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The Scattered Gods: Guardians of the Golden Age (Season 1)): Futurescape Universe, #1
The Scattered Gods: Guardians of the Golden Age (Season 1)): Futurescape Universe, #1
The Scattered Gods: Guardians of the Golden Age (Season 1)): Futurescape Universe, #1
Ebook169 pages2 hours

The Scattered Gods: Guardians of the Golden Age (Season 1)): Futurescape Universe, #1

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The Scattered Gods: Guardians of the Golden Age

Laughter is their weapon. Chaos is their playground.

The Golden Age is a distant memory, its legacy shrouded in myth and whispers. Now, a creeping darkness threatens to extinguish joy from the very fabric of existence. The Devourer, a formless entity that feeds on despair, stretches its tendrils across the cosmos, its influence casting a pall over countless worlds.

Hope dwindles, but a flicker of defiance remains. The Scattered Gods, once revered guardians, are scattered across time and space. Anya, a brilliant scientist thrust into a celestial conflict. Thor, the mighty god of thunder, grappling with the power of humor. Hermes, the trickster god, whose wit may be their only advantage. And Apollo, the sun god, whose celestial music could be the key to salvation.

When the Devourer's influence reaches Earth, their paths converge. Aided by a brilliant scientist, Dr. Walker, they must rediscover their powers and forge a bond stronger than any they've known. Their journey takes them through the labyrinthine Yggdrasil, a World Tree where logic crumbles and bacon reigns supreme. Here, they face bizarre creatures, nonsensical challenges, and a test of their comedic timing unlike any other.

Can the Scattered Gods reclaim their laughter, the very essence of the Golden Age, and use it as a weapon against the Devourer's soul-crushing despair? Or will the universe succumb to an eternity of joyless silence?

The Scattered Gods: Guardians of the Golden Age is a hilarious and heartwarming adventure that blends Norse mythology with science fiction, reminding us that even in the face of darkness, laughter can be the most potent weapon of all.

PublisherDan Bune
Release dateJul 2, 2024
The Scattered Gods: Guardians of the Golden Age (Season 1)): Futurescape Universe, #1

Dan Bune

About the Author. Dan Bune is a multifaceted professional with a diverse range of skills and passions. As a BPM, RPA, ML, and AI Solutions Architect, he specializes in designing and implementing cutting-edge solutions to enhance business processes and efficiency. Beyond the realms of technology, Dan is also a talented musician and game developer, infusing creativity into both his professional and personal pursuits. In the virtual landscape, Dan is the visionary mind behind the Futurescape Metaverse Game Concept, an immersive and innovative gaming experience that explores the intersections of technology and imagination. As an author, Dan has delved into the realms of time travel and futurism, contributing over 8 books to the speculative fiction genre. His storytelling prowess weaves intricate tales that captivate readers, transporting them to worlds where the boundaries of time and possibility are pushed to their limits. Dan Bune's work reflects a passion for both the analytical and creative aspects of life, showcasing a unique blend of technical expertise and artistic expression.

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    The Scattered Gods - Dan Bune

    Cadeus Solutions

    The Scattered Gods: Guardians of the Golden Age

    Copyright © 2024 by Cadeus Solutions

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise without written permission from the publisher. It is illegal to copy this book, post it to a website, or distribute it by any other means without permission.

    First edition

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    1. Chapter 1: Echoes of a Forgotten Age

    2. Chapter 2: Echoes in the Blood

    3. Chapter 3: Reunion

    4. Chapter 4: The Prophecy

    5. Chapter 5: Training and Preparation

    6. Chapter 6: United We Stand

    7. Chapter 7: Departure

    8. Chapter 8: Mundane Lives

    9. Chapter 9: Awakening to Purpose

    10. Chapter 10: Challenges of Balance

    11. Chapter 11: Embracing Destiny

    12. Chapter 12: Trials of the Professions

    13. Chapter 13: Unity in Diversity

    14. Chapter 14: Echoes of the Devourer

    15. Chapter 15: Echoes of a Distant Plea

    16. Chapter 16: Harnessing Power

    17. Chapter 17: Facing Adversity

    18. Chapter 18: Laughter in the Face of Discord

    19. Chapter 19:Laughter Through the Yggdrasil

    20. Chapter 20: Through the Looking Glass of Laughter: A Descent into Discord

    21. Chapter 21: Epilogue (A Universe Awakened)


    Season 1: Awakening


    Chapter 1: Echoes of a Forgotten Age

    Chapter 1: Echoes of a Forgotten Age

    A crimson sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the Martian plains. Alex Thompson, better known in these parts as Alex the Shark, adjusted his goggles and peered into the murky depths of the canal. His calloused hands expertly manipulated the controls of his submersible drone, its tiny camera probing the alien flora swaying in the gentle current.

    Despite the years spent on Mars, Alex couldn’t shake the primal allure of water. He missed the vast, rolling oceans of his home planet, the rhythmic crash of waves against the shore, the feeling of weightlessness as he glided through the cerulean depths. Here, in the artificially-created canals that snaked across the ochre landscape, he found a sliver of solace, a connection to his past life.

    Suddenly, the drone’s camera feed flickered. The screen went dark, replaced by a burst of static. Alex swore under his breath. Those damn Martian algae were hell on electronics. He surfaced the drone with a sigh, the Martian wind whipping at his face. As he began the process of retrieving it, a flicker of movement in the canal caught his eye. A flash of silver, almost serpentine, darted through the murky water.

    Curiosity piqued, Alex activated his helmet comm. Dr. Walker, any readings on unusual aquatic life near my location?

    A dry chuckle crackled through the speaker. Negative, Alex. The closest thing to a mermaid you’ll find down there are those oversized catfish we released last month. Probably just your imagination playing tricks on you.

    Alex snorted. Dr. Olivia Walker, a brilliant archaeologist with a wit as sharp as her intellect, was his closest confidante on Mars. They’d met years ago during the initial colonization efforts, drawn together by a shared sense of adventure and a mutual love for the unknown. Just making sure, he replied, his voice laced with amusement. Wouldn’t want to miss out on discovering a new Martian species.

    He secured the drone and began the trek back to his research outpost, a squat, prefabricated building nestled against a low Martian hill. As he walked, a sense of unease settled in his gut. He couldn’t shake the feeling he’d witnessed something… more. He dismissed it as fatigue, the Martian twilight playing tricks on his mind.

    Entering the outpost, he was greeted by the warm glow of artificial lights and the comforting aroma of stale coffee. Olivia sat hunched over a holographic table, a tangle of wires cascading from her workstation. Her usually sharp features were etched with a frown.

    Still trying to decipher those ancient ruins you found last week? Alex asked, pulling off his helmet and hanging it on a rack.

    Olivia jumped, startled, then glared at him playfully. Always the charmer, Thompson. These inscriptions are unlike anything I’ve ever seen. The language seems to predate even the oldest Martian settlements we’ve uncovered.

    She gestured at the holographic table. It displayed a series of cryptic symbols, swirling like underwater currents. Alex leaned closer, a strange sense of familiarity tugging at the corners of his mind. He couldn’t explain it, but the symbols resonated with him, stirring a feeling of ancient memory, of forgotten knowledge.

    Anything you recognize? Olivia asked, her voice laced with curiosity.

    Alex shook his head, the feeling fading as quickly as it came. Nothing concrete. But they do give me a weird feeling. Like a forgotten echo from a long-lost time.

    Olivia chuckled. Maybe you’re just sleep-deprived, Alex. Those Martian nights can mess with anyone’s head.

    Suddenly, a shrill alarm blared from a nearby console. Red lights strobed, casting the room in an eerie glow. Olivia jumped up, her playful demeanor replaced by steely focus. Security breach! Sector C!

    Adrenaline surging through his veins, Alex grabbed his sidearm, a modified plasma pistol standard issue on Mars. They sprinted through the corridors, the metallic clang of their boots echoing in the sterile silence. Reaching the security checkpoint, they found it in disarray. The force field shimmered with instability, and a trail of scorched earth led outwards.

    What the… Olivia muttered, examining the broken console. Looks like some kind of energy blast.

    Alex knelt, studying the scorched ground. High-powered, unlike anything we’ve encountered on Mars before. He raised his head, gazing out at the vast expanse of the Martian night. A tremor of fear snaked down his spine. Who, or what, could have breached their security, and why?

    Suddenly, a flicker of light streaked across the horizon, leaving a trail of ethereal blue that lingered for a heartbeat before fading into the inky blackness. It wasn’t a meteor shower, for the light seemed to move with purpose, arcing across the sky in a controlled descent.

    Did you see that? Olivia asked, her voice a hushed whisper like Alex’s own thoughts.

    Yeah, he replied, his hand tightening around his pistol. What in the…

    The answer arrived before he could finish his question. A brilliant white light engulfed them, momentarily blinding them. When their vision cleared, a metallic disk hovered silently above the outpost, casting an eerie luminescence on the Martian landscape. It was sleek and circular, its surface pulsating with a faint blue light.

    Olivia grabbed Alex’s arm, her grip surprisingly strong. We need to get out of here, she said urgently, her voice barely a tremor. Whatever that is, it isn’t friendly.

    As they turned to sprint back towards the outpost, a hatch on the underside of the craft hissed open, and a figure emerged. It was humanoid in shape, tall and slender, but clad in a suit of shimmering silver that seemed to shimmer like a mirage in the thin Martian atmosphere. The being’s head was obscured by a helmet with two visor slits, glowing an unsettling blue.

    Greetings, Terrans, a voice boomed in their minds, not through their ears. It was telepathic, resonating directly within their skulls. The voice was deep and melodic, yet infused with an otherworldly coldness.

    Alex and Olivia exchanged a panicked glance. Telepathy? Alien life? Their minds reeled, struggling to comprehend what was happening.

    We come in peace, the voice continued. We seek the descendants of the scattered gods.

    Alex felt a jolt of electricity shoot through him. Descendants of the gods? What was this thing talking about? Then, the memory from earlier that day resurfaced: the strange symbols on Olivia’s table, the echo of forgotten knowledge.

    He looked at Olivia, her eyes wide with a mix of terror and something else. Could it be true? Were those ancient myths about gods and goddesses, whispered across millennia, actually based on reality? And if so, were they somehow… related?

    The alien figure gestured towards them with an open hand. You are the ones we seek. Join us.

    Olivia met Alex’s gaze, their silent conversation conveying a thousand questions. What were these beings? What did they want with them? And was this terrifying encounter connected to the strange symbol and the unease he felt earlier?

    Before they could formulate a response, a searing pain erupted in Alex’s shoulder. He cried out, dropping to his knees as a blast of blue energy lanced from the alien’s outstretched hand. Olivia scrambled to his side, her own pistol aimed at the unearthly figure.

    Let him go! she shouted, her voice shaking but resolute. We want no trouble.

    The alien tilted its head, the blue glow emanating from its visor seeming to intensify. Resistance is futile, it boomed telepathically. We have come for you. Come willingly, or face the consequences.

    Olivia gritted her teeth, her finger hovering over the trigger. Alex winced, the pain throbbing in his shoulder. He knew they were woefully outmatched against such advanced technology.

    But what choice did they have? Their lives, and potentially the fate of humanity on Mars, hung in the balance.

    Just then, a booming voice echoed across the Martian plains, a voice that seemed to shake the very ground beneath their feet. Leave them be!

    Alex and Olivia whipped their heads towards the source of the sound. A silhouette stood atop a distant Martian hill, bathed in the pale light of the two moons. It was tall and imposing, shrouded in a swirling cloak of energy.

    As the figure strode closer, the ground rumbled with each powerful step. Reaching the alien craft, the figure stopped, and for the first time, its features were revealed. It was a man, with long flowing hair the color of moonlight and piercing blue eyes that seemed to hold the power of a storm. He raised a hand, and the alien ship trembled under his invisible grip.

    Who dares challenge me? the figure boomed, his voice filled with an otherworldly power.

    The alien figure on the ship seemed momentarily taken aback. It recovered quickly, however, and raised both its hands in a placating gesture.

    We meant no offense, the telepathic voice responded, less forceful this time. We merely seek those who carry the blood of the divine.

    The cloaked figure scoffed. There are no gods here, only echoes. Leave this place, and trouble me no further.

    The alien craft hesitated for a moment, then with a whirring of unseen gears, it lifted off the ground and ascended into the Martian night sky, leaving behind a trail of fading blue light.

    The cloaked figure remained standing on the hilltop, his gaze fixed on the retreating ship. After a long moment of silence, he finally turned towards Alex and Olivia.

    Are you alright? he boomed, his voice softer now, yet still

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