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The Dragon's Kiss
The Dragon's Kiss
The Dragon's Kiss
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The Dragon's Kiss

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A small team of government agents are assigned the task of tracking down and capturing the evil Professor and his band of deadly cutthroats. One of Idi Mohammad's agents is a beautiful young slave who acts as a lure to entice men to their deaths. However, she develops an attraction for one of the Federal agents pursing the terrorists. This results in many twists and turns in this action packed adventure.

Release dateJul 2, 2024
The Dragon's Kiss

James Creamwood

The author wishes to keep his private life confidential and does not desire to reveal any information about himself at this time.

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    Book preview

    The Dragon's Kiss - James Creamwood

    Table of Contents

    The Dragon's Kiss










    CHAPTER 10

    CHAPTER 11

    CHAPTER 12

    CHAPTER 13

    CHAPTER 14

    CHAPTER 15

    CHAPTER 16

    CHAPTER 17

    CHAPTER 18

    CHAPTER 19

    CHAPTER 20

    CHAPTER 21

    CHAPTER 22

    CHAPTER 23

    CHAPTER 24

    CHAPTER 25

    CHAPTER 24

    CHAPTER 27

    CHAPTER 28

    CHAPTER 29

    CHAPTER 30



    The Dragon's Kiss


    Sterling Paxton


    Published by

    Sterling Paxton

    The Dragon's Kiss

    Copyright © 2024 Sterling Paxton


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    Damn it! muttered Dr. Craig Jackson, as the doorbell rang.

    It was shattering the nighttime quiet, and dragging him from a deep, and restful slumber.  He scratched his head angrily wondering who could be coming around bothering him at this time of night.  Craig covered his mouth with his hand, and yawned while glancing at the clock on the nightstand.  It was a little past midnight.  The young physician cursed under his breath, and then eased himself out of bed, while trying not to disturb the young redhead curled up there beside him.  It seemed that the noisy doorbell hadn’t bothered her in the least.  She was still continuing to sleep soundly.

    When Craig opened the door, he saw a tall, lean fellow standing there on his front porch.  The man had a square-cut, clean-shaven face, with sunbaked skin.  He quickly entered, and extended his hand while patting Jackson on the shoulder.

    Hey Doc!  I bet you didn't expect to see me tonight, did you?

    Craig smiled at his old friend Jake Tanner.  The last time he had seen the man, he had been leaving for an assignment in the Middle East. 

    Jake, you old dog, this is a pleasant surprise, Craig said, while vigorously shaking the other man's hand, What are—

    Hold on a second, Doc! Jake broke in, I hope you won’t think I've been out in the sun too long, while flipping the light switch, and plunging the room into almost total darkness.  Craig was too surprised by his friends unexpected action to voice a compliant.

    Don't worry, I haven’t gone crazy, replied Tanner. 

    Craig could only see Jake dimly, as he walked over to the window, and began peering out into the moonlit landscape.

    I guarantee you that I’ve got good reasons to be cautious, he added, "Well, I guess it’s okay—I don't see anything that looks suspicious.  Maybe I was lucky, and got here first, this time." 

    Tanner then closed the curtains carefully before switching the light back on, Am I being mysterious enough for you? he smiled, before glancing at down at the open, medical book lying on the coffee table, and added, I see you’re still busy with your studies. 

    Yes, I’m afraid it’s an occupational hazard of being a doctor.  There’s always something new happening, and I have to stay up to date.

    Craig studied his friend appearance, but there was nothing to suggest that he was suffering from delusions.  His eyes were bright and clear.  He noticed that Tanner’s face had changed and there was a somber look that had crept across his face.

    I thought you were on an assignment in the Middle East? inquired Craig.

    I was, he replied, lighting his cigar, But, something came up and I was called back here on special assignment.

    Special Assignment? repeated Craig, So, your reassigned here in Washington, then?

    Yes, I’m working directly under the President, and he’s asked me to put together a special anti-biological terrorism unit.  It's been a real mess since the 9/11 attacks last year, and I usually don’t know where I’m going to be from one day to the next.

    There was something ominous in the Federal agents words and actions that seemed to indicate something dire could be happening in the D.C. area.  Craig looked Tanner squarely in the eyes, Okay, give it to me straight, Jake.  What’s the hell is really going on here?

    The other man suddenly stood up and began taking off his jacket.  He then rolled back his left shirt-sleeve, and revealed a wicked-looking wound in the fleshy part of his forearm.  It was healed, but curiously striated for an inch or so.

    Ever seen a scar like this? he asked.

    No, I can't say that I have, Craig confessed, But, it certainly appears to have been deeply cauterized.

    Yes!  It was very deep! he explained, A barb steeped in the venom of a cobra got me there.

    Craig felt a shiver run coldly through his body at the mention of the deadly, venomous reptile.  The young doctor had a deep respect for creatures that bite, after spending a couple of months down in Louisiana, helping out after the Katrina hurricane had devastated the area.  During his short time there he had treated numerous patients suffering from a manners of snake and insect bites.

    There was only one treatment for it, he continued, as he rolled his sleeve back down again, "and that was with a sharp knife, a match, and some gun power from a .45 caliber cartridge.  I lay on my back in a filthy Iranian hellhole, raving, out of my head for over three days.  I would still be there now, rotting in the heat, if I hadn’t acted quickly.  But, here's the important part.  What happened to me—was no accident!"

    You mean—? gasped Craig.

    Yes, there was a deliberate attempt on my life, and now I’m here tracking the man who was responsible.  He's the fiend who extracted that venom from the poison-glands of the snake, prepared the arrow, and then sent one of his agents to shoot it at me.

    Do you know who the fellow is?

    "Yes, he’s a Middle Eastern terrorist, and unless my calculations are wrong, he is now currently hiding some place here in Washington like some rat in a sewer.  The murderous psychopath is extremely dangerous and specializes in using biological weapons to assassinate people.  Doc, I’ve traveled from Iran, not just as part of my job with the Federal Government, but for my own personal reasons—I want to get my hands on that bastard."

    Craig didn’t know what to think.  His mind had been tossed into a sort of mental chaos by the extraordinary statements he had just heard.  Jake Tanner was talking about a dangerous terrorist operating here in his own home town—the nation’s capital.  There was danger of the worst kind suddenly being introduced into his peaceful life.

    I'm wasting precious time, said Jake, as he climbed to his feet, "I came here let you know that you've been reassigned to the special team I’m putting together.  You are the newest member of the President’s Special Anti-Biological Terrorism Task Force.  There’s only going to be about half a dozen people in this new unit—me, you, and four other special agents.  I was lucky to be able to get even that many men.  The Afghanistan War and the 9/11 terrorist attacks have stretched government resources almost to the breaking point.  There's a Police Chief by the name of Knox,  who will act as liaison between our unit and the Washington Police Department.  He will work with us, and provide emergency police support when ever we need it—otherwise we are on our own.

    The FBI has already been notified about your transfer.  I really need your medical expertise, and your one of the few people that I can really trust.  I need somebody close to me that’s equal to the terrible task that lies ahead of us.  If you don’t mind, I’d like to stay here in your spare room, if you can put me up for a while.

    Of course, that’s no problem, offered Craig.

    You’re a good man, Doc! replied Tanner, Well, we better get a move on.

    What, you mean tonight?

    Yes, tonight!  I had hoped that I would finally get some sleep myself.  I’ve hardly closed my eyes in the last forty-eight hours, except for a few minutes here and there.  But ,there's something very important that I have to do tonight, and I better do it immediately.  I've got to find Senator Albert Troy.

    Senator Troy?

    "Yes Doc, I believe he could be in great danger, and unless I can get him to listen to me—I don’t think anything can save him.  I don’t know when, how, or where the attack is going come from, but I’ve got to try and warn him before it’s too late.  Let’s grab a taxi."

    Okay, but let me leave a note for the girl in my bedroom, just in case she wakes up before I get back, explained Craig.

    You’re a lucky man, Doc.  I sure wish I had a little squeeze box waiting for me in a warm bed, smiled Jake.

    Craig sat silently beside Tanner in the cab and thought about the events of the last half-hour.  In the blink of and eye, he had been shanghaied from his peaceful world and tossed into some sort of wild, bizarre adventure.  As he rode along in the taxi, he couldn't help but wonder what nefarious types of terrorist activities were being planned in the dark shadows of the city they were passing through.  A short time later, their journey came to an end.

    My God!  What's going on here? muttered Tanner hoarsely, as he stared intently out the taxi window.

    There were some uniformed policemen holding back a small crowd of curious on-lookers, that stood near the steps of Senator Albert Troy's house.  They shifted back and forth uneasily as they tried to look in through the open front door.  Without waiting for the cab to pull up to the curb, Jake Tanner recklessly jumped out with Craig following close on his heels.

    What’s going on here? he demanded, breathlessly of a policeman.

    The latter looked him up and down for a second doubtfully, but something in Tanner’s voice and bearing seemed to commanded respect.

    I'm afraid that Senator Albert Troy has been killed, sir.

    Tanner fell back as though he had been slapped.  Beneath his heavy tan, his face blanched white, and his eyes stared in disbelief.

    My God! he gasped, I’m too late!

    He clenched his fists, turned, pushed his way through a group of policeman, and bounded up the cement steps.  In the hallway, a man who unmistakably was a police detective stood talking to a man in a butler’s outfit.  Other members of the household were moving about, more or less aimlessly, and it seemed as if the chilly hand of fear was reaching out and touching each of them, as they came and went.  They continuously glanced over their shoulders, as if each shadow might cloak some hidden danger.  They listened; it seemed, for some sound they dreaded to hear. 

    Tanner walked up to the detective and showed him his identification.  After looking at it, the detective said something in a low voice, and nodded in a respectful manner.  Jake asked a few more brief questions and then they followed him up some heavily carpeted stairs and down a corridor.  They walked past a number of expensive pictures and busts that lined the corridor, and entered a large library room. 

    There was a group of people inside, and Craig recognized that one these was Dr. John Farrell; he was bending over a motionless body stretched out on a couch.  Another door led to a small study, Craig looked through the door opening and saw a man on all fours closely examining the carpet.  The uncomfortable sense of quiet emanating from the group around the physician, and the strange figure crawling beetle-like across the inner room seemed a strange sight to Craig.

    As they entered, Dr. Farrell straightened himself and scratched his chin thoughtfully.  Frankly, I don’t want to offer an opinion right now regarding the cause of death, he said, "Senator Troy had heart problems, but there aren’t any indications that it caused his death.  I’m afraid that only a post-mortem can establish the facts—if, even that’s possible.  This is a very puzzling case!" he added.

    Tanner went to work asking the famous pathologist in conversation, while Craig took the opportunity to examine Senator Troy's body.

    The dead man was wearing what was obviously an expensive smoking-jacket.  He had a small frame, but muscular build, which now were oddly puffy, as were his clenched hands.  Craig pushed back his jacket sleeve, and saw nothing unusual on his left arm.  He then turned his attention to the right arm.  It appeared normal, but on the back of the hand was a faint red mark, not unlike the imprint of lipstick.  Craig examined it closely, and even tried to rub it off, but it evidently was caused by some morbid process of local inflammation, if it weren’t a birthmark. Craig turned his attention to a pale young man, who he had understood to be one of Senator Troy's associates, and drew his attention to the mark.

    Do you know what this is?

    No, He replied.  It’s very strange.

    Excuse me, Mr. Howard, apologized Jake, as he turned to the assistant, but Police Chief Knox will tell you that I have Special Federal authority in this case.  Is it correct that Senator Troy became ill while he was in his study?

    Yes, at 10:30.  I was working here in the library, and he was inside, as usual.

    Was the adjoining door closed?

    Yes, it always is.  It was open for a minute or less around 10:25, when a message came for Senator Troy.  I took it in to him, but he seemed fine then.

    Do you know what was in the message?

    I couldn’t say.  It was brought by a messenger, and the Senator placed it beside him on the table.  I suppose that it should still be there.

    And, what happen at 10:30?

    "Senator Troy suddenly burst open the door, screamed loudly, and then ran into the library.  I ran after him, but he waved me back.  His eyes looked horrible.  I had just reached him when he fell onto the floor.  He seemed to have trouble speaking, but as I picked him up and helped him to the couch, he gasped something that sounded like The red hand!  Before I could get to the phone, he was dead."

    Mr. Howard's voice shook as he spoke, and Jake seemed to find his remarks confusing.

    You don’t think he referred to the mark on his own hand? inquired Tanner, thoughtfully.

    I don’t think so.  From the direction of his last glance, I’m sure he was referring to something in his study.

    What did you do then? asked Jake.

    Well, after calling for help, I went into the study; but, I didn’t see anything unusual, and all of the windows were closed and locked tightly.  He always liked to work with the windows closed and there’s no other door leading inside.  The study occupies the end of this narrow wing, so there’s no way anyone could have gained access while I was here in the library.  Even if someone concealed himself in the study earlier in the evening, he could still not have gotten past me without being seen.  And besides –there’s no place where a person could hide in there.

    Jake Tanner tugged at the lobe of his left ear, a habit that seemed to help him think better.

    You say he had been at work in there for some time?

    Yes.  Senator Troy was working on a Senate report dealing with the Middle East.

    Has anything unusual happened prior to this evening?

    Yes, now that you mention it, replied Mr. Howard, with evident perplexity, Although I didn’t attach much importance to it at the time.  Three nights ago, Senator Troy came out to see me, and he appeared extremely nervous.  He then asked me to search his study.  The Senator seemed to think that something was hiding in there.

    Did he say something or someone?

    Something" was the word he used.  I did a through search of the room, but couldn't find anything.  That seemed to satisfy him, and he returned to work."

    Thank you, Mr. Howard.  Now, if you will excuse us, my friend and I would like to have a few minutes to investigate the study.


    Senator Albert Troy’s study was very small, and it only took them a glance to show that the assistant had been right when he said, it didn’t offer any viable hiding places.  It was heavily carpeted, and over-flowing with numerous Egyptian ornaments and curios. 

    A desk drawer held several men’s magazines which showed this place to be the sanctum of a wealthy bachelor who enjoyed the naked female form.  A map of the world occupied the larger part of one wall, and a blue-shaded lamp stood on a messy, brown wooden desk.  The air was stale because the window was closed and latched.

    Tanner immediately noticed a large, manila envelope that lay beside the telephone.  Apparently, Senator Troy had not even taken the trouble to open it, but Jake did so, and found that it only contained a single, blank sheet of white paper.

    Smell this! instructed Tanner, as he handed the letter to Craig.  The Doctor raised it to his nostrils and sniffed.  He could detect some sort of pungent perfume.

    What is it? asked Craig.

    It’s an extremely rare essential oil, came the reply, I’ve seen it before, but never in the United States.  I think I’m beginning to understand what happened here, Doc.

    Jake tilted the lamp-shade and made a closer examination of the scraps of paper, pens, and other items that lay on the desk.  A colorful porcelain vase on the mantelpiece caught Craig’s attention, and he picked it up for a closer examination.  When he turned back around, he saw a strange expression on Tanner’s face.

    Put that back down gently, he cautioned, tensely.

    Craig was surprised and puzzled by his friends nervous attitude.

    Don't touch anything in this room.  It could be dangerous.

    Something in the tone of Tanner’s voice jarred him, and he hastily replaced the vase from where he had picked it up.  Craig then stood by the door of the study, and watched Jake as he worked methodically to search every inch of the room.  He examined behind the books, in all the ornaments, in table drawers, in the wastebasket, and every item on the marble fireplace mantel.

    That will have to do, he said, at last, There is nothing here, and I don’t have the time to search any longer.

    The two men then returned out to the library.

    Chief Knox, said Jake, I want Senator Troy's body moved from this room at once, and this library locked up tight.  Don’t let anyone enter here for any reason whatsoever until you hear different from me. 

    It spoke volumes about the Government credentials that Tanner carried, when the Police Chief accepted his orders without question.  After a brief chat with Mr. Howard, Jake walked quickly back downstairs.  In the hallway, a man who worked as a chauffeur for the Senator was waiting to be questioned.

    Are you Brenner? asked Tanner.

    Yes, sir.

    I understand that you heard a cry of some kind at the rear of the house about the time of Senator Troy's death?

    Yes, sir.  I was locking the garage door, and, happened to look up at the window of the Senator’s study.  I saw him jump out of his chair from where he normally sat at his desk.  I could see his shadow on the blind.  Right after that, I heard a strange call coming from out in the street somewhere.

    What kind of call?

    The man had clearly been frightened and seemed puzzled trying to find a suitable description.

    It was sort of a wail, sir, he said finally, I’ve never heard anything like it before, and I hope I never hear it again.

    Was it like this? inquired Tanner, as he uttered a low, wailing cry, that would have been impossible to describe.

    Brenner was noticeably flustered by the eerie sound.

    That’s it alright, he answered, but, it was much louder than that.

    That’s all I needed to know, said Tanner, and Craig thought he detected a note of satisfaction in the man's voice, But, hold on for a moment, I want you to take us to where you were last night.

    The man nodded as he led the way, and soon they found themselves in a small, paved courtyard.  It

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