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The Complete A**hole's Guide to Handling Chicks
The Complete A**hole's Guide to Handling Chicks
The Complete A**hole's Guide to Handling Chicks
Ebook351 pages4 hours

The Complete A**hole's Guide to Handling Chicks

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Congratulations, man! By picking up The Complete A**hole's Guide to Handling Chicks, you are just pages away from finally understanding:

- How a five-dollar date can get you laid
- How to stop being friends with girls and start getting them in the sack
- Where you'll have the best odds of finding a one-night stand, and how to get rid of the chick the next morning
- How to trick a woman into thinking you're classy, even if you have holes in your underwear
- Why fat chicks always try to keep you from banging their hot friends, and how to finally stop these evil creatures
- How to stop your wife from nagging you into an early grave
- Why it's possible to watch six hours of football, put the moves on your neighbor's hot daughter, and leave the toilet seat up in the same day
- And much more

The Complete A**hole's Guide isn't like all the other candy-ass relationship books on the market; it doesn't cover issues like romance, love, and finding Miss Right. So, if that's what you're looking for, there are plenty of other books you can hide under your skirt as you skip out of the store. This book is about controlling the women in your life, and never having to say you're sorry . . . EVER AGAIN!

We'll take you from the day you're born to the day you die and show you how women can be manipulated, frustrated, and ultimately dominated throughout the course of a man's life. By illustrating the insanity of the female mind, we'll show you why the flawed chick psyche causes them to continuously fall for the a**hole, no matter how many times they get burned.

If you're not interested, that's fine. We're sure there are ballet classes you need to attend before your wine and cheese party. However, if you are ready, then grab a six-pack, order a pizza, and get your hand out of your pants because you're about to read the most perverse, sadistic, and hysterical relationship book ever written. Enjoy!

Release dateMay 10, 2013
The Complete A**hole's Guide to Handling Chicks

Dan Indante

As an attorney, Dan Indante has spent the last ten years representing talentless writers and entertainers whom he secretly despises. As a man, he has spent the last 34 years dating heartless, soulless women whom he much more openly despises. He is co-author of The Complete A**hole's Guide to Handling Chicks. He lives in Los Angeles, California.

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    Book preview

    The Complete A**hole's Guide to Handling Chicks - Dan Indante

    Chapter One



    It all started one day when your parents were drunk and Dad attacked your nearly passed-out mom after she had finished her third glass of white zinfandel. From that auspicious debut, you began your life as a little bad-ass sperm attacking the ovum like it was day-old pizza. Spitting on all the other pansy sperm, you set up base camp on that egg and spent the next nine months like a goddamn king. You were in a warm haze the entire time, eating constantly, never worrying about blind dates, cheating girlfriends, or the female orgasm. In fact, it was so great there in the womb, when you finally got out, you knew you were going to spend the rest of your life trying to get right back in.


    Regardless of what kind of sympathetic nice guy disease you’re currently trying to purge from your system, you need to remember that you were a complete asshole when you first shot out of Mom. Think about it: you shit when you wanted to and some chick would clean it off your diapers. You cried like hell and made sure that nobody could sleep until you got what you wanted. You even puked on people who didn’t feed you correctly. You were master of your domain, so nobody was about to fuck with you.

    And what was the result of your blatant selfishness and complete disregard for everybody else? Did women hate you? Of course not! They thought you were the cutest thing they’d ever seen. They played with you, constantly rubbed your butt, and two or three times a day, one of them would let you suck on a boob for twenty to thirty minutes at a time. This is why infants are the purest form of assholes. They understand that women are there to serve them, and they don’t give a shit about anything but the next nipple they’re going to suck on.

    If given the opportunity, you would carry on like this for the rest of your life. After all, you let a guy crap, burp, fart, puke, and take afternoon naps whenever he wants, and there’s pretty much no question that he’s going to try to keep that deal going for as long as he can. So what happened to finally knock you off your pedestal? More chicks came along and screwed things up. Get used to it.


    Around age three or so, you begin spending time with girls your age and things start to change. Suddenly, you can’t cry and get your way with them anymore. If you pee all over yourself, they’re more apt to laugh at you than to help out, and, if you puke on them, you better be ready to get it right back in your face.

    These challenges to your God-given right to be served by women are just the first of many dramatic differences you will start to notice. For example, the little girls are wearing pink, while your clothes are blue. Girls are playing with dolls, while your every attention is focused on smashing trucks or eating dirt. And you’ll also start to notice that they cry a lot more than you do. They get frustrated, they cry. They get hungry, they cry. You cry, they cry. This is one of the few things from your early childhood that will continue throughout the rest of your life, so you should probably get used to it.

    Not surprisingly, at this point in your development you begin to realize that women suck. The adults tend to fawn over the cute little girl in pigtails, while you gnaw on Fisher-Price racing cars and get no attention. Slights like these turn you off to girls and make you realize that you couldn’t care less what they do, as long as they stay with their own kind and you get to hang out with your buddies and break stuff. Chicks play with chicks, little dudes play with little dudes, and everything in the world is right. Who’d have thought this would be the last time you’d ever have a healthy relationship with women?


    During the years between three and (about) eight, your life in the schoolyard stays relatively carefree. Testosterone is working its magic on little boys, turning them into hyper-competitive, out-of-control monsters, while estrogen is doing the same thing on the other side of the fence, making girls fashion-conscious and catty. However, with boys and girls streaming to opposite sides of the playground, they’re each in their own little worlds, and the opposite sex doesn’t bother the other much.

    Then, one day it starts to happen. You’re eight or nine years old, the school has set up a square dance, or something similarly retarded, and, while you’re hanging out with your buddies next to the punch bowl (precursor to the keg), you stare across the floor and notice, for the first time, holy shit, that fourth-grade chick’s got a great ass! You look to your left and you see one of your Little League teammates staring at a fifth-grader’s suddenly developing boobs! To your right—oh my God!—one of your friends is actually walking across the dance floor to talk to … girls?! No boy has ever walked across the dance floor—certainly not to talk to some whiny little chick. You and your friends are not supposed to be interested in girls—you’ve got baseball cards to trade, comic books to read. What the hell is going on here?! What’s happening inside your brain that suddenly makes girls interesting?

    Well, we hate to tell you, but you’ve just begun a lifetime journey—a journey to hell and back, where you’ll spend every waking moment desperately trying to get into the pants of one girl and out of the cross-hairs of another. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll dump, you’ll be dumped. Where you look for companionship, you’ll find loneliness. Where you seek passion, you’ll find indifference. The things that occur around you will often leave you baffled; but, unfortunately, what seems like an answer one day turns into a question the next. This will be a tumultuous time, as you join the everlasting fraternity of guys who are embittered, frustrated, resentful, and downright pissed at the lunacy that characterizes the female existence. You’re about to start dealing with chicks. You’re only nine or ten years old and guess what? You’re fucked.


    At around eleven or twelve, your hormones are starting to kick in and the serious pain is about to commence. Realizing that you want women is not so bad; actually trying to get them is when it all goes to hell. Because you’re too young to really know what’s going on, you spend a lot of this time confused. Actually, you’ll spend the rest of your life confused but, at age ten, you can’t get blackout drunk, so you don’t yet have the proper tools to deal with the whole woman thing.

    Compounding this problem is the fact that chicks mature faster than dudes. They are already developing their sexual organs, and every one of them is about a foot taller than you. How are you supposed to treat a woman like dirt when she can probably kick your ass across the playground?

    Grab your sack and start some shit, that’s how! The only guys getting ass in middle school are the ones that antagonize the hell out of any girl within arms’ reach. Even though the girls don’t like being treated poorly, for some reason they’re intrigued by surly behavior. Offer to carry a girl’s books and she laughs in your face. Smack her in the back of the head and she’ll be passing you notes during fifth period. This is a crucial fork in the road of your social development. Assholes are about to become distinct from nice guys. Were you mature enough to realize that calling some girl a bitch would have her making out with you by lunchtime? Or were you too young to realize that being a nice guy means you spend the weekend playing Dungeons and Dragons?

    *   *   *

    Events start to move quickly as you pass through your teenage years. Right after your first growth spurt makes you realize that Pokemon cards don’t hold a candle to a fifteen-year-old’s sprouting boobs, you get thrown right into a freezing-cold ocean filled with chick sharks and chick barracudas, all looking to take a bite out of your tender, innocent ass. The next few years are going to be especially brutal. Your dick gets hard virtually every time you take a breath, girls’ bodies are guaranteed to be firm, and, yet, you can’t leave the house unless you’re in the family SUV. How can you score some action if your mom’s sitting in the front seat humming a disco song from 1974? The truth is, you can’t, and that’s why you’re so frustrated. You’ve got enough testosterone coursing through your body to provide daily Viagra pills to half the North American senior-citizen population, but there’s simply nothing you can do about it until.…


    Somewhere around twelve you realize that your penis has two very distinct states of mind: hard and soft. And it seems that the odometer is always stuck on hard. You wake up in the morning, you’re hard. The wind blows, you’re hard. You take a breath, you’re hard. There comes a point that your dick is so hard, so often, that you finally decide to do something about it.

    One day, when you can’t take the pressure anymore, you pull it out of your pants and just start slapping it. Strangely, it feels good, so you keep going. You smack it, tug it, and work it around in circles. What starts off as innocent fun, however, soon turns into a much more serious affair. The more you rub, the better it feels. Your heart beats a little faster, you start to sweat, and then it happens for the first time: a chick sneaks into your mind. It could be any chick—your babysitter, the girl on TV, or that babe sitting next to you in social studies. Suddenly, you’re wondering if this would feel better if she was doing all the tugging. Before you know it, you’re having your first fantasy, and your seed is spilling all over the place.

    At first, it shocks you. Where in the hell did all that stuff come from? Why are my legs weak? Why did it feel so fucking good? This, our young friend, is where the true pain begins. You’ll spend the next four years sitting in a bedroom beating your meat like a butcher. You’ll start naming your hand after every girl in school, and you’ll subscribe to Sports Illustrated just to get The Swimsuit Issue. Chances are, you’re jerking off so many times a day that you can lift an eighteen-wheeler with your right hand but can barely pick up a fork with your left. Unfortunately, none of it will ever be enough. The more you jerk it, the more you want some chick to lend you a helping hand. But how—how can you possibly get some girl to touch your penis? This is the make-or-break moment for every young man.

    Unfortunately, most boys fall to the dark side of the force and start kissing chicks’ asses in hopes of getting to grab one. These poor kids will eventually end up in the humiliating and lonely world of the pussy-whipped—a place where you could waste away for eternity if there wasn’t a book like this to finally pull you out. The rest of the boys—the assholes—understand exactly how to get little girls to touch their little male penises. They simply pull it out and slap some chick in the face with it. Eventually, they’ll catch some seventh grader with her mouth open, and it’s all roses from there.

    Okay, so the rewards may not be too substantial at this age, because you’re probably not dating in the eighth grade. But, hey, you are playing a little grab-ass underneath the bleachers after a football game, or you’re finding some other slut who will let you feel her up behind the Phys. Ed. trailers. That’s pretty cool in junior high school, but, trust us, if you can further develop your asshole skills, it’s just the prelude to bigger and better things. Get ready, you’re going to high school.

    Chapter Two



    High school—a time of wonder, a time of discovery, a time to realize that chicks are going to fuck up your life beyond all recognition. High school is kind of like junior adulthood. You’re standing at the precipice of maturity, but you’re still too much of a kid to have any semblance of a clue as to what’s going on. Girls spend most of their day crying because their hair is too stringy or their boobs aren’t developing fast enough. Boys discover porn and try to establish the world land-speed record for jerking off. Now is the time when you’ll most likely get your first taste of beer, your first car, your first date, your first job, and your first realization that running out to the playground for a game of handball is not going to make all of your troubles go away. Welcome to the world. It’s not going to get any easier.


    As we’ve described to you, high school is all about firsts. You may have difficulties adjusting the first time you have an unexpected experience, even if it’s good, because you’re not real sure how to handle the emotions that come with something new. Plus, you’re in high school, so you’re an idiot anyway. But, because you’ve had the foresight to pick up this book, we’re going to let you in on some of the mystical secrets of high school and walk you through the magic and tragic moments that you’ll be forced to deal with over the next four years. Don’t screw it up.


    Now that you’re in high school, things start to change. Why? Because when you’re in high school, you get a car. With a car comes a back seat. With a back seat comes what is most likely your first real opportunity to get a little lovin’. Moreover, the other guys get cars, too, and if their car is better than yours, they stand a much better chance of landing that blue-eyed piece of ass than you do. This will be the first time you come face-to-face with the bitter competition other guys will offer you. Just because his parents were willing to drop an extra ten grand to get him a convertible, he’s banging the hottest blonde in the school. Sucks, huh? Get used to it.

    Now that you’re starting to understand what you’ll be dealing with for the rest of your life, we’re going to give you your first piece of advice:


    This is good advice, whether you’re a fifteen-year-old sophomore or a forty-five-year-old accountant, but since we’re only up to the high school section of the book, we’re throwing it in here. Plus, we’ve been babbling for a couple of chapters, and we figured an advice book should eventually give out some advice. Page 15 is as good as any other spot. Pay attention. If you don’t listen to us now, you could spend the rest of your life eating Doritos with a stack of Playboys in one hand and a raw penis in the other.



    This is as true in high school as it will be for the rest of your life. You’ve probably heard the old adage: keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer. To do that, you have to know what you’re up against. Women are a formidable power, but knowing what to look for might help you gain a little tactical advantage. In reality, you probably have no chance of any advantage whatsoever at age sixteen; but, if you’re in high school and actually reading this book, you’re cool enough to have a shot. Here are the different kinds of chicks you’re going to encounter.

    Now that you know what the enemy looks like, you’re going to have to start developing certain coping mechanisms. These are tricks of the trade that you must learn at an early age. Some of them may be a little advanced for your still-developing mind and body but the habits you form now will likely recur throughout the rest of your life. Since we’re sure that you don’t want to spend the next fifty years as some chick’s friend, you’ve got to start practicing now.

    a. Never, Ever, Ever Say I’m Sorry—Golden Rule #1. In fact, this one’s so big, we’re even putting it on the list.


    If a woman catches you backtracking she’s got you. Once she knows that you feel bad about something, she’ll go off on an emotional feeding frenzy. She will attack everything you do, everything you’ve ever said, and everything that she feels she can rip on without getting you so upset that you slap her. Even if she’s not the type to hammer you for doing something wrong, once you’ve said I’m sorry she’ll never think of you as the strong, confident stud you once were. You’ll just be another pantywaist buying her dinner until she finds somebody who’s going to smack her ass the way she likes it. So remember, no matter what you do—whether it’s sleeping with her best friend, puking on her prom dress, or smashing her dad’s car—never, ever, ever, ever, ever say you’re sorry.

    b. Cover Your Ass—Be prepared for women to screw you over at the drop of a hat. If she knows that you like her, she’s going to tell everybody in school and embarrass the hell out of you. If you try to grab her boobs at the wrong time, she’ll claim you’re a rapist. Make sure they never have any dirt on you and that everything you do is completely deniable.


    c. Don’t Put Anything in Writing—One of the asshole’s greatest allies is the ability to lie. No matter what you said or did, a properly trained asshole can lie, deny, weasel, sidestep, or connive his way out of it—unless it’s in writing. Once you put it on paper, it immediately becomes undisputable fact. That means no love letters, poems, or other cheesy expressions of creativity. This is especially true with e-mail. One click of a mouse will have the entire school laughing at what a sissy you are.

    d. Spread Disinformation—It’s guaranteed that the women in your life are talking about you behind your back. Although that would be good if they’re discussing your inhuman sexual prowess or your nine-inch schlong, the odds of that are pretty low. Therefore, you must get the jump on them. If you think she’s going to say you’re too aggressive, spread a rumor that she made you pull off the freeway so she could blow you. If you think she might talk about that little, uh, problem you had in bed, immediately tell everybody that she farts every time you go down on her. It’s okay if the stories get back to her, because she won’t have the self-confidence to provide any defense. Not to mention, once every guy in school realizes he’ll get brown chin by mowing her box she’ll be forced back onto your hog by a lack of any other alternative.


    Once women become a major factor in your life, your friendships with your male buddies become a whole lot different, too. Before you cared about girls, it was all about you and your boys. You played baseball together, you sat in front of video games for hours, you shot hoops all day. Now that women have entered the scene, all of that will change … drastically.

    Why? When you were ten, you didn’t have to worry that your best friend was going to get a blowjob from your girlfriend in the back seat of his car. In Little League, you weren’t jealous when the women in the stands would cheer for your more talented teammate, because they were all moms. But, once you’re in high school and your hormones are racing around like the Indy 500, every time something happens between you and your buddies that affects your ability to get laid (probably for the first time), you’re going to be pissed, enormously pissed. Interestingly, this will

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