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The Happiness Experiment: make fun
The Happiness Experiment: make fun
The Happiness Experiment: make fun
Ebook76 pages56 minutes

The Happiness Experiment: make fun

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The Eccentric Inventor's Epiphany In the bustling heart of New York City, where the streets were always alive with the rhythm of a thousand stories, there lived a most extraordinary man – Kelvin, an eccentric inventor with a singular mission: to use science and technology to bring happiness to the people.

Release dateJun 10, 2024
The Happiness Experiment: make fun

Tracy Ambrosio

Tracy Ambrosio Graduated from the University of Toronto in Canada in English. Graduated in Porto at ISCAP - Instituto Superior de Contabilidade and Porto Administration, since 2007. PhD in Marketing and researcher at CEOS

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    Book preview

    The Happiness Experiment - Tracy Ambrosio

    Chapter 2: The Happiness Ray Experiment

    As the chaos unfolded in Kelvin's workshop, the eccentric inventor couldn't help but beam with pride. His Happiness Ray experiment was in full swing, and the results were nothing short of spectacular – at least, in his eyes.

    The stoic businessman, his features normally locked in a perpetual frown, was now swaying and shimmying to the infectious rhythm of I Feel Good, his stiff upper lip replaced by a wide, beaming grin. The group of teenagers, who had initially greeted the experiment with a healthy dose of skepticism, were now in the throes of uncontrollable laughter, their faces flushed with mirth as they doubled over, tears streaming down their cheeks. And the grumpy old man, who had entered the workshop with a deep scowl etched upon his face, was now dancing with such unbridled enthusiasm that Kelvin half-expected him to leap right through the ceiling.

    Even the whimsical woman, who seemed to exist in a perpetual state of joyful abandon, had taken her antics to new heights, executing a series of graceful cartwheels around the workshop, her laughter ringing out like the chime of a thousand bells.

    Kelvin stood in the midst of the chaos, his eyes shining with delight behind his thick-rimmed glasses. It's working! he exclaimed, his voice barely audible over the cacophony of laughter and song. The Happiness Ray is a success!

    Kenny, however, was not quite as enthusiastic. As he observed the test subjects' increasingly erratic behavior, he couldn't help but wonder if Kelvin's invention had truly achieved the desired effect. Leaning in towards his friend, he said, "Kelvin, I think we might have a

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