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Typhon Pact: Plagues of Night
The Definitive Star Trek Trivia Book: Volume II
Star Trek Into Darkness
Ebook series30 titles

Star Trek Series

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A Simon & Schuster eBook. Simon & Schuster has a great book for every reader.
Release dateDec 11, 2012
Typhon Pact: Plagues of Night
The Definitive Star Trek Trivia Book: Volume II
Star Trek Into Darkness

Titles in the series (100)

  • Star Trek Into Darkness

    Star Trek Into Darkness
    Star Trek Into Darkness

    The official movie tie-in novelization of the highly anticipated sequel to the blockbuster feature film Star Trek! Pioneering director J.J. Abrams has delivered an explosive action thriller that takes Star Trek Into Darkness. When the crew of the Enterprise is called back home, they find an unstoppable force of terror from within their own organization has detonated the fleet and everything it stands for, leaving our world in a state of crisis. With a personal score to settle, Captain Kirk leads a manhunt to a war-zone world to capture a one man weapon of mass destruction. As our heroes are propelled into an epic chess game of life and death, love will be challenged, friendships will be torn apart, and sacrifices must be made for the only family Kirk has left: his crew. Star Trek Into Darkness, starring Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Zoe Saldana, Karl Urban, John Cho, Bruce Greenwood, Simon Pegg, Anton Yelchin, Benedict Cumberbatch, Alice Eve, and Peter Weller, arrives on May 17th, 2013.

  • Typhon Pact: Plagues of Night

    Typhon Pact: Plagues of Night
    Typhon Pact: Plagues of Night

    The first novel in a two-part Typhon Pact adventure set in the universe of Star Trek: The Next Generation! In the wake of the final Borg invasion, which destroyed entire worlds, cost the lives of sixty-three billion people, and struck a crippling blow to Starfleet, six nations adversarial to the United Federation of Planets—the Romulan Star Empire, the Breen Confederacy, the Tholian Assembly, the Gorn Hegemony, the Tzenkethi Coalition, and the Holy Order of the Kinshaya— joined ranks to form the Typhon Pact. For almost three years, the Federation and the Klingon Empire, allied under the Khitomer Accords, have contended with the nascent coalition on a predominantly cold-war footing. But as Starfleet rebuilds itself, factions within the Typhon Pact grow restive, concerned about their own inability to develop a quantum slipstream drive to match that of the Federation. Will leaders such as UFP President Bacco and RSE Praetor Kamemor bring about a lasting peace across the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, or will the cold war between the two alliances deepen, and perhaps even lead to an all-out shooting war?

  • The Definitive Star Trek Trivia Book: Volume II

    The Definitive Star Trek Trivia Book: Volume II
    The Definitive Star Trek Trivia Book: Volume II

    By popular demand...a second book of Star Trek® trivia questions from the greatest science fiction phenomenon of all time! The Definitive Star Trek Trivia Book, Volume II contains more than two thousand new questions, quizzes, and brainteasers on topics ranging from "Personnel" to "Strategies and Tactics" to Star Trek Romances," Test yourself and your friends -- Who among you is the ultimate Star Trek expert? 1) Which episode begins with a giant hand grabbing the U.S.S. Enterprise? 2) What was Q's gift to Data in "Deja Q"? 3) Where did Benjamin Siska first meet Dax? a) Starfleet Academy b) Utopia Planitia c) Pelios Station d) U.S.S. Livingston 4) What do the following officers have in common? 5) The Klingon who steers the mythological Barge of the Dead is named 6) Match each shuttlecraft to its "parent" ship: A. Chaffee B. Cochrane C. Columbus D. Copernicus E. Curie i. U.S.S. Enterprise ii. U.S.S. Enterprise-A iii. U.S.S. Enterprise-D iv. U.S.S. Defiant v. U.S.S. Voyager

  • The Klingon Dictionary: The Official Guide to Klingon Words and Phrases

    The Klingon Dictionary: The Official Guide to Klingon Words and Phrases
    The Klingon Dictionary: The Official Guide to Klingon Words and Phrases

    The official guide to Klingon/English words and phrases! The classic comprehensive Star Trek sourcebook for Klingon language and syntax! The only book of its kind, this dictionary includes the fundamental grammar rules, words, and expressions that illustrate the nature of the complex Klingon culture as well as: *A precise pronunciation guide *Commands in Clipped Klingon *Proper use of affixes and suffixes *Conjunctions, exclamations, and superlatives *Simple and complex sentence structure PLUS: a small phrasebook with Klingon translations for essential expressions such as "Activate the transport beam," "Always trust your instincts," and the ever-popular "Surrender or die!" Qapla’!

  • Star Trek: Mirror Universe: Rise Like Lions

    Star Trek: Mirror Universe: Rise Like Lions
    Star Trek: Mirror Universe: Rise Like Lions

    IN THE MIRROR UNIVERSE . . . Miles “Smiley” O’Brien struggles to hold together his weary band of freedom fighters in their war against the overwhelming might of the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance. Each day pushes the rebels on Terok Nor one step closer to defeat, but with nowhere left to run, the time has come to make their last stand. Light-years away, Mac Calhoun and his Romulan allies harass Klingon forces with devious hit-and-run attacks. But Calhoun has a grander ambition: he intends to merge his fleet with the Terran Rebellion and lead it to victory—or die trying. Meanwhile, a bitter feud threatens to shatter the Alliance from within. The old rivalry between the Klingons and the Cardassians erupts into open warfare as each vies for the upper hand in their partnership. Manipulating events from its hidden redoubts, Memory Omega—the secret operation initiated by Spock a century earlier—sees its plans come to fruition sooner than expected. But striking early means risking everything—and if the revolution fails, Spock’s vision for the future will be lost forever.

  • Department of Temporal Investigations: Forgotten History

    Department of Temporal Investigations: Forgotten History
    Department of Temporal Investigations: Forgotten History

    The agents of the Department of Temporal Investigations are assigned to look into an anomaly that has appeared deep in Federation territory. It’s difficult to get clear readings, but a mysterious inactive vessel lies at the heart of the anomaly, one outfitted with some sort of temporal drive disrupting space-time and subspace. To the agents’ shock, the ship bears a striking resemblance to a Constitution-class starship, and its warp signature matches that of the original Federation starship Enterprise NCC-1701—the ship of James T. Kirk, that infamous bogeyman of temporal investigators, whose record of violations is held up by DTI agents as a cautionary tale for Starfleet recklessness toward history. But the vessel’s hull markings identify it as Timeship Two, belonging to none other than the DTI itself. At first, Agents Lucsly and Dulmur assume the ship is from some other timeline . . . but its quantum signature confirms that it came from their own past, despite the fact that the DTI never possessed such a timeship. While the anomaly is closely monitored, Lucsly and Dulmur must search for answers in the history of Kirk’s Enterprise and its many encounters with time travel—a series of events with direct ties to the origins of the DTI itself. . . .

  • Star Trek: Strange New Worlds VII

    Star Trek: Strange New Worlds VII
    Star Trek: Strange New Worlds VII

    Our seventh anthology features original Star Trek®, Star Trek: The Next Generation®, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine®, Star Trek: Voyager®, and Star Trek: Enterprise stories written by Star Trek fans, for Star Trek fans! Featuring new stories by new writers and a few contest veterans, Strange New Worlds VII spans the entire Star Trek universe from the original days of Captain Kirk and throughout the tenures of Captains Picard, Sisko, and Janeway and back in time again to Archer. Each of these unforgettable stories explores the past and future of Star Trek from many different perspectives. This year's contributors include Kevin Lauderdale, Kevin Killiany, Christian Grainger, Paul J. Kaplan, Muri McCage, Pat Detmer, Gerri Leen, Julie Hyzy, Kelly Cairo, John Coffren, Scott Pearson, Jeff D. Jacques, Jim Johnson, Anne E. Clements, Russ Crossley, Susan S. McCrackin, Catherine E. Pike, G. Wood, Annie Reed, Louisa M. Swann, Brett Hudgins, Amy Sisson, and Frederick Kim.

  • Star Trek: Mirror Universe: Shards and Shadows

    Star Trek: Mirror Universe: Shards and Shadows
    Star Trek: Mirror Universe: Shards and Shadows

    Fractured history. Broken lives. Splintered souls. Since the alternate universe was first glimpsed in the classic episode "Mirror, Mirror," something about Star Trek's dark side has beckoned us, called to us, tempted us -- like forbidden fruit on the Tree of Knowledge. To taste it is to lose oneself in a world of startling familiarity and terrifying contradictions, where everything and everyone we knew is somehow disturbingly different, and where shocking secrets await their revelation. What began in 2007 with Glass Empires and Obsidian Alliances -- the first truly in-depth foray into the turbulent history of this other continuum -- now continues in twelve new short tales that revisit and expand upon that so-called "Mirror Universe," spanning all five of the core incarnations of Star Trek, as well as their literary offshoots, across more than two hundred years of divergent history, as chronicled by... Christopher L. Bennett - Margaret Wander Bonanno - Peter David - Keith R.A. DeCandido - Michael Jan Friedman - Jim Johnson - Rudy Josephs - David Mack - Dave Stern - James Swallow - Dayton Ward & Kevin Dilmore - Susan Wright

  • Star Trek: Strange New Worlds VI

    Star Trek: Strange New Worlds VI
    Star Trek: Strange New Worlds VI

    In the sixth year of its ongoing mission, the Strange New Worlds writing competition has once again sought out exciting new voices and imaginations among Star Trek's vast galaxy of fans. After scanning countless submissions for signs of style and originality, the judges are proud to report that the universe of amazing Star Trek writers just keeps expanding. Strange New Worlds VI features twenty-three never-before-published stories spanning the twenty-second to the twenty-fourth centuries, from the early days of Captain Jonathan Archer to James T. Kirk and his crew to the later generations of Captains Picard, Sisko, and Janeway. These memorable new tales explore and examine the past and future of Star Trek from many different perspectives. This year's contributors include such diverse life-forms as Julie Hyzy, Shane Zeranski, Penny A. Proctor, TG Theodore, Mark Allen, Charity Zegers, Juanita Nolte, G. Wood, Pat Detmer, Robert J. Mendenhall, Geoffrey Thorne, Russ Crossley, Louisa M. Swann, Scott W. Carter, Shawn Michael Scott, Brett Hudgins, Robert J. LaBaff, Paul J. Kaplan, Jan Stevens, Kevin Andrew Hosey, Elizabeth A. Dunham, Mary Scott-Wiecek, Robert T. Jeschonek, and Annie Reed. Join Strange New Worlds in its thrilling quest to uncover the most compelling Star Trek fiction this side of the Galactic Barrier!

  • Adventures in Time and Space

    Adventures in Time and Space
    Adventures in Time and Space

    Stardate 1999. To commemorate twenty years of thrilling Star Trek novels, Pocket Books is proud to present a one-of-a-kind tribute volume highlighting the most unforgettable moments from a generation of bold explorations by some of the most imaginative science fiction authors of our time! Selected by an expert Star Trek fan, Star Trek: Adventures In Time and Space contains page after page of terrific Star Trek moments. Over the course of two decades, Pocket Books has published hundreds of fantastic adventures set in the astounding universes of Star Trek, Star Trek: The Next Generation®, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine®, and Star Trek: Voyager®. Here is the crème de la crème of Starfleet's literary voyages: the most dramatic confrontations, the strangest aliens, the most deadly perils that ever tested Kirk, Picard, Sisko, Janeway, and their valiant crews. Journey backwards through time to sample the best the future has to offer! SPECIAL BONUS FEATURE: The Star Trek Novel Chronology, showing where each book falls in the grand Star Trek saga -- because readers demanded it!

  • The Fall: The Poisoned Chalice

    The Fall: The Poisoned Chalice
    The Fall: The Poisoned Chalice

    The fourth original novel in the electrifying The Next Generation/Deep Space Nine crossover event! One simple act, and the troubles of the United Federation of Planets have grown darker overnight. The mystery behind the heinous terrorist attack that has rocked the Federation to its core grows ever deeper, and William Riker finds himself beset by rumors and half-truths as the U.S.S. Titan is ordered back to Earth on emergency orders from the admiralty. Soon, Riker finds himself drawn into a game of political intrigue, bearing witness to members of Starfleet being detained—including people he considered friends—pending an investigation at the highest levels. And while Riker tries to navigate the corridors of power, Titan’s tactical officer, Tuvok, is given a series of clandestine orders that lead him into a gray world of secrets, lies, and deniable operations. Who can be trusted when the law falls silent and justice becomes a quest for revenge? For the crew of the U.S.S. Titan, the search for answers will become a battle for every ideal the Federation stands for... ™, ®, & © 2013 CBS Studios, Inc. STAR TREK and related marks are trademarks of CBS Studios, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

  • Star Trek 101: A Practical Guide to Who, What, Where, and Why

    Star Trek 101: A Practical Guide to Who, What, Where, and Why
    Star Trek 101: A Practical Guide to Who, What, Where, and Why

    In the future, a heroic captain and his crew explore the Galaxy in a really fast spacecraft. The crew's standing orders are: " explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before."™ Simple, straightforward -- that's Star Trek.® So what's all the fuss? Why do news crews always seem to find someone, somewhere dressed up in a Star Trek costume? What could be so interesting to so many people? Star Trek 101 is the answer. You'll learn just a little about the heroes (Captain Kirk believes that man wasn't meant to live in paradise), the villains (Klingons have a thirst for conquest), and the important aliens (Vulcans live their lives by logic). In the handy recaps for all things Star Trek, you'll discover that the television shows and movies run the gamut from action-adventure to comedy. Just want to sample? The ten essential episodes are offered for your consideration. Star Trek 101 is a quick primer of the television shows and movies that carry the Star Trek name.

  • Captain Kirk's Guide to Women

    Captain Kirk's Guide to Women
    Captain Kirk's Guide to Women

    Casanova, Don Juan, James Bond -- these are men of legendary romance, but only one man can boast that his seductive powers take him boldly where no man has gone before: James T. Kirk. Captain Kirk's status as an interstellar stud is proven by his ability to seduce any woman, in any situation, in any part of the galaxy. From high-society princesses to unbalanced Orion slave girls, from gender-switching shape-shifters to emotion-deprived androids -- they all swoon, acquiesce, and malfunction from just one kiss. But a single question remains in the minds of millions: How does he do it? Captain Kirk's Guide to Women is the first book to answer this question by probing deeply into Kirk's character, charisma, and seductive techniques, making it possible for any man to model himself after the Casanova of the Cosmos. It is also the only warp-powered romance manual written with enough wit, charm, and humor to help the female of the species make first contact. Employing meticulous research, along with fanatic-level detail and the kind of pointy-eared logic even a Vulcan would find fascinating, Captain Kirk's Guide to Women shows you how to be as effective as Captain Kirk.

  • The Amazing Stories

    The Amazing Stories
    The Amazing Stories

    From 1998 to 2000, Amazing Stories, the world's oldest science fiction magazine, presented a series of original Star Trek stories written by a number of bestselling authors. Now these little-seen Star Trek adventures have been collected together for the first time, along with brand-new tales written expressly for this volume! Among the highlights: Spock comes to terms with the death of his father in a touching tale penned by A. C. Crispin, bestselling author of Sarek. Counselor Deanna Troi risks everything to aid the evacuation of an endangered planet. Seven of Nine learns a lesson in humanity when the Starship Voyager takes on some unusual alien visitors. Beverly Crusher discovers that holographic doctors take some getting used to, especially during a medical emergency. Plus, Captain Proton, Defender of the Earth, must face the awesome menace of...the Space Vortex of Doom! Proving that amazing things sometimes come in small packages, these and other slices of the vast Star Trek universe provide a replicator's worth of treats for Trekkers everywhere! Proving that amazing things sometimes come in small packages, these and other slices of the vast Star Trek universe provide a replicator's worth of treats for Trekkers everywhere!

  • Star Trek: Strange New Worlds VIII

    Star Trek: Strange New Worlds VIII
    Star Trek: Strange New Worlds VIII

    This newest volume of Strange New Worlds features original Star Trek®, Star Trek: The Next Generation ®, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine®, Star Trek: Voyager®, and Star Trek: Enterprise™ stories written by Star Trek fans, for Star Trek fans! Each of these stories features our favorite Trek characters in new and adventurous situations. In this anthology, we get to experience a new version of the Kobayashi Maru, feel what it's like to be inside the Borg collective, delight in tasting new foods, and encourage Starfleet's future. This year's Strange New Worlds winners encompass newcomers and veterans alike, including Alan James Garbers, Kevin Lauderdale, Kevin Andrew Hosey, Paul C. Tseng, Kevin G. Summers, Sarah A. Seaborne, John Takis, Dan C. Duval, Amy Vincent, David DeLee, Muri McCage, Susan S. McCrackin, M.C. Demarco, Annie Reed, Amy Sisson, J.B. Stevens, Robert Burke Richardson, Lorraine Anderson, A. Rhea King, Derrek Tyler Attico, Geoffrey Thorne, and Paul J. Kaplan.

  • Star Trek Online: The Needs of the Many

    Star Trek Online: The Needs of the Many
    Star Trek Online: The Needs of the Many

    Prior to the terror-filled times of the Long War—the seemingly endless struggle against the Undine, a paranoid, shape-shifting race once known only as Species 8472—enemy sleeper agents quietly penetrated every echelon of Federation society, as well as other starfaring civilizations throughout the Alpha and Beta quadrants. The ensuing conflict shook humanity to its very core, often placing its highest ideals against a pure survival instinct. All too frequently, the Undine War demanded the harshest of sacrifices and exacted the steepest of personal costs from the countless millions whose lives the great interdimensional clash forever altered. Drawn from his exhaustive research and interviews, The Needs of the Many delivers a glimpse of Betar Prize–winning author Jake Sisko’s comprehensive "living history" of this tumultuous era. With collaborator Michael A. Martin, Sisko illuminates an often-poorly-understood time, an age marked indelibly by both fear and courage—not to mention the willingness of multitudes of unsung heroes who became the living embodiment of the ancient Vulcan philosopher Surak’s famous axiom, "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few."

  • Star Trek: Strange New Worlds I

    Star Trek: Strange New Worlds I
    Star Trek: Strange New Worlds I

    Here's what you, the fans, have demanded for decades! An anthology featuring original Star Trek, Star Trek: The Next Generation®, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine®, and Star Trek®: Voyager stories written by Star Trek fans, for Star Trek fans! After a lengthy competition that drew thousands of submissions; these astounding stories, written exclusively by brand-new authors, were selected for their originality and style. These eighteen fantastic tales rocket across the length and breadth of Federation time and space, from when Captain Kirk explored the galaxy on the first Starship Enterprise, through Captain Picard's U.S.S. Enterprise 1701-D and Captain Sisko's Deep Space Nine to Captain Janeway's Voyager, with many fascinating stops along the way. This all-new volume contains stories by: Landon Cary Dalton, Phaedra M. Weldon, Keith L. Davis, Dayton Ward, Dylan Otto Krider, Jerry M. Wolfe, Peg Robinson, Kathy Oltion, Bobbie Benton Hull, Alara Rogers, Franklin Thatcher, Christina F. York, Vince Bonasso, Patrick Cumby, J.A. Rosales, jaQ Andrews, Jackee C., and Craig D.B. Patton. Find out what happens in the Star Trek universe when fans -- like you -- take the helm!

  • Star Trek: The Eugenics Wars: The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh: Volume 1

    Star Trek: The Eugenics Wars: The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh: Volume 1
    Star Trek: The Eugenics Wars: The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh: Volume 1

    An engrossing and fast-paced thriller that explores the secret history of the twentieth century -- and the rise of the conqueror known as Khan. Even centuries later, the final decades of the twentieth century are still regarded -- by those who know the truth of what really happened -- as one of the darkest and most perilous chapters in the history of humanity. Now, as an ancient and forbidden technology tempts mankind once more, Captain James T. Kirk of the Starship Enterprise™ must probe deep into the secrets of the past, to discover the true origins of the dreaded Eugenics Wars -- and of perhaps the greatest foe he has ever faced. 1974 A.D. An international consortium of the world's top scientists have conspired to create the Chrysalis Project, a top-secret experiment in human genetic engineering. The project's goal is nothing less than the creation of a new, artificially improved breed of men and women: smarter, faster, stronger than ordinary human beings, a super-race to take command of the entire planet. Gary Seven, an undercover operative for an advanced alien species, is alarmed by the project's objectives; he knows too well the apocalyptic consequences of genetic manipulation. With his trusted agents, Roberta Lincoln and the mysterious Isis, he will risk life and limb to uncover Chrysalis' insidious designs and neutralize the awesome threat that the Project poses to the future. But he may already be too late. One generation of super-humans has already been conceived. As the years go by, Seven watches with growing concern as the children of Chrysalis -- in particular, a brilliant youth named Khan Noonien Singh -- grow to adulthood. Can Khan's dark destiny be averted -- or is Earth doomed to fight a global battle for supremacy?

  • Typhon Pact #3: Rough Beasts of Empire

    Typhon Pact #3: Rough Beasts of Empire
    Typhon Pact #3: Rough Beasts of Empire

    The next novel in the Typhon Pact adventure in the universe of Star Trek: The Next Generation. Still on Romulus in pursuit of his goal of reunifying the Vulcans and Romulans, Spock finds himself in the middle of a massive power struggle. In the wake of the assassination of the Praetor and the Senate, the Romulans have cleaved in two. While Empress Donatra has led her nascent Imperial Romulan State to establish relations with the Federation, Praetor Tal’aura has guided the original Romulan Star Empire toward joining the newly formed Typhon Pact. But numerous factions within the two Romulan nations vie for power and undivided leadership, and Machiavellian plots unfold as forces within and without the empires conduct high-stakes political maneuvers. Meanwhile, four years after Benjamin Sisko returned from the Celestial Temple, circumstances have changed, his hopes for a peaceful life on Bajor with his wife and daughter beginning to slip away. After temporarily rejoining Starfleet for an all-hands-on-deck battle against the Borg, he must consider an offer to have him return for a longer stint. Beset by troubling events, he seeks spiritual guidance, facing demons new and old, including difficult memories from his time in the last Federation-Tzenkethi war.

  • Star Trek: Myriad Universes #2: Echoes and Refractions

    Star Trek: Myriad Universes #2: Echoes and Refractions
    Star Trek: Myriad Universes #2: Echoes and Refractions

    It's been said that for any event, there are an infinite number of possible outcomes. Our choices determine which outcome will follow, and therefore all possibilities that could happen do happen across countless alternate realities. In these divergent realms, known history is bent, like white light through a prism -- broken into a boundless spectrum of what-might-have-beens. But in those myriad universes, what might have what actually happened. THE CHIMES AT MIDNIGHT: In a continuum where Spock died during childhood, an Andorian named Thelin became Captain Kirk's stalwart friend and first officer. But at the moment of Khan's final defeat, history takes an even stranger turn, and the emerging potential of Project Genesis is revealed as the galaxy's greatest hope...and its most ominous threat. A GUTTED WORLD: Terrorist Kira Nerys -- from a Bajor that was never liberated -- may hold the key to winning a war that has engulfed half the galaxy. But with the Romulans and the Klingons at each other's throats, and the Federation pulled into the conflict, even victory may not bring salvation. BRAVE NEW WORLD: Dr. Noonien Soong's dream has been realized: androids are now woven inextricably into the fabric of the Federation, revolutionizing Starfleet and transforming the quality of humanoid life. But when Soong's long-missing breakthrough creation, Data, mysteriously resurfaces, civilization reaches a crossroads that could lead to a bright new future, or to ruin.

  • Typhon Pact: Brinkmanship

    Typhon Pact: Brinkmanship
    Typhon Pact: Brinkmanship

    An all-new novel set in the universe of Star Trek: The Next Generation, in which tensions escalate between two powerful forces in interstellar space. The Venette Convention has always remained independent, but it is about to become the flashpoint for a tense military standoff between the two power blocs now dominating interstellar space—the United Federation of Planets and the recently formed Typhon Pact. The Venetan government turns to the Typhon Pact’s Tzenkethi Coalition for protection in the new order and has agreed to allow three of their supply bases for Tzenkethi use. But these bases—if militarized—would put Tzenkethi weapons unacceptably close to Federation, Cardassian, and Ferengi space. While Captain Ezri Dax and the crew of the U.S.S. Aventine are sent to investigate exactly what is happening at one of the Venette bases, Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the U.S.S. Enterprise are assigned to a diplomatic mission sent to the Venette homeworld in order to broker a mutually acceptable resolution. But the Cardassian delegates don’t seem particularly keen on using diplomacy to resolve the situation, which soon spirals out of control toward all-out war...

  • Voyages of Imagination: The Star Trek Fiction Companion

    Voyages of Imagination: The Star Trek Fiction Companion
    Voyages of Imagination: The Star Trek Fiction Companion

    Through four decades, five television series comprising over seven hundred episodes, ten feature films, and an animated series, fandom's thirst for more Star Trek stories has been unquenchable. From the earliest short-story adaptations by James Blish in the 1960s, followed by the first original Star Trek novels during the seventies, and on throughout the eighties, nineties, and into the twenty-first century, fiction has offered an unparalleled expansion of the rich Star Trek tapestry. But what is it that makes these books such a powerfully attractive creative outlet to some and a compelling way to experience the Star Trek mythos anew to others? Voyages of Imagination takes a look back on the first forty years of professionally published Star Trek fiction, revealing the personalities and sensibilities of many of the novels' imaginative contributors and offering an unprecedented glimpse into the creative processes, the growing pains, the risks, the innovations, the missteps, and the great strides taken in the books. Author Jeff Ayers has immersed himself in nearly six hundred books and interviewed more than three hundred authors and editors in order to compile this definitive guide to the history and evolution of an incomparable publishing phenomenon. Fully illustrated with the covers of every book included herein, Voyages of Imagination is indexed by title and author, features a comprehensive timeline, and is a must-have for every fan.

  • Star Trek: New Frontier: No Limits Anthology

    Star Trek: New Frontier: No Limits Anthology
    Star Trek: New Frontier: No Limits Anthology

    In 1997, Star Trek: New Frontier® debuted and became an instant sensation, chronicling the exciting adventures of Captain Mackenzie Calhoun and the U.S.S. Excalibur, as told by New York Times bestselling author Peter David. Now, over a dozen books later, Peter David has gathered some of the finest Star Trek authors to tell new tales of the Excalibur crew: Dayton Ward's thrilling adventure from Calhoun's sordid past Loren L. Coleman's tale of Shelby's first experience with the Borg Robert Greenberger's origin of "Lefler's Laws" Susan Shwartz's adventure with Soleta and Ambassador Spock Terri Osborne's chronicle of Selar's encounter with the Q David Mack's tale of the longest day of Zak Kebron's life plus stories by Keith R.A. DeCandido, Susan Wright, Josepha Sherman, Ilsa J. Bick, Kevin Dilmore, Christina F. York, Robert T. Jeschonek, Peg Robinson, Mary Scott-Wiecek, Allyn Gibson, and Glenn Hauman & Lisa Sullivan. Added Bonus! Peter David himself tells the untold story of Calhoun and Shelby's honeymoon on Xenex!

  • The Wrath of Khan: Movie Tie-in Novelization

    The Wrath of Khan: Movie Tie-in Novelization
    The Wrath of Khan: Movie Tie-in Novelization

    Prepare yourself for warp-10 excitement! The Galaxy's ultimate future is in the hands of James Kirk, Mr. Spock, and the indomitable crew of the Enterprise. The Galaxy's ultimate weapon is in the hands of the evil Khan and his followers. A battle that will shake the universe cannot be avoided...And the ultimate adventure is about to begin!

  • Star Trek: Strange New Worlds IX

    Star Trek: Strange New Worlds IX
    Star Trek: Strange New Worlds IX

    The tales featured in Strange New Worlds rocket readers across the length and breadth of Federation time and space, from Captain Jonathan Archer's first exploration of the galaxy on board the very first Starship Enterprise through to Captain Picard's tenure on the USS Enterprise 1701-D -- and beyond. Here you can read a fresh and original take on Captain Benjamin Sisko's role on Deep Space Nine, Captain Kathryn Janeway's homeward journey with the crew of the Starship Voyager, Captain Archer's encounters with the Xindi -- and many more ports of call along the way. Strange New Worlds 9 includes stories from all five Star Trek incarnations: Star Trek: The Original Series Star Trek: The Next Generation Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Star Trek: Voyager and Star Trek: Enterprise.

  • Star Trek: To Reign in Hell: The Exile of Khan Noonien Singh

    Star Trek: To Reign in Hell: The Exile of Khan Noonien Singh
    Star Trek: To Reign in Hell: The Exile of Khan Noonien Singh

    At last -- the untold chapter in the history of Star Trek's most notorious villain, KHAN. Searing and powerful, To Reign in Hell masterfully bridges the time period between Khan Noonien Singh's twenty-third-century revival in the Original Series classic episode "Space Seed" and his unforgettable return in the acclaimed feature film Star Trek II:The Wrath of Khan. What truly transpired during Khan's long years of exile on the forbidding world of Ceti Alpha V, before the tyrant escaped to embark on a murderous campaign of vengeance against Admiral James T. Kirk? What horrific trials spawned Khan's insane lust for revenge? Haunted by the memory of Khan's bitter accusations, Kirk now revisits Ceti Alpha V to discover for himself what ultimately drove Khan to madness. There, buried beneath the desolate surface of a dying planet, Kirk and his allies find the untold story of their greatest foe -- and of the woman who loved him: Lieutenant Marla McIvers of Starfleet. Along with Khan's genetically engineered followers from the twentieth century, Khan and Marla are left on Ceti Alpha V with the hopes of building a new life together. Although the planet is savage and untamed, full of deadly predators and unexpected hazards, Khan dreams of carving out an empire even greater than the one he once ruled on Earth. But when catastrophe strikes, laying waste to the entire world, Khan and the others find themselves trapped in a desperate struggle for survival. Now Khan must use every ounce of his superhuman strength and intellect to wage a fearsome battle against the planet, his people...and the growing darkness in his own soul.

  • Nemesis


    Remus—mysterious sister world to Romulus. A planet where hope surrendered to darkness long ago. A planet whose inhabitants have been without a voice for generations. But that's about to change. Earth—home to Starfleet, where the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-E, gathers under the crystal blue skies of an Alaskan day to celebrate the wedding of Will Riker and Deanna Troi. The joy of the day is overshadowed only by the knowledge that this is the last time they will all be together, as soon-to-be Captain Riker and his ship's counselor, Deanna Troi, will soon be departing for their new ship. Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the Enterprise crew are suddenly diverted for an unexpected diplomatic mission to the planet Romulus. Longtime enemies of the Federation, the Romulans have expressed their desire to initiate negotiations that will hopefully lead to a long-awaited unity in the galaxy. But upon their arrival on Romulus, the Enterprise crew is faced with a threat that could lead to the destruction of the planet Earth, and Picard comes face to face with a man who may prove to be his most dangerous adversary yet...and a surprisingly personal nemesis.

  • Quotable Star Trek

    Quotable Star Trek
    Quotable Star Trek

    "...Good words. That's where ideas begin." -- Dr. David Marcus to Admiral James T. Kirk, Star Trek® II: The Wrath of Khan It makes us wonder. It makes us smile. But most of all, it makes us think. More than any other single aspect, Star Trek is defined by the strength of its ideas. For decades this television and movie phenomenon has reached out to its audience, spanning generations and inspiring them not simply with the power of its voice, but with the meaning behind it. Quotable Star Trek demonstrates the truly universal appeal of Gene Roddenberry's extraorinary creation. Words of wit, wisdom, and compelling insight applicable to everyday life from The Original Series, Star Trek: The Next Generation®, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine®, Star Trek Voyager®, and eight Star Trek motion pictures have been meticulously researched and collected in one volume. Intensely thought-provoking and thoroughly entertaining, Quotable Star Trek has something for everyone, and is a must-have resource for every devoted fan.

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    A thrilling e-novella based on Star Trek: The Next Generation, following the dramatic events as chronicled in the New York Times bestselling story arc The Fall! Newly promoted Admiral William Riker and the crew of the U.S.S. Titan are ordered to race to Garadius IV—a planet Riker knows all too well from an unsuccessful peace mission when he was still first officer of the U.S.S. Enterprise. But this time, he finds a mysterious new situation: one with the potential to imperil the entire Federation. One of the warring parties has simply vanished…

  • From Sawdust to Stardust: The Biography of DeForest Kelley, Star Trek's Dr. McCoy

    From Sawdust to Stardust: The Biography of DeForest Kelley, Star Trek's Dr. McCoy
    From Sawdust to Stardust: The Biography of DeForest Kelley, Star Trek's Dr. McCoy

    In the forty-year history of Star Trek®, none of the television show's actors are more beloved than DeForest Kelley. His portrayal of Leonard "Bones" McCoy, the southern physician aboard the Starship Enterprise, brought an unaffected humanity to the groundbreaking space frontier series. Jackson DeForest Kelley came of age in Depression-era Georgia. He was raised on the sawdust trail, a preacher's kid steeped in his father's literal faith and judgment. But De's natural artistic gifts called him to a different way, and a visit to California at seventeen showed a bright new world. Theater and radio defined his early career -- but it was a World War II training film he made while serving in the Army Air Corps that led to his first Paramount Studios contract. After years of struggle, his lean, weathered look became well known in notable westerns and television programs such as You Are There and Bonanza. But his work on several pilots for writer-producer Gene Roddenberry changed his destiny and the course of cultural history. This thoroughly researched actor's life is about hard work and luck, loyalty and love. It is a journey that takes us all...from sawdust to stardust.


Steven Barnes

Steven Barnes is an award-winning author of twenty-three novels, including the New York Times bestseller The Cestus Deception. Visit his website at

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    The. Plot is not interesting or believable to most readers of science fiction.