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The Circle: The Uniting
The Circle: The Curse of Quadar
The Circle
Ebook series4 titles

The Circle Series

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Book Three in the series. The chosen one, Amase, must bear the cursed blade, a power greater that the young man expected. With the young man's whereabouts in question and the whereabouts of the cursed blade unknown, some wonder if he too has betrayed them. The Circle of Riders now must ride to find the bearer of the sword. The world is at war and dangers lie around every corner. Armies fight for land and power and the earth is rising up for vengeance against the oppression it too has suffered. Windsor ponders the ancient texts and now comes to understandings in things that have baffled him. He knows his death is imminent but as events begin to come to a close of history, Windsor is surprised by the revelations of the texts. Lord Raqua lives and Darvan, with his charismatic puppet-king has gained the allegiance of kingdoms of the world, a vast following that will fight against the rest of the world. Among the growing opposition and the end of time drawing near, the riders find Amase in an unlikely place and the Immortal King must now take the cursed blade and fulfill the prophecies of long ago. The outcome of The Great War will decide the future of the world. Who will stand to the end in their loyalties amongst such great evil in the world? It is a clash between good and evil like no other, and this clash will determine who will be the eternal king.

Release dateAug 2, 2013
The Circle: The Uniting
The Circle: The Curse of Quadar
The Circle

Titles in the series (4)

  • The Circle


    The Circle
    The Circle

    He was created for only one person. She was never supposed to be the One. It is 1988, Clear Lake, Texas. Lilly Garcia is not looking forward to her senior year of high school. She is a shy, studious, band geek with a non-existent social life, who lives out her romantic fantasies through the fictional characters of her books. But all that changes when she issues a spur of the moment invitation to a strange, new student. Charlie isn't happy about returning to Earth and he resents having to attend high school to blend in. His father has been recruited for another mission to spy on the Earthans and make sure they have no idea of the existence of the Sentrian civilization. The Sentrian leaders are not only paranoid and disdainful of the Earthans, but also controlling and suspicious of their own people. Almost every aspect of a Sentrian's life is under the supervision of the State. Their religious beliefs are the one exception. Sentrians do not have free will, and all the people believe in the existence of God. Their belief that God chooses your soul mate is their most sacred law. While on Sentria, Charlie never found his chosen, and when he develops an attraction to an Earthan, he is torn. Should he ignore his feelings for Lilly, feelings he knows are wrong, or should he pursue a doomed relationship with the only person who has ever mattered to him? Lilly finds Charlie interesting. They have a lot in common, especially their love of books. She's falling for him, but there's something off about him, something she can't explain. When she becomes an involuntary witness to his supernatural abilities, Charlie is forced to admit he is not from her world. Lilly is fearful at first, but soon realizes she wants to be with Charlie no matter what. Unfortunately their happiness is threatened when a Sentrian from Charlie's past is put in a position of authority over him. Evelyn, a power-hungry elite, believes it is her duty to make sure all the Sentrian youth comply with their strict code of laws. Almost immediately she becomes suspicious of Charlie and his contact with the Earthan girl, Lilly. After tracking Charlie's movements, Evelyn's worst suspicions are confirmed. A relationship with an Earthan is considered blasphemy and Charlie must return to Sentria to go on trial for his moral crimes. This leads Charlie and Lilly to a desperate choice: accept the decision of the Sentrian rulers and never see each other again, or risk everything to stay together.

  • The Circle: The Uniting


    The Circle: The Uniting
    The Circle: The Uniting

    "Tolkien meets C.S. Lewis somewhere between Mordor and the wardrobe"-Steve Trinward. When a cursed sword turns up in Shalahem, the fulfillment of a stream of ancient prophecies is set in order. A motley crew of riders is formed. Their mission is to take the sword to the Immortal King that he might destroy the evil ruler, Darvan, a king cursed by the Immortal King years ago when he sought to usurp his throne. Only an Immortal king holds the power to kill Darvan and there remains only one immortal king. But an ancient prophecy has foretold of a betrayer among the close knit group, one who wants the sword of power for himself because the sword renders its possessor undefeatable and offers him standing among Darvan's ranks. Their journey takes them to far reaching places and they discover that the evil king has been busy at work oppressing villages and cities with his dark knights, men cursed with the rotting of their flesh. Now, they must also try to become deliverers to these oppressed people. Their mission is a dangerous journey and the dark riders and other evil presences of Darvan's kingdom complicate their mission. a rider is taken captive, it becomes apparent that they will have to go to Quadar, the land of Darvan, a dark and cursed land. As frustrations arise among the group, so do tensions. But for their mission to be successful, they must work together. An ancient prophecy also spoke of one arising who becomes a keeper of the sword, a task no one would want because the sword has a persuasive pull to it, a destructive power. In the midst of the conflict, there is a budding romance...and another lost to a mortal condition. A story filled with quirky characters including knights, a princes warrior, wizards, giants, vikings, Earthdwellers, sorbs, and more. The ultimate story of good vs evil. Strong characterization. Epic in every way.

  • The Circle: The Curse of Quadar

    The Circle: The Curse of Quadar
    The Circle: The Curse of Quadar

    Book two in the series. The Circle journey into Quadar, the cursed land where the evil ruler Darvan lives, to rescue their captured comrades. Dismissing the ancient legends associated with the land as simple stories, they embark upon a rescue mission that turns into an action-packed adventure as they discover that there is more truth than tall-tales to the stories. Nothing is as it seems. The ancient curse is indeed alive and well. Lost in the vast wasteland, tension mounts among the riders. But they eventually find what they are looking for: the castle of Darvan. Now, they must find a creative way to get inside and rescue their friends. But once inside the dark castle, they find their comrades in an unpredictable situation. Rescuing them calls for creative thinking and skill. With their comrades under a delusion and dark forces against them, they must fight to reclaim their friends. The cursed land puts the riders to the test and Windsor finds his leadership called into question as he makes an unpopular decision. Wrestling with the meaning of ancient prophecies, the recent prophesy of his own death, past regrets, and shameful events from his youth, he questions himself. But when they learn that the great war is beginning and Shalahem has come under attack, their concerns shift and they return to defend the city. Now, a wounded Amase finds himself holding the cursed sword, bearing the responsibility that has been thrust upon him.

  • The Circle: The Reversal

    The Circle: The Reversal
    The Circle: The Reversal

    Book Three in the series. The chosen one, Amase, must bear the cursed blade, a power greater that the young man expected. With the young man's whereabouts in question and the whereabouts of the cursed blade unknown, some wonder if he too has betrayed them. The Circle of Riders now must ride to find the bearer of the sword. The world is at war and dangers lie around every corner. Armies fight for land and power and the earth is rising up for vengeance against the oppression it too has suffered. Windsor ponders the ancient texts and now comes to understandings in things that have baffled him. He knows his death is imminent but as events begin to come to a close of history, Windsor is surprised by the revelations of the texts. Lord Raqua lives and Darvan, with his charismatic puppet-king has gained the allegiance of kingdoms of the world, a vast following that will fight against the rest of the world. Among the growing opposition and the end of time drawing near, the riders find Amase in an unlikely place and the Immortal King must now take the cursed blade and fulfill the prophecies of long ago. The outcome of The Great War will decide the future of the world. Who will stand to the end in their loyalties amongst such great evil in the world? It is a clash between good and evil like no other, and this clash will determine who will be the eternal king.


K.M. Montemayor

I am a native Texan and have lived in the Houston area for most of my life. I love to read and I love to write. I am a full-time wife, mom, and ultrasound technologist, and a part-time lunch lady at my children’s school. When I’m not doing any of the above, I enjoy swimming with my kids, watching the Walking Dead, and activities at church and in my children’s school. Occasionally, I sleep.

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