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10 STEPS TO HAPPINESS, HEALTH AND SUCCESS: A Practical Guide to Personal Fulfillment And Optimum Well-being
10 STEPS TO HAPPINESS, HEALTH AND SUCCESS: A Practical Guide to Personal Fulfillment And Optimum Well-being
10 STEPS TO HAPPINESS, HEALTH AND SUCCESS: A Practical Guide to Personal Fulfillment And Optimum Well-being
Ebook182 pages2 hours

10 STEPS TO HAPPINESS, HEALTH AND SUCCESS: A Practical Guide to Personal Fulfillment And Optimum Well-being

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About this ebook

This is a universal book for everyone who wants to change their lives for the better and begin to independently manage their own destiny. It provides only 10 steps with practical recommendations that have been tested by time and experience. All the tips in the book are simple and accessible. This invaluable knowledge underlies the most popular business courses from world-famous trainers, making it possible for everyone to become the master of their own destiny and take the 10 steps towards happiness, health, and success!
Since the first edition, Rami Bleckt and his team have received hundreds of testimonials from people whose lives have changed for the better. Readers say that this book is one of the best in the fields of psychology, personal growth, esotericism, and practical philosophy. Due to popular demand, this book has been translated into 15 languages.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJun 27, 2024
10 STEPS TO HAPPINESS, HEALTH AND SUCCESS: A Practical Guide to Personal Fulfillment And Optimum Well-being

Rami Bleckt

Rami Bleckt is a writer and a Vedic Astrologer. He holds a Doctorates degree in Philosophy and Psychology (PhD). Since 1995 he successfully conducted multiple seminars in Canada, USA, Europe and Asia. Dr Rami is an independent spiritual teacher, and consultant who combines ancient wisdom with modern scientific research. Now a successful psychologist, writer, spiritual teacher and a father of four, Rami started out as a student in the military academy in St. Petersburg. During his studies, Rami began reading Christian literature, Eastern philosophy, and other religious books. After his graduation from the Academy, he served as an officer in Airborne and Special Forces. Plunging deeper into the studies of yogic practices and Vedic literature, he realized that they were the basis of successful psychological techniques used by his teachers in the Military Academy. This sparked a much more profound interest in the wise legacy, left to the world by the ancient India. Having taken serious interest in Vedic knowledge, Rami left military service and spent the next five years living as a monk. During that time, he was travelling and stayed in different Ashrams in India. He studied spiritual practices, ancient Hindu astrology, medicine, and Eastern and Buddhist philosophy and psychology. The book contains neither religious nor political concepts. Every person could find something important in it that would change their life for the best.


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    Balboa Press rev. date: 02/20/2024




    An appeal to English-Speaking Readers

    A Word from the Author

    Chapter 1You Can Only Reach Your Goal If You Envision It

    Chapter 2The Ability to Live by the Soul’s Desires Means to Be Healthy, Happy and Successful

    Chapter 3Each Life is a Unique Mission

    Chapter 4Is It Possible to Always Be Happy?

    Chapter 5Understanding the Main Principle of the Universe

    Chapter 6Three Main Causes of Sin

    Chapter 7A Response to a Spiritual Warrior

    Chapter 8Understanding the Meaning of Illness, and Ways to Overcome It

    Chapter 9A Few Words from Myself

    Chapter 10We Live the Way We Speak



    10 STEPS TO HAPPINESS is a Practical Guide for Personal Fulfillment and Optimum Well-Being.

    In any large bookstore you will find an extensive selection of self-help literature and navigation on how to succeed in life and become healthy and full of eternal joy in a short period of time. Most of these books give practical recommendations and promise to instantly transform you from a maid to a happy Cinderella. But if you look at the empirical data statistics, it becomes apparent that the population of genuinely happy and healthy people is declining.

    In the author’s perspective, the reason for this is a lack of internal changes. Most of them focus on materialistic and external transformations such as behavior and daily habits. The ultimate truth is - a person’s character, frame of mind, and inner thoughts determine their fate. Without modifying those fundamental aspects and achieving an understanding of the main principles of the Universe, real and sustainable change will remain elusive. Superficial adjustments, such as alterations in behavior, often lead to an accumulation of aggression and irritation; a person becomes a hypocrite, and after a while the sadness and depression returns on a much larger scale. For instance, common advice like make a plan and stick to it - reinforces egoism; attempting to maintain a constant positivity and smile - can lead to hypocrisy, if your smile does not come from the bottom of your heart and advocating don’t take like too seriously or go with a flow - represses underlying negative emotions deep inside.

    Hence, in this book where wisdom is combined with practical recommendations, you will discover quite profound philosophical ideas explained in simple language. Just by reading these, you can get rid of conscious and subconscious negative agendas, inner complexes, grievances, fears, and all that prevents us from being successful, happy, and healthy.

    This book is designed for everybody, no matter their age, gender, race, identity, social or economic status, who is ready to devote some time to careful reading and apply efforts for achieving a state of bliss in their lives.


    In loving memory of my dear mother, Ludmila, who, regrettably, couldn’t witness the publication of this book. She was not just my mother but also my friend and my initial guide on this journey. Her influence played a significant role in bringing this book to fruition. In our final conversation, as her life drew to a close, she entrusted me with a profound request—to seek a remedy for suffering and disease. At first, I questioned why she turned to me, not being a pharmacist or a doctor back then. It dawned on me later that authentic knowledge holds the key to liberating individuals from pain and illness, paving the way to genuine happiness.


    My heartfelt appreciation goes out to my wife, Marina, whose insightful critiques, and unwavering support created an ideal environment for me to write this book undisturbed. A special thanks to my friends—Vytautas Rinkevicius, whose invaluable comments and advice significantly contributed to the book, and Arkady Zilberman, whose assistance in orchestrating its publication is truly appreciated. I extend my deepest gratitude to Karina Bchemyan for her dedication to translating this work and to Rabbi Lev Pertzovitch for his exceptional editing and proofreading skills. Special thanks also to Julia Shell, Zulfat Khismatulin, Patricia Rafferty, Ellen Korotaeva, and Olga Shiryaeva for their crucial insights and additions, and to Sergey Medvedev for his support in bringing this book to publication.



    I am thrilled to see this book published in English and owe immense gratitude to those whose enthusiasm and determination brought it to fruition. Those who contributed were inspired by the Russian edition of the book, representing a diverse mix of religions, ages, and nationalities—Christians, Jews, Sufis, Hindus, Yogis, and even those not strictly aligned with any religion but seeking happiness, health, and success.

    English-speaking communities have been instrumental in establishing prosperous states worldwide, welcoming people of varied backgrounds. Currently residing in Canada, I find comfort in the diversity of my own heritage—Russian, Jewish, Ukrainian, English, and even Finnish from my great-great-grandmother. Having grown up in Central Asia, I forged friendships with Muslims and Buddhists, fostering a lifelong quest for universal truths and principles that empower individuals of all ages, nationalities, and religions to swiftly attain personal fulfillment.

    Following the Russian publication of this book, I received numerous responses from appreciative readers. The Russian publishing house reported that the second edition in August 2009 became a best-seller.

    While this book doesn’t draw from Jewish canons, the English translation was meticulously edited by a Rabbi who believes its universal value makes it essential in the English language.

    I genuinely hope that you find this book interesting and helpful!

    With love,



    The life stories of successful individuals often share common threads. In my early years, I couldn’t be labeled as healthy or successful, with moments of joy being scarce. Childhood photographs portrayed a frail boy with health concerns predicted to persist into adulthood. Despite these diagnoses, my parents instilled in me a love for endurance and sport, proving instrumental in overcoming past struggles. Blessed with intelligent and humorous parents and grandparents, their upbringing shaped me into an athletic young man by the age of 16-17, excelling in various sports.

    University graduation marked not only my status as an all-round competitor but also a realization that sports success alone didn’t guarantee physical well-being. It was through discovering the principles of a healthy lifestyle that I found a more effective means of avoiding illness than through rigorous training.

    As the years passed, my understanding of success deepened. Interactions with ostensibly successful individuals revealed transient pleasure derived from material achievements and financial well-being. Their lives, marred by challenges in areas like family, health, or friendships, prompted contemplation on the true meaning of success. This book draws from ancient treatises on health and psychology, emphasizing the timeless truths corroborated by modern scientific research.

    Rooted in Ayurveda, an ancient medical system intertwining health, happiness, and success, the book explores the interconnectedness of these elements. It delves into setting objectives, understanding life as a journey, grasping the principles of Creation, facing the fear of death, and cultivating the right attitude toward life’s lessons.

    My personal journey involved military service, five years in an Indian Ashram as a monk, and encounters with mortality through serious illness, a plane crash where I was a passenger, and wilderness survival in freezing temperatures. While the memories of unhappiness are distant, the lessons learned came at a significant cost.

    One of the primary aims of this book is to guide you toward health, happiness, and prosperity without the need for unnecessary life lessons. Drawing from ancient wisdom previously contemplated in secluded societies, the book doesn’t preach any particular philosophy but seeks to share crucial truths. My focus is on helping readers avoid misfortune, illness, and suffering, enabling them to embark on a new life filled with ever-increasing happiness. Each chapter brings you closer to your natural state, revealing that ongoing happiness is only a few steps away.


    You Can Only Reach Your

    Goal If You Envision It

    Several thousand years ago the great thinker Patanjali said:

    When you are inspired by an exalted goal or some extraordinary idea, all your thoughts begin to tear the shackles which confine them. Your mind exceeds its limits, your conscience pushes away the boundaries of your abilities in all directions, and you begin living in a new, large, and beautiful world. Dormant powers, capabilities and talents come to life, and you find yourself much greater than you have ever imagined.

    In ancient times philosophers believed that an individual’s life starts from the moment one asks oneself: Who am I? What is the meaning of my life? What do I live for? Until then a human being merely leads the life of a high-functioning animal, worrying only about eating, sleeping, copulating and surviving. It reminds me of an old joke:

    Doctor, am I going to live?

    What’s the point?

    Therefore, the first thing we must do is to ask ourselves these questions and do our best to find the answers. Ayurveda asserts that our health is comprised of four constituent parts, and the World Health Organization quotes almost word for word the lines of the ancient Ayurvedic treatise, the Sushruta Samhita, which defines health as full physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual wellbeing. The third level is called Swastha (literally established in oneself), which is an intellectual or psychological level. At this level the person must answer the abovementioned questions; otherwise, he cannot be healthy, happy, and successful. This level is also considered to be the most important. Of course, firstly, a person must understand profound philosophical questions on the creation of the Universe, the Creator, and the nature of one’s true Self. A person should know the basic laws of Creation and have a clear understanding of their life’s purpose.

    A Teacher once asked his disciple: What is the most terrible tragedy of human life?

    It might be that a person cannot find answers to his questions, answered the disciple.

    No, the tragedy is that he cannot find questions worth answering, replied the teacher.

    Even ordinary people, uninterested in deep philosophical questions but wanting to be healthy and successful, must have a goal and understand clearly what they want from life. The clear delineation of our goals (in all spheres of life) is the main prerequisite for their accomplishment. It is already conventional wisdom that our thoughts are at the basis of everything, i.e., by means of our thoughts and desires we create the reality around us. Desire is the most powerful force in our universe.

    When a person totally dedicates himself to something, the course of the Universe changes to help him.

    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

    According to statistics, slightly less than 3% of all the people in our society have achieved significantly more than all the others put together. One of the distinguishing features that set them apart from the rest was that they could see their goals clearly and were able to plan their life. To illustrate this hypothesis, there was an experiment at Harvard University, initiated in 1953, where all the graduates were questioned about whether they had a life goal and how they aspired to achieve it. It turned out that less than 3% possessed concrete goals and had a clear understanding of what they wanted from life. By following the students’ paths through the succeeding 25 years, it was discovered that those very graduates succeeded in all aspects of life, much more than the rest taken as a whole.

    This is completely understandable, as everything from a business to a construction project is started from a business plan or a design. The more time we spend carefully thinking through each detail, the better the results will be. Who would want to live in a house designed in a hurry, or to drive a car made by a careless

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