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Inheriting a Building, I Became the Ghostly Tycoon
Inheriting a Building, I Became the Ghostly Tycoon
Inheriting a Building, I Became the Ghostly Tycoon
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Inheriting a Building, I Became the Ghostly Tycoon

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Xiao Meng inherited an old building—a relic of the past. But the terms of the inheritance were anything but ordinary. The building couldn't generate income from the living; instead, it was reserved for ghostly tenants seeking to accumulate spiritual merit. Those with abundant virtue would find fortune in the mortal realm.

Xiao Meng grasped the situation instantly: "Forget the stock market; I'm playing the lottery!"

At a haunted site, where everyone screamed and fled, Xiao Meng defied the tide. Clutching her brochures, she swam upstream: "Interested in real estate? North-facing, premium haunted house available! Guaranteed afterlife placement, inclusive of ghostly wedding banquets and soul queue management. Consider it!"

Publisherken seng
Release dateJul 4, 2024
Inheriting a Building, I Became the Ghostly Tycoon

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    Inheriting a Building, I Became the Ghostly Tycoon - ken seng

    Chapter 1: An unexpected birthday gift

    On his 25th birthday , Xiao Meng received an unexpected birthday gift.

    Early in the morning, a strange phone call came in: Hello, is this Mr. Xiao?

    Xiao Meng rubbed his eyes and sat up: Yes, it's me, who are you?

    My last name is Zhang, and I'm a lawyer. I have a good news and a bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?

    ... Xiao Meng was speechless for a moment, adhering to the family motto of suffering first and then sweetness, Bad news.

    I regret to inform you that the homosexual partner of your third aunt's niece's second uncle passed away half a month ago.

    Xiao Meng scratched his head: ... Can you say it again? Who passed away?

    Your third aunt, her niece, the second uncle, the homosexual partner, passed away, please accept my condolences.

    Xiao Meng pondered for a long time, and said Oh, and asked in confusion, What's the good news?

    What does the death of a distant relative have to do with him?

    Lawyer Zhang: The good news is that since no one inherited the inheritance of your third aunt's niece's second uncle's same-sex partner, the inheritance right of this inheritance now falls to you. Are you interested in inheriting this inheritance? If you are not interested, I will call the next heir.

    Xiao Meng suddenly became alert and asked hurriedly: What inheritance?

    Lawyer Zhang: It's a building.

    Buildings, buildings, buildings, L...

    Xiao Meng: ...

    Xiao Meng's fingers trembled, and the phone slipped onto the quilt.

    Stunned for two seconds, Xiao Meng hurriedly picked up the phone and held it in his palm, switched to a kneeling position and turned on the speaker, and asked with a trembling voice: You, say it again? A what?

    Lawyer Zhang interrupted with a smile: A building, covering an area of ​​5,000 square meters, with a total of 16 floors. Do you want to inherit this estate?

    Xiao Meng shouted: I will inherit it!!!

    Lawyer Zhang: Great, if you decide to inherit it, I don't have to contact the next person, but there are some special requirements for inheriting this estate. It is recommended that you don't make a hasty decision...

    Xiao Meng kicked off the quilt and stood up from the bed, excitedly waving his fist to the sky: Not hasty, not hasty! I can do it! I can do any conditions!!

    Xiao Meng thought very uncalmly, if a building falls from the sky, you have to reach out to catch it even if you are crushed to death!

    The two agreed to meet at the law firm at 10 am.

    After graduating from university, Xiao Meng worked as an architectural designer in a construction company. Since he started his internship as a senior, he has never asked for leave or left early, and won the Outstanding Employee Award for three consecutive years.

    On this day, Xiao Meng asked for a day off from the company.

    He was about to inherit a building, and he would not even blink if he quit his job.

    He also had to set off a thousand firecrackers at the entrance of the company to celebrate his new life, and finally live a good life as a landlord who collected rent at home.

    Xiao Meng is an adult orphan. His parents died of illness when he just started college. He finished college by relying on student loans and working as a cheap gun for others.

    After graduating from college, Xiao Meng's life was not much better in order to repay the four-year student loan. In order to earn a few dozen yuan of overtime pay, he worked overtime until the early morning from time to time. He dared not be lazy or sick. If he was sick, he would never take a leave as long as he could stand up.

    With day after day of gritting his teeth and persisting, Xiao Meng finally paid off his student loan a few days ago, and finally saw a little hope in life.

    I didn't expect that this hope came with pregnancy, and there was a Nezha in my belly.

    Finally, after a minute and a second passed like a year, it was ten o'clock, and Xiao Meng met Lawyer Zhang in the law firm.

    Lawyer Zhang made him a cup of coffee, and the two sat on the sofa, with a document and a signature pen on the glass coffee table.

    Xiao Meng held the hot paper cup, stared at the document and swallowed hard the heartbeat that jumped into his throat.

    Lawyer Zhang smiled and said, As long as you sign, you will legally inherit Mr. Wu's estate.

    Xiao Meng put his hands together in front of his chest and prayed, hesitating for a long time and calling, Thank you, my uncle... Auntie... I will definitely change my mind and be a good person in the future.

    Lawyer Zhang: ... Didn't you behave well before?

    Xiao Meng raised his pen and asked seriously, Can I sign now?

    Lawyer Zhang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and raised his hand, motioning him to put down the pen, Don't worry, remember what I said? Before inheriting this estate, Mr. Wu has some special inheritance requirements that you need to comply with. If you can't do it, or don't want to comply, then you can also choose to give up this inheritance opportunity. After all, the heirs before you have given up this inheritance right, so it is recommended that you also consider it carefully.

    Xiao Meng looked at a loss, What kind of requirements can make them not even want a free building? Want?

    Lawyer Zhang said seriously, First, this apartment...

    Apartment?! Xiao Meng's pen tip fell on the paper: Can I sign it?

    ...Lawyer Zhang was embarrassed, Mr. Xiao, please don't be anxious, listen to me.

    Xiao Meng reluctantly put down the pen, a pair of beautiful deer eyes pitiful: Can you please finish it at four times the speed? I'm afraid I will wake up from the dream in a while.

    Lawyer Zhang couldn't stand the look in his eyes, took a breath, and said quickly: Mr. Wu has only one request, the apartment you inherited cannot be rented or sold for a fee, except There are no other requirements. If you can do it, you can sign. As for the consequences of violating this requirement, Mr. Wu only left one sentence - there will be retribution. Mr. Wu was a famous fortune teller during his lifetime, so this seemingly metaphysical warning made your distant relatives very afraid.

    Xiao Meng asked quickly, What do you mean you can't rent or sell it for a fee?

    Lawyer Zhang answered quickly: To put it simply, you can't use this building to make money.

    Xiao Meng paused, with a numb face: ... Then why do I need it?

    Lawyer Zhang spread his hands: So the previous inheritance The inheritors have all given up the inheritance. I'm afraid you don't know the specific reasons for giving it up, so I'll explain it again. The daily maintenance cost of a building is not small. If you can't use this building to generate income, then after you inherit this building, you will have to spend a huge amount of money every year to maintain the facilities in the building and bear various water and electricity costs. Even if you plan to use this building as a huge private residence or warehouse, it is not cost-effective.

    Xiao Meng's eyes completely dimmed. How excited he was just now, how decadent he is now, the whole person is like a ball of seaweed dried on the beach.

    Lawyer Zhang saw him like this and had expected the ending. He sighed, stood up and put away the documents and pen, Thank you for your hard work, I...

    Xiao Meng suddenly stretched out his hand to stop him.

    Lawyer Zhang looked at him in surprise. Xiao Meng grabbed his suit sleeves, lowered his head, and hid his eyes in the shadows. ...Give it to me.

    Lawyer Zhang was a little surprised: Are you sure?

    Xiao Meng slowly raised his eyes, Sure.

    Lawyer Zhang sat down and put the document in front of Xiao Meng, and asked curiously with a smile: How did you figure it out?

    Xiao Meng looked calm: Being poor and being poorer are essentially not much different to me.

    Lawyer Zhang: ... What on earth has this man been through.

    Xiao Meng no longer gave himself the opportunity to hesitate, and cut the Gordian knot, grabbed a pen and signed his name on the document.

    Lawyer Zhang held back his laughter, put away the documents and pen, took out a letter and related items from the safe and handed them to Xiao Meng, I'll give these things to you first. There is a letter inside, which Mr. Wu left to his heirs. Only those who finally inherited his estate are qualified to read it. Now you can read it. I guess, maybe he provided a way to realize the value of this building?

    Xiao Meng took the things carefully, hugged them tightly in his arms, and bowed to Lawyer Zhang, You have worked so hard for this inheritance for so long.

    Lawyer Zhang shook his head hurriedly: No, no, no, this is what I should do, and Mr. Wu was kind to me when he was alive. My wife and I can have the children we have now, all thanks to Mr. Wu.

    Xiao Meng was stunned, looking at Lawyer Zhang's lower body with pity, My aunt is a male doctor?

    Lawyer Zhang's face darkened, There is no problem with my function, thank you . Our child was born with a difficult and complicated disease. The hospital could not find any problem. Later, someone introduced him to Mr. Wu. Mr. Wu used some methods and the child became normal that night.

    Xiao Meng understood and nodded, Don't worry, I will definitely comply with his request. After all, I did not fulfill my filial piety to the younger generation when he was alive, and I inherited his huge inheritance. So I will take good care of this building according to his requirements. Even if there is really no way to realize the building, I will not give up.

    Lawyer Zhang smiled and said, I think you should not be too pessimistic. I always think that this strange condition may just be a level set by Mr. Wu to test the heirs. Who knows what will happen in the future?

    Yes. Xiao Meng raised the corners of his mouth optimistically, When you are poor, you will get rich. I can do it.

    Lawyer Zhang: Haha... The child has a good mentality.

    Chapter 2: Got the whole apartment

    After inheriting a building, Xiao Meng got the key to the whole apartment building from Lawyer Zhang.

    After leaving the law firm, Xiao Meng completely put the disappointment of not being able to realize his assets behind him.

    He was full of thoughts, he had a building! He was now the owner of a 16-story apartment building covering an area of ​​5,000 square meters! !

    Xiao Meng raised his mouth high, hummed Good Luck Comes, pedaled his bike home to get a schoolbag, and couldn't wait to visit his real estate with the key on his back.

    The apartment that Xiao Meng inherited happened to be not far from where he lived, and it only took ten minutes to ride a bike.

    Xiao Meng was so familiar with the apartment buildings nearby that he could draw them with his eyes closed. When he saw the address, he wanted to do a somersault on the spot.

    It must be a good building! There is no broken building nearby!

    However, when he arrived at that intersection, Xiao Meng did not see any 16-story building covering an area of ​​5,000 square meters. When Xiao Meng saw the address just now, he was so excited that he didn't pay attention. Isn't this the forest park where he usually goes to relax?

    Xiao Meng stopped the car at the entrance of the forest park, looking blankly at the depths of the forest, wondering if he had gone the wrong way.

    Except for the occasional old man and old woman who came for morning exercise, there were not many people wandering around in this forest. The geographical location was not remote, but it was inexplicably unattractive to people.

    Before, Xiao Meng had always been secretly happy that he had found a quiet secret base.

    Xiao Meng looked carefully at the address that Lawyer Zhang left for him. It was indeed this place.

    But how could there be an apartment in this place?

    Xiao Meng thought that Lawyer Zhang must have written the wrong address, so he took out his mobile phone and called Lawyer Zhang to ask.

    The phone you dialed is turned off...

    Xiao Meng: ???

    In the middle of August, a cool breeze blew from the forest, like a cold hand reaching into his collar and touching him.

    Xiao Meng shuddered and frowned.

    A horrible thought that made him suffocate kept bouncing in his heart.

    ...Was he being fooled? And it happened on his birthday?

    Xiao Meng's heart instantly turned cold.

    Xiao Meng tightly grasped the handlebars, silently looking at the dense forest in front of him, and the whole person froze for a long time.

    Finally calmed down, went into the park to find a bench to sit down, parked the bicycle next to it, and opened the backpack on his knees.

    Seeing several large bunches of keys inside, he was suddenly stunned again.

    If that person really wanted to fool him, would he need to prepare so many props?

    And one ring after another?

    Xiao Meng saw the letter in the backpack that he brought with him, and intuitively felt that the answer might be in the letter, so he took the letter out of the bag and opened it.

    In the kraft paper envelope was a yellowed letter paper, and the paper was written in sophisticated cursive.

    Xiao Meng read it carefully word by word.

    [Hello, the next successor of Huangquan Inn.

    Since you choose to inherit this inn, it is destined that you will be the next Yin-Yang manager.

    This Huangquan Inn has existed for thousands of years. With the development of the times and the progress of society, it has evolved into today's modern apartment, providing a better resting place for Huangquan travelers who stay for a short time, so it is more troublesome to maintain. I have devoted most of my life to rectify it, but I am still unable to restore this inn between the world of the living and the underworld to its former prosperity.

    But I believe that you will eventually complete my unfulfilled vision for me.

    When you choose to inherit this Huangquan Inn, Huangquan Inn also chooses you.

    Huangquan Inn has a barrier for the living, and only those who know its existence can enter. Now that you know its existence, you should be able to see it...】

    Xiao Meng subconsciously raised his head, and the forest in front of him suddenly disappeared, replaced by a large open space overgrown with weeds and the 16-story apartment building in the open space.

    Xiao Meng: !!!

    Xiao Meng was so shocked that his breathing stopped for three seconds, and he continued to read the following content with wide eyes.

    [You are the 3878th Yin-Yang manager of Huangquan Inn.

    The more dead souls stay in Huangquan Inn, the more Yin De you will gain.

    When the Yin De accumulates a lot, there may be some unexpected surprises in your life.

    The inn has everything you want to know. If you still have questions, there are my notes of experience left there.

    Manage it carefully, and this responsibility will be entrusted to you from now on.

    The 3877th manager Wu Xianren]

    Huangquan... Inn?

    Xiao Meng slowly raised his eyes from the letter paper and stared at the scene in front of him.

    The surrounding environment is still the city where he is, and the sky is still the same sky, but most of the huge forest park has disappeared, replaced by this piece of wild grass.

    The 16-story dark gray dilapidated building in the distance looks like an unfinished building that the developer hastily built after donating money and ran away. There is no coating on the outside of the building, only the original cement covering.

    Every window was dark, and Xiao Meng suspected that the building was not decorated.

    Although it was called Huangquan Inn, there was no obvious sign to identify it. There was only a small, unremarkable standing neon sign next to the door on the first floor of the apartment. The light was off, and the words Huangquan Inn were written on it with a small light bulb...

    The glass door of the apartment was open. Perhaps the fixed function was not working well, so two bricks were used to fix the door corners.

    Xiao Meng's hearing suddenly came into a strange noise. He looked up at the sound and was surprised to find that at least hundreds of crows had landed on the roof of the apartment, and hundreds of them were circling above, like a black whirlwind. The scene was quite spectacular.

    Fuck... Xiao Meng couldn't help sighing.

    Just as he opened his mouth and looked up in shock, Xiao Meng suddenly felt someone coming out of the door of the apartment building.

    He slowly moved his eyes down and saw an old man with a cigarette in his mouth, wearing a vest and big shorts, holding a teacup in his hand, coming out of the door.

    Xiao Meng was shocked again. No way? Someone really lives in this broken apartment? !

    The old man stood at the door leisurely, took a puff of cigarette and drank a sip of tea, coughed violently a few times, took another puff of cigarette and drank a sip of tea...

    Xiao Meng looked at him speechlessly for a while, so was he going to smoke or drink tea?

    Just as he had the idea, the old man looked up at the sky and his eyes suddenly fell sharply on Xiao Meng, as penetrating as an eagle's eyes.

    Xiao Meng and the old man stared at each other for a few seconds. The old man had no expression, ignored him and turned to go in.

    Xiao Meng came to his senses, stood up quickly, picked up his schoolbag and ran to the old man quickly: Excuse me, are you a resident of this apartment?

    The old man had already entered the building and disappeared in the dark space inside the building.

    Xiao Meng chased to the door of the apartment building. Just as he was about to go in, the two glass doors suddenly pushed the bricks open and closed by themselves.

    Xiao Meng: ?!

    Xiao Meng stretched out his hand and pushed the glass door, but it didn't move at all.

    The old man's lazy voice with an ethereal echo came from inside the door: The inn is temporarily closed. Turn right and walk to the end. Go to the Fifth Avenue of Naihe Bridge and reincarnate directly.

    Xiao Meng hurriedly said: I'm not here to stay in the hotel. I'm...

    The old man said again: Don't waste your time if you are a robber. There is nothing here except me and this old man. Turn left and walk to the end. Silently chant gousitezhuimu. You can get whatever you want when you go there, provided that you can beat those security guards who worked in □□ before you died.

    What is gousitezhuimu?

    Xiao Meng was confused.

    Xiao Meng said weakly, Uncle... I'm here to see my building. I'm the new owner of our apartment.

    The door of the apartment opened with a whoosh, almost hitting Xiao Meng's nose. Xiao Meng quickly pushed back a few steps to avoid it.

    Several bricks automatically pushed against the corner of the door to support the door.

    Xiao Meng looked at the bricks that moved by themselves, with mixed feelings. It was magical, but there was an inexplicable sense of sadness.

    There was a crackling sound of slippers hitting the ground. Xiao Meng looked up and saw the old man in the vest trotting out from inside. He enthusiastically shook his hand and clapped it twice, Oh my God, I finally waited for the leader! Why did you come just now! If you come two days later, our thousand-year-old inn will be squeezed out by the Gosite Zhuimu next door!

    Xiao Meng pulled his hand away awkwardly, smiled politely, and asked, Excuse me, what is Gosite Zhuimu?

    The old man pointed to the direction of turning left and said, Gosite Zhuimu is with us. It is the Huangquan Hotel that opened a few years ago. Look over there.

    Xiao Meng didn't notice that there was a Huangquan Hotel nearby. Following the old man's hand, he found that the other half of the forest park had also disappeared. An elegant pigeon square appeared on a large open space. Behind it, a 16-story white five-star hotel with modern design looked very dazzling and exuded a strong smell of money.

    A few red artistic characters with light effects were suspended above the hotel building: Ghost Dream Hotel

    Xiao Meng: ...

    Xiao Meng and the old man stared at other people's hotels for a while, and then looked up at their own gray and shabby apartment together.

    Crow: Cack! Cack! Cack!

    A piece of bird droppings fell from the sky and hit the small light bulb billboard of Huangquan Inn.

    Two people: ...

    Xiao Meng suddenly understood the meaning of his aunt's words the heart is willing but the strength is insufficient.

    Times are developing, society is progressing... Auntie has tried her best.

    As she was talking, someone suddenly asked behind her in a gloomy voice, Excuse me, is this Huangquan Inn?

    Xiao Meng immediately turned around and saw a ghost in broad daylight. He almost fainted.

    I saw a young man wearing a bloody white shirt and a bloody face, holding a red umbrella dripping with blood, standing not far away, looking at Xiao Meng and the old man expressionlessly.

    Although Xiao Meng had just inherited this apartment, he also understood that this was a guest!

    He reacted faster than the old man, and smiled warmly: Yes, this is Huangquan Inn, do you want to rent a room?

    The ghost in white shirt said coldly: Are there any conditions for check-in?

    Xiao Meng glanced at the old man, who shook his head. Xiao Meng immediately said: No! Do you want to check in now? I'll take you to see the room?

    The ghost in white shirt nodded slightly expressionlessly, and just as he was about to take a step forward, he heard a swish sound, and the attention of the three people was attracted.

    I saw a circle of fountain water columns suddenly burst out from the pigeon square in front of the big hotel next door. The crystal mist in the sky was like tiny diamonds, twinkling with dazzling light. The startled pigeons spread their wings and took off. The scene was so beautiful that it seemed like a paradise...

    Everyone tilted their heads to look for a few seconds. Xiao Meng realized something and was the first to come to his senses. He didn't care about being afraid of ghosts anymore. He went up and pulled the ghost into the apartment, Handsome guy, let's go, let's go and see the house...

    The ghost in the white shirt moved away and Xiao Meng missed it. He floated towards Ghost Dream without looking back and said coldly, Sorry, it looks better over there.

    Xiao Meng: ...

    Old man: ...

    Xiao Meng and the old man watched the ghost float to the gate of the spacious and bright modern hotel opposite, and was respectfully led into the crystal-like automatic induction glass door by the doorman dressed like a fairy tale prince...

    Xiao Meng looked at the glass door of his own apartment again. It was also made of glass, so why did this one look so broken?

    Xiao Meng thought it might be the bricks against the corner of the door, so he went to try to kick the bricks away.

    Just as the old man was about to speak to stop him, Xiao Meng was knocked to the ground by the glass door that suddenly rebounded inward.

    The old man looked at the poor Xiao Meng with pity and said in embarrassment: Leader, I just wanted to tell you that our door is not working well. Can you pay for a new one? If not, you can just repair it. I am an old man and I can't stand using magic to hold the door every day.

    Xiao Meng covered his nose with blood and climbed up from the ground with difficulty. He took out a tissue from his bag to wipe it, and put the tissue into his nose. He was silent for a long time, By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Xiao Meng. May I ask your name? Where did you come from before? What kind of work does Huangquan Inn do?

    The old man said: I have been working here since the first day this inn opened. I do everything, such as doorman, night watchman, cleaning, check-in... I forgot my name because it has been so long. I just remember that there is a character Yu in it. You can call me Xiao Yu.

    Xiao Meng bowed respectfully to the old man: I'll call you Uncle Yu. This is my first time as a shopkeeper. I don't have much experience. Please give me more guidance and care in the future.

    Uncle Yu said hurriedly: Oh, the leader is too polite! Just treat me as a worker I don't want to suffer reincarnation after I die, so the first Yin-Yang shopkeeper took me in and let me practice here, so I didn't become a lonely ghost, and gradually gained magical powers. I have deep feelings for this place. As long as you can restore the prosperity of the Huangquan Inn, I will be willing to work for you like a cow or a horse!

    Xiao Meng also made up his mind and clenched his fist, Don't worry! I have inherited this apartment, and my fate is inseparable from this apartment! If I don't run the Huangquan Inn, I will be in trouble. If I get up, I will be poor for the rest of my life!

    Uncle Yu said with a smile: It seems that you already know?

    Xiao Meng looked at him puzzledly: Huh? What do you know?

    Yin De. Uncle Yu said with a meaningful smile, For every additional tenant staying in this Huangquan Inn, you can accumulate more Yin De. People with rich Yin De will have great luck in the world, especially good fortune. As long as you manage this Huangquan Inn well, you will never have to worry about food and clothing in the world.

    Xiao Meng opened his eyes wide and took a breath.

    Chapter 3: Huangquan Apartment

    After being stunned for a while, Xiao Meng understood something. His eyes were shining with the symbol of money. He suddenly stepped forward and held Uncle Yu's hand and clapped it twice, saying with emotion, Uncle Yu, don't worry. With you and me in Huangquan Inn, tomorrow will be better! Let's set a small goal first. I will definitely make the occupancy rate of Huangquan Apartment reach 100%!

    Xiao Meng thought to himself, and then went to buy lottery tickets with the attribute bonus of Hongyun Dangtou.

    Uncle Yu smiled and thought to himself, no matter what kind of monster you are, it's good that humans are responsible for the inn.

    Xiao Meng entered his apartment building under the guidance of Uncle Yu.

    The hall was dark as soon as he entered the door, and his eyes adjusted for a moment before he could see clearly.

    It was not as shabby as Xiao Meng imagined. It can be seen that it was a new building that had just been built, but the interior and exterior decoration were stopped halfway, and the project was too rough.

    There were smooth white walls all around, and there was no decoration in the entire hall, but the space was very spacious.

    On the right hand side of the door was the front desk reception.

    It's called the front desk, but it's actually just an old elm wood table that looks like it was bought from the countryside. On the table is a teacup for an old cadre and a glass ashtray. The teacup is the one Uncle Yu was holding just now.

    Next to the table is a folding metal leather chair. The sponge in the middle of the leather cushion has been pitted by sitting. The black leather is covered with cracks from excessive use. A few pieces of leather have fallen off the corners, revealing the yellow sponge inside.

    Directly in front are two silver elevator doors. The black display above the door is off, and there is no power.

    Uncle Yu said helplessly, The apartment has been in arrears of water and electricity bills since the previous manager left. The power was cut off a few days ago, but the water is still on, so it should be able to last for a few more days.

    Ah? Xiao Meng paused and asked in surprise, Ghosts still use the national power grid for electricity?

    Uncle Yu said as a matter of course, Of course, this is not the underworld, it is the junction of the Yin and Yang worlds, and the underworld doesn't need these, so the water and electricity bills are all paid by the human world.

    Xiao Meng didn't understand, Aren't our tenants all ghosts? Ghosts still use water and electricity?

    You Look down on ghosts? Uncle Yu said with a smile, Ghosts were also human beings when they were alive, and they also have living needs after death, but they don't have physiological needs. Like those water ghosts, they feel uncomfortable if they don't soak in water for a day, and those ghosts who were electrocuted will die again if they don't get shocked by high voltage electricity twice a day. Xiao Meng suddenly had a bad intuition, swallowed his saliva, and asked carefully, How much do you owe for water and electricity? Xiao Meng watched Uncle Yu enter the security room on the right side of the hall. After a while, he took out two bills, one blue and one green, and handed them to Xiao Meng. Xiao Meng took them and glanced at them one by one. Water bill: -11281.5 Electricity bill: -13976.8 The bill floated to the marble floor, and Uncle Yu hurriedly bent down to pick it up. Xiao Meng's eyes went dark and he almost died on the spot. Isn't there a tenant here now? Xiao Meng asked tremblingly, holding his heart that was about to stop beating, Why is the water and electricity bill so high?

    Uncle Yu led him directly to the answer.

    The two went up to the third floor. The corridor was pitch black. Uncle Yu used a flashlight to illuminate the way and used the spare key in his hand to open the door of one of the apartments.

    As soon as the door was opened, a torrent of cold water rushed to Xiao Meng's knees.

    Xiao Meng's head exploded again, and he hurriedly dodged backwards, but his jeans and sneakers were soaked. Uncle Yu was very calm and floated into the air in advance to avoid it...

    After a while, the water flow was much smaller, but it was still flowing out. Xiao Meng stood in the puddles, wanting to cry but without tears, What's going on?

    Uncle Yu sighed above his head: Alas, the water pipe burst half a month ago. The shopkeeper is gone, and I can't go to the world of the living to find a repairman, so I can only leave it like this. Not only this one, but several rooms upstairs also burst at the same time. How can we know what's going on?

    Xiao Meng took a deep breath: ...What's wrong with the electricity?

    Uncle Yu floated and led Xiao Meng to the sixth floor. As soon as he entered the corridor, Xiao Meng felt an unusual chill. His pants were still wet, and he was frozen almost as soon as he stepped into the corridor.

    Uncle Yu put on a military coat that he had taken out from somewhere, and calmly led Xiao Meng to an apartment with a wide door. When the flashlight shone inside, the ice and snow in the whole room instantly flashed, making Xiao Meng squint.

    Uncle Yu: This was originally a special ice room specially prepared by the previous shopkeeper to care for the frozen ghosts. A month ago, the refrigerator broke down and couldn't be turned off after turning it to the maximum cooling mode. We don't know how to use this modern machine. A few days ago, the whole apartment was out of power due to arrears, and the refrigerator finally stopped. Don't mention it, I was frozen before, I almost became a frozen ghost.

    ... Xiao Meng hugged his arms and sneezed earth-shatteringly, but tears came out, You can turn off the power.

    Uncle Yu was stunned for a moment, and slapped his forehead: Yes! I can turn off the power! Why didn't I think of it! You are smart, shopkeeper!

    Xiao Meng's tears fell to the ground and turned into ice.

    After a rough tour of this problematic apartment building, Xiao Meng returned to the lobby on the first floor and didn't know what day it was. He felt that he had just paid off his student loan and was about to fall into a more terrible borrowing hell.

    Uncle Yu was still calm, patting his shoulder with a smile, and said with full trust, Today is a good day. When the shopkeeper solves these small problems in the building, our Huangquan Inn can finally reopen! Hehehe!

    Xiao Meng covered his face with his hands to hide his sadness, Hehe, or I should sell a kidney...

    Just as he was seriously considering the issue of selling a kidney for a door, the phone in his bag suddenly vibrated.

    Xiao Meng didn't have many friends, and the calls on his phone were usually about work at the company, so he quickly took out his phone from his bag.

    Seeing Mr. Qi on the phone screen, Xiao Meng was stunned for a moment and blinked in surprise.

    Mr. Qi’s name is Qi Jun. He is Xiao Meng’s boss at the construction company where he works. He is a talented architect who graduated from the world-renowned Bauhaus design school. He was born in a chaebol family, but he started his own business from scratch and became the CEO of a Fortune 500 listed company at the age of 27.

    A small role in the company like Xiao Meng usually has almost no chance to deal with such big people.

    It was purely accidental that he had Qi Jun’s mobile phone number.

    However, Xiao Meng was even more shocked that a big person like Qi Jun had his mobile phone number.

    Xiao Meng was stunned for only two seconds before he immediately answered the phone. He was confused and blurted out, Hello, Mr. Qi?

    As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Meng covered his face in embarrassment.

    Damn, how should he explain that he had Mr. Qi's mobile phone number?

    A second later, a low, magnetic and pleasant male voice came from the receiver. The tone was normal. He didn't seem to care that Xiao Meng directly identified him. He just asked, Why did you take a leave?

    Xiao Meng was stunned again.

    He was a small designer, and he just took a day off. What does it have to do with the big boss of the company?

    After all, it was his boss who asked him questions, so Xiao Meng apologized with a sense of crisis, I'm sorry, Mr. Qi, I have something to do today.

    After thinking for a while, Xiao Meng asked again, Is there a problem with the project I'm responsible for?

    Qi Jun didn't answer him, Are you sick?

    Xiao Meng raised his eyebrows slightly, No, there's just an important matter to deal with.

    What important matter? Qi Jun asked again.

    Xiao Meng was confused, what did the big boss mean by this?

    Is Mr. Qi questioning him? He only asked for this leave after three years in the company, so he shouldn't be hated by his boss, right?

    Xiao Meng thought for a moment and hesitated, I'm sorry, it's a personal matter, it's not convenient to talk about it.

    Qi Jun was silent for a few seconds, I know, can you come to work tomorrow?

    Xiao Meng suspected that there was a problem with the project he was responsible for, frowned and asked, If there is a problem with the project, I can go back to the company now.

    No need. Qi Jun suddenly laughed softly with a lazy tone, and said slowly, You have done a good job. I just want to say that if things are very tricky, it doesn't matter if you take a few more days off. It's your paid leave.

    Xiao Meng opened his eyes, confused and surprised. It turns out that paid leave is so easy to take?

    Great! You can make money by taking leave!

    Xiao Meng hurriedly thanked him happily, Thank you, Mr. Qi, I may really need a few more days off. Things here are a bit tricky. I may not be able to handle it in one day, but I will definitely go back to work as soon as possible.

    Well. Qi Jun said lightly, If you can't handle it yourself, call me, don't be stubborn.

    Xiao Meng: ?

    Why does he always feel that the boss has something to say? Is it his illusion?

    Xiao Meng blinked twice and said Oh blankly.

    The phone had been hung up for a long time, but Xiao Meng was still staring at the call records on his phone, feeling puzzled.

    What did the boss mean by this?

    Xiao Meng touched his chin and pondered for a moment. When he remembered something, his pupils shook violently, and his guilty heartbeat suddenly exploded.

    Fuck, Qi Jun wouldn't know, right?

    Chapter 4: Ghost Knocking on the Door

    Xiao Meng only doubted for a moment, and quickly denied this possibility.

    Xiao Meng let out a long breath. He must have something on his mind, so every little movement seemed like a ghost knocking on the door.

    In order to let Huangquan Apartment resume business as soon as possible and help him to have good luck in the world, Xiao Meng quickly made a preliminary repair plan in his mind before Huangquan Apartment opened for business.

    In the past six months after paying off the student loan, Xiao Meng lived frugally and saved 40,000 yuan by greatly reducing the enjoyment of life.

    Xiao Meng first scanned the payment QR code on the utility bill with his mobile phone, confirmed the payment with a heartbroken facial expression, and paid off the utility bill owed by the apartment.

    With less than 20,000 yuan left, Xiao Meng planned to repair the door of the apartment.

    Although this door is ugly and difficult to use, the funds are tight now. Since the glass of the door has not been broken, just use it for now and save as much as possible.

    Xiao Meng was thinking about how to save money when Uncle Yu suddenly coughed twice in his old smoker's voice and fell from the air.

    Uncle Yu, wearing a yellowed white vest and dark blue striped shorts, staggered to the gate and slowly bent down, which was not difficult.

    But it was not easy for him to pick up the two bricks on the ground.

    Uncle Yu held his waist and grabbed the two bricks on the ground. His upper body shrank up. His translucent body in the sun tilted slightly, showing his effort...

    Xiao Meng saw this scene as soon as he looked up, and suddenly remembered a touching prose he had recited in junior high school.

    Xiao Meng was touched and couldn't help but step forward to take the brick from Uncle Yu's hand, I'll do it.

    Just after taking the brick, he suddenly realized that something was wrong. Didn't Uncle Yu know magic? He said before that he had been using magic to hold the door?

    Uncle Yu sighed behind Xiao Meng, Alas, I'm old and my body is not good anymore.

    Xiao Meng didn't respond, but used a brick to block the door. When he turned around, he saw Uncle Yu turned his head behind him and beat his waist, drooping his eyebrows and saying bitterly, Oh, my old waist...

    Xiao Meng: ... Do ghosts still need to play misery?

    Xiao Meng sighed, turned on the calculator on his mobile phone and started to calculate.

    Uncle Yu continued to bend his body and muttered beside him, Oh, my old arm... Oh, my old arm... Oh, my old knee... Oh, oh...

    Xiao Meng concentrated on calculating for a while, turned off the calculator software, and raised his hand calmly: Uncle Yu, I'll change the door, please take your heel off the back of your head.

    THE PRESIDENT'S OFFICE on the top floor of SG Construction Company.

    Qi Jun stood by the floor-to-ceiling window with the sleeves of his white shirt rolled up, overlooking the beautiful city scenery of Kuncheng, and the mobile phone was spinning in circles between his slender fingers.

    Secretary Zhang, dressed in a suit, knocked on the door and came in. Mr. Qi, we have found out that Xiao Meng is the 3878th Yin-Yang manager of Huangquan Inn. He has completed the succession procedures this morning and has left Huangquan and is riding to Red Star Macalline.

    Red Star Macalline? Qi Jun raised his eyebrows slightly.

    According to the information provided by the informant, Manager Xiao plans to replace the door of Huangquan Inn.

    Qi Jun raised the corner of his lips playfully, Say hello to Red Star Macalline.

    Okay. Secretary Zhang nodded respectfully, Are you not allowing Manager Xiao and the dog to enter?

    Qi Jun glanced at him and frowned slightly in disdain.

    Secretary Zhang: Double the price of all building materials?

    Qi Jun said lightly: All free, give him an opening gift.

    Secretary Zhang understood and applauded: Harmonious society, eliminate vicious competition in the industry, Mr. Qi is generous.

    Qi Jun couldn't bear to look at this stupid secretary who wanted to change eighty times a day, closed his eyes and pinched his eyebrows.

    XIAO MENG PARKED HIS bike outside Red Star Macalline and found a supplier specializing in automatic doors.

    A charming and beautiful woman at the door waved at him and said, Boss Xiao, you are here. It's been a long time since I last saw you. Have you forgotten me because you have a new love?

    The passers-by looked at Xiao Meng strangely.

    Xiao Meng was embarrassed. He grabbed the bag strap with both hands and slowly moved over with great resistance.

    As soon as he got closer, the woman grabbed his arm and dragged him into the store, Come in quickly.

    Sister Hong, Xiao Meng pulled her arm out awkwardly, Control yourself, people who don't know what I'm doing here.

    Chu Hong wore a high-end goose yellow suit and skirt, and flirtatiously lifted her long wavy hair. She hugged her arms and looked at Xiao Meng with a smile, Oh, you're still not happy, I haven't thought you're a virgin yet.

    Xiao Meng: Goodbye, sister.

    Chu Hong hurriedly pulled him back and said with a teasing smile: You're still very thin-skinned. You said you've graduated for a few years, how come you're so handsome and you're left alone?

    Because I'm poor. Xiao Meng smiled hurt.

    Bullshit. Chu Hong rolled her eyes like a domineering and vicious female supporting actress, Don't tell me these useless things. Last time, a rich and beautiful girl who came to shop for building materials with her fiancé wanted to add you on WeChat. She stepped on her rich boyfriend's face like a foot mat for you.

    Do I want her to support me? Xiao Meng sighed helplessly, Sister Hong, don't tease me first, I'm here to buy a door today.

    Chu Hong's funny smile turned into a business smile in a second, and she bowed slightly, Boss, what type of automatic door do you need, and what kind of building do you want to install it on? Oh, you are an architectural designer and don't need my introduction. Take a look for yourself and take the one you like at the factory price.

    Xiao Meng's eyes lit up immediately, and he put his hands together, Sister Hong, you are the most beautiful, Snow White kneels to see you!

    Based on his vision of the future style of Huangquan Apartment, Xiao Meng already had an idea of ​​the ideal door in his mind, and soon locked in the most suitable double-opening automatic induction glass door.

    Just when I was about to ask Chu Hong what the lowest price for this door was, I turned around and saw Chu Hong leaning against the counter and pressing her temples, looking painful.

    Sister, what's wrong with you? Xiao Meng hurried over and asked, Are you feeling uncomfortable?

    Chu Hong reluctantly opened her eyes and pulled the corner of her mouth forcibly, It's okay, it's an old problem, a headache, just rest for a while.

    Have you been to the hospital? Xiao Meng frowned, The headache may be caused by some complicated reasons, you should go to the hospital for a check-up.

    It's useless. Chu Hong rubbed her forehead forbearingly, I've been to the best hospitals, but they couldn't find any problems, and each attack didn't last long, and it would get better after a while.

    The hospital couldn't find any problems? Xiao Meng thought of something, stunned for a moment, combined with what he had

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