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A Broken Beautiful Beginning
This Broken Beautiful Thing
Ebook series2 titles

Broken Beautiful Series

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



About this series

“Can’t live without you... I don’t want to be alone in the dark...”

Jace’s last words play in my head over and over as I lay in this dark trunk. I can hear his faint mumbling through the insulation of the backseat. I cry louder, asking for him to pull over, to let me out.
Praying for him to take me back to my baby girl.
Hitting my fists against the top of the trunk I scream and yell, but nothing... He continues to drive further and further away from my family.
I have just found my way back to Caleb. We are supposed to be a family.
I need him to find me, save me from the Beast Jace has become...
This was supposed to be our new beginning... we were meant to start fresh, a clean break.

They all said that Jace was a monster... a dangerous man that I should steer clear of but they had it all wrong.
It’s only when Raven comes out to play does he become the person so many fear.
I was so wrong to think I understood him.
No one understands him...
I thought I knew who he was but I had no idea the secrets he was keeping from me and the Club.
I should have listened to their warnings, should have taken their advice but I had been drawn to a broken soul and I thought I could mend it....fix him somehow.
After all is said and done, only one question remains...who will fix me when I break?

Release dateFeb 14, 2014
A Broken Beautiful Beginning
This Broken Beautiful Thing

Titles in the series (2)

  • This Broken Beautiful Thing


    This Broken Beautiful Thing
    This Broken Beautiful Thing

    After tonight I knew things were going to change. For the better that is... I had a secret and I was finally going to tell the boy of my dreams, the love of my life, soul mate and boyfriend of the last four years. I wasn't prepared for what actually happened... I didn't expect to lose my boyfriend and best friend in one night.... Things weren't supposed to end this way. My heart was ripped out, split in two and stomped on for all to see. I was humiliated and betrayed. How deep can the knife of betrayal cut before it’s too late to wrench it out and let the forgiveness heal? Is forgiveness even possible when you’ve been hurt in the worst possible way? Can a soul so broken and ruined ever be restored? How am I supposed to heal from this when I have a reminder of the beautiful man whom broke me looking up to me every day? **** Harley is the product of a one night stand. Her mother being an all-out train-wreck and her father the President of a notorious Motorcycle Club. She lives with her mother in a run-down apartment near the strip club she works for, her father lives a few hours away. To say she’s had a rough childhood is an understatement. Her life is the complete opposite to the luxury Caleb was brought up with. He is wealthy but never looks down at Harley since he is completely and utterly in love with her. Harley has just graduated from High School, it’s their fourth year anniversary and tonight she has a secret to tell him before they head out to college and move into their new apartment together. They've been best friends since they met in Kindergarten and haven’t let anyone come between them despite being complete opposites. Caleb is the typical jock and Harley, his dorky sidekick. What happens when Harley is none other than Caleb? What happens when Harley's secret is revealed? She runs to her father, now she has to learn to adapt to the Motorcycle Club life that her father leads. She has a long road ahead of her, surrounded by possessive bikers with dirty mouths and beautiful tattoo clad bodies she’s forced to understand the place of a woman in this club, even when she doesn't agree. Will Harley be able to resist Raven, the soon to be Vice President of the Club, when she captures his attention?

  • A Broken Beautiful Beginning

    A Broken Beautiful Beginning
    A Broken Beautiful Beginning

    “Can’t live without you... I don’t want to be alone in the dark...” Jace’s last words play in my head over and over as I lay in this dark trunk. I can hear his faint mumbling through the insulation of the backseat. I cry louder, asking for him to pull over, to let me out. Praying for him to take me back to my baby girl. Hitting my fists against the top of the trunk I scream and yell, but nothing... He continues to drive further and further away from my family. I have just found my way back to Caleb. We are supposed to be a family. I need him to find me, save me from the Beast Jace has become... This was supposed to be our new beginning... we were meant to start fresh, a clean break. They all said that Jace was a monster... a dangerous man that I should steer clear of but they had it all wrong. It’s only when Raven comes out to play does he become the person so many fear. I was so wrong to think I understood him. No one understands him... I thought I knew who he was but I had no idea the secrets he was keeping from me and the Club. I should have listened to their warnings, should have taken their advice but I had been drawn to a broken soul and I thought I could mend it....fix him somehow. After all is said and done, only one question remains...who will fix me when I break?


Sophie Summers

I kept my writing a secret for so long, not wanting anyone to know about this passion of mine but eventually all those stories needed to be put on paper (or online in my case), I wanted others to enjoy these carefully crafted characters and to possibly get a glimpse into my imagination.The first book I released was Alexia Eden and I hope all of you young adult fans of fantasy or supernatural go out and have a read.When I'm not working? I'm studying, writing or reading.I write supernatural as well as young adult based books. You can find me on Facebook, Goodreads, Twitter, Instagram as well as keep up to date with news of my books on my blog.Although my life is busy as ever, I will never complain or regret the path I've taken that directed me to where I am today. The lessons I've learnt and the people I've met along the way are my reasons for this. I work hard and write harder. Look me up sometime, even if it's just for a chat.I love receiving emails and reviews of my books so please email me and send me links of your reviews. I may not have responded to your emails but please note that I really do appreciate all of you who have taken the time to email me with words of encouragement and advice. Since I'm new to the Indie writing scene I still have a lot to learn.You can find me on Goodreads and my blog feel free to comment, I'm always available to chat.You can also follow me on twitter and even friend me on Facebook to keep up to date with release dates and upcoming works. you just want to chat? Email me on star.sophiesummers@gmail.comPlease note if you're looking for some sappy FairyTale Romance, my books are not for you.You can follow me on Goodreads too - and Twitter @A_SophieSummers

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