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Red Devil Curse
Red Devil Curse
Red Devil Curse
Ebook458 pages7 hours

Red Devil Curse

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About this ebook

Lazlo Percival Danes, the most feared criminal in Fairmont Hallow, quickly finds his life falling into complete shambles. His magic can't save him from the worst betrayal from someone close to him. Finding out who the mastermind behind the manipulation throws him out of sorts making him question himself. Little did he expect to find his best ally would be from the other side.


Detective Dillan McKanely found herself a chance to prove herself and to expand her families private detective business. Although she quickly learned the new town forced her to use unconventional methods to even the playing field. She is chasing the largest criminal organization in the whole county that has a known magic user, but is he really the one pulling the strings? Can she save the mind of someone who doesn't think they are worth saving?


Can they both navigate a changing world while still keeping their minds intact or will they spiral out of control?

Release dateJun 29, 2024
Red Devil Curse

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    Red Devil Curse - Taybian M.F. Lemon


    Staring blankly watching as the dark silver casket lowered into the ground, his whole life flashed through his mind. He himself didn’t know what to think but he knew without a doubt that Johnny, his brother, was feeling like his whole world was crumbling and there is nothing that could console him. Lazlo stood quiet, not moving much, like a statue until Johnny did, he just remained at his side even as others from the service all slowly dispersed. He glanced over at the headstone, not moving his head just his eyes to read what Johnny had put on it. Beloved. Maren Jane Barron. The dearest Daughter, Wife, and Mother. He read, feeling his stomach turn with the word mother.

    Maren may have been Johnny’s mother and definitely a good one at that, but Lazlo was not her child and she made that very clear to him on far more occasions than he could count. He was conflicted by her death as he may not have been treated the greatest by her, but he did know she had protected him from being treated far worse by his father. He also had made her a promise to keep Johnny safe and to keep an eye on him even though he knew Johnny was plenty capable of taking care of himself.

    Just as both boys finally turned to leave the grave site after standing for what felt like an eternity. Lazlo saw a woman standing off in the distance that he didn’t remember seeing at the service. He figured Johnny must have seen her too because he hesitated to get into the car looking over to where she was. The entire car ride back to the old house was quiet with Johnny keeping his eyes out the window and Lazlo keeping his on his lap thinking on what to say despite knowing that he can’t say anything to make Johnny feel a little better. As his mother and father were both dead and Lazlo’s mother was still alive, however, not knowing where he was or what he was doing.

    Once the house, they grew up in and that Johnny’s mother still had lived in until her last days in the hospital, Lazlo felt his stomach turn again. He hated this house. He hated the very thought of having to be back here, but he had to be here for Johnny. Johnny knew deep down that Lazlo didn’t want to be back here at this house. He could see the pained clenched jaw his younger brother was failing to hide from him, but he did appreciate the effort throughout this whole thing. He knew Lazlo didn’t really want to go to the service or help clear out the house.

    Johnny plopped down in what used to be their father’s chair with a heavy sigh trying to hold himself from breaking down completely. He couldn’t hear Lazlo walking around, so he figured he was just still standing by the front door not wanting to actually come inside. Go home Lazlo! Johnny shouted at him from the chair. He didn’t hear a response in any form, not by words, not by movement, and not by any sort of sound almost like he wasn’t even there. He curiously got up from the chair and walked back over into the kitchen where he had left Lazlo standing.

    Lazlo? Johnny called to him. Still no response. He rounded the corner of the kitchen and saw Lazlo standing there with a piece of paper in his hand reading it very intently. Lazlo? What’s that? He asked, slowly approaching him seeing his brother’s brows furrowed. Laz? What’re you reading? Johnny stopped a few feet in front of him.

    Nothing! Lazlo answered quickly seeing Johnny’s hand reach forward toward him. He put the piece of paper behind his back just as quickly as he answered with a slightly wide-eyed expression on his face.

    Lazlo? Come on! What is that? Johnny pushed walking closer with the obvious intent to grab the paper from behind Lazlo’s back.

    Nothing! It’s not anything important. Lazlo said keeping it away from Johnny’s grasp without moving his feet.

    Lazlo! Johnny barked at him.

    Lazlo obviously saw Johnny wasn’t going to relent with wanting to see what was in his hands and was starting to get frustrated that Johnny wouldn’t dare drop it. After a little while of Lazlo trying to keep it away from Johnny’s reach, he felt his hand heating up. Johnny saw and could smell the smoke coming from behind Lazlo’s back giving him the most annoyed look he could muster. Lazlo sighed pulling his hand back from around his back feeling the ashes crumbling in his hand.

    It was nothing. Lazlo’s voice fell sounding very defeated. They both knew what happened as Lazlo looked at his hand with slight hatred in his eyes, which Johnny saw but ignored. They both stood there silently looking at the ashes of what used to be paper that Lazlo dumped on the counter so he could shove his hands into his pockets in a fist. His classic move whenever he did something that he knew he would’ve gotten in trouble for or when he felt he might not be able to control it.

    Forgot that your temper was attached to that? Johnny pointed out not really sounding like he was asking but more telling that sometimes he himself forgot. Lazlo didn’t verbally respond but rather just lowered his head avoiding Johnny’s eyes entirely hoping he didn’t think Lazlo would’ve burned down his mother’s house as he had nearly done before and had accidentally set a warehouse on fire. The thought about the warehouse fire did flash through Johnny’s mind but not that Lazlo would ever intentionally set something on fire as he never had.

    Go home. Johnny said flatly and unintentionally mad. Lazlo kept his head low but dutifully turned around and walked out the door deciding he would leave the car for Johnny. He just kept walking feeling his heart sink but knowing he shouldn’t take that to heart since Johnny did just lose his mother. While Lazlo walked home, Johnny quietly stood in the kitchen looking at the pile of ashes thinking he may have been too harsh in his tone to Lazlo. He cleaned up the ashes from the counter curious of what was on the damn paper but knowing Lazlo most likely won’t tell him especially if it had something to do with his mother.

    After some time of gathering various things, putting them in boxes to take out to the car while trying to hold the tears in. He walked out to the car with the boxes in hand planning on taking them back to his apartment. He noticed a woman standing by the car just as he came back out of the house with one last box. She was standing by the corner of the fence watching him very intently. He gave her a glare as he walked to the car making note that she was indeed watching him, which he was very annoyed at. He normally wouldn’t be bothered by this kind of behavior as he was used to other organizations staking them out because his father was former boss of the Red Devil organization. With his father dead, him and Lazlo have both decided to take a break from it with Johnny sometimes being approached for favors.

    If you are following me for Red Devil business. I’m afraid I can’t help you. He shouted over to her leaning into the car adjusting the boxes to secure them. She didn’t respond to him but rather walked up to the car. Red Devil isn’t operational anymore. Find someone else for your favor. He snipped at her annoyed that someone dared approach him about business after his mother’s funeral and even having the audacity to stalk at her service.

    That’s a shame. Everyone seemed so afraid of your organization when I’ve asked around about you. Mr. Barron. The woman’s voice was sultry which felt off putting to him.

    Mr. Barron was my father. He answered annoyed.

    He was also the original Red Devil as I have been told. The confusion for me is why wasn’t the mantle passed to you but rather your half-brother? He doesn’t even have your father’s name. She said, making it obvious that she knew far more than other organizations.

    What the hell? Who do you think you are? How the hell do you know that information? He snarled at her aggressively grabbing her by the neck and pushing her against the car. He wasn’t new to using violence to get information out of anybody even if it was a woman. She grabbed the wrist of the hand that was tightly holding her throat attempting to pull it off even a little bit so she could breathe. Her pulling at his arm wasn’t enough compared to the shear strength that he had against her as she was far older than he was and obviously nowhere near his fitness level.

    Please let me explain. She rasped, feeling her throat being crushed under his hand.

    He debated whether or not to let her go, teetering from realizing she looked around his mother’s age but also knowing that she has knowledge about something nobody is supposed to know. He took a deep breath and let go of her, letting her drop to the ground watching her grab her throat as she was sitting on the ground on her knees. He squatted down looking her in the eyes with the most angered expression in his eyes. What do you want? He hissed at her lowly.

    I could help you. She coughed trying to clear her throat. My name is Susie-Lynn Hall. I- She rasped out.

    I know who you are... You’re a public irritation, not much of a threat... How the hell could you help me with anything? Besides, I don’t need or want help. And if you knew what was best for you and had listened to all those people you seemed to have talked to, you’d run right now. He growled at her.

    Mom! A girl’s voice shouted as it came barreling down the sidewalk toward them.

    Johnny quickly stood straight up pulling a gun out of the car and pointing it to the girl making her stop dead in her tracks wide-eyed staring from the barrel to her mother on the ground. His jaw tensed as he looked this girl in the eye seeing the same worry on her face as he had while his mother was lying in a hospital bed. This made him hesitate where he normally wouldn’t have.

    Please don’t shoot my daughter! Susie pleaded as she slowly stood leaning against the car. She saw his jaw clench as he slowly lowered the gun breathing heavily as if he had been running but he was really just struggling with his own mind and was exhausted from having very little sleep this past week. He threw the gun back into the car through the window after flicking the safety on and gave a heavy sigh seeming like he let all the air out of his lungs.

    What do you want? He asked tiredly, walking to the back of the car with his hand over his eyes rubbing his temples. At this point he just wanted to go home and be left in peace to mourn his mother.

    I want to help you and I hope you can help me. Susie watched him fiddle around in the back of the car.

    Help you? With what? He snipped, giving her a glare.

    Mother, Are you sure about him? Susie’s daughter said softly walking up behind her.

    And your name is? Johnny asked cocking his head looking at her attemptedly up and down even with her hiding behind Susie. She tried to shy away behind her mother more before answering him. Kelly-Ann. Her voice squeaked like a timid mouse which only made Johnny grin devilishly.

    We shouldn’t discuss this here in the open. Susie said, reverting his attention back to her.

    We can discuss it in the car then? Or would you both be more comfortable in my dead mother’s house. Johnny acrimoniously said.

    We can discuss in your car if you’d prefer as you aren’t the only one that’s armed. Susie warned happily disguising the threat just in case anyone else was listening. Johnny walked up to them opening both passenger side doors for them as his mother always told him to and waited until they both got in before closing the doors. He then quickly walked over to his door sitting down and looking over at Susie in the passenger seat.

    Who the hell do you think you are telling me you could help me? Johnny sneered at her. Help me with what? What do you think you could possibly do for me?

    I can help you bring your mother back. She said softly her face and posture steady; her resolve unshaken.

    Johnny looked at her unblinking and holding his breath as he just tried to process what he just heard. What do you mean I can bring her back? His voice was soft, not very akin to his reputation. He was staring at nothing, but his gaze was down at the center console of his car.

    It’s not an easy thing but my family does possess the knowledge and aiding magic to awaken someone’s body and soul from the dead. She spoke sternly but soft.

    Magic? He repeated skeptically. Magic isn’t real. He skillfully lied about the knowledge that wasn’t widely known.

    I know of your brother’s ability, and I know very well that you are knowledgeable about it. She cocked her head boastfully.

    I could just make you do it. He snarled threateningly.

    I cannot. My family only had aiding magic for this particular spell. She was unfazed by his threat.

    Had? He caught her phrasing.

    My family was cursed by another a long time ago from a misunderstanding and there is only one way to fix it which is how you would come in to help me.

    You’re suggesting that my family cursed yours? He glared at her.

    That was a long time ago so there are no hard feelings anymore. Susie quipped. We can discuss this more at another time when tensions are lower. Wouldn’t you agree?

    I do. He replied quietly allowing both women to get out of his car leaving him to think it over.

    Chapter 1

    Walking up to this huge house that seemed a little terrifying against the blackening sky of dusk was a young woman accompanied by a burly man. Even with the burly man she was terrified of the house just knowing the history of it. The house belonged to one of the founding families of the town, the Hallows, with the founding member being well known for his insanity and supposedly haunting the house and the grounds. Apparently, his ghost wasn’t fond of visitors and would often scare them away, but she had no choice but to brave the old ghost stories to see the detective that lived here.

    The detective wasn’t new to town anymore. However, everyone was still rather careful with hiring a private detective even if they knew the current police commissioner’s son mostly, because the town rumors had spread saying that the detective knew how to use magic with which everyone was terrified of due to the running rampant Red Devil organization which often use magic as a scare and threatening tactic. The burly man was the one to urge the young woman to actually talk to the detective considering her problem which did involve the Red Devil organization.

    She gingerly knocked on the door with the man standing on the top step of the porch behind her. The door opened quicker than she had anticipated, she took a step back from the door a little scared only to be shocked when she saw a young woman smiling brightly as she greeted her. Hello! Are you here for Detective McKanely? The woman asked, her voice super soft yet loud.

    Uh... Yes, I am... Is she here? The young woman on the porch asked.

    Yes, she is... Please come in... I’m Mazebelle. And you are? Mazebelle asked politely.

    My name is Sophie... I was wondering if the detective could help me find my step-brother. Sophie asked as, she and the man walked in.

    I sure can try! And he is? The young female detective came down the hall toward the door nodding her head toward the man.

    Oh! Uh, this is Freddy... He was friends with my step-brother. Sophie turned to him for half a second.

    The detective looked Freddy up and down, noticing his jacket which was black leather with red stripes down either side of the front and back with an emblem that she very much recognized on the right breast pocket. The emblem was two little horns like a devil, telling her everything she needed to know about Freddy. How did you and her step-brother meet? She asked him, ignoring Sophie.

    Ugh... Umm, work. Freddy stammered, not expecting to be asked anything.

    What kind of work? She pushed.

    Uh, just labor work. He tried to lie, not realizing just how weak it was.

    Interesting... Nice jacket. She said sharply.

    Dillan... you aren’t helping your reputation around here. Mazebelle reminded her.

    Fine... Why don’t you two come upstairs to my office and tell me what you can. She told them turning on her heels toward the stairs.

    The pair followed behind her up the stairs toward an open door down the hall that was covered with family photos. Sophie noticed Mazebelle in one of them and figured out really quickly that she was the Hallow that lived there. She felt the fear of being in the house take back over her body as she saw the picture of the founding member of the town of this family, Happ Hallow. He was standing in front of the town sign that was still up to this day welcoming people to the town of Fairmont Hallow. The town was founded by three different families, the Fairs, the Montelles, and the Hallows, with the Fairs and the Montelles also founding two other towns in the county with theories of them just wanting to get away from the crazy Hallow’s.

    What’s the deal with your step-brother... and does it involve the Red Devil Organization? Dillan asked sitting down in her office chair and gesturing for them to sit on the couch in the room.

    How did you– Sophie asked confused.

    The jacket! I know the emblem all too well now... Two red stripes mean low-level enforcer... I’m guessing your step-brother was also a member? Dillan asked, spinning around in her chair grabbing a notepad then spinning back to them.

    Ya, he was... He was just a mover. Freddy took over in explaining.

    Mover? So, he dealt with merchandise and other organizations? Dillan asked.

    Ya... Soph told me that he hadn’t been home in a while, and I haven’t seen him around after a deal at a warehouse had gone down with another organization. Freddy told her.

    Warehouse? Where? Dillan questioned.

    Down at the docks... I know some of the other organizations have been trying to get spies into Red Devil and he told me one of them offered him money to tell them when certain deals were going down or when Red Devil himself would be at a deal since he doesn’t show up very often unless there was a problem or it’s a new partner. Freddy may have offered up a little too much information to be an active enforcer.

    You aren’t a member anymore, are you? She noted the amount he told her knowing if he was he wouldn’t even be here.

    How do you know that? Sophie butted in crudely.

    Current members wouldn’t give information so freely nor would they be here in the first place... My guess with the jacket is that you have a habit of putting it on, and you probably haven’t been a member in a while since the jacket seems rather old and only has two stripes and is of an old design... They recently have changed their gear so what are you really wanting? Dillan looked at them very seriously and was kind of amused by their shocked faces after she had called them out on their bullshit.

    Okay, okay... There was a deal that did go down at a dock warehouse, and I think Red is going to be at the same warehouse in two days with another deal from one of the weapon dealers. I was offered money to find out what the shipment was that was coming in from the dealer by another organization that has something on me, and I have asked Freddy for help knowing he used to work for them but– Sophie explained.

    I couldn’t do much to help since my connections to the organization are either old and worn out or dead. Freddy interrupted.

    So, they are blackmailing you to steal from Red Devil? That’s bold. Dillan raised her brow in surprise, she was shocked they abandoned the whole step brother thing so quickly.

    Can you help me? Sophie pleaded.

    No promises... Mazey! Can you show them out? Dillan shouted down the hall out of her door as she started up with the research of what she knew of the deals the Red Devil Organization had over this past week or so. Mazey happily showed the pair back to the door knowing that Dillan was now fully diving into whatever research she was doing, especially since it involved the Red Devil.

    So is she helping us or not? Sophie shared Freddy’s confusion.

    Yes she is. Mazey told them before closing the door behind them. She chortled a smile leaning against the door knowing her roommate all to well. She would no doubt find the deal and be ready for it before anyone else could even figure out what organization wants that information and risked blackmailing Sophie.

    Chapter 2

    Approaching the warehouse on the docks slowly, Dillan's decision was wavering between going in as a vigilante or as her normal detective self. Dillan McKanely co-owned and ran a detective agency with her family and had branched it off into another town. A town that seemed to have a more magic undertone, almost like it draws the supernatural but also hides it. Dillan herself felt the draw but she also knew how to resist a magic draw as her family has a long line of using magic and a natural affinity for it, so they learned to hide well and resist anyone or anything's magic pull.

    One of the downsides to this new town was that she often found herself needing to bend the rules a lot more just to make sure the cops and justice system didn’t overload and collapse from magic-based corruption. She turned to vigilantism to help her do this, which wouldn’t be the first time she has done this, but it isn’t something she did much back in her hometown. With this town, it didn’t really give her much choice so every so often she would don a cloak and mask to aid her own investigations as well as the D.A. and cops.

    She crept forward looking carefully around corners peering around and every time she did her bag would swing around and hit her almost as if it was urging her to put the mask and cloak on. With a sigh, she put the bag on the floor next to her, kneeling down before taking one last look around the corner. As she looked, she saw a very familiar figure walk across the top catwalk of the warehouse. Shit. She said under her breath as she turned back away pushing her back against the wall. She knew with little detail that this could’ve been a possibility but was really hoping he wasn’t coming to this deal.

    She took another quick look around the corner just confirming what she was hoping she didn’t see but she did. It was the Red Devil, a bad guy or villain that seemed to have disappeared some time ago just to show up redesigned and seemingly younger and far different. Dillan had gone against him before in her little get-up and knew just by his voice and the way he moved, behaved, and carried himself that he was probably around her age. That has always led her to believe that the Red Devil is possibly a family thing being passed down.

    She knew she would now absolutely have to put the mask and cloak on. She put them on quickly, leaving her bag on the floor and slinking over to the other side of the doorway, keeping her eye on him as she crossed the opening. She kept moving along, keeping close to the wall, and staying low enough she couldn’t be seen when passing by a window. She got to the furthest end of the warehouse keeping low, walking on a dark catwalk to the side of the building where she saw him. If she could sneak up on him hopefully, she could get him with little fight. Her hopes were thrown out the window when a little mouse scurried away from her and moved a pipe by running into it causing it to fall and hit the bottom level.

    She flinched, closing her eyes, and giving a little wince at the sound hoping he wouldn’t pay any mind to it, but the sound did very much catch his attention. He looked over in her direction, anyone who didn’t know her tactics wouldn’t have seen or noticed anything, he noticed small details and in doing so he saw her crouched down against the wall. He knew she knew he could see her however he was more interested in a theory he had about her, so he didn’t do anything. He didn’t want her to know he knew where she was, but he did want her to know he knew she was there.

    Shadow?... Is that you making noise? He said with a pleased smirk and a devious tone. Shadow is what everyone in the town and the papers had started calling her since she started this thing against him 5 years ago. Every time they went toe to toe the banter between the two seemed very sarcastically standoffish leaning more towards flirty on his side of it. Dillan always just brushed off the flirty stuff thinking he was just trying to distract her. She could hear it in his tone of voice as of late that something happened to him. He wasn’t as flirty or sarcastic this past year and even his normal devious tone came off more flat to her. Maybe it was that year were the organization ceased to exist only to come back different.

    She didn’t answer him, and she also didn't move. She just watched from her spot like a stone statue as he paced the catwalk keeping his eyes on something happening outside. He ignored her long enough until the deal was actually about to go down and money was going to be exchanged for whatever it was that he was sent to get. He waltzed over to the corner where she was, knowing she most likely found somewhere else to hide. He figured she was probably on one of the beams above him waiting and watching him. He wasn’t sure if she was going to attack him or if she had some other motive for being there.

    She watched him carefully from one of the upper support beams of the building that she launched herself onto while he was distractedly looking outside. She was curious if he really was involved in this deal or if he was going to steal from it. The deal was an arms one, trading weapons for money. Dillan's investigation had brought her here to the deal because one of the family members of her client or her client themselves may have been involved with the deal in a bad way. She knew that if Red Devil was involved in this deal too that was even more reason to be careful with how she went about the case.

    Red Devil was starting to get impatient as he watched the deal continue on. He knew as soon as this customer of the dealer left he’d be coming into the warehouse to discuss something with him, and he didn’t want Shadow to know what the deal was since not even his brother knew of this deal and his Father who had recently passed didn’t know of this set up either. He was concealing a lot of information and plans so he could set of apart from their plans and manipulation of him which they had both done along with his step-mother early his whole life due to his affinity for magic which his brother didn’t appear to have.

    Shadow why don’t you come on out! I’m getting a little impatient and itching for a good stretch. Red Devil said now pacing as he watched the deal coming to a close.

    Now, Now Red settle down. She responded jumping down and walking into his view. She stood some distance in front of him, standing in the moonlight and the little light that came from a streetlight. He took a couple steps forward toward her walking into the moonlight that shone on her rather than the steady harsh light coming from the lower level of the warehouse where the deal was. The moonlight was shining through a large outer window on both of them, the only thing of her that was visible with the light was her cloak with the hood up keeping her entirely covered and he was fully visible with his deep blood-red leather jacket over his usual button up black shirt and dark navy blue jeans, but his face was kept hidden by a mask that covered 3/4ths of his face.

    Wow! Red, a little lax on the fit there. Jeans? Not Slacks? She teased hoping to push his buttons even further than they already were. He didn’t visibly react but in his head, he thought it was hilariously interesting that she always seemed to notice even the smallest of differences like when he stopped wearing the suit jacket and wore his leather jacket. His father, who was the Red Devil before him wore something more flashy, kinda like an Elvis getup which he changed entirely once he was handed the mantle. He changed it to more crossroads devil in a nice suit which his father approved of and he knew would be easier for him to change to his own style after his dad was gone i.e. the leather jacket and jeans.

    They stood silent for a few seconds before he heard a warehouse door open. It was the dealer. Red quickly moved, taking his jacket off and dropping it off the ledge having it fall in front of the dealer, which was a predetermined signal something had gone wrong, and they split and met up another time. The dealer took off in a flash just as Red ran up to Shadow at the ready. She however was ready for him and dodged at the last minute due to their fighting over the last five years she knew his style well and he knew hers relatively well, but she was still unpredictable.

    Even with her dodge to start he did manage to get a good starting hit at her, spinning around to get her after she dodged, getting a good hit in with the tip of his foot. He hooked the tip of his foot around her knee pulling it toward him and making her falter a little as she caught herself before completely falling. His little trick just annoyed her as she caught herself. She twisted around launching herself toward his abdomen hoping to knock him off balance just a little but wasn’t able to get enough momentum to make him fall back. Whenever the two of them fought they both matched well, due to knowing their fighting styles well. Dillan uses her smaller but stocky stature to move around sneakily but also allows her to be a hell of a moving force if she has the proper momentum. Whereas Red Devil is taller and built sturdy but still lean not like a beanpole but not bodybuilder-like.

    Red braced himself as he saw her launch herself toward him. She wrapped her arms around his waist grappling style, swinging herself around to twist him around tipping him off balance. He counterbalanced by leaning away from the direction she twisted him. He pried her hands off his waist, keeping hold of them which kept them together in an attempt to trap her or get an advantage over her. This she took as leverage to gut-kick him and due to his height she was able to get enough momentum and power behind the kick that it packed quite the punch. He dropped her as he stumbled back grabbing at his stomach and groaning with annoyance.

    She dropped roughly to the ground as he let go of her hands. Her body made a loud thud as it hit the ground making her make a pained groan. Seeing that his balance was off kilter, and he was distracted by his little gut pain she took the chance and swept his leg making him fall to the ground across from her. She laughed a little at hearing another annoyed groan from him as he plopped to the ground. Oh, think this is funny do you? He said breathless due to getting the wind knocked out of him from his little plop.

    Actually ya! She said taunting him as she rolled over to get up. With him still down on the ground she took the opportunity to possibly catch him which may have been a cocky move. She quickly ran over to him kneeling on top of him with her knee digging into his chest. As he struggled to breathe from under the weight, she was pushing down he grabbed her knee in both his hands bending his legs up to push himself sideways dragging her with him. Now she lay under him as he let go of her knee, putting his hands around her throat and on her shoulder.

    Her knee had now straightened out as she struggled against his grip on her throat trying to wiggle out of it. She pushed on his face with her hand moving his mask a little but not enough to make it fall off as it formed to his face well and was tied on tightly. They both rolled around on the floor for a bit him choking her and her trying to push him off but only managing to roll atop of him from time to time. She suddenly got the idea of raising her knee back up but this time bringing her foot up with it to push him off. She managed to wiggle her foot up past him enough that she got a good foothold. Well good for her, not so much for him, as her foothold was his crotch.

    Before he could react, she launched him over her head rolling him in a backward summersault. He felt the instant pain shoot up from where her foot was and rolled over with pain and discomfort. He groaned silently as he struggled to get up from the floor since this would be the third time he got slammed into the floor by her in a short span. Realizing this would be a losing fight or a very prolonged one since they match in skill, he decided it was time for his exit. He was given a supposed smoke-disappearing spell which he didn’t really know what it did, but it was the only thing he could currently think of to aid him.

    Obumbrata per oculum mentis, Ab altero ortu solis personata.

    He mumbled the words quietly to himself and grabbed the little pouch of dust stuff from his pocket slamming it down to the ground which made a huge poof of smoke that sent her into a coughing fit and heavy daze that felt blinding and made her body feel too heavy to move allowing him to get away from the fight. He was now out of the building and stumbled getting into his car which was parked not too far away, allowing him quick access. The car wasn’t connected to his real identity but rather attached to the dealings of Red Devil. The person under the Red Devil mask was someone with a very different persona and personality compared to the villain.

    Chapter 3

    Lazlo Danes, being the current Red Devil’s real name received the villain persona and mantle from his father who couldn’t carry it on due to old injuries and failing health and more recently his passing. Even though the mantle could’ve been passed on to his slightly older half-brother Johnny who was named after their father. Lazlo was only a couple of months younger than Johnny and Johnny never let him forget he’s the older of the two, especially back when they were growing up. Lazlo preferred to not have to deal with the whole Red Devil thing and was hoping to drop it after their father passed but one of John’s old enemies had other ideas and was keeping Johnny captive somewhere making Lazlo do their bidding.

    Lazlo left in his car to meet up with a friend of his that he unfortunately or possibly fortunately met during his Red Devil work. His friend, Roger, works as an arms dealer and a quite well-known one at that,

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