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Master McCoy 2: Vengeance of the Time Traveling Cowboy: Master McCoy Series
Master McCoy 2: Vengeance of the Time Traveling Cowboy: Master McCoy Series
Master McCoy 2: Vengeance of the Time Traveling Cowboy: Master McCoy Series
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Master McCoy 2: Vengeance of the Time Traveling Cowboy: Master McCoy Series

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Three young Arab women are tricked into placing bombs at a Nashville marathon race by their evil relatives. After capture by vigilantes, the women plot with them to bring these bad guys to justice.
A young blond-haired, blue eyed reporter goes to the Philippines to do a news story, and is captured, and held for ransom by a terrorist group. The time traveling cowboy steps in and makes them pay a price for what they had done.

Later, he visits Cleopatra again, and she helps him punish some of these men in the cruelest way possible.

Release dateJul 1, 2024
Master McCoy 2: Vengeance of the Time Traveling Cowboy: Master McCoy Series

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    Book preview

    Master McCoy 2 - Sterling Paxton

    Chapter  1

    After the A-380 Super Jumbo Jet landed in the soft rain at Nashville International Airport, it taxied to a stop at the terminal.  This area reserved for the very wealthy, who owned the own private jets.  The Saudi Royal Family had converted the 600 passenger plane into a virtual flying palace unlike any other aircraft on the planet.  The $480 million airship now contained a number of amazing features, such as seven lavishly furnished bedrooms with king size, four poster beds.  Additionally, there was a movie theater with seating for 15, and a full size steam room.  The lower tail section even housed a brand new Rolls-Royce complete with a full tank of gas.

    Later that night, the Golden Guitar Saloon in downtown Nashville began filling up and was soon at full capacity.  It was a Friday night and the crowd was eagerly waiting for the handsome, young singer to come on stage and begin his show.  Among the people waiting were two sisters from Saudi Arabia.  The Royal Princesses were here on vacation with their uncle during summer break from their studies at the university.

    They had heard about the cowboy singer from an acquaintance who had vacationed in Nashville the previous year, and they had decided to come and see him for themselves.  The two women had been warned to arrive early, because the place would usually fill up early.  This information had proven to be very accurate.  When the sisters saw the poster in the window of the drinking establishment, they knew their friend hadn’t been exaggerating in the least. 

    Taja was the oldest of the sisters at 19, and her sister, Jalil was just one year younger.  They entered the nightclub wearing the native dress required by the customs of their homeland; each was covered in a full length, black garment called a Hbaya, and wearing a Niqab, or face veil. 

    The sisters drew uneasy looks from the customer when they entered, and took seats in the midst of them.  Some of the customers were concerned that the strangely clothed Arabs could be terrorist of some kind, or even worse—suicide bombers.  Several people got up and moved to more distant locations, that is, until the bar filled up, and there were no other places to sit.

    The two dark-eyed beauties just sat quietly trying to ignore the stares, while sipping their drinks.  The sisters knew they were very lucky to be sitting here without a chaperon; in fact, they were lucky to be here at all.  If their mother or father had still been alive, they wouldn’t have been allowed to come to such a decadent western establishment. 

    As it was, their family had been killed in a theater fire, and they had been placed in the care of their uncle Abdulla.  Previously, their family had always made sure that they were well chaperoned where ever they went.  However, Uncle Abdulla was as queer as a three dollar bill, and didn’t place as much emphasis on protecting the girl’s virtue.  That didn’t mean he wouldn’t take harsh measures if the girls allowed themselves to be violated by the infidels.  In fact, he wouldn’t hesitate to take them into the courtyard of his palace, and chop their heads off to salvage the family honor.

    The quiet was suddenly broken when the stage lights dimmed, and the band started playing a toe-tapping country instrumental.  The women then saw a large muscular man wearing a skimpy, white outfit with matching cowboy hat march out on the stage.  He seemed like a mystical being with his reddish blonde hair, and bulging muscles.  When he started singing the sisters felt a warm tremor spreading in their bodies. 

    When Master McCoy saw the two strangely dressed women sitting quietly in the audience, and sipping water, he quickly did an x-ray scan to make sure they weren’t armed with any dangerous weapons, or explosives.  After satisfying himself on that point, he then called over his nightclub manager, Jessica, during a break between songs, and asked her to interview the two for possible inclusion in tonight’s upstairs' activities.

    Jessica nodded, then retrieved her clipboard before going to talk to the black clad women.  She asked if she could sit down, and then engaged the girls in a conversation to find out more about them.  She found out that they were from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; however, the sisters refrained from mentioning that they were members of the royal family. 

    The two Saudi Princesses didn’t realize that the cowboy singer creating the tingling feelings in their bodies was an alien/human hybrid with capabilities that would truly amaze them.  Master McCoy’s alien scientist companion had provided him with a Time Travel/Transport Bubble that allowed him to go wherever and whenever he desired in time and space. 

    In addition, Master had an eight component Multi-Brain that allowed him to multi-task and operate on several different levels at the same time.  It was just of one the many amazing enhancements that the Klidzii alien residing in a portion of his brain case had provided him in exchange for acting as its host to study the human race. 

    Master’s enhancements also included telescopic, microscopic, x-ray, and vision in a variety of other wavelengths; these could be used singularly or in combination with each other. 

    An example of this was taking place right now.  While Master was singing on stage he used his telescopic vision to zero in on the two Arab women sitting twenty-eight feet away from him.  He then did a scan of the documents inside their purses to gather additional information about them.  His Multi-Brain allowed him to take the folded papers inside their purses, and reassemble them as if they were lying unfolded on a table right in front of him.

    Utilizing another section of his Multi-Brain, he wirelessly connected to his computer upstairs, and scanned computer systems worldwide.  He examined Saudi government, driver’s license, banking, and medical files to name just a few.  Master found out there was no driver’s license on file for them.  He realized that was because women weren’t allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia, and the same thing was also true of banking records.  It seemed that only the men were allowed to have control of the finances in that backward portion of the world.

    The alien/human hybrid was able to gain access to their school and medical records containing their most intimate secrets, including when their monthly cycle started.  Master was surprised to find out they were members of the Royal Family.  The thought of taking these two royal princesses upstairs made his body start to tingle with expectation and excitement.  After his investigation, he knew almost as much about the girls as they knew about themselves.

    Using another portion of his advanced brain, Master filtered out the music and other background noise to listen in on their conversation.  He could hear just as clearly as if he were sitting at the table right there beside them.  Master listened to Jessica explain to the sisters about his private fan club, and the special initiation required for membership.  The alien hybrid then listened as the twins whispered in each other’s ears while glancing up at him singing on stage. 

    One of the sisters seemed to want to take the chance and do it, but the other sister wasn’t quite sure yet.  After whispering for a moments, they smiled at Jessica, and said, Yes, we would like to join his fan club.

    I think you made an excellent, replied Jessica, Now, how would you like to come over to my table, and see the show up really close.  I’ll even give you a personal introduction, and then you can take a few picture with him.

    A few minutes later, the Arab Princesses were sipping their drinks, while sitting there next to Jessica.  The club manage could tell that the women were really enjoying the stage show.  When the singer took his next break, he came down to talk with them.  The women requested that he take a picture with them,  Master quickly agreed, and asked to borrow one of their cell phones, which he promptly handed to Jessica.  He then stood with his arms around both of them while Jessica snapped their photo, and then he took some photos with each woman separately. 

    Afterwards, Master placed his hands around both women’s shoulders, and said, "I’m very happy to hear that you want to join my personal fan club.  I have to go back on stage now, but Jessica will take you upstairs now, and prepare you for the initiation ceremony.  I’ll see you up there in a few minutes.

    Master then went back on stage to finish the last set of his show, as his nightclub manager escorted the two little Princesses upstairs to get them ready.  When they got out of the elevator on the second floor, they were ushered along a carpeted hallway to a large arched doorway down at the far end. 

    Printed across the top of the arch in large, gold colored lettering was ‘The Temple of Heavenly Delights.’  In smaller letters below that was written ‘Princesses of the Golden Ring.’  There were two large, white marble pedestals.  One was located on each side of the entranceway.  Sitting on top of each of the stands was a large, three foot high, white marble of Aphrodite, the Greek Goddess of Love.

    Jessica took the dark-eyed twins into a tiled room, where she had them get undressed, shower, and then climb into a large hot tub.  When the girls were nice and clean, she gave them a towel to dry themselves and a white silk robe to cover themselves.  The nightclub manager then escorted the two Arabs into a lavishly decorated bathroom. 

    Jessica gave each girl an exquisite, lavender velvet handbag, and inside each bag were toothpaste, toothbrush, and mouthwash.  She explained the bags were a gift from Master McCoy, and they could keep them, if they wished.  Next, she instructed them to brush their teeth, and use the mouthwash that had been provided to them.  She explained that Master McCoy liked his women to be nice and clean when he romanced them.

    Jessica then led them into the main area where there was an enormous water-bed.  The outside frame was colored a bright red with a 4 inch gleaming gold band around the circumference.  She lowered the light level and had the girls sit on the edge of the bed with her to wait for Master McCoy.  They didn’t have to wait long. 

    The big cowboy singer came into the room wearing a long flowing red silk robe over his muscular body.  He walked to the water-bed and looked down at the beauties waiting there for him.  The cowboy singer thanked the sisters for coming and said he hoped that they would enjoy themselves. 

    Somewhere in the sands of Saudi Arabia, the Princesses’ dead ancestors were rolling and howling in their graves.  For the first time in the long proud history of the Royal family, an infidel stood poised to enjoy the kisses of their precious daughters.  The guitar player knew that this was a very rare opportunity, and he intended to take full advantage of it.

    Master McCoy had appointed Jessica as the President of his fan club, and it was her responsibility to instruct the sisters, as to what was required during the ring initiation ceremony.  After doing this, she started the induction ceremony by starting with Taja.  When it had been completed, Jessica took the ring necklace, and placed it around the young Princesses’ throat.

    The young Arab looked at the gold jewelry hanging from her neck, and smiled at her sister.  Jalil then eagerly came forward to accept her own ring.  When the ring ceremony had been completed, Master smiled at the little Saudi princesses, and said well done in ‘Arabic.’

    The cowboy singer gave each of the sisters an autographed copy of his music CD.  He always gave one to all the girls that came upstairs to be initiated.  Master had a rack of his music for sale down at the bar, but that was primarily for show. The real reason he had created the music CD’s in the first place was for the women who joined his private fan club. 

    The ruling members of Master McCoy’s special fan club had decided that there should be to two levels of membership.  The First level members were only residents of the Nashville area who were invited to join by the ruling body.  Jessica and was a First Level member.  Her necklace ring was solid gold except for the baked, red enamel channel extending around the center portion. 

    Second level membership was restricted to visitors who came in for a one night initiation.  Their necklace rings were heavy gold plated with baked, blue enamel channel.  The Arab sisters were given Second Level memberships.  However, if they had been residents of Nashville, then they could have been eligible to become First Level members—if invited.

    After the ceremony, the women insisted that they had to get back to their hotel rooms.  They knew that they might be in trouble if their Uncle discovered that they had stayed out so late.  They said he was a strange man, and there was no telling how he would react if he found them missing.

    Master pulled the girls close against him again as he kissed them goodbye, and then said,I want you to come back and see me tomorrow, will you promise me that?

    Both women readily agreed, before hurrying back to their hotel rooms.  After they left, Master McCoy wondered if he would ever see the two again.  He got his answer the first thing next morning when the two females showed up downstairs in the nightclub.  He smiled, and then went down to invite them up to his third floor apartment.  There, they had breakfast out on his balcony.  Jessica brought up some eggs, pancakes, sausage, and bacon.  The women looked at the meat while making a sour face.

    Our religion doesn’t allow us to eat pork, explained Taja, while wrinkling up her nose.

    Wasn’t what you did last night against your religion too? asked Master, with a smile.

    Yes, but, we liked it, smirked Jalil.

    Well, in that case, I guess I’m going to do it again in a little while, laughed Master, Oh, by the way what happened with your Uncle?

    Thankfully, he was still out chasing young men and didn’t get back till shortly after we woke up this morning, smiled Taja, He’s in bed sleeping now.

    Good! replied Master, I would hate to see you young women get in any trouble.

    The Saudi Princesses left two hours later, after they had spent some very enjoyable time with the handsome singer.  The Alien Hybrid was very glad that the princesses had decided to join his fan club; although, he would have been happier if they had been residents of Nashville.  They could have then become First Level members of his personal fan club, and he could have enjoyed their company on a regular basis.  Master couldn’t help feeling sorry for the young females.  He knew the Middle East could be such a horrible place for women.

    Chapter 2

    Young Kalila Zaidi looked around carefully as she sneaked her way towards a small patch of green woods that ran between her family’s goat farm and the nearby cattle ranch.  The young 18 year old woman was wearing a full length black dress, and Hijab to cover her face and body.  This was the custom of her people in Kahzhitastan. 

    Kalila would have liked to adopt western dress, but then the male

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