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The Dragon's Curse: Mitchel's Transformation
The Dragon's Curse: Mitchel's Transformation
The Dragon's Curse: Mitchel's Transformation
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The Dragon's Curse: Mitchel's Transformation

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The Dragon's Curse is about young Mitchel who discovers that he has the ability to change from human to a dragon. The young boy discovers that he becomes something terrible at night and must break the curse. Once the curse is broken, Mitchel continues to transform and save the planet of evil. This is one you do not want to miss.

Release dateJun 27, 2024
The Dragon's Curse: Mitchel's Transformation

Sheryl Nausley Fry

I began writing novels because I was held hostage by a scammer which is why I wrote "A Scammer's Hostage" it is not a fun thing to be held a prisoner, even if it was not in person. I believe scammer's should be exposed and inform people how to tell a scammer from a normal person.

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    The Dragon's Curse - Sheryl Nausley Fry


    Magic and mystery have always fascinated humankind. From the mythical creatures to the age-old spells and curses, the world of the arcane has been a source of intrigue and wonder for centuries. However, as many myths and legends suggest, some secrets are best left untouched, lest they bring forth terrible consequences.

    This is the premise behind a new tale of adventure and discovery - a story about a young boy named Mitchel, whose curiosity and courage led him down a path that would forever change his life. Little did he know that his discovery would awaken an ancient curse, one that had been dormant for centuries, and one that would bring forth a dark secret that threatened to consume him.

    The curse was unlike anything Mitchel had ever encountered before. Its power was immense, its reach vast. It had a life of its own, pulsing and throbbing with an otherworldly energy that made Mitchel's skin crawl. Yet, despite his fear, he was unable to turn away. He felt compelled to explore its mysteries, to unravel the spell's secrets and discover its hidden meaning.

    With the help of an old wise one, Mitchel began his journey into the unknown. Together, they searched for the first item needed to unlock the curse's mystery - a quest that would take them to the farthest corners of the realm. Along the way, they encountered creatures both wondrous and terrifying, fought battles both physical and magical, and discovered secrets both ancient and modern.

    In addition, as they delved deeper into the curse's dark secrets, Mitchel began to feel a change within him. His body began to transform, his senses heightened, his mind expanding with new knowledge and power. It was a moment of both fear and wonder, a pivotal moment that would determine the course of his destiny.

    However, despite the danger that lay ahead, Mitchel knew he could not turn back.

    He had come too far, and the secrets he had uncovered were too great to ignore. He would have to face the curse head-on, armed with nothing but his wits and his newfound powers. For he knew that the fate of the world rested on his shoulders, and that only he could unravel the curse's dark mystery and put an end to its evil finally.

    Thus begins a tale of magic and mystery, of adventure and danger, of discovery and transformation. A tale of a young boy's journey into the unknown, where he will face his fears, unlock the secrets of an ancient curse, and discover the truth about himself and his place in the world. It is a story that will captivate readers young and old, reminding us of all the power of curiosity, courage, and the human spirit.


    The Curse from the Wizard

    Once upon a time, there was a 9-year-old boy named Mitchel who loved dragons. He loved everything about them, from their fierce roar to their scaly wings. He often dreamed of becoming a dragon himself, but he knew it was impossible.

    One day, Mitchel woke up and realized he had the ability to transform into a dragon during the day. He was overjoyed! Finally, his dream had come true. He rushed to the mirror to see his new form, and there he was, a green dragon with sharp claws and wings that could take him high into the sky.

    Mitchel spent his days soaring over the fields and forests, breathing fire and feeling the wind in his scales. He was the happiest he had ever been, and he could not wait to show his new form to his friends.

    However, as the sun began to set each day, Mitchel started feeling strange. His skin started to itch, and his eyes turned red. He tried to resist, but before he knew it, he transformed into an evil dragon-like creature.

    This new form was nothing like the one he had during the day. His skin turned dark red, and his eyes glowed an eerie yellow. His wings were covered in spikes, and his roar was a deafening scream. He had no control over his actions and would rampage through the forests, scaring all the animals.

    Mitchel was scared and confused. Why did this happen? Why did he become a monster at night? He did not want to hurt anyone, but he could not stop himself. He knew he needed help.

    Therefore, he went to his friends and told them what had happened. They listened carefully and decided to help him. Together, they searched for a solution and found a wise old wizard who could help.

    The wizard explained that a curse had been put on Mitchel, and only he could break it. He gave Mitchel a special potion to drink every night before bed that would help him control his evil form.

    With the wizard's help, Mitchel learned to control his transformations and live a happy life as a dragon. He spent his days flying high above the clouds and playing with his friends, knowing that he had conquered his fears and overcome a great challenge.

    As time went on, Mitchel became more confident and skilled in his dragon form. He would race his friends across the sky, practice his fire-breathing skills, and even helped a lost hiker find his way back to safety.

    However, Mitchel never forgot about the curse that had caused his transformation. He would still take the special potion every night before bed to ensure that he had control over his actions. He did not want to accidentally hurt anyone or cause any destruction.

    One day, while Mitchel was out exploring the nearby mountains in his dragon form,

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