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The Secret of Arendel
The Secret of Arendel
The Secret of Arendel
Ebook235 pages2 hours

The Secret of Arendel

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In the Kingdom of Lorenthia, the city of Norbury lives in peace and prosperity under the reign of King Jared Orius. Amongst the people of Norbury, Cole Bennett prepares for the city's 'coming-of-age' celebration as he turns 16 and completes his training at the Academy to join the Knights of the King's realm. All is not well, however; as the city also prepares for the most feared time of the year: The Day of Black Sun and the return of the creatures from The Realm of the Deep. With the help of his sister, Lily, and his best friend, Duke, can he protect the City of Norbury and the crowned Princess with his mysterious new abilities? Will the presence of a wanted Pirate criminal disrupt the balance? And will he discover the dark mysteries behind the former Queen of Lorenthia?

Release dateJul 1, 2024
The Secret of Arendel

James Young

James is an Indie Christian Fiction writer who puts his faith first and foremost in all his inspiration. After a decade of retail life, he seeks to join the writing world by creating a safe reading selection for teen/young adult readers. James follows the teachings of the King James Bible and believes every day is another chance to learn from the Creator and spend every day taking steps closer to becoming more Christ-like.

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    The Secret of Arendel - James Young


    Shores of Norbury

    It's about time you hang you filthy scum! A man cried from the crowd as a disheveled man was escorted to the gallows.


    It was nearly sunset near the shoreline of the city. The people gathered ‘round to honor the local tradition of hanging a pirate from the gallows at sunset. The people were taught to believe that executing criminals at sunset was symbolic of sending them into the afterlife, straight to the Realm of the Deep for demons to torture their souls for all eternity.


    The citizens of Norbury gathered with torches and rotten food to throw at the accused to the very last hour of their lives. The royal forces showed no attempts to quell their violence. The man was led to the platform in shackles with a sack over his head as local priests offered final prayers of swiftness for their soul to depart from their body to lift the curse that their presence placed on their life.


    Amid the cacophony of the people, a man in an adorned robe took his place at the front of the gallows. Good people, we are gathered here to witness the departure of this cursed soul, who has vexed our very way of life with their wickedness. High Priest Lucian Silverthorn began to speak as the crowd hung onto his every word.


    We have been richly blessed by The Creator and it is commanded that we punish the wicked for their treacherous acts. He turned to the guards holding onto the shackles. Captain, speak the sentence to the condemned.


    The officer unrolled a parchment and stood front and center for the crowd to hear. The accused has been charged, henceforth, with the following crimes: thievery, vandalism, blasphemy, and above all else: actively participating in the profession of Piracy! The crowd howled and booed as they threw the remainder of their rotten food at the prisoner.


    Your sentence is to be hung from the gallows until death. May the Heavens above grant us mercy from being plagued by the very existence of your wickedness!


    The officer returned to the lineup as Silverthorn approached the man and removed the sack on his head. Underneath was middle-aged man with a scraggly beard and unkempt hair. He had a scar under his right eye and was blind in his left.


    Any final words before we send you back to the shadows from whence you came?


    The man flashed a toothy grin and began to chuckle lightly. He looked up and gauged the crowd. Queen! He declared.


    The crowd and Silverthorn gasped in horror. Treacherous vermin! Silverthorn growled in disgust. How dare you speak of forbidden speech! You will surely eternal damnation! Captain, I have nothing more to say to this spawn of the forbidden realm! Silverthorn marched off as a drumroll began.


    The man looked beyond the crowd and gazed upon the ocean waves crashing into the shoreline. The wind blew through his hair as the smell of seawater coated the air. He smiled and looked upon the crowd.


    In darkness, you live...thus darkness is what you receive, the man declared. You continue to live blinded by lies and are pained to the truth. My heart breaks for this place. The officer reached for the handle to release the platform as the hangman secured the rope around the man's neck.


    Bless The Creator that the last I see on this plane of existence is the rushing waters washing over the shores of the blissful seas. The drum roll crescendos as the officer begins to pull the lever. Bless The Creator...long live...Lady Arendel! The man declared with his final words as the platform released and his chains dangled by the weight of gravity pulling them down.

    - - -

    Arendel? A young boy inquired. Who is Arendel? He asked as his mother sat by his bedside to read him a story.


    Well, Love, Lady Arendel was once a queen. The mother replied. She was taken from her thrown and our dear King Orius swiftly took her place.


    Perplexed by the mother's response, the young boy scratched his head. But...what did she do? Why was she taken? The young boy insisted.


    Well... The mother thought to herself trying to answer.


    A difference in opinion of how to rule. His big sister replied from the adjacent bed.


    Lily! The mother replied in shock. Watch your tongue before you are marked a sympathizer.


    A...sympathizer? The boy replied even more puzzled than before.


    The mother waved her hands at the boy. Never mind you about that. That will be a different conversation at a better time when you are much older. Now, the moon shows her face brightly tonight and seeks to ‘sing thee to thy rest’ as we were told as young sprites.


    The mother kissed the young boy and his sister on their foreheads, blew out their candle, and closed the door behind them. The young boy tossed and turned as he pondered everything.


    What had that man in the story done? Who was this Queen? And who is Lady Arendel? He glanced at his sister who sat up on her bed pouting.


    Lily? The young boy called out. May I sit by your side to talk?


    She glanced his way and nodded with a smile. She patted the spot next to her as he quietly tip-toed his way over to her bed and under the covers to stay warm.


    What troubles you, little brother? She asked kindly. He twiddled his thumbs together trying to think of a way to ask. Which question should he start with? Would she be angry by his questions? Go on, out with it. You know you can tell me anything. She lifted her pinky in the air Remember our promise?


    He smiled and joined his pinky to hers as they spoke in unison. We solemnly forswear our secret safely spoken soundly. They laughed as they released their fingers.


    The young boy sat there more relaxed but still tossed by which question to ask first. Well...I suppose my biggest one is: who is Lady Arendel? Why do we not speak of her? Lily reached under her bed and opened a secret panel under the floor to reveal a book. What is that?


    She handed him the book and he held the cover to the full moonlight to read the words: The Secret Writ of Her Highness: Lady Arendel. The young boy's eyes grew large as the weight of the book sunk in his mind. A forbidden text from Lady Arendel herself? This was his chance to find some real answers, but with no candlelight, he was left disappointed.


    Where did you find this? He inquired of her.


    In the ancient study.


    His eyes widened larger. The ancient study!? But Father has forbade us from entering the royal archives. What if you were caught?


    She gently placed a finger on his mouth to calm him. I have my ways, dear brother. Take heart and know I believe you are old enough to learn the truth as I have. Beginning tomorrow, we will make plans to talk in secret. For now, we lay our heads before the servants discover us plotting in shadows. She reached over and hugged him.


    He hugged her back and returned to his bed. He reached his hand out towards the moonlight and held the palm of his hand there for a moment.


    Lady Arendel. Long live the Queen. He spoke as his body forced his eyes shut, quickly falling into a deep slumber.

    Chapter 1

    Star Point Academy - (8 Years Later)

    On the eastern coast of the Kingdom of Lorenthia, lies the Port City of Norbury. Easily, one of the busiest ports in the Kingdom, Norbury busily moved their goods from ship to ship in preparation for one of the most sought-after times of the year: the Harvest Festival. For one week out of the year, all the merchants and traders offered up a portion of their bounty to The Creator.


    At the center of the hustle and bustle of the city streets rested a tower that shadowed the entirety of the city: Star Point Academy. At a young age, the boys of the city were trained to be men of combat for the Royal Forces of his majesty, King Jared Orius. From basic sparring to advanced techniques, there was never a more well-uniformed and respected troop than that of the Royal Forces. One individual in particular was deep in the midst of a sparring match with their classmate.


    Watch yourself! First Lieutenant Richard Sutton shouted. Clean up that footing!


    Cole Bennett was dodging and blocking every swing of the sword that came his way, with no clear window to retaliate. Cole stood at 5'7" with blonde hair and blue eyes, wearing training armor on his arms and legs.


    Come on, Bennett! Duke Tatum taunted. Admit it: I have you beat.


    Come off it, Duke. Cole snapped back. Your ancestors are rolling in their tombs watching you dance on the field.


    Oh, that's rich. Did you come up with that yourself, did or you learn that from the Parliament courts?


    Duke drew his sword, directed the tip towards Cole's face, and charged straight at him. Cole maintained his position and at the last minute dodged sideways, grabbed Duke by the arm, and used his momentum to toss him to the opposite side of the sparring ring.


    As Duke landed, Cole thrust his sword toward Duke's face and stopped just short of his nose. A single bead of sweat dripped down Duke's face as Cole stood over him with a big grin on his face. Still think I’m beaten, or should we let Parliament decide?


    While Cole was distracted, Duke swept his feet from underneath Cole and knocked him off his feet. They looked at each other and laughed before helping each other up.


    Alright, that's enough. Match ends in a draw. First Lieutenant declared.


    Cole and Duke returned their swords to their sheath and shook hands. Slick move there, Bennett. Duke praised as he smacked Cole’s back. I'll have to take you more seriously next time. Must be nice being the Governor's kid.


    Cole shook his head in protest. Father has nothing to do with this. Truth be told, I think Father would be happier with me taking a seat in Parliament, rather than on the battlefield.


    He’s been nose-deep in paperwork too long. Those skills and he wants you with the rest of the stiffs in powdered wigs? Duke scoffed. What a waste. Why even let you join the Academy if he has no intention of letting you fight?


    It is customary. Cole began to explain. According to Father, young men who seek the right to join the floor of Parliament must first be trained in the way of the sword.


    Name me even one of these so-called wise men that even wields a butter knife let alone a decent rapier.


    Cole shook his head and placed a hand on Duke’s shoulder. Keep talking like that and they’ll have you in stocks before you know it. Duke grinned, picked up his helmet, and returned to the lineup with Cole and the rest of the cadets.


    The First Lieutenant paced back and forth at the line of young men. "Listen up, boys! Your skills are rising to the surface. We have been training and running drills for the past season.


    As I'm sure you are all well aware, the days of Apollo's sun are ending and we will begin the Season of Harvest. You will be given a short rest to participate in the festivities. However; let me remind you all the same. He looked at them all with a stern look in his eyes. When you return, we will begin the process of searching for the next Squire of the Royal Forces. The eyes of all the cadets widened as they began to murmur amongst themselves.


    The dream of every boy in the Kingdom: The Squire of one of the Royal Knights. Immediately after the academy, most of the boys are sent off to a camp to learn how to be a soldier the hard way. But every once in a while, a rare opportunity approaches for one of the Academy boys to be adopted by one of the King's Knights.


    As a Squire, they are placed in a precarious position where they can become a real Knight long before everyone else in the Academy. To become a Squier is an honor unlike any other.


    The Knight seeking a Ward will not be made known to anyone except the one who earns the title. Rest easy, but do not allow yourselves to go soft. A bell sudden rang loudly in the distance. Go on now! You all know what that bell means!


    He saluted them and they returned saluted and declared in unison. For the glory of King and Creator!


    Dismissed! They quickly removed their gear and made their way to the city's chapel.

    St. Francis Cathedral

    At the very heart of the city, the people gathered once every week to hear the words of High Priest Silverthorn. While acting as the religious leader of the town, Silverthorn often took up the position of head of the King's court. While it was up to the King and Parliament to make the laws, Silverthorn made it his mission to enforce them as strictly as possible.


    We all lined up in our assigned sections of the pews with the rest of the cadets. To the right of the sanctuary sat all the boys of the Academy, separated by family hierarchy and class. To the left set all the young women entering from their homes and businesses where they learned the trade of their mother. Boys and girls were equally alike wooing over each other and trading flirtatious looks.


    Cole glanced over and noticed an empty seat adjacent to his. He shook his head and pretended not to notice. The city guards, however; were quick to notice. Cole Bennett!


    Cole stood at attention, faced the guard, and saluted. Yes, sir!


    Your sister is not in attendance. Remind her that she has one strike left before we must bring her in for questioning. Are we understood?


    Cole’s face shrunk in annoyance before he regained his composure. Yes, sir. He replied as they marched off. Lily, you are pushing your luck. He spoke softly to himself.


    Before he could focus anymore on her disappearance, his eyes were immediately drawn to the front of the room as a surprise guest appeared at the assembly: Princess Marina. Her golden blonde hair was tied up in tight braids with a small crown on her head. Her green eyes shimmered in the light like emeralds. Her fair skin was complimented all the more by her royal, teal dress.

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