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Dark Dreams (Volume 2)
Dark Dreams (Volume 2)
Dark Dreams (Volume 2)
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Dark Dreams (Volume 2)

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This book is based on the best seller of Dark Dreams I, "The Beginning,"' which is based on true facts. The end of Dark Dreams I was only the beginning of the Hell that Bridgett Montgomery would endure with the continued pain, tortures and rape that their aftermat

PublisherAdam Benson
Release dateJun 28, 2024
Dark Dreams (Volume 2)

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    Dark Dreams (Volume 2) - Alex Wolf

    Dark Dreams II

    The Entities Within

    Alex Knight

    Book Writing Studio

    The opinions expressed in this manuscript are those of the author and do not represent the thoughts or opinions ofthe publisher. The author warrants and represents that the author has the legal right to publish or own all material in this book. If you find a discrepancy, contact the publisher at

    Dark Dreams II All Rights Reserved

    Copyright © 2014 Alex Knight

    This book may not be transmitted, reproduced, or storedin part or in whole by any means without the express writ- ten consent of the publisher except for brief quotations in articles and reviews.

    Book Writing Studio http://ISBN: 979-8-3302-5985-4

    All illustrations and graphics used in this book are in the public domain, but not the book. This book, the cover, and its name cannot be copied; it is owed by Alex Knight.

    Printed in the United States


    What if you found out that all the new and different hard- ships you and your families are facing today are purposely done to make us all vulnerable to what thegovernment really holds as top priority.

    The Dark Dream books I & II are based on conspiracy theories which are subjective at best. After the the top two deaths of leading theorists died by questionable circum- stances there has been a quiet hush regarding any and all Alien topics.

    If yourinterest remains steadfast in this areamy books can take you there...if you read between the lines. Some- times it’s best to allow subjects of aliens and interbreeding with humans to incur within ones own realm and pace and not thrown at the public with such strong convictions that makes life even more complicated.

    The part of my research that has changed drastically over the past two years is the fact that President O’Bama has shut down the project of Embryonic Stem Cell Implanta- tions. His statement for this action was that the program was too controversial.

    My theory suggests that if that were true, why are there so many genetically different species of animals being found every where around the world dead and alive. Also the fact that there still remains evidence of new and variousblood types emerging fromwhat the general public perceives to be that ofhumans.



    Scientists, have in fact, created human hybrids from embryos for the possibility of curing disease and ex- tending the life of humanity. However the bulk of this sci- entific technology is not fully understood; therefore, these creations are causing nightmares within the mainstream of society. Most scientists enjoy exploring the unknown with the use of different types of experimentation. They tendto push the normal limits of what most of society would consider to be rational, and moralistic. Their drastic mis- takes of these experiments are being observed frequently through the media of tv, internet or science magazines, and are labeled, Science Fiction?

    The people who have extensive knowledge of these atrocities, either actively or by observation, concur that these experiments taking place are totally grotesque and disgusting.

    Many people all over the world are enraged with gross offense to act of decency, and morality with this of- fensive act. Those that are dedicated to stop this deplor- able scientific experiment are taking every action possible with their governments to stop injecting any type of spe- cies, known or unknown, using human embryos for experi- mentations.


    The theories based on these experimentations are to understand more about early human development and come up with ways of curing serious diseases. Scientists feel there is a moral imperative to pursue this research. They state that as long as there are sufficient controls, we should be proud of the research.

    Professor Robin Lovell-Badge, from the Medical Re- search Council’s National Institute for Medical research. embroys-involving into hybrids.

    Data upon this research notes that there are closeto (200) "admixed embryos that have already been created since its development in 2008 under the Human Fertiliza- tion Embryology Act.

    This Act legalized the creation of different varia- tions of hybrids, including animal eggs fertilized by human sperm called Cybergs-human cells are mixed with animal embryos.

    Scientists at the King’s College London, Newcastle University and Warwick University were granted licenses to carry out this type of research even after the act was en- forced.They stood firm on their conviction that embryonic stem cells could be used for incurable diseases. For now the lack of funding prevents further experiments at these universities.

    Jospehine Quintavalle of pro-life group, Comment on Reproductive Ethics, states, I am aghast that this is going on and we didn’t know anything about it. Why did they have to keep it a secret if they are so proud of whatthey’re doing? Http:// Embroys involving ethics.


    The Grey Aliens are very unique, and sometimes people feel sorry for them when they hear that they are killed by the government. Sometimes there are pictureson the internet showing them slowly dying, but always remember their true nature:deadly predators.

    After the Grey Aliens fought against the reptilian forces, they made their way into the universe to seek out other places to survive. However, soon they encountered a pandemic problem . . . their race was dying.

    All Grey Aliens are cloned creatures. They do not have any reproductive organs. Therefore, the species was unable to grow and populate.Even though Grey Aliens have advanced technologies, they do not possess the total knowledge of perfect cloning.

    They soon began to realize that their physical bodies were deteriorating each time they re-cloned their bodies. These re-cloning techniques only lasted 20 to 30 years.

    Duetothisimperfectrecloningprocess,they were forced to find another solution. They came to our galaxy and decided to utilize our Earthly bodies for their experimentation.Grey Aliens entered an agreement with the United States government to exchange technologies for the use of providing human beings as test subjects.This continues to take place in underground bases such as Area 51 and Dulce, New Mexico.

    This is the reason why Grey Aliens are often the ones depicted in alien abductions.

    Grey Aliens are described as being approximately three feet to six feet in size and weigh around 80 to 90lbs.Their skin is grey in color, like that of a dolphin with rough texture.They have no reproductive organs, and this is the reason they clone their race for reproduction.Their communication is only used by mental telepathy. There are many mothers who believe they gave birth to a Human/Alien/ Hybrid child.Many legitimate experts in the UFO field have been seriously investigating this issue. Medically unexplainable disappearances of embryos from the womb have intrigued doctors in every country.Abductees and those who study this phenomenon believe it is all part of a Human Hybrid Program.

    Once someone has been abducted and placed into the infamous room with blinding light and metallic tables, itissaidthattheyfeelasenseofdrowsiness,butitis not drugs that paralyze the individual, but the telekinetic powers of the Grey Aliens that subdue the abductees. Here, men and woman are carefully subdued, and the process begins for the extraction of human embryos or male sperm.

    Grey Aliens utilize the sperm for the hybrid process where the DNAs are mixed, and then the sperms are inserted into the embryos.Then, they wait! In one instance, a woman reported that while abducted she was impregnated and released. Once the embryo reached a certain age, she was abducted again so the aliens could extract her baby and begin the mixing of the DNAs.

    The lodge that evening took on a new personal- ity, entering into a dead zone where no one appeared tobe real anymore. It changed into something different, yet still familiar. Bridgett felt a blanket of thick heaviness that brought with it an icy chill that went right through to her bones. It also brought the familiar feelings of despair and destitution. The darkness invited itself inside as it crashed the party acting like a star performer, creeping and hiding within a cloud of fog and mist used as a disguise. Bridgett knew this intruder, this unwanted guest, as its character- istics were all too familiar. The darkness unfolded itself into a vacuum, a void, a black hole, and the abyss as she watched in horror at its vicious attack upon everyone that day at the lodge, especially David.

    This entity brought justification to the absolute no- thingness that was believed to be reality, as it confronted all barriers of intellect—that turned into dead silence!

    * * * * * * *

    When Bridgett awoke, she recognized the man star- ing down at her as Tom. She was scooped up like a little girl into his arms.Tears were running

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