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Flight Through Dragons Fire: Lost Chronicles from Circle of Stones - A Heroine's Odyssey, #10
Flight Through Dragons Fire: Lost Chronicles from Circle of Stones - A Heroine's Odyssey, #10
Flight Through Dragons Fire: Lost Chronicles from Circle of Stones - A Heroine's Odyssey, #10
Ebook93 pages1 hour

Flight Through Dragons Fire: Lost Chronicles from Circle of Stones - A Heroine's Odyssey, #10

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Join Chrissy on an electrifying journey through mystical realms where danger lurks at every corner. A young woman from Earth, Chrissy's quest to find her missing brother catapults her into a world filled with legendary creatures like dragons, werewolves, vampires, and ghosts. As she navigates through epic battles and forges unexpected alliances, she discovers untapped strengths within herself. Hunted by a relentless psychopath, Chrissy's odyssey is a pulse-pounding saga of courage and resilience. Will she find her brother, or will darkness prevail? Dive into this gripping tale of adventure and suspense, where every twist reveals a new, thrilling challenge.

Release dateJul 1, 2024
Flight Through Dragons Fire: Lost Chronicles from Circle of Stones - A Heroine's Odyssey, #10

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    Book preview

    Flight Through Dragons Fire - E.L.Marr

    Flight Through Dragon Fire

    Lost Chronicles from Circle of Stones - A Heroine's Odyssey

    By E.L. Marr

    Chapter 12- Book 10- High jinks.

    Brana and Halvar Home

    Day 16 - early evening

    W elcome, my friends , to our humble home.  Halvar joyfully laughs as the woman’s mouth drops at the large, open floor home.

    The unusual layout resembles an upside-down vessel. The open design creates a sense of spaciousness and freedom, allowing for easy movement and exploration throughout the interior.

    Elaborate carvings and ornate motifs grace the walls, a testament to the skilled craftsmanship of the Norse sailors. These intricate designs depict symbols from Nordic mythology, including ancient runes and vivid portrayals of mythical creatures like dragons, wolves, and serpents, infusing the space with an enchanting and mystical atmosphere.

    The main deck, nearly entirely open, boasts robust wooden beams and planks intricately woven to uphold the ship's framework. Above the fire pit looms a sizable, purpose-built chimney, adept at warding off the elements while facilitating smoke escape.

    The ship's sides are lined with rows of wooden benches, storage compartments, and a large loom subtly arranged to resemble various rooms, such as a kitchen, alchemy workshop, and sewing area. In the middle space, a clear area predominates, centered around a fire pit that serves as a focal point for activities like combat training, storytelling, and communal.

    A set of beautifully crafted thick closed doors are located at the rear of the ship, where the captain's cabin would typically be. Among them is the entrance to the master bedroom, a private space hidden from the view on the main deck.

    You may take your shoes and cloaks off at the door, Halvar instructs. 

    The wood floor is always warm.  I have set up fur cots by the fire pit for you.  It looks like those cloaks need a good cleaning. Here, let me take them, Brana says as the woman's cloak floats off through the Master bedroom doors.

    Wow, this place is amazing, Chrissy marvels, her gaze sweeping across the expansive openness of the home. As she removes her boots, she's pleasantly surprised by the perfectly heated floor. How is this even possible? she wonders aloud.

    It is the old blessing magic from the land, Brana answers as she stands before the fire pit.

    I have never heard of any magic like that?  Lysandra suspiciously remarks.

    My people were among the first tribes to worship the goddess Saga; this land is her domain, Brana explains, her voice carrying the weight of ancient oaths. When I became her priestess, I swore to serve her in life and death. Sadly, I am her last priestess, destined to serve for eternity without respite.

    As she speaks, the fire's smoke weaves a vivid tapestry in the air, depicting the arrival of her people in a massive Viking ship. The vision unfolds with remarkable detail, showing the sturdy vessel navigating the river's currents until it reaches the foot of the mountain. Brana's ancestors, clad in traditional Norse attire, disembark with purpose, carrying the essence of their civilization into the rugged terrain.

    Each piece of the ship, meticulously crafted and adorned with intricate carvings, is carefully unloaded and carried up the steep slopes. The scene is alive with activity as the settlers begin to assemble their new home, utilizing the ship's sturdy timbers to erect structures that echo the architectural marvels of their homeland.

    The portrayal encapsulates the unwavering resolve and strength of Brana's people as they turn the desolate mountainside into a flourishing settlement. The vision gradually fades, leaving behind an atmosphere of reverence and nostalgia as the ancient tale of the ship-turned-settlement remains etched in the memories of

    That was cool, Chrissy comments, eyes lingering on the dissipating smoke display.

    Who is Saga? Her name doesn’t ring a bell to me, Lysandra remarks, curious.

    It feels like I've heard that name before, but I can't recall where, Chrissy muses aloud.

    Saga is the goddess of divination, history, and memory, among other things. She was revered by my people before we arrived in this realm, Brana explains, a hint of nostalgia in her voice. We were both warriors and scholars, dedicated to her teachings and ways.  Wait, did you say your people came to this world?  Chrissy asks with intense interest.

    Yes. I will tell you about it after you have washed and eaten.  Brana replies in a voice that sounds like a mother instructing her children to prepare for supper.

    I like the openness of this place.  I can move around without feeling trapped.  I feel like I am welcome here.  Seik’si remarks as he walks to the fire pit and stands beside the fur cots, soaking in the warmth.  I found my spot. 

    I am surprised you don’t want to be outside, Chrissy says.

    My body core was outside in the cold weather for years while the rest of my body was locked away in the cold.  I want to be warm.  Seik’si explains.

    How can it be years...  I don’t remember anything that happened after going through that blue light.  Chrissy says as she stands next to him, staring at the fire.

    I can tell you what has happened, but I cannot access your memories from those times we were separated as you have blocked them, Seik’si explains.

    Why? Chrissy asks, not liking the fact that she couldn’t remember.

    I think you have suffered much without me, and your mind has locked to protect you from it, Seik’si explains.

    I understand that, but how did we get here?  Why was I in that prison cell?  I still don’t know.  Chrissy remarks as she rubs her arms.

    "We traversed the final Heaven’s gate

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