief outline of annual sales.

    6. You should draw up a plan or outline for the project.

    7. You set the configuration of a port. However, you create (design) a configuration for a port.

    8. The basic design of (ready design) the car is very similar to that of earlier models.

    9. It’s a design for (in its initial phase) a new car.

    10. Construction for (in its initial phase) the $11.5 billion project began in 2014.

    11. Construction on (focus on construction works) the school has just begun.

    12. Construction of the school has just begun.

    13. Construction for (in its initial phase) the new school began on January 28, 2020.


    a prospect of sth (a possibility) ; a prospect for sth (a chance, opportunity)

    an idea of sth (a thought, plan, or suggestion about what to do or concept of sth) ; an idea for sth (something that you imagine or picture in your mind) ; an idea about sth (an opinion or belief)


    1. The prospects (possibilities) ___ finding a job in the technology sector are good.

    2. The prospects (chances, opportunities) ___ employment in the technology sector are good.

    3. I like the idea ___ (concept) living on a boat.

    4. He already had an idea ___ his next film.

    5. I had some idea ___ (concept) what the job would be like.

    6. He has some very strange ideas ___ (opinions) education.

    7. I have some ideas ___ redecorating the room.

    Key to 9:

    1. The prospects of finding a job in the technology sector are good.

    2. The prospects for employment in the technology sector are good.

    3. I like the idea of living on a boat.

    4. He already had an idea for his next film.

    5. I had some idea of what the job would be like.

    6. He has some very strange ideas about education.

    7. I have some ideas for redecorating the room.


    an advocate for/of sb/sth


    1. He is an advocate ___ freedom.

    2. The blue chips are the barometer ___ the market.

    3. The Internet is the hotspot ___ fake news.

    4. It’s a prototype ___ a new car.

    5. He is the butt ___ jokes.

    6. He is a minister ___ Defence.

    7. The basis ___ our suggestion is our experience of last year.

    8. Hard work is a necessary condition ___ success.

    9. Having good credit is a prerequisite ___ applying for a loan.

    10. He was the arranger ___ classic hits.

    11. There is a need ___ reforms.

    12. They notice the necessity ___ changes.

    13. Prices are a marker ___ good quality.

    14. The architect's specifications ___ a new building are very detailed.

    15. It is the subject ___ debate.

    16. Her policies have been a target ___ criticism.

    17. He is a designer and facilitator ___ training sessions.

    18. The schedule allows us very little margin ___ error.

    Key to 10:

    1. He is an advocate for/of freedom.

    2. The blue chips are the barometer for/of the market.

    3. The Internet is the hotspot for/of fake news.

    4. It’s a prototype for/of a new car.

    5. He is the butt for/of jokes.

    6. He is a minister for/of Defence.

    7. The basis for/of our suggestion is our experience of last year.

    8. Hard work is a necessary condition for/of success.

    9. Having good credit is a prerequisite for/of applying for a loan.

    10. He was the arranger for/of classic hits.

    11. There is a need for/of reforms.

    12. They notice the necessity for/of changes.

    13. Prices are a marker for/of good quality.

    14. The architect's specifications for/of a new building are very detailed.

    15. It is the subject for/of debate.

    16. Her policies have been a target for/of criticism.

    17. He is a designer and facilitator for/of training sessions.

    18. The schedule allows us very little margin for/of error.


    a moderator for the site (the main or only moderator) ; a moderator of the site (one of many moderators)

    the headquarters for sth (the main head office) ; the headquarters of sth (the main head office of one of the affiliates, branches)

    a centre for art


    1. He was a moderator ___ the BBC site. (He was the main or only moderator at the site)

    2. He was a moderator ___ the site. (He was one of several moderators at the site)

    3. It is the headquarters ___ the United Bank of Ohio.

    4. It is the headquarters ___ the northern district branches of the United Bank of Ohio.

    5. It was a hothouse ___ technological advance.

    6. Geneva has become the stage___ international conferences.

    7. It is a centre ___ modern art.

    8. The university is becoming a center of excellence ___ genetic engineering.

    Key to 11:

    1. He was a moderator for the BBC site. (He was the main or only moderator at the site)

    2. He was a moderator of the site. (He was one of several moderators at the site)

    3. It is the headquarters for the United Bank of Ohio.

    4. It is the headquarters of the northern district branches of the United Bank of Ohio.

    5. It was a hothouse for technological advance.

    6. Geneva has become the stage for international conferences.

    7. It is a centre for modern art.

    8. The university is becoming a center of excellence of genetic engineering.


    a plan/an agenda/a program for the conference

    a criterion/a yardstick for sth

    an engine/a trigger for sth


    1. What’s the agenda ___ the meeting?

    2. It is a blueprint ___ reorganization.

    3. It is a local scheme (skiːm) ___ recycling newspapers.

    4. They want to develop a strategy ___ dealing with unemployment.

    5. What criteria (kraɪˈtɪəriə) are used ___ assessing a student's ability?

    6. It’s a rota ___ doing housekeeping duties.

    7. It’s a roster ___ babysitting.

    8. Some feel that test scores aren't an adequate yardstick ___ judging a student's ability.

    9. Free trade can be a powerful engine ___ economic development.

    10. We presented a framework ___ electronic payment.

    11. He described a road map ___ peace in the region.

    12. The faulty wire was the trigger ___ the explosion.

    Key to 12:

    1. What’s the agenda for the meeting?

    2. It is a blueprint for reorganization.

    3. It is a local scheme (skiːm) for recycling newspapers.

    4. They want to develop a strategy for dealing with unemployment.

    5. What criteria (kraɪˈtɪəriə) are used for assessing a student's ability?

    6. It’s a rota for doing housekeeping duties.

    7. It’s a roster for babysitting.

    8. Some feel that test scores aren't an adequate yardstick for judging a student's ability.

    9. Free trade can be a powerful engine for economic development.

    10. We presented a framework for electronic payment.

    11. He described a road map for peace in the region.

    12. The faulty wire was the trigger for the explosion.


    a plan/a process/a procedure for doing sth

    the mechanism for doing sth (a process or system that is used to produce a particular result) ; the mechanics of doing sth (the way of doing sth)

    an outlet for sth ; a way of sth

    technology for doing sth

    technique for doing sth (method for doing) ; technique of doing sth (a way of doing something by using special knowledge or skill)

    a method for doing sth ; a method of doing sth (a way of doing sth)


    1. For me, tennis is not just a sport, it's a way ___ life.

    2. Doing some shopping is an effective way ___ getting rid of stress.

    3. The process ___ changing your currency settings ___ the mobile app depends on which device you're using.

    4. What is the procedure ___ applying for a loan?

    5. Doing some shopping is an outlet ___ stress.

    6. The exact mechanism ___ making payments will be agreed on.

    7. The exact mechanics ___ making payments will be agreed on.

    8. The technology ___ the extraction of iron ore is still developing.

    9. Her technique ___ teaching kids is very effective.

    10. She has the technique ___ teaching kids effectively.

    11. We learned some techniques ___ relieving stress.

    12. He claims to have developed a new method ___ growing tomatoes.

    13. We need to adopt more modern methods ___ doing things.

    14. There have been several changes in the methodology ___ language teaching.

    15. It’s a new method ___ solving the problem.

    16. The best method ___ solving the problem was proposed by him.

    17. There are various methods ___ dealing with this problem.

    18. We wish there were a secret formula ___ determining which preposition to use with a particular combination of words.

    19. It’s an effective tactic ___ solving crimes.

    Key to 13:

    1. For me, tennis is not just a sport, it's a way of life.

    2. Doing some shopping is an effective way of getting rid of stress.

    3. The process for changing your currency settings for the mobile app depends on which device you're using.

    4. What is the procedure for applying for a loan?

    5. Doing some shopping is an outlet for stress.

    6. The exact mechanism for making payments will be agreed on.

    7. The exact mechanics of making payments will be agreed on.

    8. The technology for the extraction of iron ore is still developing.

    9. Her technique for teaching kids is very effective.

    10. She has the technique of teaching kids effectively.

    11. We learned some techniques for relieving stress.

    12. He claims to have developed a new method for growing tomatoes.

    13. We need to adopt more modern methods for doing things.

    14. There have been several changes in the methodology for language teaching.

    15. It’s a new method of solving the problem.

    16. The best method for solving the problem was proposed by him.

    17. There are various methods of dealing with this problem.

    18. We wish there were a secret formula for determining which preposition to use with a particular combination of words.

    19. It’s an effective tactic for solving crimes.


    the reason/the motive/the pretext/the excuse for sth

    the cause for sth (reason for sth) ; the cause of sth (something or someone that makes something happen or exist)

    the result/the outcome of sth

    the explanation for sth (explanation why sth happened) ; the explanation of sth


    1. There is no cause ___ worry.

    2. It’s the cause ___ my worry.

    3. The motive ___ the crime is unknown.

    4. Her reason ___ her being late was that her car broke down.

    5. Her pretext ___ her being late was that her car broke down.

    6. Her explanation ___ her being late was that her car broke down.

    7. Her excuse ___ her being late was that her car broke down.

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