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Redemption's Crossroads: A Cartel Reckoning in Mexico
Redemption's Crossroads: A Cartel Reckoning in Mexico
Redemption's Crossroads: A Cartel Reckoning in Mexico
Ebook66 pages52 minutes

Redemption's Crossroads: A Cartel Reckoning in Mexico

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The sun-drenched beach stretched out before Liam Donovan, a seemingly endless expanse of sand and surf that promised solace and respite from the demons of his past. For the past six months, this quiet coastal town in Mexico had been his self-imposed exile, a place where he could escape the weight of his failures and the guilt that had haunted him since the day he was forced into early retirement from the DEA.

Release dateMay 6, 2024
Redemption's Crossroads: A Cartel Reckoning in Mexico

Tracy Ambrosio

Tracy Ambrosio Graduated from the University of Toronto in Canada in English. Graduated in Porto at ISCAP - Instituto Superior de Contabilidade and Porto Administration, since 2007. PhD in Marketing and researcher at CEOS

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    Book preview

    Redemption's Crossroads - Tracy Ambrosio

    Chapter 1: Liam's Retreat

    The sun-drenched beach stretched out before Liam

    Donovan, a seemingly endless expanse of sand and surf that promised solace and respite from the demons of his past. For the past six months, this quiet coastal town in Mexico had been his self-imposed exile, a place where he could escape the weight of his failures and the guilt that had haunted him since the day he was forced into early retirement from the DEA.

    Liam exhaled a long, weary sigh, his gaze trailing over the sparkling waves that lapped at the shoreline. The rhythmic sound of the surf had become a soothing backdrop to his solitary existence, a constant that he clung to as he tried to rebuild the shattered pieces of his life. But even here, in this idyllic seaside refuge, the darkness of his past refused to be silenced.

    He closed his eyes, feeling the warm ocean breeze caress his face, but the memory of that fateful operation refused to fade. The screams, the gunfire, the anguished faces of his fellow agents as they fell

    – it all played out in vivid detail behind his eyelids, a relentless torment that left him restless and on


    Liam opened his eyes, squinting against the glare of the sun. He had come here seeking peace, but the weight of his failure had followed him, a heavy shadow that hovered over his every waking moment. The guilt, the self-doubt, the overwhelming sense of responsibility – it was a burden that threatened to consume him, no matter how far he tried to run.

    With a frustrated grunt, Liam turned and began making his way back towards his modest beachfront bungalow. The simple, whitewashed structure had become a refuge, a place where he could escape the prying eyes of the locals and the reminders of his former life. But even here, he found no true solace, no respite from the demons that haunted him.

    As he approached the front door, a sudden movement in the corner of his eye caught his attention. Liam's hand instinctively went to the holster at his side, his fingers curling around the

    familiar grip of his weapon. His heart pounded in his chest as he scanned the area, every sense on high alert.

    It was then that he saw it – a flash of movement, a glimpse of something that didn't belong in this serene, tranquil setting. Liam's breath caught in his throat as he caught sight of a body, sprawled on the ground just a few yards away, partially hidden by the lush tropical foliage.

    Without hesitation, Liam sprinted towards the motionless figure, his mind racing with a mixture of dread and determination. As he drew closer, the sickening reality of the situation became clear – the body belonged to a young woman, her delicate features frozen in a mask of terror, her once-vibrant skin now pale and lifeless.

    Liam dropped to his knees beside the victim, his hands trembling as he reached out to check for a pulse. But even before his fingers touched her skin, he knew it was too late. The woman was gone, her body brutalized in a way that sent a chill down

    Liam's spine.

    For a long moment, Liam sat there, his mind reeling, the weight of this discovery bearing down on him like a physical force. The quiet solitude he had sought had been shattered, replaced by the harsh realities of the world he had tried to leave behind.

    A sudden sound in the distance snapped Liam out of his trance, and he quickly scanned the area, his senses on high alert. Whoever had done this could still be nearby, and the last thing he needed was to become a target himself.

    Liam rose to his feet, his gaze fixed on the lifeless body before him. He knew he should call the authorities, to let the local police handle the investigation. But something deep within him, a sense of duty and responsibility that he thought he had left behind, refused to let him walk away.

    With a resolute set to his jaw, Liam pulled out his phone and dialed a number he hadn't used in months. As the line connected, he took one last

    look at the victim, a silent promise to uncover the truth and bring her killer to justice.

    This is Liam Donovan, he said, his voice steady and determined.

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