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Superheroes Of The Apocalypse season one: Superheroes Of The Apocalypse, #1
Superheroes Of The Apocalypse season one: Superheroes Of The Apocalypse, #1
Superheroes Of The Apocalypse season one: Superheroes Of The Apocalypse, #1
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Superheroes Of The Apocalypse season one: Superheroes Of The Apocalypse, #1

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In a cataclysmic event, a meteor shower hurtled toward Earth, only to be intercepted and obliterated by nuclear missiles beyond the atmosphere. However, the meteor's payload—an otherworldly energy—swept across the planet. Overnight, the world transformed: zombies roamed, monsters emerged, and a global catastrophe unfolded.

Amidst this chaos, some perished, others mutated, and a fortunate few remained unscathed. But there was a small subset of survivors who woke up with newfound abilities—their bodies charged by the meteor's strange energy. These were the unlikely heroes of the apocalypse.

Our story begins here, as they grapple with their powers, navigate a treacherous world, and strive to save what remains of humanity.

Publisherken seng
Release dateJul 3, 2024
Superheroes Of The Apocalypse season one: Superheroes Of The Apocalypse, #1

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    Superheroes Of The Apocalypse season one - ken seng

    Chapter 1 Endless Monsters

    2012 , Wuhan University , dormitory corridor.

    Jiangnan, have you heard about aliens attacking the earth?

    What? You don't watch the news? The evening news just released the latest news. The news a few days ago was a misunderstanding. It's not aliens attacking the earth, but a group of meteor showers are crashing into the earth. Just now, countries around the world have launched nuclear bombs to bombard the meteor showers. It's okay, it's okay.

    What, there is such a thing? Damn the Internet, it's fake news again, but are those meteors big? Can those nuclear bombs blow them up?

    Hehe, they can't blow them up, haven't they? Anyway, if the sky falls, there are tall people to support it. If it really falls down, the worst case scenario is that everyone will die together. There are so many people to die with you, what are you afraid of.

    You kid.

    Hehe, I won't talk to you anymore. While the meteor shower hasn't fallen down yet, I'll play a game of World of Warcraft first. I just downloaded a new map and haven't had time to play it yet. Jiangnan laughed and said heartlessly, turned around and went back to his dormitory.

    Jiangnan is not worried about a meteor hitting the earth. With the government here, what is he afraid of! Moreover, if the government can't handle it, then he has no other choice. Even if he wants to worry, it's a waste of effort.

    Forget it, God, it won't fall.

    After entering the dormitory, Jiangnan took a look at the computer and found that the new map had been downloaded. He installed the map skillfully and started the stand-alone version of Warcraft.

    This is a special super-large new map. You can have four bases at the same time and use the arms of four races at the same time. The population limit is 400. Different races can match each other, which is very fun.

    For this map, Jiangnan has an alternative way of playing. He did not make ordinary arms, but made sixteen heroes. The remaining money was used to make turrets to protect the base. It was very exciting to control sixteen heroes at a time.

    When he started playing the game, Jiangnan gradually became addicted. What meteors and nuclear bombs were all thrown behind his mind.

    In Jiangnan's mind, those things are what the big guys should worry about. He is just an ordinary little guy. Little guys should have little guys' ethics. Playing his game is what he should do most now.

    Just when Jiangnan was intoxicated with the game, a loud bang began to erupt in the sky of the earth. Brilliant lights were frequently emitted in the night sky, and the dim night sky began to be as bright as day.

    The nuclear bomb has already touched the meteor shower.

    The strange phenomenon in the sky immediately attracted the attention of billions of people on the earth. People put down their work and paid attention to the situation in the sky.

    Looking at the abnormality in the sky, all the people who paid attention to this matter became nervous. It seems that things are not as simple as the government said. The scope and intensity of this meteor shower seem to be too large. This movement is so big.

    People began to secretly worry whether the nuclear bomb can destroy these meteors. Will the earth be destroyed?

    This strange phenomenon lasted for ten minutes. After ten minutes, the loud noise disappeared, and the night sky, which was as bright as day, returned to darkness.

    Humans cheered and the earth escaped a disaster again.

    Hello, audience friends, now is the special news time. First of all, I want to tell you a good news. Through the unremitting efforts of various countries, we finally destroyed the incoming meteor shower group outside the space. This meteor shower is coming... Now..., the situation..., everything is fine... As he spoke, the host began to feel drowsy, and then fell headfirst on the podium and fainted.

    At the same time, this inexplicable phenomenon occurred all over the world. About 75% of humans entered an inexplicable coma at the same time, 10% of humans died on the spot, and only 15% of humans remained normal at this moment.

    A strange force was covering the earth with the fall of the meteor shower.

    Jiangnan, who was playing the game, also felt his eyelids getting heavier. After three or five seconds, he fainted on the keyboard with a snap.

    Jiangnan fell into a nightmare. He was on a narrow cliff with a bottomless abyss on both sides. The fog was shrouded in fog and he could not see the end. There were strange roars behind him and countless monsters rushed over.

    Jiangnan was very scared. He just ran and ran forward. If he didn't run, the monsters would catch up.

    But no matter how he ran, he could not see the end of the road. The front was always shrouded in black fog, as if he would never get out.

    Finally, Jiangnan could not run anymore. He was panting and sweating. His body had reached its limit and he didn't want to move anymore.

    The monsters behind caught up with him. Jiangnan widened his eyes and was surprised to find that the one running in front was a low-level goblin warrior. Behind the goblin, there were countless monsters, including ogres, poisonous spiders, ghost wolves, and many other monsters. A frost dragon could be vaguely seen rushing towards here behind the monsters.

    The thin goblin warrior rushed to Jiangnan and smashed Wang Yu's chest with an axe like a machine. Blood gushed out and severe pain came.

    Jiangnan was stunned by the axe and then became furious. The dragon wanted to eat me, I accepted it, the wolf wanted to bite me, I also endured it, but you, a small goblin, actually wanted to kill me. It's too bullying, it's really too bullying.

    Spicy next door, even if I die, I will drag you down to be my scapegoat.

    Go to hell!

    A force emerged from Jiangnan's body. Jiangnan stretched his hand, and a black skull flew out from his palm and hit the goblin warrior.

    Instantly, the goblin warrior screamed and turned into a skeleton and fell to the ground.

    A golden light rose on Jiangnan's body, and a warm current began to spread in his body with the golden light. The fatigue in his body was swept away, and Jiangnan was full of energy and jumped around.

    A virtual light curtain appeared in front of Jiangnan. Just above the light curtain, there were eye-catching words: Skill point 1, level 1, level 1, and below was a skill tree with sixteen skills on the skill tree.

    Dodge → Summon owl → Entanglement → Knife array.

    Critical blow → Mental perspective → Shock wave → Viper guard.

    Stun → Holy light → Water element → Absorb magic.

    Death coil → Sleep → Ice armor → Carrion beetle.

    Jiangnan was surprised. Isn't this the hero skill in Warcraft? How could it appear here?

    But at this time, I can't care so much. Learning skills and saving my life are the most important.

    Among these 16 skills, except for the bright Death Coil, the other skills are gray. It is obvious that Jiangnan has mastered the Death Coil skill. The skill he just used to kill the goblin warrior is Death Coil.

    He casually clicked on the Sleep skill, and the Sleep skill changed from gray to bright. The Sleep skill was mastered.

    A huge shadow covered his whole body. Jiangnan was startled and immediately found that a two-headed ogre had raised a big wooden stick and smashed it down at him.


    The skill was activated, and a pale green ball of light came out from Jiangnan's hand. The huge two-headed ogre was hit by the pale green ball of light and immediately made a scary sound of snoring and fell into a coma.

    Before Jiangnan could breathe a sigh of relief, a thin ghoul came from under the ogre's crotch.

    Death Coil.

    No reaction? But I saw a small virtual skill icon in the corner of my eye. The skill icon was still in gray. I immediately understood that the skill cooldown time had not yet arrived.

    At the critical moment, Jiangnan kicked hard, and the ghoul could not bear the force and actually retreated one meter. Jiangnan was surprised. He did not expect that his strength was so great.

    This time he was brave, and rushed over. With three or two kicks, he kicked the ghoul off the cliff. Then, another golden light rose from his body, and his strength became stronger. He had one more skill point on the skill tree, and he could learn one more skill.


    There was no end in front of him, and monsters attacked from behind. There were cliffs on both sides. Jiangnan felt that he had no way to retreat. Since there was no way to retreat, he would kill him, and kill him to death, and kill a way out.

    As the monsters were constantly killed, golden light continued to emerge from Jiangnan's body. Jiangnan's power became stronger and stronger, and he mastered more and more skills.

    Suddenly, a golden light shot up from Jiangnan's body, and a force surged into his body. At the same time, the light screen of the skill tree also appeared in front of Jiangnan, but the eye-catching text on the light screen had also changed, and it had become Skill Point 1, Level 1, Level 2.

    As the level changed, a new skill tree also appeared in the light screen.

    Mana Burning → Burning Arrow → Force of Nature → Shadow Assault.

    Ghost Wolf → Wind Step → War Trampling → Healing Wave.

    Holy Shield → Blizzard → Thunder Strike → Exile.

    Piercing → Death Contract → Dark Ritual → Rotten Bee Swarm.

    As the skill tree in front of him changed, Jiangnan suddenly understood the secret of upgrading. Every time he upgraded his level, he could gain a skill point. 16 skill points could learn 16 skills. After learning 16 skills, he could advance once. After the level was upgraded, the level of the skill tree would also increase, and he could learn more advanced skills.

    When Jiangnan thought of those more advanced skills, his blood boiled. He wanted to summon the Fire Phoenix, he wanted to summon the Hellfire, he wanted to be invincible.

    Haha, kill, kill, watch me kill you all, see who dares to mess with me.

    Jiangnan laughed nervously, flesh and blood flew, magic was dazzling, and the narrow cliff fell into a frenzy of killing again.

    Kill, kill, kill all the monsters, and he will be safe.

    Kill, kill, I don’t know how long I killed, suddenly my eyes were empty, looking around in a daze, the monsters around, have been killed by him.

    Win... win?




    The roars rang out, and countless monsters climbed up from both sides of the cliff. The dense, countless monster army made people’s scalps numb.

    The monsters are coming, and Jiangnan is terrified. There are too many monsters, too many. You can never kill all of them! Why, why did I encounter such a thing? Why, why, why do you want to kill me, why do you want to bully me? Is it because I am easy to bully? Jiangnan's blood is boiling, and he is furious. Come on, come on. Kill! Kill! Kill!

    Chapter 2 Doomsday is coming

    "W hat should I do, my heart, what should I do.

    You made me understand love.

    Do you know.

    This love makes me exhausted.

    I want to get close to you.

    But you are out of reach for me.

    When I miss you.

    When I want to see you.

    What should I do alone? (The song title, I can't say I love you", is very nice, and my cell phone ringtone is this song.)

    Hearing the ringing of the cell phone, Jiangnan woke up suddenly. Looking at the familiar environment around him, he breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that he was dreaming.

    Fortunately, he was dreaming. If he was really in such a ghost place, he would really be finished. The endless monsters that attacked would really drive people crazy.

    But this dream was too real, just like the real thing. He had a nightmare all night, which made him exhausted and lazy and didn't want to move anymore.

    The song in the phone was still ringing, and Jiangnan took out the phone with great effort: Hello, who is this?

    Xiaonan? Woohoo, thank God, you finally answered the phone. Mom thought I would never see you again.

    The incoherent words on the other end of the phone startled Jiangnan. This call was from mom. Mom was crying? What happened?


    Hello, mom, what's wrong, is the line disconnected?

    Why did the line disconnect for no reason?

    The phone rang again.

    Xiaonan, the signal is broken. Don't worry about mom and dad. They are doing well in their hometown. We are going to the air-raid shelter now. Don't worry about mom and dad. You have to take care of yourself. Xiaonan, Xiaonan, can you still hear me? Xiaonan,...

    Beep, beep...

    Mom, mom, what happened? Mom, why is there no sound?

    Hearing his mother's unclear crying, Jiangnan's nose couldn't help but feel sore. He didn't know what happened at home. He was very nervous and worried when he heard his mother's voice. His eyes were even wet.

    Go to the air-raid shelter? What happened? Why do you want to go to the air-raid shelter? I called last night, and everything was fine last night! What happened overnight?

    He called, but it was a busy tone. There was still no response when he called again. He looked at the phone and found that there was no signal at all.

    Jiangnan sat in a daze on the chair, thinking that the whole incident was so weird, which made him feel scared.

    A scream once again broke the silence in the room. Jiangnan jumped up from the chair without noticing how strong his jumping ability was. He took a step and came to the window. The scream came from outside the window.

    The scene outside the window once again stunned Jiangnan.

    It was already bright outside, so even without the lights, he could still see clearly.

    When he came to the window, Jiangnan immediately saw Zhang Li from Class 3 screaming loudly in fear in the small flower bed downstairs, and around Zhang Li, a large group of people were dragging their stiff bodies and swaying towards her.

    Through the glass, Jiangnan could see very clearly that many of the teachers and students were his acquaintances, and he could call out most of their names.

    But now Jiangnan didn't dare to call them, because they were no longer like normal people.

    Their faces were pale and bloodless. They stared with green eyes and had a bloodthirsty and dull smile on their faces. They slowly gathered around Zhang Li.

    Zombies? Jiangnan stared at the scene in front of him blankly. Are they really zombies? This thing is really too unbelievable.

    Zhang Li, don't be afraid, I'm coming! At this moment, a roar sounded outside the zombie group, and Zhang Li's boyfriend, Wu Hao from Class 4, rushed here quickly.

    Give me strength! I'm Ximan! As soon as this roar came out, Wu Hao's originally thin body immediately swelled up, from the original 1.75 meters, to 2.1 meters, and his whole body was even more muscular, turning into a little giant.

    Xi... Ximan? What a ghost! Wu Hao's transformation surprised Jiangnan more than the appearance of zombies. He never thought that one of his classmates would actually transform.

    Wu Hao's transformation was also very special. He turned into He-Man. Jiangnan was not unfamiliar with the name He-Man. He still clearly remembered that this was a character in a cartoon that he had seen when he was a child.

    Wu Hao, who had transformed into the little giant He-Man, rushed into the crowd, punching these zombie-like teachers and students one by one with his left fist, one by his right fist, and one by one with his explosive power. He was indeed worthy of the title of Cosmic Giant He-Man.

    Looking at Wu Hao, who was brave and selfless to rescue, Zhang Li burst into tears of joy.

    But the sky did not follow people's wishes. An accident happened at this time. A flash of lightning suddenly shot from the outside. In the flash of lightning, Wu Hao's hair stood upside down, his chest was already charred, and his body was even more trembling from the falling lightning.

    Good fortune never comes alone, and misfortune never comes singly. A zombie took advantage of Wu Hao's encounter with lightning and pounced on him. It opened its mouth and bit Wu Hao's neck. With a groan of pain and blood flowing, the zombie had already bitten a big blood hole on Wu Hao's neck.

    Wu Hao roared, and with just one punch, he knocked the guy who bit him away, then hugged Zhang Li and rushed straight to the outside.

    But it was too late. Another lightning followed. Wu Hao's whole body was numb, and the zombies around him surged over like a tide. The shrill screams suddenly sounded, and then suddenly stopped, and then, quietly, only the frightening chewing sounds were left.


    Jiangnan's face turned pale.

    Dead, really dead, and cannibalism.

    This was the first time Jiangnan saw a dead person in reality, and he was killed alive in front of him. It was not just a simple killing, but cannibalism, eating up all the bones and meat.

    Jiangnan was both scared and confused. He didn't know what was going on. How could there be zombies? How could they kill people? How... How could they eat people!

    And, there was the transformation. How could Wu Hao transform? And he turned into He-Man, but his He-Man was too useless. He was not as powerful as the He-Man in the cartoon. He couldn't even handle a few zombies, so he died miserably at the mouths of these zombies.

    And, there was also, how did the lightning come from? If there hadn't been the sudden lightning, Wu Hao should have been able to take Zhang Li away safely, right?

    Jiangnan's mind was full of questions. He was confused and didn't know what he was thinking.

    Another long scream came, and he didn't know who was so unlucky to encounter zombies.

    Jiangnan timidly looked downstairs. At this glance, he suddenly found that there was a special existence among the zombies. There was a zombie with blue electric sparks constantly flowing on his body. This zombie was electrified.

    The electrified zombies, the lightning just now was fired by him, I didn't expect that there would be such a special army among the zombies, it seems that these zombies are not simple.

    I must remember Wu Hao's lesson, don't be stupid to fight against the zombies, otherwise, if I encounter this special kind of zombies, I may not know how I died.

    Looking at the group of zombies downstairs, Jiangnan suddenly shuddered, and a thought suddenly emerged from the bottom of Jiangnan's heart.

    How many humans have turned into zombies in this world!

    Why did mom and the others hide in the air-raid shelter? Why is there no one to take care of the zombies here? Everything shows a problem.

    Have zombies become popular on a large scale? Have the country and the army been unable to control the situation?

    If this assumption is true, then how large a number of zombies will it take for the country to lose control?

    Could it be that most of the humans in the world have turned into zombies?

    When Jiangnan thought of this worst possibility, he was stunned.

    Is the end of the world coming?

    Chapter 3 Dreams Come True

    Ascream of Ah suddenly came from the next door. Jiangnan was startled, and then he immediately realized that there were zombies in the dormitory building.

    This discovery deepened Jiangnan's fear. His legs began to weaken, his teeth began to tremble, and he was shivering. He almost fell down.

    Encountering such a terrifying danger, not to mention that ordinary college students like Jiangnan would be so scared that their whole body would be weak, even those professional soldiers who have been tempered for a long time would not be much better.

    The screams from the next door did not last long and then stopped. Then there was a terrifying crunch and crunch chewing sound.

    A chewing sound like biting brittle bones.

    Hearing this chewing sound, Jiangnan's stomach rolled, and a mouthful of sour gastric juice almost gushed out of his throat.

    His legs softened, and Jiangnan finally fell to the ground. The heart in his chest was beating rapidly, as if it was about to jump out.

    Jiangnan was very, very scared. He was afraid that the zombies next door would suddenly jump over, that zombies would break into the house, and that he would be bitten to death.

    The extreme fear had put Jiangnan's body on the verge of collapse. Jiangnan himself had already felt that if he didn't do something to relieve his fear, even if he wasn't bitten to death by zombies, he would be scared to death by himself.

    What to do? What should he do? What else could he do?

    A series of questions kept popping up in Jiangnan's mind. Jiangnan was confused. He really didn't know what he, an ordinary human being, could do in such a situation?

    The emergence of questions made Jiangnan confused, but it was the rise of doubts that unknowingly diverted Jiangnan's attention and eased his physical fear.

    His heartbeat slowly calmed down.


    The sudden knock on the door almost made Jiangnan's heart jump out.

    Are zombies coming?

    This slow and heavy knocking sound must be caused by zombies. Only zombies with stiff limbs will knock on the door slowly and make such a noise.

    Jiangnan felt so wronged that he wanted to cry but couldn't. He didn't shout or scream. How did the zombies find him through a door?

    If they can find Jiangnan through a door, there are only two possibilities. Either they have a super dog nose and can smell the smell of living people through the door, or they have super dog ears and can hear the breathing of living people through the wooden door.

    But this is not the point. The point is that the zombies can find him. The dormitory is not safe at all. If one zombie finds him, the second zombie will find him. There will be more and more zombies, and they will come in a steady stream. He is dead.

    Dead? No, no, he doesn't want to die, he doesn't want to die, he hasn't lived enough, he wants to live, he wants to live!

    With a bang, a pale hand broke through the wooden door and stretched in. The gray skin and purple nails were particularly eye-catching.

    Looking at this scary palm, Jiangnan's fear became even greater, but he really didn't want to die. He hadn't had a girlfriend yet, he hadn't tasted love, and he hadn't lived enough!

    Jiangnan's heart was filled with too many reluctances to life and too many attachments to life.

    He didn't want to die, he didn't want to die, if he wanted to die, let the zombies die!

    Yes, let the zombies die, let them die.




    Under extreme fear, extreme courage was born, and under extreme courage, extreme violence.

    Jiangnan jumped up suddenly, picked up the fruit knife beside him, and chopped at the pale palm.

    One knife, just one knife, I don't know what happened, just one knife, the pale zombie palm was chopped off.

    Is the zombie too fragile, or is the fruit knife too sharp? Jiangnan didn't think so much, he just thought that he was saved.

    With a knife cutting off his palm, Jiangnan's fear immediately subsided. Zombies are just like this. They are also flesh and blood, and they can't escape the damage of swords and knives.

    The intelligence of zombies is probably very low. After one palm was cut off, the zombie did not have any special reaction, but stretched out his other palm from the hole.

    In this case, Jiangnan was not polite, and cut it with another knife, and another pale palm appeared on the floor.

    Zombies seemed to have no sense of pain. After having both hands cut off, the zombie did not care at all. Instead, he looked inside curiously through the hole.

    Through the hole, Jiangnan immediately recognized the true identity of the zombie. It turned out to be Liang Zhiyong from dormitory 503.

    Jiangnan knew Liang Zhiyong. His father was a gangster and was said to be a drug dealer and drug addict. Liang Zhiyong was tall and strong and knew many gangsters, so he often bullied people in school. Jiangnan had been teased by him several times. Therefore, Jiangnan did not have a very good impression of Liang Zhiyong. Although this man was not a big evil, he was bad-behaved and really hateful. You deserve this day. Looking at Liang Zhiyong's miserable appearance, Jiangnan felt not only no sadness in his heart, but also a sense of gloating. The evildoers will be punished, which is very gratifying. For scum like this, the fewer they die, the better. Looking at Liang Zhiyong's pale dead face, the fear in Jiangnan's heart gradually dissipated. Unconsciously, he was no longer afraid of these zombies. With a puff sound, Liang Zhiyong's big head actually squeezed in through the hole in the door. Jiangnan was startled, and reflexively chopped down with another knife. With this knife, Liang Zhiyong's big head was chopped off and rolled on the ground.

    An extremely surprising thing happened at this time. A five-colored light ball suddenly floated out from the headless zombie. In the blink of an eye, the five-colored light ball merged into Jiangnan's body.

    A warm current emerged from the body with the appearance of the five-colored light ball. The warm power instantly washed away Jiangnan's fatigue and fear in his heart.

    For a moment, Jiangnan felt that he was flying lightly. It was a wonderful feeling that he had never had before. It was very comfortable and comfortable. The comfort was endless.

    This comfortable feeling lasted only one or two seconds, but it was enough. Just relying on this moment of comfort, Jiangnan's fear and fatigue had been swept away. His energy had never been more vigorous, and his state had never been more perfect.

    He almost had an illusion that he was now invincible and invincible.

    Of course, reason told him that this was just an illusion. If he really thought he was invincible, he would definitely be bitten to death by those zombies.

    At this moment, a square virtual light screen like an LCD popped out.

    The content on the light screen was divided into two parts.

    The upper part read: Skill point 1, level 1, rank 1.

    The lower part was a skill tree with sixteen skills.

    Dodge → Summon Owl → Entanglement → Knife Array.

    Critical Strike → Mental Perspective → Shock Wave → Viper Guard.

    Stun → Holy Light → Water Element → Absorb Magic.

    Death Coil → Sleep → Ice Armor → Carrion Beetle

    Chapter 4 Kill monsters to level up

    Did the dream come true?

    Do you remember the nightmare last night?

    On the cliff, surrounded by endless monsters, under the killing that never ends.

    In that nightmare, Jiangnan was a superhero, a superhero who combined the power of 16 heroes in Warcraft.

    Jiangnan always thought it was just a nightmare, but now it seems that this nightmare must be extraordinary, because the things in the dream are being realized one by one in reality.

    Is it because of this dream that affects reality, or because of reality that this dream is created?

    Most likely, this dream is created because of reality!

    Jiangnan is not a god, how could he have a dream that affects the whole world. The only possibility is that the whole world is undergoing a huge change, and because of this huge change, Jiangnan's dream has come true.

    Jiangnan also had a feeling in his heart, maybe that dream was connected to reality, maybe if he gave up resistance in the dream, his real body would die, or maybe, when he died in the dream, his real body would become a zombie.

    Maybe that's how those zombies came from, once they died in the dream, their bodies would become zombies.

    Conversely, if you can survive in the dream, then the power in the dream will also be brought into reality, and the dream will come true.

    Of course, all this is just Jiangnan's conjecture, whether it is true or not, that is unknown.

    However, Jiangnan believed in his own assumptions, because the facts were in front of him, and the skills of those heroes in the dream had been brought out by him.

    Think about it again, how did Wu Hao get the ability to become He-Man? That ability must not be obtained for no reason!

    Perhaps, it was Wu Hao who had a dream of transforming into He-Man, and when he woke up from the dream alive, the ability to transform appeared in him.

    Seeing the light screen full of skills in front of him, Jiangnan suddenly felt that life was full of hope again, and his future was bright.

    The troubled times are not terrible, the most terrible thing is not having the ability to survive. Since he has the ability, what is he afraid of?

    At worst, just like in the dream, kill all the monsters. When the monsters are killed, he will be safe, and his parents and relatives will be safe, and they can survive.

    Why are humans afraid of ghosts? That is because in people's subconscious, they think that ghosts are mysterious and fierce, and they will feel that they can't beat ghosts. Because they think they will be hurt by ghosts, they are afraid of them.

    The matter is so simple. The reason why Jiangnan is so afraid of zombies is actually due to this reason. He is not afraid of zombies themselves, but he is afraid of being hurt by zombies and afraid of not being able to beat zombies.

    But the situation is different now. Jiangnan suddenly found that he has the ability to deal with zombies. It turns out that zombies are just like this.

    It turns out that he doesn't have to be afraid of zombies at all.

    The fear in Jiangnan's heart is gradually disappearing, and the killing habit in the dream is slowly awakening from him.

    After calming down, Jiangnan began to check the content on the light screen.

    The content on the light screen is divided into two parts.

    The upper part reads: Skill point 1, level 1, rank 1.

    The lower part is a skill tree with sixteen skills.

    Dodge → Summon Owl → Entanglement → Knife Array.

    Critical Strike → Mental Perspective → Shock Wave → Viper Guard.

    Stun → Holy Light → Water Element → Absorb Magic.

    Death Coil → Sleep → Ice Armor → Carrion Beetle.

    Among the sixteen skills, Dodge, Critical Strike, Stun, and Death Coil are all in a red state, while the remaining skills are all in a gray state.

    The red state means that this skill can be learned, and the gray state means that this skill cannot be learned. If you want to change the gray state to a learnable red state, you must first learn the prerequisite skills of the skill.

    If you want to learn sleep, you must first learn Death Coil. If you want to learn to summon water elements, you must first learn Holy Light.

    If you want to learn skills, you have to consume skill points. One skill point can learn one skill. Skill points can be obtained by upgrading. For each level, you can get one skill point.

    After learning all sixteen skills on the skill tree, you can advance once. After the advancement, the skill tree will evolve, thereby obtaining more advanced skills.

    As for how to upgrade, in Jiangnan's opinion, it may depend on killing monsters. Killing zombies will get energy from the zombies. When the energy value is full, you can upgrade.

    These information flowed through Jiangnan's mind one by one. He had encountered this kind of thing once in his dream, so he was already familiar with it. He only needed to recall it a little to understand the key.

    Currently, there are only four skills that can be learned, namely dodge, critical hit, stun, and death coil.

    Among them, dodge increases the body's flexibility, critical hit increases ** attack power, and stun is to bring the power of dizziness during the attack, which can knock the opponent unconscious.

    Critical strike and stun are both good attack skills, but both of these skills increase melee ability, and Jiangnan now has to kill zombies. Killing dangerous monsters like zombies is probably best done with long-range attacks.

    The only long-range attack skill that can be learned is Death Coil.

    Jiangnan lightly tapped the Death Coil skill, and the red Death Coil immediately turned green. The green state means that this skill has been fully mastered and can be used.

    His eyes stopped on the Death Coil skill icon, and the information about Death Coil was displayed.

    Death Coil is an active attack skill that can be cast instantly, with an attack distance of up to 120 meters. It is powerful and easy to use. The only drawback is that there is a cooling time of 10 seconds. After each use, it must be 10 seconds apart before it can

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