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Faith in Science
Faith in Science
Faith in Science
Ebook90 pages1 hour

Faith in Science

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About this ebook

Some inspiring phrases by the writer

Man before faith, man before authority, man is a place no man has reached

Reason is all we have and love is all we want

Success without proof and love without conditions

I lost everything and gained myself, and when I gained myself, I gained everything

Between the depression of religious people and the mania of politicians, we may not see people's hearts

Between the chatter of the mind and the silence of the heart, we may not see people's hearts

Adam was in the garden of nature before he ate from the tree of knowledge, so knowledge became Adam's path to nature

Publisherali alkholify
Release dateJul 2, 2024
Faith in Science

ali alkholify

An Egyptian writer, born in 1982 on the first of October in Cairo. Graduate of Helwan University, Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration. He believes in self-education and the importance of science and knowledge. He worked as an accountant in a contracting company. He began reading on a daily basis from the beginning of 2020 and worked on writing on a daily basis from the beginning of 2023 with a belief in self-development

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    Faith in Science - ali alkholify

    Faith in science


    Ali Al-kholify

    Some wisdom and lessons

    Man before faith, man before authority, man is a place no man has reached

    Reason is all we have and love is all we want

    The story is the reality inside every human being, a story that he cannot tell anyone about, and whoever sees people’s stories, his story will be trivialized for him. This is the importance of drama and art. The human being is a story that his mind created and that he himself now lives.

    Masculinity expels Satan and femininity brings angels

    Know that you are absolutely accepted without proof. You are accepted without conditions, without evidence, and without

    Trying to prove that, know that you are accepted without being good, successful, unsuccessful, or corrupt, without arrogant angelicism, and without angry devilishness. Respect the one who makes a mistake without reprimanding, because without guilt there is no sin, so there is no shame except ignorance.

    Love is God and the heart is God. Love is the path without a goal, and the heart is the goal without a path, and knowledge opens the path and achieves the goal

    Passion before love is a world, and passion after love is paradise

    Reconciliation before reform

    Act without reacting and react without emotion

    Belief in the truth and disbelief in the truth, there is no faith without knowledge, and knowledge is inseparable from religion, and likewise faith is based on an idea, so there is no blind faith, but rather faith is insight and that everything is fine and that it is all good. Faith is to see before and more than people.

    Success without proof and love without conditions

    Knowledge is wisdom and unity is intelligence

    Every disease has a cure except stupidity, who is tired of treating it

    Stupidity is the greatest sin and the first enemy

    Insanity is fanaticism

    Fear of fear is depression and anger of anger is madness

    Feeling is the treatment of feeling

    Feeling, receiving feeling

    The soul is a disease of feeling and the mind is a disease of feeling

    People are the mirror of the soul, as you see them, so you are. The depressed person sees the world as bad, and the optimistic person sees the world as good

    I lost everything, I gained myself, and when I gained myself, I gained everything

    The successful person does not try, because the successful person creates opportunities, but the opportunist takes the opportunities of the unprepared

    Love is gratitude and anger is blasphemy

    Wisdom is depth and intelligence is speed

    Reality changes by accepting it and we change by rejecting it

    Between the depression of religious people and the mania of politicians, we may not see people's hearts

    Between the chatter of the mind and the silence of the heart, we may not see people's hearts

    God knows the hearts of people

    Behind every attachment is rejection, and behind every rejection is attachment

    From the laws of energy, the greater the effort, the greater the resistance. As for the human law, rest, success will come to you with rest. Diseases will suffer with rest. The mind handles matters with rest. Everything happens alone.

    Everything that guides to life is guided to God, and everything that guides to death is guided to Satan

    Adam was in the Garden of nature before he ate from the tree of knowledge, so knowledge became Adam’s path to nature. Adam did not disobey his Lord out of knowledge, but rather Adam disobeyed his Lord out of desire and curiosity for knowledge. When a son reaches the age of Maturity, he leaves his father’s house. Likewise, Adam left Paradise to discover himself in the Holy Bible, the Book of Genesis (  2:9 And the Lord God made it grow The earth is every tree desirable to the sight and good for food, and the tree of life is in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil).  We all live or we all die.  This is because life is a shared responsibility and the fate is the same. One person may make a mistake and the other may pay the price, because life does not want to separate anyone, as we are all a family in a small house.

    You are the lords. Man is a refuge for himself. Worship is not dependence, and religiosity is not depression. Go to God from your love, not from your despair. God is in your heart, but show me how you will go to Him. The mind will imprison you and the soul will darken you.

    God is the ideal, we are all the best, and God is our personal ideal. We all see imperfection, we all search for perfection. This is succession. The merciful will have mercy on them, and whoever does not thank people does not thank God.  And love those on earth and those in heaven will love you

    Attention comes from the heart and neglect comes from the mind

    Love from the heart and fear from the mind

    Faith comes from the heart and disbelief comes from the mind

    Acceptance comes from the heart and denial comes from the mind

    Understanding from the heart and judgment from the mind

    The future is from the heart and the past is from the mind

    Feeling is from the heart and thought is from the mind

    Purity comes from the heart and pollution comes from the mind

    Leadership from the heart and management from the mind

    Rest from the heart and effort from the mind

    God is the heart and religion is the mind

    Those who believed in peace fought those who did not believe in it, and those who believed in love hated those who did not believe in it.  Thus, true beliefs are meant to be false, and whoever believes in something does the opposite, and the role of science is to remove strange beliefs, all of which are strange and invite alienation and depression.

    True religion is not against nature. It does not distance you from people. It does not call for alienation. Do not escape from it Reality and do not go to it because of your despair, your lack of faith, and your lack of trust in anyone.  Religion is a belief in the heart, not a belief in the mind.

    Cowardice comes from the mind and boldness comes from the heart

    The mind creates stories and conflicts. The mind develops with stories and conflicts. The imagination wants perfection. You are either a failure who does not succeed, or a success who does not fail

    The mind is your path to the heart, the soul is your path to the soul, the heart is the successor of God, and the soul is a gateway to God

    Everything you reject is evil, everything you accept is good.  Customs are the source of religion and politics.  As for God, there is nothing like Him. It is much greater than this. Every group, faction, or faction has its own norms, without which it would not become a member of it, and they are declared and known, as they are united by a common enemy. This is how gangs or factions always gather.

    The tolerant person cannot be harmed by anyone

    Do not take revenge in the name of justice and do

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