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The Scattered Gods: Awakening of the Crystal Keepers: Futurescape Universe, #2
The Scattered Gods: Awakening of the Crystal Keepers: Futurescape Universe, #2
The Scattered Gods: Awakening of the Crystal Keepers: Futurescape Universe, #2
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The Scattered Gods: Awakening of the Crystal Keepers: Futurescape Universe, #2

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The Scattered Gods: Awakening of the Crystal Keepers (2nd Edition)

Unearth a forgotten secret and usher in a new era of harmony in this epic saga.

Centuries ago, Earth was a battleground. The once-powerful civilization of Atlantis fell victim to their own ambition, their advanced technology twisting into a tool for discord. In the aftermath, the scattered Crystal Keepers, guided by a mysterious crystal resonating with harmony, rose to restore peace. Their journey, fraught with sacrifice and wisdom, laid the foundation for a golden age.

Now, a golden age teeters on the edge of a new discovery. Generations have passed, and the Crystal Keepers are revered elders. Sustainable cities thrive, technology serves humanity, and the scars of the past seem a distant memory. However, a secret truth weighs heavily on them – the story of Atlantis.

Knowledge can be a weapon. When a young scholar unearths whispers of a lost civilization, the Crystal Keepers face a critical decision. Revealing the truth of Atlantis could ignite fear and paranoia, jeopardizing the fragile harmony they've built. Yet, keeping it hidden leaves future generations vulnerable to repeating the same mistakes.

As humanity prepares for its first interstellar voyage, a chilling question emerges. Will the spirit of harmony travel with them amongst the stars, or will the alluring darkness of the past resurface? The answer lies in the past, in the lessons learned from Atlantis and the unwavering belief in the power of unity.

The Scattered Gods: Awakening of the Crystal Keepers (2nd Edition) is a captivating saga that explores:

Rebuilding a harmonious society from the ashes of discord

The delicate balance between knowledge and responsibility

The seductive dangers of advanced technology

The enduring strength of friendship and sacrifice

Facing the unknown with a spirit of exploration and respect

Embark on this thought-provoking journey that celebrates harmony while acknowledging the ever-present threat of discord. It's a story that will resonate with readers who believe in the potential of humanity to create a brighter future, together.

PublisherDan Bune
Release dateJul 2, 2024
The Scattered Gods: Awakening of the Crystal Keepers: Futurescape Universe, #2

Dan Bune

About the Author. Dan Bune is a multifaceted professional with a diverse range of skills and passions. As a BPM, RPA, ML, and AI Solutions Architect, he specializes in designing and implementing cutting-edge solutions to enhance business processes and efficiency. Beyond the realms of technology, Dan is also a talented musician and game developer, infusing creativity into both his professional and personal pursuits. In the virtual landscape, Dan is the visionary mind behind the Futurescape Metaverse Game Concept, an immersive and innovative gaming experience that explores the intersections of technology and imagination. As an author, Dan has delved into the realms of time travel and futurism, contributing over 8 books to the speculative fiction genre. His storytelling prowess weaves intricate tales that captivate readers, transporting them to worlds where the boundaries of time and possibility are pushed to their limits. Dan Bune's work reflects a passion for both the analytical and creative aspects of life, showcasing a unique blend of technical expertise and artistic expression.

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    The Scattered Gods - Dan Bune

    Cadeus Solutions

    The Scattered Gods: Awakening of the Crystal Keepers

    2nd Edition

    Copyright © 2024 by Cadeus Solutions

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise without written permission from the publisher. It is illegal to copy this book, post it to a website, or distribute it by any other means without permission.

    First edition

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    1. Chapter 1: Remembering the Good Parts

    2. Chapter 2: Awkward God Squad Meeting

    3. Chapter 3: Gods Among mortals (and Mosquitoes)

    4. Chapter 4: Echoes of the Past

    5. Chapter 5: Whispers of Doubt

    6. Chapter 6: Unlocking the Spark

    7. Chapter 7: Trials and Tribulations (with a Hint of Traps)

    8. Chapter 8: Whispers of Atlantis

    9. Chapter 9: Fractured Trust

    10. Chapter 10: Echoes of a Fallen City

    11. Chapter 11: Echoes in the Abyss

    12. Chapter 12: Echoes of a Fallen Kingdom

    13. Chapter 13: Trial by Harmony

    14. Chapter 14: Fractured Harmony

    15. Chapter 15: Echoes of Destiny

    16. Chapter 16: Temporal Echoes

    17. Chapter 17: Worldly Sirens

    18. Chapter 18: The Crystal’s Song

    19. Chapter 19: Echoes of the Past

    20. Chapter 20: Forging Bonds

    21. Chapter 21: Whispers from the Past

    22. Chapter 22: Trials of the Ascended

    23. Chapter 23: Discordant Notes

    24. Chapter 24: Betrayal Redeemed

    25. Chapter 25: The Crystal’s Power Unleashed

    26. Chapter 26: The Final Battle Approaches

    27. Chapter 27: Revelation and Sacrifice

    28. Chapter 28: The New Era

    29. Chapter 29: Decision Time

    30. Chapter 30: A Harmonious Earth

    31. Epilogue – A Harmonious Discord


    Chapter 1: Remembering the Good Parts

    The Scattered Gods: Awakening of the Crystal Keepers

    Chapter 1: Remembering the Good Parts (and Maybe the Disco)

    The humid air clung to Alex Thompson like a second shirt as he sat trapped in the midday gridlock. Marine biologist extraordinaire (at least according to his slightly faded business card), Alex wasn’t facing a rogue kraken attacks my research vessel kind of bad day. This was a more relatable kind of torture – the soul-crushing monotony of rush hour traffic. Horns blared a cacophony, punctuated by the frustrated shouts of unseen drivers. Alex drummed his fingers on the steering wheel, the rhythm a counterpoint to the symphony of discontent.

    Suddenly, a wave of dizziness washed over him. The cacophony melted into the rhythmic roar of crashing waves. The stale air vanished, replaced by the sharp tang of salt and the invigorating spray of the ocean. Vivid images flooded his mind: a majestic underwater city shimmering with iridescent light, vibrant coral reefs teeming with life, and… a giant sea turtle giving him a thumbs-up?

    Alex blinked, the vision dissipating as quickly as it arrived. He found himself staring at the bumper of a minivan decorated with a questionable number of bumper stickers extolling the virtues of gnomes. A groan escaped his lips. These episodes had been happening more frequently lately, these flashes of something… more. He just wished he could remember what.

    Across town, Dr. Olivia Walker, archaeologist extraordinaire (though her business card might tell a slightly different story), was having a day that could only be described as Indiana Jones minus the fedora and whip. Knee-deep in a muddy Peruvian excavation site, she dodged rogue shovels wielded by enthusiastic but clumsy assistants and the disgruntled stares of a pack of llamas who seemed to be judging her every move. As she brushed grime off a newly unearthed fragment, a vision struck her like a desert wind.

    No longer in the dusty trench, Olivia found herself standing on a balcony overlooking a bustling metropolis of gleaming white towers. The people below, adorned in flowing robes, bowed before her, their voices a chorus chanting a name that resonated within her… Athena?

    The vision faded, leaving Olivia blinking in confusion. Athena? she muttered, shaking off the lingering effects of the experience. Dehydration playing tricks again, she thought. But something about the name lingered, a strange familiarity that wouldn’t be ignored.

    Meanwhile, in a dimly lit music studio, Marcus Rivers, musician extraordinaire (though his claim to fame currently resided on flyers plastered to lampposts), was laying down some seriously soulful guitar riffs. Lost in the rhythm, he closed his eyes, and…

    He found himself bathed in a golden light, standing on a stage unlike any he’d ever seen. Thousands of cheering faces formed a blurry sea before him. Their chants echoed a name – Apollo? The music flowing from his fingertips was unlike anything he’d ever composed, infused with a power that seemed to resonate with the very air itself.

    The vision snapped, leaving Marcus with a lingering melody clinging to his mind and a name echoing in his thoughts. He strummed a few chords, the melody taking shape. It was beautiful, unlike anything he’d written before. A strange sense of deja vu tugged at him, as if he’d played it a thousand times before. Except, he hadn’t.

    Later that evening, fate (or perhaps a particularly enthusiastic pigeon) intervened, drawing all three individuals to the same place – the local museum’s new exhibit, Treasures of Atlantis. As they stood before a shimmering crystal, an unsettling feeling washed over them.

    Alex felt an inexplicable urge to dive into its depths. Olivia experienced a sudden pang of… ownership? As for Marcus, the crystal seemed to emit a faint melody, perfectly matching the tune he’d been composing earlier.

    Drawn by an unseen force, they reached out to touch the crystal. A surge of energy pulsed through it, images flooding their minds – a magnificent underwater city, a sprawling metropolis bathed in golden light, a bustling underwater… disco? And then… each other.

    The fragmented memories from their dreams coalesced into a dazzling kaleidoscope. They weren’t just Alex, Olivia, and Marcus. They were Ariel, God of the Oceans, Athena, Goddess of Wisdom, and Apollo, God of Music (and apparently, questionable dance moves).

    They stared at each other in stunned silence, the weight of their past lives a heavy mantle on their shoulders. Then, in a moment of perfect comedic timing, the crystal let out a loud BONG! and shut down, plunging the exhibit into darkness.

    Olivia sighed, rubbing her temple. Well, she said dryly, this is just great. So, anyone remember how exactly we powered this thing?

    Across the room, Apollo (still reeling from the disco revelation) caught Aphrodite’s (aka Charlotte, model extraordinaire) amused gaze. He blushed, a sheepish grin spreading across his face. There, across the darkened exhibit hall, stood Charlotte, her perfectly arched eyebrow raised in a way that both mocked and intrigued him.

    So, she said, her voice a husky whisper that carried surprisingly well in the sudden silence, disco god, huh? You never mentioned that on your dating profile.

    Marcus, ever the musician, couldn’t help but let out a choked laugh, the tension momentarily broken. Olivia, however, shot him a withering look that could curdle milk. Now wasn’t the time for amusement.

    Apollo, however, found himself warming under Charlotte’s gaze. It’s, uh, a long story, he stammered, feeling a flicker of something that suspiciously resembled his old godly charm. Maybe I could buy you a coffee sometime and explain it all?

    Charlotte’s lips curved into a sly smile. Maybe, she said, her eyes twinkling with amusement. But only if you promise to play that incredible melody again. The one that sounded suspiciously like it came straight from Mount Olympus.

    A blush crept up Apollo’s neck, but this time it wasn’t entirely from embarrassment. Here, in the midst of this bizarre situation, a spark of normalcy, or at least something resembling it, had ignited.

    Deal, he said, a confident grin replacing his earlier awkwardness. But only if you promise to at least pretend to be impressed by my, uh, other… godlike talents.

    Charlotte’s laughter echoed softly in the darkened hall. We’ll see about that, Apollo, she teased.

    Despite the weight of their newfound knowledge, a sense of camaraderie bloomed among the newly-awakened gods. As they filed out of the museum, the city lights blurring past them, they knew their lives had irrevocably changed. They were no longer ordinary people with ordinary problems. They were the Crystal Keepers, fragments of a forgotten pantheon, and the fate of their world, whatever it may be, rested on their shoulders.

    But for now, as they walked into the night, a sliver of hope flickered within them. They had each other, a shared destiny, and maybe, just maybe, a chance to rediscover the gods they once were.

    Alex, still wrestling with the image of a giant sea turtle giving him a thumbs-up, stammered, Maybe it needs… a sacrifice? Like, a fish offering or something?

    Olivia snorted. We’re not barbarians, Alex. Besides, pretty sure the museum wouldn’t appreciate a fishy smell.

    Marcus, his brow furrowed in concentration, strummed a few chords on his imaginary guitar. There was definitely a melody involved in the vision… maybe if we play it?

    Intrigued, Olivia rummaged in her backpack, pulling out a worn recorder. Worth a shot, she conceded, handing it to Marcus. He placed it near his mouth, hesitantly plucking at the strings of his mental guitar. The melody that emerged was unlike anything he’d played before – a blend of ethereal chimes and pulsing bass that resonated with a strange power.

    As the last note faded, the crystal pulsed with a soft blue light. A holographic image flickered into existence, depicting a robed figure with flowing white hair. Recognition dawned on Olivia. Hermes, she breathed.

    The holographic Hermes bowed. Greetings, children of the pantheon. It seems the Crystal Keepers have awoken once more.

    Crystal Keepers? Alex repeated, bewildered. And pantheon? Are we… gods?

    Hermes’s smile was both kind and knowing. You were, once. Now, you are tasked with remembering. The crystal holds the key to your past and the key to the future.

    A flurry of questions arose, a whirlwind of confusion and curiosity. How did we lose our memories? Olivia demanded.

    What happened to our world? Marcus added, his voice tight with a newfound urgency.

    Hermes raised a hand, silencing their questions. There is much to tell. But first, you must prove yourselves worthy. The crystal requires an offering – not of flesh, but of spirit. Each of you must confront a fragment of your past, a memory that holds the essence of who you were.

    With those cryptic words, the holographic figure flickered and vanished. The crystal dimmed, leaving them in the darkened exhibit, the weight of their newfound knowledge heavy in the air.

    So, Olivia said, her voice breaking the silence. Looks like we have some soul-searching to do, huh?

    Alex and Marcus exchanged nervous glances. The world of rush hour traffic and dusty digs seemed a lifetime ago. Now, they were thrust into a world of forgotten gods and a past shrouded in mystery. But as fear warred with curiosity, a spark of determination ignited within them. They might not remember everything yet, but they were on the path to rediscovering who they were - gods with a purpose they couldn’t even begin to imagine.

    The next morning, their lives took a sharp turn. Alex, claiming a sudden research grant to study deep-sea acoustics, disappeared into the ocean depths. Olivia, her archaeological dig put on hold, found herself drawn to a dusty, forgotten corner of the library, poring over ancient texts with feverish intensity. And Marcus, driven by the melody that echoed in his mind, locked himself in his studio, his music taking on a power that resonated through the walls.

    Their paths were separate, but their goal was the same – to unearth the memories locked within their souls. They were no longer just Alex, Olivia, and Marcus. They were Ariel, Athena, and Apollo, and the fate of their forgotten world rested upon their rediscovery of who they truly were.


    Chapter 2: Awkward God Squad Meeting

    The Scattered Gods: Awakening of the Crystal Keepers

    Chapter 2: Awkward God Squad Meeting (and Possibly the Worst Scones Ever)

    The fluorescent lights of the museum gift shop cast a harsh glare on the ragtag group gathered around a wobbly table. Coffee? A teenage employee with a bored expression thrust a Styrofoam cup filled with lukewarm brown liquid towards them.

    Olivia Walker, better known as Dr. Walker, archaeologist extraordinaire (at least according to her business card), grimaced at the offering. Compared to the dusty tombs and ancient artifacts she usually dealt with, this was a decidedly underwhelming setting for their first official god squad meeting.

    So, Alex Thompson, or rather Ariel, god of the oceans (according to his recent, very confusing, memories), finally spoke, his voice laced with disbelief, we’re… gods?

    Across from him, Charlotte, channeling her inner Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty, arched an eyebrow. Well, technically former gods. But hey, close enough, right? A mischievous glint sparkled in her eyes.

    Marcus Rivers, still grappling with the whole Apollo thing, strummed a nervous tune on an empty coffee cup. He winced, then looked sheepishly at the crumpled cardboard beneath it. This is insane. One minute I’m writing a song about heartbreak, the next I’m remembering concerts with, like, flying chariots?

    Olivia, ever the pragmatist, cut through the confusion. "Alright, let’s unpack this calmly. We all had these

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