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Confessions of a Comedic Misfit: Tales from the Life of a Stand-Up Superstar: make fun
Confessions of a Comedic Misfit: Tales from the Life of a Stand-Up Superstar: make fun
Confessions of a Comedic Misfit: Tales from the Life of a Stand-Up Superstar: make fun
Ebook62 pages48 minutes

Confessions of a Comedic Misfit: Tales from the Life of a Stand-Up Superstar: make fun

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About this ebook

As a seasoned stand-up comedian and New York Times bestselling author, I've made a career out of finding the humor in the absurdities of everyday life. And let me tell you, my own life is a veritable goldmine of cringe-worthy, laugh-out-loud moments that I'm more than happy to share with the world.

Release dateJun 9, 2024
Confessions of a Comedic Misfit: Tales from the Life of a Stand-Up Superstar: make fun

Tracy Ambrosio

Tracy Ambrosio Graduated from the University of Toronto in Canada in English. Graduated in Porto at ISCAP - Instituto Superior de Contabilidade and Porto Administration, since 2007. PhD in Marketing and researcher at CEOS

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    Book preview

    Confessions of a Comedic Misfit - Tracy Ambrosio

    Chapter 1: Goat Yoga Gaffes

    As a seasoned stand-up comedian and New York

    Times bestselling author, I've made a career out of finding the humor in the absurdities of everyday life. And let me tell you, my own life is a veritable goldmine of cringe-worthy, laugh-out-loud moments that I'm more than happy to share with the world.

    Let's start with my disastrous attempt at trying the latest trendy workout class – Goat Yoga. I'll admit, I was skeptical when my friend dragged me to this fitness fad, but I figured, How hard could it be?

    Famous last words.

    From the moment I stepped onto the mat, surrounded by a herd of bleating goats, I knew I was in for a world of trouble. The studio had been meticulously decorated to maximize the rustic charm – think twinkle lights, reclaimed wood, and the pungent aroma of goat. As the instructor launched into her soothing meditation spiel, I found myself constantly getting distracted by the curious goats who seemed intent on investigating every inch of my person.

    Just focus on your breathing and letting go of any stress or tension, the instructor cooed, as a particularly mischievous goat began chewing on the drawstring of my sweatpants.

    Uh, yeah, easy for you to say, I muttered under my breath, desperately trying to maintain my balance in Tree Pose while fending off a goat that had taken a liking to my shoelaces.

    Things only went downhill from there. As I attempted to contort my body into various yoga poses, the goats seemed to take delight in knocking me off balance, headbutting my shins, and leaving little surprises all over the studio floor. I lost count of the number of times I had to hastily rearrange my mat to avoid stepping in a fresh pile of goat droppings.

    By the time Savasana rolled around, I was covered in a fine layer of goat hair, my limbs were aching, and I'm pretty sure I developed a newfound phobia of farm animals. As I lay there, desperately trying to find my inner peace, all I could think about was

    the hot shower and bottle of wine waiting for me at home.

    When the class finally came to an end, I stumbled out of the studio, legs shaking and spirits thoroughly dampened. My friend (I use that term loosely now) couldn't contain her laughter as she took in my disheveled appearance.

    Wow, you look like you've been through the wringer! How was it?

    I shot her a withering glare, yanking a wayward goat hair off my sleeve.

    Oh, it was an absolute delight. I'm definitely going to be signing up for the advanced class next week.

    Her eyes widened in mock surprise. Really? I didn't realize you were such a goat yoga enthusiast!

    I rolled my eyes, shoving past her towards the car.

    "Ha ha, very funny. Let's just get out of here before one of those hellish creatures decides to hitch a ride

    home with me."

    As I peeled out of the parking lot, leaving the goat yoga studio (and my dignity) in the rearview mirror, I couldn't help but reflect on the absurdity of the situation. How had I, a grown adult and self-proclaimed comedy expert, allowed myself to be roped into such a preposterous fitness fad? And more importantly, how was I going to spin this disaster into comedy gold?

    Well, dear readers, that's where I come in. As a seasoned stand-up comedian, I've made a career out of finding the humor in the most cringeworthy, embarrassing, and downright bizarre situations.

    And trust me, my goat yoga debacle is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the hilarious, relatable, and utterly mortifying experiences that make up my life.

    So sit back, relax, and get ready to laugh until you cry as I take you on a journey through the chaos and comedy that is my existence. Because when it comes to finding the humor in the absurdities of

    modern life, I'm the expert. Or at least, I'd like to think so.

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