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Superheroes Of The Apocalypse season two: Superheroes Of The Apocalypse, #2
Superheroes Of The Apocalypse season two: Superheroes Of The Apocalypse, #2
Superheroes Of The Apocalypse season two: Superheroes Of The Apocalypse, #2
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Superheroes Of The Apocalypse season two: Superheroes Of The Apocalypse, #2

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This is Superheroes Of The Apocalypse Season two , continuing the story of the Superheroes Of The Apocalypse Season one


In a cataclysmic event, a meteor shower hurtled toward Earth, only to be intercepted and obliterated by nuclear missiles beyond the atmosphere. However, the meteor's payload—an otherworldly energy—swept across the planet. Overnight, the world transformed: zombies roamed, monsters emerged, and a global catastrophe unfolded.

Amidst this chaos, some perished, others mutated, and a fortunate few remained unscathed. But there was a small subset of survivors who woke up with newfound abilities—their bodies charged by the meteor's strange energy. These were the unlikely heroes of the apocalypse.

Our story begins here, as they grapple with their powers, navigate a treacherous world, and strive to save what remains of humanity.

Publisherken seng
Release dateJul 3, 2024
Superheroes Of The Apocalypse season two: Superheroes Of The Apocalypse, #2

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    Superheroes Of The Apocalypse season two - ken seng

    Chapter 1 It's so good to be alive

    The giant snake that swallowed Su Yuxi in one gulp, swung its head, and actually broke through the ground and drilled underground.


    Jiangnan jumped fiercely, stabbed the giant snake with a knife, hung on the snake, and drilled into the ground with the giant snake.

    Drilling into the ground, it was a strange feeling. The soil touching the skin was not hard. After the giant snake drilled in, the surrounding circle immediately turned into loose sand.

    Jiangnan couldn't help but be surprised. Turning soil into sand? So that's it, no wonder the giant snake can drill into the ground.

    The fine sand tightly wrapped around the place where the giant snake swam. There was no way forward, and the road behind was buried. Jiangnan, who was lying on the giant snake, was like a feather arrow shot out and could not be retrieved. He could only hold his breath and quietly wait for the moment when the giant snake came out of the ground again.

    Time, I don't know if it was five minutes, ten minutes, or maybe one minute or two minutes.

    Jiangnan didn't know how long it took. He only knew that his chest was getting more and more painful. Because of the lack of oxygen, his brain's consciousness began to become blurred. The hand that was tightly holding the handle of the knife couldn't help but loosen slightly.

    There is no hope. Let's die here...

    No. Jiangnan grabbed the handle of the knife again fiercely, and kept replaying a thought in his mind: Can't give up, can't give up, can't give up.

    No one knows the result until the last moment. You must never give up until the last moment. Even if you die, you must die on the back of the snake.

    Jiangnan's consciousness has gradually become blurred. It's just that last thought in his heart that makes him hold the handle of the giant snake tightly and go deep into the ground with the movement of the giant snake.

    Boom. The pressure on his body was relieved, and his feet suddenly became empty. The gravity from the earth made Jiangnan fall off the giant snake.

    Puff Jiangnan spit out the sand in his mouth, opened his mouth wide, and breathed in fresh air in big gulps.

    After taking a breath, Jiangnan realized that it was dark all around. He immediately took out the spotlight to chase the giant snake. Under the light, he saw that the giant snake was lying on the ground limply, and its ferocious eyes were dim.

    Dead? No. Jiangnan had seen that the giant snake's body was still trembling slightly. The giant snake was not dead yet, but it was not far from death.

    Taking advantage of its illness, Jiangnan immediately fired a death coil at the snake's head. The black spider web pattern immediately spread from the snake's head to half of the snake's body. A five-color light ball flew from the giant snake's body and landed on Jiangnan's body.

    Jiangnan was stunned when he received the experience value, because the experience value was not as much as he imagined. The experience value of this giant snake was only equivalent to that of two mutant pigs. From this, it can be seen that this seemingly powerful giant snake is actually weak inside and not much higher than those mutant pigs.

    That's right, otherwise, how could it be hit in the head by the charged bullet, and how could Jiangnan cut off its tail with a knife? If the giant snake was really powerful, it would not have to burrow into the ground to escape, it could have eaten all the people on the ground.

    The reason why the giant snake escaped was because it suffered a fatal injury, so it immediately burrowed into the ground and escaped after swallowing Su Yuxi.

    This also led to Jiangnan easily killing the giant snake with just one death coil.

    Jiangnan spit out a mouthful of blood. The blow from the snake's tail just now had caused serious injuries to his internal organs. Fortunately, Jiangnan's bones were not broken by the snake's tail, and his sternum was intact, so his life was preserved.

    A sacred light fell on his chest, slightly relieving the injury, and Jiangnan immediately stepped forward to cut open the giant snake's belly.

    There was already a wound on the giant snake's neck. The knife was cut from the wound on the neck downwards. With a rustle, a fishy smell came to his face, and a large amount of things rolled out of the giant snake's belly.

    Jiangnan no longer cared about the fishy smell and blood, and just desperately searched for any human-like objects from the pile of filth.

    Where is it, where is it. Jiangnan kept searching, but there were too many things in the giant snake's stomach, and these things were mixed together, plus it was dark all around, so it was difficult to find it all at once.

    Found it. Jiangnan was suddenly surprised. Among a pile of miserable corpses, he finally found Su Yuxi who was unconscious.

    The ice armor on Su Yuxi's body was still there, so her body was not corroded by the acid in the snake's body, but the long-term lack of oxygen had caused her to faint.

    Su Yuxi's breathing had stopped, and the signs of life began to gradually disappear, but in Jiangnan's eyes, her life value was only a little bit left.

    Holy Light.

    The golden ball of light fell on Su Yuxi's body, and the lifeline that was about to disappear jumped up one level, but the rising life value gradually fell back.

    The cooling time of the Holy Light is eight seconds, but Su Yuxi's life may not last for eight seconds.

    Jiangnan reacted instantly, she was short of oxygen.

    At this time, he couldn't care about anything. Jiangnan pried open Su Yuxi's tightly closed mouth, lip to lip, and blew air into her.

    What kiss, what love, at this time, there is no feeling at all.

    He crossed his hands and placed them on her tall chest, facing the heart, pressing the heart that had stopped beating.

    He opened her mouth and blew again. The Holy Light cooled down, and he used the Holy Light again, pressed the heart again, and performed artificial respiration again.

    Jiangnan did all this mechanically. The focus in his eyes had become blurred at that moment, and he was dazed and couldn't see anything clearly.

    Cough. Su Yuxi suddenly coughed lightly.

    But Jiangnan didn't notice all this at the moment. He still leaned over, opened her mouth, held her lips, and blew air into Su Yuxi's mouth. Su Yuxi's confused eyes suddenly widened, full of disbelief.

    Her first kiss...!

    A bigger shock followed. After blowing this breath, Jiangnan put his hands on her chest, and then pressed his heart through her chest.

    Before Su Yuxi could react, Jiangnan opened her mouth again, held her lips, and swallowed air into her mouth.

    Su Yuxi finally woke up completely and stretched out her hand to push Jiangnan's chest.

    The rubbing of his chest startled Jiangnan. Jiangnan's confused eyes woke up. Looking at the eyes Su Yuxi sent over, Jiangnan blinked unconsciously.

    Awake? Looking up, Jiangnan asked back in ecstasy. He was so scared that this was just an illusion.

    Yeah. Su Yuxi nodded gently, and her eyes were moist when she looked at Jiangnan.

    It's so good to be alive. Jiangnan could no longer control his emotions, and hugged Su Yuxi, pressed his face against hers, and breathed in the scent of her hair: Yuxi, it's so good to be alive.

    Yeah, yeah. Su Yuxi nodded heavily, and the tears in her eyes fell like pearls from a broken string.


    Chapter 2  The Devil's Eye of Confusion

    The two of them hugged each other quietly, and in silence, a faint warmth permeated.

    This world is dark and cruel, and human feelings can be as cold as ice. This world is not beautiful, but who can deny that true love is no longer there?

    Family, friendship, and love, it is precisely because the world is broken and human feelings are cold, so emotional matters will become more precious.

    After a long time, Su Yuxi, who had recovered, gently pushed Jiangnan. Jiangnan woke up and felt mixed emotions. He really wanted to hold her like this until the end of time, but he also knew that it was impossible. He sighed and gently let go.

    When the embrace was loosened, Jiangnan saw that Su Yuxi's face was already wet with tears, and pearl-like tears had fallen one by one, hanging all over her face.

    Why are you crying? Jiangnan reached out distressedly to wipe away the tears on her face, but his hand trembled and suddenly stiffened. Looking at her bright eyes, his hand could not reach up.

    In the blink of an eye, Jiangnan took a tissue from the storage space and handed it to Su Yuxi.

    Su Yuxi was stunned for a moment, took the tissue, and said, Thank you.

    Watching Yuxi wipe the tears from her face, Jiangnan cursed in his heart: Jiangnan is a big idiot.

    He gave up such a good opportunity, he is really a big idiot.

    Jiangnan exhaled, his chest was burning with pain, and a trace of bright red blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

    The injury to his internal organs was only treated by the Holy Light once, but it was not so easy to heal.

    What's wrong with you? Su Yuxi exclaimed, holding the tissue, naturally wiped the corner of Jiangnan's mouth, and a surprising bright red appeared on the tissue.

    Are you injured? As she spoke, her tears fell again. Su Yuxi didn't know what happened. Anyway, at this moment, she wanted to cry especially. I'm afraid she hasn't cried as much as today in her entire life.

    It should be gratitude, or it may be touching, or maybe it's heartache...

    Jiangnan was stunned by Su Yuxi's natural and intimate wiping. This was... a coincidence.

    Don't cry, my injury is fine. It was true. It was the first time I knew that Su Yuxi could cry like water. Jiangnan smiled bitterly and used the Holy Light on himself.

    After three consecutive Holy Lights, the damage to Jiangnan's internal organs was completely healed. He breathed again without feeling any discomfort.

    Seeing Jiangnan breathing smoothly, Su Yuxi felt relieved. Looking around, it was pitch black, so he asked: Where is this, how did we get here?

    It should be underground. You... After you were swallowed by the giant snake, the giant snake drilled underground... Speaking of this experience, it is indeed a bit difficult to understand.

    Su Yuxi stared at Jiangnan in a daze. Drilling into the ground? Is this already underground? How much risk should he take to save her? Su Yuxi's eyes suddenly turned red, her nose was sour, and she wanted to cry.

    After all, she was just an ordinary girl. She also has her own joys and sorrows, and will cry for being touched and get angry for being unfair.

    Jiangnan stayed aside, but smiled bitterly in his heart. Should he go forward to comfort her or wipe her tears?

    No one taught Jiangnan what to do, and he had never experienced such a thing. Facing the girl he liked, he seemed at a loss.

    Su Yuxi sniffed and recovered first. She said, Jiangnan, how should we get out?

    There should be a way out, otherwise, how could there be air here. Jiangnan had thought of this a long time ago.

    That's right. Thinking of this, Su Yuxi also felt relieved.

    I'll go see the snake, you wait here. Jiangnan suddenly found that there was a fluorescent light in the dark, and when he took the light, he found that it was the sharp horns on the snake's head that were glowing.

    I'll go with you.

    In the dark, a delicate little hand was gently placed in Jiangnan's palm. The soft little hand seemed to carry a voltage of 100,000, which made Jiangnan tremble all over. He couldn't help but paused his steps. Jiangnan turned back in disbelief, but saw that in the dimness, Su Yuxi's cheeks were already blushing.

    Jiangnan pinched the tenderness in his palm blankly, and stared at Su Yuxi's blushing face.

    What...what is this?

    Still looking. Su Yuxi shyly turned her face away, and her snow-white neck was also stained with a layer of rouge.



    Nothing. Jiangnan shook his head gently. At this time, what language is needed?

    Feeling the tenderness in his palm, Jiangnan's heart was like a layer of thick honey, so sweet.

    There was no love between you and me, no vows of love, just so naturally, the two of them had already held hands together.

    I will protect you forever. Definitely. Jiangnan swore silently.

    There was a yellow horn-like sharp horn on the head of the giant snake, but this horn was a little unusual. Not only was the material as crystal clear as jade, but it also emitted a faint fluorescence.

    Jiangnan used a knife to dig out the sharp horn from the snake's head with great effort. The sharp horn was as heavy as a hand, and Jiangnan's face showed surprise. He really didn't expect that the weight of this sharp horn was not light, at least about 30 kilograms.

    But unfortunately, looking left and right, he couldn't see what was special about this sharp horn. Jiangnan shook his head and could only put this sharp horn away. After leaving, he would study it slowly.

    After digging out the sharp horn, Jiangnan tried to dig open the giant snake's head again. Unfortunately, there was only a pile of brain matter in the giant snake's head, but no crystals or anything like that.

    Jiangnan frowned. There was no crystal, but a horn grew. The mutation of these creatures was really strange.

    After putting away the snake's horn, Jiangnan began to think about how to go out.

    It was dark all around, and it was not easy to find a way out.

    Jiangnan, there is wind. Su Yuxi suddenly shouted in surprise.

    Jiangnan was stunned, but he immediately understood that wind naturally meant there was an exit.

    Going against the wind, you will definitely find the exit.

    It is the exit.

    It must be.

    Feeling the flow of the wind, both of them were delighted. Now, they finally found the way out.

    Let's go.


    Holding the tender little hand, the two began to go against the wind with the light of the flashlight.

    The terrain here is very complicated, with many connections, like a maze. The only hope for the two is to go against the wind and find a way out.

    After walking for ten minutes, Jiangnan carried Su Yuxi on his back. Carrying Su Yuxi, Jiangnan's speed can be exerted, so he can actually walk faster.

    At Jiangnan's speed, after walking for an hour, the cave suddenly became bigger.

    Jiangnan, be careful, there are a lot of things coming. Su Yuxi suddenly said nervously.

    Her eyesight was also unable to see the scene in the dark, but under her true eyes, she could see many things with red halos in the dark, gathering here.

    Red represents the enemy.

    Many, many enemies are gathering here.

    The mental perspective was activated instantly, but the effect of mental perspective was not affected by the dark environment, so Jiangnan could see clearly what was coming.

    Seeing the origin of the enemy, Jiangnan took a breath of cold air, there were so many snakes.

    There were too many to count, and all kinds of snakes like tides were rushing towards Jiangnan and his men.

    This scale, at least hundreds of thousands of them.

    The number was too large, hundreds of thousands of various snakes, even if Jiangnan was asked to chop them, Jiangnan could not kill them all.

    Yuxi, it's snakes, so many snakes, let's go. Jiangnan's face changed, and what he thought in his mind was to leave as soon as possible.

    Wait..., I... I advanced. Su Yuxi's voice was also filled with disbelief. It was too hard to believe that she actually advanced at this time, and the conditions for her advancement were finally understood.

    Advanced? Jiangnan was also happy, but then he thought about it and became discouraged. Even if he advanced, what would happen? Could he still deal with these massive snake tides?

    My advanced ability is called the Deranged Demon Eye. Give me a little more time, and it will be fine soon.

    Su Yuxi said quickly, and in the darkness, her eyes began to gather light.

    Chapter 3  The Demon Eye Shows Its Power

    In the darkness, Su Yuxi's eyes began to gather light, which was a silver-gray light, and in the light, a metallic color flashed.

    Suddenly, the silver light shone brightly, and her eyes were dotted with stars, shining like the Milky Way.

    In an instant, the entire cave was dyed with a layer of silver-gray.

    Wu hum...

    The air also shook slightly at this time, producing a thin humming sound, and in an instant, a strange power spread instantly.

    Under the influence of this power, the snakes became agitated, and then a strange scene appeared, and the snakes actually attacked each other.

    Jiangnan looked at the scene of the snakes dancing in front of him in surprise. Was he right? The snakes actually attacked each other? Could this be the power of the chaotic demon eye?

    The starlight in Su Yuxi's eyes only lasted for a short moment before disappearing. Although the starlight in her eyes disappeared, the snakes' attack on each other did not stop because of this.

    Looking at the strange scene in front of him, Jiangnan was also confused.

    What exactly is this so-called chaotic magic eye?

    The fight between the snakes could not be stopped for a while. For safety reasons, Jiangnan took the slightly tired Su Yuxi and began to retreat into the cave again.

    Why did you advance suddenly? Seeing Su Yuxi recover, Jiangnan couldn't help asking.

    It's quite lucky. I didn't expect that I would advance after seeing so many snakes. Su Yuxi smiled lightly and told the reason.

    Before this, Su Yuxi's ability was the true knowledge magic eye, which could distinguish between the enemy and us, but she didn't even know how to advance.

    Just when she saw hundreds of thousands of snakes rushing over, Su Yuxi advanced, and according to the process of advancement, she finally understood the reason for her advancement.

    The reason for her advancement is simple and difficult. The condition for advancement is to see a sufficient number of enemies, which should refer to hundreds of thousands.

    Facing the threat of hundreds of thousands of enemies, under the stimulation of such dangerous conditions, her ability can be advanced.

    This kind of advanced condition is incredible. If Su Yuxi hadn't happened to encounter this group of snakes, it would be hard to say when he would meet the conditions for advancement.

    After all, it is still very difficult to encounter hundreds of thousands of zombies in the wilderness. Once you really encounter hundreds of thousands of zombies, it means that thousands of mutant zombies will also be mixed in. Thousands of mutant zombies, facing such enemies, even if you advance, it is hard to say whether you can survive.

    So, Su Yuxi was lucky to encounter the snake group here and to be able to advance here.

    As for the ability of the Deranged Eye, it can be understood from the literal meaning.

    Deranged Eye: It can make the creatures that are hit by this trick have illusions, and they can't distinguish between friend and foe and attack randomly.

    Deranged Eye is a kind of mental attack, so the range of Deranged Eye is very large, almost reaching the level of being able to hurt the enemy wherever it can see. Of course, the closer the distance, the better the effect, the farther the distance, the worse the effect, and if it is too far, there will be no effect.

    Although the range of the Deranged Eye is very large, its power is not so legendary. If a person has a weak will, he will not be able to resist the attack of the Deranged Eye, but if a person has a very strong will, he can resist this attack to a certain extent.

    Of course, even so, the effect of the Deranged Eye is also very great.

    Just like facing a group of snakes, the Deranged Eye may not make all the snakes have a hostile illusion, but as long as half of the snakes have an illusion and half of the snakes attack the other half, then the war of the snakes will begin.

    Once the battle starts, once the snakes start biting, there will be no question of who is right or wrong, who comes first and who comes later.

    Once the fight starts, even if the Deranged Eye is no longer powerful, the battle will continue.

    It's like if you are slapped in the face by someone, you will definitely fight back, even if the other party tells you that he was really helpless at the time and his brain was wrong at the time, you will definitely slap him back first.

    The two mouths twitched, and the fight began.

    This is the power of the Deranged Magic Eye.

    Of course, those with strong willpower will resist this skill, so you have to be extremely careful when using it, and it is best to have someone cooperate with her to protect her.

    So powerful. Jiangnan was surprised. The effect of the Deranged Magic Eye is still very good, especially when they encounter enemies with numbers, the power of the Deranged Magic Eye can be fully exerted.

    Then how should you advance this time? Also look at the enemy? The effect of the Deranged Magic Eye is surprising, and Jiangnan is looking forward to Su Yuxi's next stage of skills.

    Really looking forward to it, I don't know what ability her magic eye can evolve when she advances to the third level.

    The conditions for this advancement are also quite special, and you need to fight against the enemy mentally. People with strong willpower will resist my Deranged Magic Eye, and this resistance will prompt me to advance. Su Yuxi said.

    Resist, how to resist? Kill them? Jiangnan didn't understand.

    No, I don't need to kill the opponent. As long as I can use the Derangement Eye on those with strong willpower, and the number of times I use it reaches a certain level, I can advance. Su Yuxi explained.

    Is that so? If that's the case, then just keep using the Derangement Eye on me. Wouldn't it be possible to advance quickly? Jiangnan suddenly said whimsically.

    Su Yuxi, who was lying on Jiangnan, smiled and explained, "That's impossible. First of all, I have to rest for twelve hours after using my Derangement Eye every time. I can't use it continuously.

    And my Derangement Eye is only effective against enemies. Under the judgment of the True Knowledge Eye, you are not an enemy, so the Derangement Eye will be ineffective against you. If the Derangement Eye is used against Sister Meng and the others, it will also be ineffective."

    This is really a troublesome advancement condition. It doesn't count if you can deal with it, it's only effective if you can't deal with it. It's really not easy to advance.

    It's okay. After we get out, I'll find some mutant zombies and let you take a good look at them. Then you'll advance.

    What do you mean by take a good look? In your impression, do I like to watch zombies? Su Yuxi snorted, and the hot air she exhaled made Jiangnan's ears itch.

    Haha, how could that be? I know you don't like to watch zombies. Listening to Su Yuxi's shy anger, Jiangnan felt a kind of happiness wrapped in honey in his heart.

    This... is love.

    Half an hour later, Jiangnan carried Su Yuxi back to see the snakes just now.

    In the dark, Jiangnan turned on his mental perspective. As long as he didn't turn on the lights and kept a certain distance, the snakes would not find them.

    The fight between the snakes has gradually subsided, but the bite just now has killed many snakes. There are many dead snakes on the ground.

    But, even so, the remaining snakes are probably a huge number. It may not be easy for the two to pass through here.

    Chapter 4 Experimental Enhancement

    Under the effect of the Deranged Magic Eye, although many snakes were killed or injured, the remaining snakes were still very large. It was not easy to pass through the snakes safely.

    In this case, they could only wait for Su Yuxi's ability to recover. Only when she used the Deranged Magic Eye again and the number of snakes decreased sharply, could they leave.

    Carrying Su Yuxi, Jiangnan left the snakes, but did not go far away. After feeling safe, he put Su Yuxi down.

    In the darkness underground, Su Yuxi unconsciously stayed close to Jiangnan. Jiangnan also took her hand, and the warmth of his palm passed to her. The two smiled at each other, and a touch of warmth spread in their hearts.

    Feeling the warmth of his palm, Su Yuxi's heart also surged with a warm feeling. It was really unbelievable that she would have this day to hold hands with Jiangnan.

    But the feeling of holding hands was really good.

    This is for you. Letting go of his hand, Jiangnan handed over a laptop and put it in Su Yuxi's hand.

    He has a lot of these gadgets stored in his storage space. With Lao Wei's charging, he doesn't have to worry about the power problem. Unfortunately, the current network is no longer available and the computer can no longer access the Internet.

    Although the computer can't access the Internet, it's still good for killing time.

    Seeing Su Yuxi take over the computer, Jiangnan smiled slightly and started doing his own things.

    Jiangnan took out the enhanced Japanese swords. These fluorescent Japanese swords are very strong, but Jiangnan couldn't be sure whether the fluorescence on these Japanese swords was the enhanced effect produced by the crystal.

    However, it doesn't matter. If you try to strengthen it yourself, everything will be clear.

    Jiangnan has a total of 23 crystals, one of which is in the form of an eyeball. This crystal comes from the three-eyed demon bull.

    These crystals should be enough for the strengthening test.

    Putting the crystals and the enhanced swords aside, Jiangnan took out a few ordinary Japanese swords and the Desert Eagle.

    Take the Japanese swords for the test first, so that if something goes wrong, you won't feel bad.

    With the knife in his left hand and the crystal in his right hand, Jiangnan began to consider what skill to input into the crystal, sleep or death coil?

    Let's try death coil first.

    Holding the crystal to activate death coil, the black skull entered the crystal in an instant. After the green crystal absorbed the death coil, it was covered with a layer of black texture.

    The crystal began to soften, and Jiangnan quickly put the crystal on the Japanese sword. As soon as the crystal fell on the blade, it stuck to it, and then the crystal turned into a liquid form and flowed down along the blade, penetrating into the entire Japanese sword.

    Magically, although Jiangnan held the handle tightly with his hand, he was not affected by it. The strengthening power penetrated into the handle through his hand and strengthened the handle as well.

    After strengthening, the blade showed a faint green fluorescence, and in the fluorescence, there was a black silk thread.

    Green fluorescence? Jiangnan's face had an expression of as expected. Those Japanese swords also had green fluorescence. In this way, those Japanese swords also used crystals to strengthen.

    I just don't know what power those Japanese swords rely on to strengthen. There are no obvious features on the blades.

    Jiangnan didn't know about this. When these Japanese swords were strengthened, it was done by Dazhi, who knew the magic circle. After Dazhi's strengthening, these Japanese swords had no special properties, but they had better materials, were sharper, and were more difficult to break.

    But then again, what special properties would this Japanese sword have after being strengthened by the death coil?

    Jiangnan's heart moved. If he wanted to know what properties the weapon had, the only way was to try it with a living creature.

    Jiangnan began to arrange, summon water elements, summon venomous snake guards, and release the carrion beetles that had been stored in his pocket and had not been used.

    The summoning time of the water element is 1 minute, the cooling time is 24 minutes, and it lasts for 12 hours. Although it can be summoned multiple times, at the first level, the combat power of the water element is not useful at all, so naturally it was not used.

    Even at the second level, Jiangnan still rarely uses water elements. The main reason is that the combat power of water elements cannot keep up with Jiangnan's pace.

    Watching Jiangnan busy summoning the venomous snake guards one by one, Su Yuxi asked in confusion: What's wrong?

    It's okay, it's safer to summon something. Jiangnan explained with a smile.

    After summoning five or six venomous snake guards and placing them around, Jiangnan returned to his original position.

    Jiangnan calmed down and picked up the Japanese sword with death coil.

    Using living things to test the properties of weapons is naturally a good method, but that method can only show the approximate properties of weapons. The best way to test is not to use others, but to use yourself.

    Use your own body to experience the properties contained in the weapon, so that you can fully understand what kind of power the weapon has.

    Of course, it is also because Jiangnan has the sacred light, so there is no need to worry about getting hurt. Otherwise, who would dare to joke with their own body.

    With a blade, he gently scratched the fingertips. Although Jiangnan's body was no longer the same as before, a small cut was still made under the sharp blade.

    As the wound opened, a trace of blood overflowed. Jiangnan frowned and immediately found that the wound on the fingertips had been stained with a layer of black, which began to spread along the fingers to the palm.

    As the black spread, Jiangnan's fingertips continued to produce a tingling pain. At the same time, Jiangnan's life value was also decreasing. Although the amount of reduction could be negligible, his life value was indeed decreasing.

    Are you crazy? Why do you hurt yourself with a knife? Su Yuxi rushed over and saw the wound on Jiangnan's hand, and her eyes suddenly turned red.

    It's okay, I'm just doing an experiment. There's nothing wrong. If you don't believe me, look, it's done. Jiangnan stretched out his hand, and the wound on the fingertips really stopped bleeding. When he looked again, the wound had adhered together and was about to heal.

    As for the black on the fingertips, it had begun to thin out and gradually disappeared while he was talking.

    Without using the Holy Light, Jiangnan's wounds were healed only by his own recovery ability. His ability was indeed much stronger than that of ordinary people.

    Su Yuxi sighed worriedly. Knowing that Jiangnan did this for serious matters, he could only let it go.

    After comforting Su Yuxi, Jiangnan continued his experiment.

    After the scene just now, Jiangnan could confirm that the death coil added a continuous killing effect to the weapon, but this effect was not strong. It would be difficult to kill monsters with this effect on the weapon.

    Instead of relying on this effect to kill the monster, it would be better to chop off its head with one knife.

    It is no wonder that He Shiyi and his team added wind acceleration power to the weapon instead of fire damage, because under the one-hit kill, additional damage is not necessary at all.

    Okay, let's try again to see if the enhancement can be stacked.

    Jiangnan took out another crystal and activated it with death coil, and then put the melting crystal on the Japanese sword with death coil attached.

    After a while, the power of the crystal penetrated into the Japanese sword.

    This Japanese sword with a faint fluorescent light had another layer of black texture, which was strengthened and effective.

    Chapter 5: Four Strengthenings

    After the second strengthening , not only the fluorescence on the blade became brighter, but the black lines that were originally only one layer also became two.

    From this appearance, the strengthening effect can indeed be superimposed.

    Holding the Japanese sword, Jiangnan stretched out his finger again and cut a knife on the fingertips. This time the spread of the black gas was a little faster than before, but this kind of damage is still not obvious to people with strong vitality.

    After using the Holy Light to heal the wound, Jiangnan used the Death Coil and the crystal to strengthen a Japanese sword, and then held the Japanese sword with the first strengthening in his left hand and the Japanese sword with the second strengthening in his right hand, and the two swords chopped each other.

    Bang, a spark was wiped out on the blade, and a small gap was knocked out on the Japanese sword with the first strengthening, while the Japanese sword with the second strengthening was intact.

    Looking at the result, Jiangnan nodded, the weapon with the second strengthening was indeed better than the weapon with the first strengthening.

    Then came the third enhancement. The enhancement process was the same as before. After the enhancement, the fluorescence on the knife became brighter, and the original two black lines became three black lines.

    After the three enhancements were completed, Jiangnan frowned. Could it be infinite enhancement?

    As for how many times it can be enhanced, you will know after trying more. Jiangnan is also quite curious. If you keep enhancing, what will you get in the end?

    Is it a magic weapon?

    The fourth enhancement began. The enhancement process was the same as the previous three times. First, use the death coil to activate the crystal. The crystal softens and merges into the blade. The process is the same as before.

    At this moment, the fluorescence on the knife began to churn violently, and the blade began to tremble. Jiangnan was startled. With a light puff, the fluorescence on the blade turned into a mist and dissipated.

    The fourth enhancement failed.

    Jiangnan was stunned. Is this considered a failure? Can only three enhancements be performed?

    Looking at the failed knife in his hand, Jiangnan began to think about the problem. Can only three enhancements be performed, or is there something wrong with his operation?

    Well, let's do it again. There are still 18 crystals left, which is enough for use.

    Jiangnan started a new enhancement attempt. This time, he chose the sleep skill.

    After adding the sleep skill to the weapon with the power of the crystal, Jiangnan tried to scratch his fingertips. The wound was cut, and the fingertips began to numb immediately. The numbness spread to the palm. In about ten seconds, the injured palm seemed no longer flexible.

    After the enhancement, the sleep skill produced a paralysis effect.

    Jiangnan's eyes lit up. Although the paralysis time was short, the effect was good. If this ability was used well, it might be able to win by surprise.

    Okay, let's do the second enhancement.

    This time, the enhancement was no longer a sleep skill, but a death coil. The process was the same as before, but after the enhancement was successful, one weapon had two effects.

    Another scratch on the fingertips, the wound was cut open, and the feeling of paralysis just occurred, and the black power of death spread on the fingertips. Under the stimulation of the stinging pain, the feeling of paralysis disappeared immediately. Although the damage became stronger, the paralysis effect had disappeared.

    Very good, a new situation was discovered. Different attributes attached to the same weapon may cause the effects of the weapon to cancel each other out.

    So when strengthening weapons, the choice of skills is very important.

    Start the third strengthening. This time, the shock wave is selected. After the shock wave is attached to the weapon, the green fluorescence on the blade begins to fade and eventually turns into white fluorescence.

    Jiangnan picked up the knife and swung it gently. He immediately found that the feeling of swinging the knife was much lighter than before, and the speed of swinging the knife seemed faster.

    Shock waves belong to the power of the wind system, so the weapon also comes with wind acceleration.

    Start the fourth strengthening. This time, the magic absorption skill is selected.

    The strengthening steps were exactly the same as before, but at the moment when the crystal was integrated into the blade, the fluorescence on the blade began to churn violently. Puff, the fluorescence turned into mist and disappeared, and the strengthening failed.

    Jiangnan was prepared for this result and was not very surprised.

    After these two failed experiments, Jiangnan had some experience in the strengthening application of crystals. In this way, he could try to strengthen the Desert Eagle.

    There were still fourteen crystals left, enough for use.

    Jiangnan began to try to strengthen the Desert Eagle, first with the Death Coil, then the Sleeping Skill, and then the Shock Wave Skill.

    The addition of the three skills has similarities and differences.

    Whether it is the strengthened Death Coil or the strengthened Sleeping Skill, each time it is strengthened, the five-second cooldown of the Desert Eagle will be reduced by one second, and two strengthenings can reduce it by 2 seconds.

    However, the use of the Shock Wave Skill can cool down for 2 seconds, so the five-second cooldown becomes 4 seconds.

    Use another crystal to strengthen, the fourth strengthening still failed, after the failure, the strengthening effect on the gun completely disappeared.

    After this time, there are ten crystals left.

    After the attempt is completed, the formal strengthening begins. This time, the shock wave skill is selected. After three strengthenings, a faint white fluorescence appears on this black Desert Eagle.

    Puff, Puff, Puff, Jiangnan fired several shots in a row, and it was very easy to use. The five-second cooldown of the Desert Eagle completely disappeared.

    After three strengthenings, this Desert Eagle has become a real unlimited ammunition.

    Jiangnan couldn't help but shoot around with the Desert Eagle with joy. This kind of unrestricted violence is really refreshing.

    Okay, there are seven crystals left, and then strengthen.

    This time, Jiangnan took out a Tang sword and chose the shock wave skill. After three strengthenings, this Tang sword has a good wind power. If you use this Tang sword, the attack speed is one-third faster than other weapons.

    One-third of the slashing speed, this effect is still quite good.

    After the three enhancements were completed, Jiangnan took out the eyeball-like crystal. Holding the crystal, Jiangnan was a little hesitant. Should he try again?

    This crystal is different from other crystals. Maybe it can be enhanced four times.

    After a little hesitation, Jiangnan made up his mind to use it. After all, with his current strength, it is not difficult to get these crystals. Even if he fails, it is not a big deal. He can get more crystals in the future.

    Seeing the white fluorescence on the blade begin to churn, Jiangnan suddenly became a little nervous. Will it fail again?

    Puff, the churning fluorescence calmed down and slowly condensed together. The fluorescence disappeared, but a crystallization phenomenon appeared on the blade.

    The fourth enhancement is completed.

    Jiangnan's eyes lit up. It was actually successful. It turned out that it could still be enhanced four times. It turned out that the secret was here.

    To enhance four times, different crystals are needed.

    Jiangnan held the weapon that had been strengthened four times in one hand and a strengthened Japanese sword in the other. They chopped each other, and with a click, the Japanese sword broke.

    Touching the four-time strengthened Tang sword, the blade exuded a slight cold feeling. On the blade, there were traces of crystal textures, as if the blade was kneaded with dazzling diamonds, which was very beautiful.

    This sword is not only beautiful, but more importantly, it is very strong and can be used to chop with other metal weapons. If you encounter a monster with thick skin and flesh in the future, you don’t have to worry about the weapon.

    One sword and one gun, both have been strengthened. Although a lot of crystal stones are wasted, Jiangnan feels it is worth it. Having a good weapon in hand is more important than anything else.

    Next, should I find a few snakes to test the power of the new weapon?

    Chapter 6 Return to the Ground (Part 1)

    After packing up, Jiangnan wanted to carry Su Yuxi with him, but Yuxi refused the proposal. She knew that she would only be a burden if she went. In that case, it would be better to stay here.

    Besides, it was actually quite safe here.

    Jiangnan sighed, summoned the owl to stay here, and ran alone towards the location of the snakes.

    It was a pity that the owl could not see the scenery clearly in the dark, otherwise, it would be great if the owl could find other ways out.

    After approaching the snakes, Jiangnan immediately turned off the flashlight in his hand. In the dark environment, any light source would attract the attention of the snakes.

    Damn. Jiangnan cursed secretly. Although the flashlight was turned off, the blade of the reinforced Tang sword in his hand was accompanied by a silver halo. If this light source was in a normal environment, it would not be conspicuous at all, but in the darkness underground, the halo on the sword was enough to attract the snakes.

    The halo on the Desert Eagle was several times brighter than the fluorescence on the Tang sword. In such a dark environment, such a weapon could not be used at all.

    Faced with this situation, Jiangnan immediately put away all the weapons. Safety first, the test of weapons could only be carried out after going out.

    The mental perspective was activated, and Jiangnan could see the surrounding situation clearly.

    The mental perspective skill was still very useful. Even in the dark underground without a trace of light, the surrounding situation could be seen clearly.

    Looking at the various snakes in front of him, there were still a lot of them. Jiangnan suddenly had an idea in his mind. If he killed all these snakes, how much experience points would he get?

    As soon as he said it, Jiangnan summoned a venomous snake guard in the middle of the snake group. After the three-headed venomous snake guard came out, he immediately fired poison arrows at the snake group on the ground.

    The poisonous arrows of the venomous snake guard were still quite sharp. A snake could be killed in two or three strokes. Moreover, the venomous snake guard was not afraid of physical attacks. The snake group could only passively take the beating and had no way to deal with the venomous snake guard.

    Jiangnan saw that this method was effective, and immediately got motivated. As soon as the cooling time was over, he began to summon the venomous snake guards. With continuous summoning, more than a dozen venomous snake guards with three heads appeared in the snake group.

    Under the attack of the venomous snake guards, it didn't take much time before a layer of venomous snake corpses appeared on the ground.

    This way of killing snakes is quite easy, but the experience points that the snake group can give are very rare, it can be said to be negligible. After killing so many snakes, I didn't see any experience points moving.

    But it doesn't matter, a little bit adds up to a lot, and every bit you can get is a little bit.

    As the venomous snake guards showed their power, Jiangnan also summoned the water element, which can launch water spears. Although the launch frequency of the water spears is a bit slow, the destructive power is quite good. A spear falling into the middle of the snake group can kill dozens of venomous snakes.

    The attack of the water element immediately attracted the attention of the snakes, and a large number of poisonous snakes immediately rushed over. The movement speed of the water element was comparable to that of a normal person, but there was no place to hide in the cave, and there were so many snakes. In addition, the water element could not run far and was surrounded by the snakes.

    The water element had no physical immunity. Once surrounded by the snakes, the snakes would rush up and bite the water element's body. Although the water element was not afraid of the poison of the poisonous snakes, it could not withstand the crazy bite. Not long after, the water element dissipated.

    The water element is not as useful as the poisonous snake guard. Jiangnan concluded as he watched the disappearing water element.

    At least, that's the case now.

    The water element was useless, so Jiangnan was too lazy to summon it again, so he saved energy and concentrated on summoning the poisonous snake guard.

    The good thing about summoning skills is that you can remain silent and not be discovered by the enemy.

    Just like Jiangnan now, because the attack was not launched by himself, he could hide in the dark and secretly summon the venomous snake guards, and those venomous snakes that were attacked only saw the venomous snake guards, but did not find Jiangnan.

    And these summoned venomous snake guards are not afraid of physical attacks. To a certain extent, this is an invincible existence, at least for these snake groups, they are invincible.

    Gradually, Jiangnan discovered something very strange. Although the snakes in the snake group have mutated, their blood has turned green, and they are still very aggressive, there are no mutant zombies in the snake group.

    If you have to make a metaphor, these snakes are just ordinary zombies, and those mutant zombies that can fire and electricity do not exist in the snake group.

    If there are snakes that can fire and electricity in the snake group, Jiangnan's venomous snake guards will not attack so smoothly.

    Maybe that kind of snake has not evolved yet. In any case, Jiangnan feels very lucky.

    After a while, more than fifty venomous snake guards were set up in the snake group. Each venomous snake guard could fire three poisonous arrows, and each poisonous arrow had the power to penetrate the snake body.

    However, the vitality of these mutant snakes is also extraordinary. Unless the head is shot into pieces, they will die immediately. Otherwise, even if the body is shot into two pieces, the snake head will still jump up and open its mouth to bite.

    Fortunately, the venomous snake guards are illusory bodies and are not afraid of physical attacks at all. Otherwise, the snake group is surging and no guard can resist it.

    This should also be regarded as, brine and tofu, one thing overcomes another.

    Two hours later, Jiangnan looked at the little experience he had gained and was about to collapse.

    Two hours, in these two hours, he didn't know how many venomous snakes he had killed, but the experience he gained was very little.

    The experience gained in two hours is not as good as killing a mutant three-eyed pig.

    The experience points gained from killing that mutant pig are comparable to those gained from killing poisonous snakes for two hours here.

    Jiangnan understood that the experience points gained from monsters with different strengths would also change from quantitative to qualitative, just like these poisonous snakes. Although the number of poisonous snakes is quite amazing, the experience points they have cannot even compare to a few mutant fat pigs.

    So, the best way to upgrade is not to require quantity, but to require quality. Taking risks to kill high-level monsters is the best way to upgrade.

    Especially when Jiangnan's level is getting higher and higher, and the experience points required are also increasing, he should kill high-level creatures.

    Since killing snakes can no longer gain much experience points, there is no need for him to continue and stay here.

    When Jiangnan returned to Su Yuxi, his eyes suddenly froze, because he saw Su Yuxi's notebook floating on her knees.

    Jiangnan, you're back. Su Yuxi was surprised to see Jiangnan coming back. By the way, come and see this.

    As Su Yuxi stood up from the ground, the notebook also floated up and down under her control.

    How did you do it? Jiangnan asked curiously. Because the owl can only exist for half an hour, Jiangnan will come back every thirty minutes to summon the owl again. Remember when Su Yuxi came back last time, she didn't have this ability?

    I don't know how it came about. I just thought, let it float up, and the notebook floated up. Do you think it has something to do with the advancement? Su Yuxi herself was also very curious about this ability.

    This ability to control objects, under normal circumstances, should be related to mental power. I think it may be because of your advancement that your mental power has changed, and you have this ability to control objects. Jiangnan guessed.

    After saying that, Jiangnan also felt that this was probably the reason. After all, Su Yuxi's ability should belong to the category of mental power. Whether it is the True Knowledge Magic Eye or the Chaos Magic Eye, these two abilities should be driven by mental power.

    However, these two seemingly powerful abilities are not completely dependent on mental power.

    Because Su Yuxi's mental power is not that strong, her mental power is only a key to drive skills, and the real power is the skills themselves.

    Whether it is the Eye of True Knowledge or the Eye of Delusion, both are very magical skills, and the power contained in them is difficult to explain scientifically.

    Chapter 7 Return to the Ground (Part 2)

    After testing, Su Yuxi's mental power is enough to lift a hundred kilograms of weight in the air. If the mental power is used separately, it can act on two objects separately while keeping the power unchanged.

    Jiangnan took out two Japanese swords and asked Yuxi to try to control them. Su Yuxi, who had just come into contact with this kind of power, was not very skilled in control. Under her control, the two Japanese swords floated crookedly, either too fast and hit the wall, or too slow and weak.

    Jiangnan shook his head. He had mental power, but control was not something that could be acquired overnight. He needed to practice slowly.

    It was not easy to reach the level of flying sword to hurt the enemy.

    Seeing this situation, Jiangnan used the Tang sword to cut off the tip of the Japanese sword, thus forming two blades. The small blades were obviously easier to control with mental power and more powerful.

    Watching the two sharp blades flying up and down under her control, Su Yuxi seemed very excited, with a youthful smile, which made Jiangnan beside her excited.

    This world may not be beautiful, it is cold and dirty, but from another level, it always has treasures worth protecting.

    For these treasures worth protecting, human beings will continue to struggle.

    It is not an easy task to control the flying of the blades. After just a moment, a layer of fine sweat beads appeared on Su Yuxi's forehead.

    Just thinking about the encounter on the roof at the beginning, Su Yuxi bit her lip and continued her cultivation without saying a word.

    This world is no longer the same, and she also hopes to have the power to protect herself and her loved ones.

    Su Yuxi worked hard to cultivate on the side, and Jiangnan was not idle for a moment.

    At this time, Jiangnan took out the booklet that recorded the sword of Iai.

    Two-thirds of this thin booklet records the origin and history of the Iai Sword, and only the last one-third records the true meaning of the Iai Sword.

    Iai Sword is also known as Iai Slash, because this sword technique does not have specific moves, but emphasizes breathing, spirit, and **, and the coordination of the three to cut with one sword.

    After reading the entire introduction of Iai Slash, Jiangnan also has his own understanding of Iai Slash. Iai Slash has no specific moves. It is actually a method of controlling force.

    People who practice Iai Slash, after long-term practice, will make their breathing and swordsmanship cooperate with each other when they use the sword, so as to maximize the strength of their limbs and make moves quickly and fiercely.

    However, Iai Slash also has a disadvantage that is not a disadvantage, because this attack emphasizes instantaneous explosive power, so it cannot last long in terms of the human body's own conditions.

    Jiangnan is not very worried about this. After all, no matter from which angle you look at it, his body is no longer like a normal human being.

    In addition to recording the training method of Iai Slash, the booklet also records a set of basic sword techniques. This set of basic sword techniques is not a martial arts routine. It only records the basic chopping movements. Practicing basic chopping and combining it with the breathing method of Iai Slash is the whole picture of Iai Slash.

    Iai Slash may seem simple, but it is a kind of martial arts in artistic conception, just like everyone knows Tai Chi, but there are very few real Tai Chi masters.

    But it doesn't matter. Jiangnan didn't expect to practice this set of sword techniques. He just thought that he could improve his control through practice and be able to exert all his martial arts 100%, which was enough.

    Time passed slowly in the practice of the two.

    When Jiangnan felt hungry, he looked at his watch and it was already seven o'clock in the evening.

    Because of the environment, there was no fire to cook, and the food was packaged dry bread and ham sausage.

    What do you think Sister Meng is doing now? Su Yuxi said worriedly.

    With Zhong Yuan and Xue Cheng here, it should be fine. Jiangnan comforted.

    Thinking of the character of these two people, Su Yuxi nodded, and then he relaxed a little.

    It was the most dangerous when sleeping at night. Jiangnan could only carry Su Yuxi to the depths of the cave, farther away from the snake group, and then summoned the water element to guard the front and back cave entrances, took out the quilt and spread it on the ground, and the two of them had a place to rest.

    Even so, Jiangnan did not dare to fall asleep that night, but just sat aside and took a short rest. Anyway, with his energy, not sleeping all night would not have much impact.

    The next day, after breakfast, the two set out again towards the snake group.

    After approaching the snake group, Su Yuxi's chaotic magic eye showed its power again, and the silver light shone, and the snake group was in chaos again, biting each other.

    This war between the snake group lasted for half an hour. After half an hour, the number of snakes decreased again.

    There are still many snakes. Under the effect of the true knowledge magic eye, Su Yuxi could see that there were still many red halos in the darkness.

    Each red halo represents a poisonous snake.

    The snake group is too large. Even after two battles, their number is still very amazing.

    What should we do now? Su Yuxi said worriedly.

    Jiangnan's spiritual perspective can see the situation of the snake group more clearly. At this glance, he saw a curved route.

    Yuxi, do you believe me?

    Yes, I believe.

    Well, I will take you out later. Although the number of snakes looks large, there are already many gaps. As long as I step on these gaps and run fast enough, I can get out of the snake group.

    After the influence of the two chaotic magic eyes, many dead snakes have appeared in the snake group. According to Jiangnan's own estimation, as long as he steps on the corpses of these dead snakes, he is very sure that he can run out safely.

    After applying ice armor to both of them, the spiritual perspective is instantly activated, and the wind step is activated.

    The activated wind step immediately produces an energy film to wrap the two people. Under the wrapping of this energy film, the figures of the two people disappear instantly.

    Jiangnan was not surprised by this situation. He had already tried to find out that as long as he carried Su Yuxi on his back and activated the Gale Step, the two would enter the invisible state at the same time.

    But in this state, the two could not separate. Once separated, they would immediately reveal themselves.

    After the skill was activated, Jiangnan rushed towards the snake group fiercely. Under

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