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Nathaniel Saint And The Elements
Nathaniel Saint And The Elements
Nathaniel Saint And The Elements
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Nathaniel Saint And The Elements

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All he wanted to do was drink fine wine, wear fancy suits and drive fancy cars. You know, life's basic necessities. But all it took was one evening for Nathaniel Saint to realize that his life would never be that simple. It's the year 2183, the Earth is gone and Utopia is humanity's new home. But the federation isn't telling the people everythin

PublisherE O Daniel
Release dateJun 28, 2024
Nathaniel Saint And The Elements

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    Nathaniel Saint And The Elements - E.O. Daniel


    Nathaniel would've never dreamed of being here. Not if you offered him all the money in the world and then some. It's not that he had anything against therapists. It was simply his belief that anything that seemed to come freely from the generosity of the global federation would, in time, turn out to be neither free nor generous.

    And yet, here he was. He sat on the admittedly comfortable couch of one of the federation's best and brightest. He would rather have taken a swim in one of Mars' oil lakes were it up to him. Sadly, it was not up to him.

    What seems to be the problem, Mr. Saint? The man before him asked. Temple was his name and his stature seemed to fit it. He was tall and lanky. His voice was smooth, direct and trained with the confidence of a professional.

    I never said I had a problem. Nathan replied with the careless, lackluster tone of a man who would rather be anywhere else.

    Oh, you don't need to tell me. It's so obvious, it might as well be written all over your face. Now, the council, as per mandates passed down directly from the capital, can't allow people of your status to go about doing, ah....questionable things.

    Temple's office sat on the 16th floor of one of those large fancy office buildings. The kind that you'd see but not pay attention to because it was just so damn common. The kind that you'd mistake for five others if you were new. They all looked the same and seemed to all serve the same purpose. And that purpose wasn't even clear.

    It doesn't make any sense. It's all just a show of force. An exercise of their authority. A pissing contest that they are determined to win. I never signed up for it. There's no prize.

    Still, you're here. So what does it matter? Mr. Temple raised an eyebrow and jotted on his pad. Unless you're willing to try something ill-advised and prove them right.

    Nathan set his jaw. Fine. Let's just get it over with.

    Remember, the more honest you are-

    Yeah yeah, the more it helps.

    What seems to be the problem? Any man in your position would be satisfied with life. They would be satisfied with the federation. So, why aren't you?

    The fact that I'm being subjected to a psychological evaluation because I don't believe everything I'm told. Seems like enough reason to me.

    That didn't answer the question. Mr. Temple replied, his voice even.

    Nathan sighed. Fine. I feel something bad is about to happen and not enough people are worried.

    You think the federation plans to do something malicious?

    Damned if I know. But I shouldn't have to dance along.

    And you feel you shouldn't cooperate based on what?

    Nathan neglected to answer that so Temple kept talking. Has it ever occurred to you that you might be wrong?

    Being your own person is never a wrong step in my book.

    Perhaps, but positioning your own predispositions and personal preferences above that of the united world federation that sees to the good of all its citizens does seem a tad erratic, doesn't it? Especially since all things being considered, they haven't been doing too bad. You're a rational man, you should at least acknowledge what was in store for humanity and how the federation changed that.

    I know the stories. I've read history books and I've seen documentaries. Two centuries ago an asteroid with a large chunk of the blue landed on earth. Humans did what humans always do when something great and powerful is handed to them on a silver platter, they mess it up. That in turn messed the world up. Then the ones who messed it up got the bright idea to band together and try to fix things. No more countries, no more republics, no more nations. Just one unitary world government. The federation. They took the remnants of civilization, and over another half century managed to bring them all here. He gestured about with his hands. Utopia our new home. I didn't think it's a fitting name though.

    You do know your history.

    Their actions weren't heroic. Just a desperate ploy to clean up their mistakes. Damage control. I know a thing or two about it.

    That's subject to opinion. And it's irrelevant today. Now, I think that you want to keep your company out of the hands of the federation despite vehement protests from members of your own board for more......personal reasons.

    Nathan was silent for a moment. Then he stole a glance at the wall clock and grinned.

    Would you look at that? Our time is up.


            Life was supposed to be so simple, it's not like that was too much to ask.

    Nathan was clad in the gentleman's armor of an evening attire that cost something in the range of what you'd spend on a year's electric bill. He thinks about his story once more and today, it makes him laugh.

    This gains him the attention of the bartender with a raised eyebrow. They are alone in the bar at the birth of the night. 9 pm Utopian central time. The bar is a new addition to  the city. It's opening night and only three people are present. A feat that, I'm sure you'd guess, involved the writing of cheques and quick negotiations. Soft music plays in the background. Nathaniel doesn't particularly enjoy it, but Avour; the bartender seems to be content with it. Nathan does not have the heart to ask him

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