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Social Media Attraction: Instagram 101: How to turn your Instagram into a seduction machine for women.
Social Media Attraction: Instagram 101: How to turn your Instagram into a seduction machine for women.
Social Media Attraction: Instagram 101: How to turn your Instagram into a seduction machine for women.
Ebook98 pages1 hour

Social Media Attraction: Instagram 101: How to turn your Instagram into a seduction machine for women.

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About this ebook

Are you tired of sending and sending DM´s on Instagram and not getting a response?


Transform your Instagram into your best ally for seduction.


Every day, women receive dozens of messages on Instagram. They ignore 99 percent of them and only respond to a few men. This book will show you how you can be part of that one percent. You'll be able to meet hundreds of new women a year, all this: without having to memorize anything, make a fool of yourself or spend thousands of dollars.


As much as we don't want to accept it, the dating world has changed. It does a woman no good if you're cute or funny if you don't have a good Instagram profile to back it up. This may make you uncomfortable or disappoint you; I understand you, you don't like social media or taking pictures of yourself, but if you make some modifications in your mentality and in your profile you can become an expert in attracting and conquering using your Instagram.


Take advantage of this tool and learn how the world of dating works in this digital age. If you apply what it says with our book we guarantee you 3-8 new women per month.


Additionally you will be able to learn all this:


✅ Profile Design: learn the secrets to create a magnetic profile that will attract hundreds of women (Chapter 3).

✅ Photos: From newbie to expert: Learn the professional techniques to take the best photos of yourself and create a woman-magnet Instagram. (Chapter 3.3)

✅ Instagram Stories: Learn how to use stories to create mystique and get women to come to you. (Chapter 3.6)

✅ Create messages that always get replied to: Create messages that will create curiosity and get them to respond to you every time. (Chapter 5).

✅ Analysis 101: Find out how to conduct pre-research to instantly create attraction with women. (Chapter 5.2)

✅ The psychology of women: Discover how to correctly interpret what their messages mean and how to respond to them. (Chapter 6.2)

✅ From stranger to first date: Learn how to ask them out and get them to say yes every time.(Chapter 7.3)

✅ Physical attraction: Learn the secrets to having sex on the first date.(Chapter 9).

 BONUS: Free: 10+ Examples of real conversations and their analysis. 


And much more!


From the author of the Best Seller: "Tinder's Practical Guide to Having All the Casual Sex You've Ever Wanted" Rocky B draws you into his new book to learn how you can turn your Instagram profile into a tool that brings you dozens of new women. All this easy, fast and without the need for you to use pre-designed phrases.


Take advantage of a multitude of examples of real conversations so you know how to act correctly no matter what she says to you. Learn from our mistakes so you don't have to make them yourself.

PublisherBuBu Ebooks
Release dateJul 3, 2024
Social Media Attraction: Instagram 101: How to turn your Instagram into a seduction machine for women.

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    Social Media Attraction - Rocky B.

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    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data 

    B, Rocky. 

    Social Media Attraction. Instagram 101: How to turn your Instagram into a seduction machine for women

    Rocky B. 

    p. cm. 

    Includes bibliographical references and index. 

    2024, Rocky, B. 

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    1.1 From the Author:

    How are you degenerates? Due to the success of my first book Practical Tinder Guide to Have All the Casual Sex You've Always Wanted (if you don't know it, what are you waiting to buy it?; it's available at or on Amazon) hundreds of people have requested that I write another book to teach you guys how to get women on Instagram...

    To be honest, this is a complex issue... It relies on a strategy that, although it has very little success, has very little risk. Winning in Instagram requires you to remodel both your profile and the way you talk to women. Although it is not easy, if you change a few small things, you can be very successful and find another option (aside from Tinder) to meet women.

    In this book you will learn what it has cost me literally hundreds of rejections and wasted hours talking to women. You will learn from the mistakes I have made so that hopefully they don't happen to you, and you will be very successful in the future meeting women out there. We will take a tour of what Instagram is, you will learn how to create an attractive profile that will make women easily feel attracted to you, you will know what to say to them so that you have a high chance of them responding to you and I will even teach you how to get them into your bed quickly.

    Now you may ask yourself: "why am I paying attention to this crazy person? Why should I listen to him? These are valid questions, and I honestly don't believe I am an expert on the subject. I'm just a man who has had a lot of sex taking advantage of social networks. When I tell you I've had a lot of sex, it's a lot of sex. Usually, every month I have about 10 or 15 new women in my bed with very little effort. I know what you think and no... I don't have abs, I don't have the face of a model and I don't have a 10-inch cock either. I'm a normal person who is just making some money... I live in a small apartment with my dog, I have a boring job and I don't have an exotic accent that makes women swoon over me. The only thing I have that you may not have is thousands of hours talking to women online. I have recapitulated all this knowledge in this book so that you can have as much sex as I have had in my life.

    It does NOT matter if you are ugly, if you are fat or if you are poor. Using this book, I guarantee that you will fuck at least one new woman every month if you put in the effort... So, without delaying this any further I present to you my book... Pour yourself a beer and get ready to change your sex life!


    1.2 What is BuBu Ebooks? 

    To write this book, I had the help of BuBu Ebooks, this is a book publisher that was created more than 4 years ago and in a short time has changed the information business throughout Latin America. Its creator is Juan Gomez, and he created this company with the intention of making information accessible to all people. All Bubu books are inexpensive and have an exhaustive process of verification of the information that is in it. This means that everything that appears in BuBu's books works and that the authors who wrote these books really are experts in what they do. 

    If you want to learn more about this project go to their website or scan the QR code below. There you can find books on all topics and you can download free books and even take advantage of special discounts. My other books are there so if you want to support me and learn more about my work you can do it there.   




    Before getting into the subject, I want to make something clear to you... Although this book is very powerful and you will learn a lot, it will not make miracles happen. Knowing yourself is one of the keys to having both success with women and success in life. Although I have fucked very very pretty women from time to time, this is the exception...

    If you are not millionaires nor do you have the body of a model or an important job, the most likely thing is that when you talk to a woman who has 1.5 million followers on Instagram you will not be successful. When you talk to a woman on Instagram it doesn't matter that you are the best person in the world, that you have a super fun personality or that you are super sweet. The factors that will determine your success are your physique and the value that she perceives in you. While this may disappoint you (we all want to fuck Shakira) there are techniques that can improve both your physique and the value you exude. So, although you won't be able to fuck Dua Lipa, you can fuck several swimsuit models.

    To make this very clear I want you to know what to expect from this book and what not to:

    2.1 What to expect?

    This is a numbers game. You must be used to rejection and talking to dozens of women. As a general rule you can expect that out of 30 women you dm to, 20 will respond and of those you will fuck 2-3. This is how conquest through social networks works and it is very difficult for the numbers to increase. But if I were you, I wouldn't be too upset... three new women in your bed is something not to be wasted.

    I also want you to understand that even though several women have responded to you and even accepted a date, it does not mean that

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