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Stone Romance: Stone Passions Trilogy, #2
Stone Destiny: Stone Passions Trilogy, #3
Stone Lover
Ebook series3 titles

Stone Passions Trilogy Series

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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About this series

Romance, a little drama, a lot of passion and gargoyles

Melanie Jacobs has always been a little out of step with the rest of the world. She sees things that aren’t there, from the magnificent stone birds that fly overhead to the enchanted castle in the middle of the city. It’s when she gets an apartment in the castle that she discovers that she isn’t the one seeing things; it’s the rest of the world that is asleep.

Vaughn Nosuntres explodes into her life New Year’s Eve and he is unlike any man she has ever known. The attraction is magnetic, overwhelming and irresistible. Powerless to resist, they embark on a passionate affair under the cover of night.

But what Melanie doesn’t know is that when the sun comes up Vaughn becomes a stone beast, a guardian of the worlds and a protector of Melanie.

Stone Lover contains plenty of heat, strong language and quite a few sexual situations that some readers may find offensive

PublisherA.C. Warneke
Release dateJun 10, 2012
Stone Romance: Stone Passions Trilogy, #2
Stone Destiny: Stone Passions Trilogy, #3
Stone Lover

Titles in the series (3)

  • Stone Lover


    Stone Lover
    Stone Lover

    Romance, a little drama, a lot of passion and gargoyles Melanie Jacobs has always been a little out of step with the rest of the world. She sees things that aren’t there, from the magnificent stone birds that fly overhead to the enchanted castle in the middle of the city. It’s when she gets an apartment in the castle that she discovers that she isn’t the one seeing things; it’s the rest of the world that is asleep. Vaughn Nosuntres explodes into her life New Year’s Eve and he is unlike any man she has ever known. The attraction is magnetic, overwhelming and irresistible. Powerless to resist, they embark on a passionate affair under the cover of night. But what Melanie doesn’t know is that when the sun comes up Vaughn becomes a stone beast, a guardian of the worlds and a protector of Melanie. Stone Lover contains plenty of heat, strong language and quite a few sexual situations that some readers may find offensive

  • Stone Romance: Stone Passions Trilogy, #2


    Stone Romance: Stone Passions Trilogy, #2
    Stone Romance: Stone Passions Trilogy, #2

    Stone Romance is book 2 in the Stone Passion trilogy. Once upon a cold winter's night a magnificent man enters Jenna Jacob's life and with a kiss nothing will ever be the same again…. For almost seven years, Jenna had been sleepwalking through life, going through the motions and trying to be the best mother she could be to her precocious daughter. Now she's ready to start living again, hoping to test the water with someone safe. But the Fates, and her sister, have other plans and she is introduced to the marvelous Rhys Nosuntres, a man with a ready smile and pure erotic magnetism that draws Jenna in despite her wariness. Even when complications arise to keep them apart it is hard to stay away from one another no matter how hard they try. Events in the form of the mysterious Omari conspire to bring them together, sending Rhys and Jenna on a journey of discovery. What Jenna discovers changes everything: Rhys is a Gargoyle, he is a Guardian between the two worlds, charming and generous and an inventive lover. Jenna can't help but fall in love with him. But the Fates can also be cruel, giving Jenna everything she thought she wanted just when she discovered everything she needed. Stone Romance is a full length paranormal romance (approx. 98,000 words) that teeters on the verge of being erotica, which some may find offensive; there is strong language, the scenes are spicy and the sex is explicit. Stone Romance contains: M/F. light bondage, and a scene between Jenna and Rhys in his gargoyle form that is a little out there. While it isn't absolutely necessary to read Stone Lover to enjoy Stone Romance there are certain events that may not make as much sense if book 1 is not read before book 2.

  • Stone Destiny: Stone Passions Trilogy, #3


    Stone Destiny: Stone Passions Trilogy, #3
    Stone Destiny: Stone Passions Trilogy, #3

    It has been fifteen years since the events of Stone Lover and Stone Romance. The veil between the two worlds has fallen and Armand Nosuntres no longer knows his purpose: he is a Guardian with nothing left to Guard. As he struggles with his new reality he is unaware that his destiny lies with the woman who loves him unconditionally, who has always loved him: Ferris Jacobs. A human raised in the world of magic, Ferris has never really fit in. Her best friend is an imp, her playmates are pixies, and she's in love with a stubborn gargoyle who is having a difficult time seeing her as a grown woman. But she has a plan and before she is through Armand isn't going to know what hit him. In an attempt to protect the vibrant Ferris from her own folly, Armand makes a decision that dramatically changes everything, sending Ferris on a journey that she never expected but one that she ultimately had to take. As passions explode and lovers are torn apart, Armand and Ferris have to find their way back to one another before fate spins out of control and destroy everything in its path. Stone Destiny is the thrilling conclusion to the Stone Passions trilogy. While it is not absolutely necessary to read the first two books in the series it is recommended to do so. Stone Destiny contains mature content and is NOT recommended for anyone under the age of 18.


A.C. Warneke

Like most writers, I spend most of my time telling myself stories and occasionally writing them down when they get too loud to remain in my head. Each book likes to be created in its own way, which makes establishing an environment that is most conducive to writing quite difficult, though it occasionally involves Dove chocolates, music, minesweeper, lots of solitaire, notebooks and scraps of paper, doodling and day dreaming, and fruity, sugar-free bubble gum, not necessarily in that order and not always at the same time. Of course, none of this would be possible without the love and support of my very loving and very tolerant family, who politely listen as I go on and on about my characters' motivations and back stories, their connections within the worlds created and how they fight to gain control of their destinies. But I am a cruel writer and make them earn their happy endings. Since I am also a Romantic at heart, they are all happy endings. Available Books: Darkness Comes (Darkness book 1-PNR) Darkness Falls (Darkness book 2 - PNR) Stone Lover (Stone Passion Trilogy book 1 -PNR, romantica) Stone Romance (Stone Passion Trilogy book 2 -PNR, romantica) Stone Destiny (Stone Passion Trilogy book 3 - PNR, romantica) Siren Song (PNR) Stone Solitude (Stone Passion Twins book 1 - PNR, romantica) Stone Seduction (Stone Passion Twins book 2 - PNR, romantica) Awakening (PNR/UF) Blight (UF) After Blight (Blight book 2 - UF) Blind Attraction (Contemporary) Winter's Heart (STEAMY Contemporary) A Million Kisses or More (Contemporary) I love hearing from readers. Email me at: or connect on facebook: or visit my blog and leave a comment:

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