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Two Years of a Middle Aged Woman's Life
Two Years of a Middle Aged Woman's Life
Two Years of a Middle Aged Woman's Life
Ebook54 pages19 minutes

Two Years of a Middle Aged Woman's Life

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In this evocative and heartfelt collection of poems, "Two Years of a Middle Aged Woman's Life," the poet delves into the intricate and often tumultuous journey of self-discovery and transformation over a two-year period. Drawing from her rich tapestry of life experiences, these poems explore themes of love, loss, resilience, and the reclaiming of one's power in the face of adversity.


Inspired by literary icons from Carol Ann Duffy to William Butler Yeats, the poet weaves a narrative that is both deeply personal and universally resonant. Each poem serves as a testament to the struggles and triumphs that define the middle years of a woman's life, capturing moments of raw emotion and poignant reflection.


This collection is an ode to every woman who has ever felt the weight of societal expectations and the need to suppress her deepest feelings. Through lyrical verses and vivid imagery, the poet offers a voice to those silent experiences and invites readers to embrace their own stories of hardship and healing.

"Two Years of a Middle Aged Woman's Life" is not just a book of poetry; it is a journey through the heart and soul of its author, and a call to women everywhere to own their stories with courage and honesty. Whether you see yourself in the quiet moments of strength or the loud cries of defiance, these poems are for you.


PublisherA Woman
Release dateJul 2, 2024
Two Years of a Middle Aged Woman's Life

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    Two Years of a Middle Aged Woman's Life - A Woman


    Crowd sea parts

    Highlighting the loneliness

    Of not belonging,


    When together the alone is more stark.

    Dad in your grief

    Dad, in your grief you asked me to look.

    I didn’t want to.

    I wanted to remember the good times - the happy times

    Gites in France, the endless caravan holidays,

    The laughter, the friends, the wine, the parties.

    Sepia memories, yet always tinged with black.

    The endless cleaning, the nerves, the one upmanship of her newfound middle classness

    The desire for a perfect life, perfect daughters, a perfect husband

    With an inability to accept the brilliantly imperfect life she had -

    Loud in her disappointment

    I could not look anymore.

    I didn’t want to.

    Dad, in your grief you asked me a question.

    I didn’t want to answer.

    I didn’t want to think about those difficult years

    Years of not being perfect.

    Not being good enough

    Not being well behaved enough, or smart enough, or thin enough, or sporty enough, or beautiful enough,

    Or a good enough housewife

    Or a good enough mum.

    And now I was not a good enough daughter. Again.

    The question posed that needed to be answered.

    I didn’t want to.

    Dad, in your grief you asked me to listen.

    I didn’t want to.

    Over the days I had heard her death rattle.

    Long laboured breaths as her body had tried to cling to remnants of life

    As the poison given to cure, instead killed.

    I had told her that her grandson was safe and on his way.

    I had said my goodbyes not really believing they were final.

    Sat in the airport, phone in hand

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