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Redemption Reckoning
Redemption Reckoning
Redemption Reckoning
Ebook49 pages43 minutes

Redemption Reckoning

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The dim glow of a single lamp cast a somber hue over the sparse confines of Carter's apartment, the shadows seeming to close in around him like the weight of his own guilt. Seated in the worn leather chair, his gaze fixed on the amber liquid swirling in the glass clutched tightly in his hand, he was once again haunted by the ghosts of his past.

Release dateMay 6, 2024
Redemption Reckoning

Tracy Ambrosio

Tracy Ambrosio Graduated from the University of Toronto in Canada in English. Graduated in Porto at ISCAP - Instituto Superior de Contabilidade and Porto Administration, since 2007. PhD in Marketing and researcher at CEOS

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    Book preview

    Redemption Reckoning - Tracy Ambrosio

    Chapter 1: Ghosts of the Past

    The dim glow of a single lamp cast a somber hue over the sparse confines of Carter's apartment, the shadows seeming to close in around him like the weight of his own guilt. Seated in the worn leather chair, his gaze fixed on the amber liquid swirling in the glass clutched tightly in his hand, he was once again haunted by the ghosts of his past.

    The memories replayed in his mind with agonizing clarity – the chaos of the raid, the thunderous crack of gunfire, the anguished cry of his partner as the life drained from his eyes. And then, the sickening realization that Ramirez, the cartel kingpin they had been hunting for years, had slipped through their fingers, escaping into the night.

    That fateful day had shattered Carter, shattering his faith in the system he had once believed in and the justice he had sworn to uphold. The weight of his

    failure had become a constant, suffocating presence, driving him into a self-imposed exile where he could no longer bear to face his former colleagues or the world he had once inhabited.

    Now, trapped in the confines of his dimly lit apartment, Carter had traded the adrenaline-fueled raids and high-stakes operations of his DEA days for the relative safety and solitude of a private security contractor. But the demons that plagued him refused to be silenced, their relentless whispers a constant reminder of the price he had paid for his past mistakes.

    With a heavy sigh, Carter drained the last of the whiskey, the familiar burn providing a momentary respite from the torment of his thoughts. He knew that he could never truly outrun the ghosts that haunted him, no matter how far he tried to retreat from the world. They would always be there, a part of him, a testament to the consequences of his actions – or, more accurately, his inaction on that fateful day.

    As the empty glass slipped from his fingers, clattering to the floor, Carter's gaze drifted to the framed photograph on the nearby table – a reminder of the partner he had lost, the life he had failed to save. It was a constant, painful reminder of the price of his failure, a burden he knew he would carry for the rest of his days.

    But in the depths of his self-imposed exile, a spark of determination still flickered within him, a glimmer of hope that perhaps, one day, he could find a way to make amends, to reclaim the redemption that had eluded him for so long. It was a fragile flame, one that he had struggled to keep alive, but it refused to be extinguished, no matter how deeply he had buried it beneath the weight of his guilt and regret., The shrill ring of his cell phone cut through the oppressive silence, shattering the fragile peace that had settled over Carter's apartment. His heart raced as he recognized the number displayed on the screen – a connection to the world he had so desperately tried to leave behind.

    With a deep, steadying breath, Carter answered the call, bracing himself for the news he knew was coming. The panicked voice on the other end confirmed his worst fears – Ramirez, the cartel kingpin who had eluded him all those years ago, had resurfaced. Worse still, the informant revealed that the ruthless criminal was assembling a new criminal empire, intent on seizing control of the city's lucrative drug trade.

    Carter felt the familiar knot of dread tighten in the pit of his stomach as the gravity

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