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Elaines Bigfoot in Backyard
Elaines Bigfoot in Backyard
Elaines Bigfoot in Backyard
Ebook72 pages54 minutes

Elaines Bigfoot in Backyard

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This is a book of nonfiction stories of Ten years of Nightly Bigfoot Visits.

Release dateApr 21, 2024
Elaines Bigfoot in Backyard

Emily Nieswiadomy

The author is Emily Elaine Conn Nieswiadomy.  Ms. Nieswiadomy is a professional artist with works all over the world.  One of the last original saw blade artist.  Ms. Nieswiadomy has traveled the world. This book was written to share with  others that this sort of thing exists and the book is a collection of true stories over ten years of nightly visits.

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    Book preview

    Elaines Bigfoot in Backyard - Emily Nieswiadomy

    This book is dedicated to my loving son who stood beside me throughout my whole life and through these experiences of fear, anxiety and astonishment of knowing this creature.


    This is a book of true stories that my son and I experienced over a period of eleven years.  There are also stories that friends and others shared with me. 

    I wrote these true stories to entertain both the believers and the non believers.




    When I thought of trying to put all of my stories and adventures and experiences of BIGFOOT together, I really didn’t know where to start because the experiences were spread out over several years but as all things, there is a beginning as I realized it and sometimes there is an ending.  So I’m starting this book at the beginning as I knew it.  As far as the ending, Well......that is yet to come.

    The year was 1986, the place was East Texas in a small crossroads village in Rusk County called Minden.  My husband and I lived in a small but comfortable home in a very rural area.  We had lots of animals.  Horses, dogs, cats, turkeys, chickens and many more.  My son was in public school and one day in September I went to the school to pick him up and as we were traveling back home I took a turn off the main highway on to a sand road that we traveled quite frequently.  Sometimes we would take the dogs there so they could run and play, in spite of the fact that from time to time I would get strange and even frightening feelings that someone was watching us.  Anyway, my son was six years old and standing up in the seat next to me and as we topped the first hill we both saw a creature jumping over a barbed wire fence, sprinting across the road in two or three steps then jumping over the other fence and disappearing into the forest.  The creature was brown with what seemed to be shaggy brown hair.  He was very tall and on the lanky side.  My son said, Wow, did you see that?  It must have scared me because I didn’t stop to take a closer look.  It was strange, but the weird part was the creature had on a blue and white checked flannel type shirt.  In my research I’ve found that these creatures have been seen wearing shirts.  Anyway, we were about two miles from our house as the crow flies.  I knew what I had seen in spite of the fact it was my first encounter in seeing a Bigfoot.



    I went to our nearby church and mentioned to my neighbor what we had seen but he laughed it off and said, Oh, it was probably a field worker that was living in a deserted cabin.  Sure, a field worker eight or Nine feet tall covered in long brown hair, wearing only a shirt.  In a week or so that same neighbor knocked  on my back door and told me he had found his Golden Retriever Dead and his body had been pulled apart in a non human way.  I knew exactly what had happened because a friend of my son who worked at the electric plant reclaiming the coal mine land told us how he came upon a wild pig that had been pulled apart the same way.  Only Bigfoot does those things, But....I didn’t say anything because I knew he would reject the thought that Bigfoot would kill his loving dog although in my research I’ve found that Bigfoot hates dogs and killing them is a common thing, so I offered my sympathy and he left even though his son shot my Anatolian.

    At that point in time I started paying more attention to things going on in the environment around our house.  We had dogs that barked a lot at night but I usually let them in because we lived on a farm market road and I was afraid they would get run over by speeding cars, although my neighbor did shoot my Anatolian one night when they were cruising the neighborhood.  That was a sad situation and was in part why we decided  to sell that place. Living by people that shoot your animals is a sad sad thing. I would rather live near Bigfoot than neighbors that shoot your animals.

    After the neighbor knocked on my door and informed me that

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