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Playing The Game
Playing The Game
Playing The Game
Ebook63 pages51 minutes

Playing The Game

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After moving to the big city, Tony finds things are more challenging than they seem. Getting lost, he finds help from one person in the city of millions. After some time, Tony has to make choices. Either he will be just another person on the street or a player in the big game.

Release dateJul 2, 2024
Playing The Game

Alexander Martin

I write long and detailed stories that are mostly interracially motivated. I have never been able to write small stories well; I like the how, when, and where. Most of my female characters are independent and strong-minded. I hope most of my readers will leave comments and tell me what they think so I can improve.

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    Book preview

    Playing The Game - Alexander Martin

    Chapter One: The Players

    Iwalked into my apartment and threw my stuff on the couch. 'Another day down,' I thought as I went into the bathroom to clean up.

    I worked in the subway. It was an okay job. Occasionally, I got some punk who didn't want to pay the fair, and I would have to get all in their faces, but for the most part, my job as security was easy. I just stood there and looked mean.

    Today was the start of my weekend. I never got the usual Saturday and Sunday off. My two days were Tuesday and Wednesday, which wasn't bad, but it was smack in the middle of the week.

    The best thing of all was that my boss never bothered me. If someone didn't show up, that was too bad. He always said, 'Days off were a premium,' so he never bothered anyone.

    I got showered and sat on the couch looking at the tube when the door knocked. It's open, I yelled, knowing who it was; only a few people in the city knew where I lived and wanted to visit me, and one of them was Shelly, my neighbor across the hall.

    One day I am going to be some murderer, and you will be dead, Shelly said as she walked inside.

    If I could be so lucky, I said, shaking my head.

    Stop it, Shelly replied as she looked at me.

    Shelly was a New Yorker through and through, born here, raised here, and wouldn't leave if the world was coming to an end.

    Shelly worked down at the strip joint on 40th. She looked every bit the part of all the other crackheads that worked and lived down there. Skinny as a pole, with so much make-up that no one could tell what her face looked like, plus the short, messy hair.

    What the guys at the bar saw in her was a mystery. She had no curves to speak of tiny tits that barely looked good in or out of clothing, and I had seen enough of them to know. Shelly stood before me with jeans, shorts, and a crop top.

    Need to use your computer, Shelly stated.

    Same place it always is, I shrugged.

    Shelly always used my computer to do her online dating or upload pictures to her profile. That's why I could say her tits were nothing to write home about. I had seen every part of her and then some.

    Once in a blue moon, when I was extremely horny and desperate, I would go over to her place, and she would suck my cock, or I would give her a quick fuck, but that's it. No feelings were there at all on either side.

    You coming this weekend? Shelly asked as she aimed the camera at her tits as she took a picture.

    Couldn't pay me, I answered.

    There was a party for the club owner this weekend, and Shelly invited me. I went there once and promised myself I would never go there again, not for all the money in the world. To say Shelly was one of the best-looking dancers in the place was an understatement.

    It was in a shitty neighborhood, and the place looked like it was about to fall apart or should be condemned.

    Come on, Shelly whined as she turned to face me.

    Seriously, couldn't pay me, I said as she lit a cigarette.

    There is this new girl, Kaila she is probably your type, Shelly said as she sucked on the cancer stick.

    I can say with total sincerity, I highly doubt it, I said as I swigged on my beer.

    She has big tits, and a big ass, Shelly said.

    How much of that is hers? I asked.

    The last time Shelly tried to set me up with someone, she was a walking, talking blow-up doll with all the plastic parts.

    Come on, Shelly said as she answered the few pop-ups on the screen.

    'Fucking desperate fucks,' I thought as I looked over and saw some of the messages these idiots sent her.

    Little did they know I could walk over there, take my dick out and shove it down her throat, and

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