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Learn Spanish with Jokes
Learn French With Jokes
English Lithuanian Joke Book
Ebook series29 titles

Language Learning Joke Books

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



About this series

Vais-je ou non acheter ce livre? Lisez ceci.

Ce livre est le fruit d’années d’études et de recherches universitaires, menées par deux anciens de la fac. Mais, bien plus important...

1. C’est l’occasion de passer un bon moment dans la bonne humeur,
2. Il vous permettra d’améliorer votre anglais,
3. C’est une bonne idée de cadeau pour Pâques ou Noël,
4. Il peut être mis entre les mains de lecteurs de tous niveaux,

Que de bonnes raisons pour ne plus douter de son utilité! Alors dépêchez-vous de l’acheter !

PublisherJeremy Taylor
Release dateOct 31, 2010
Learn Spanish with Jokes
Learn French With Jokes
English Lithuanian Joke Book

Titles in the series (31)

  • English Lithuanian Joke Book


    English Lithuanian Joke Book
    English Lithuanian Joke Book

    Pirkti ar nepirkti? Štai koks klausimas. Be abejo, spręsti Jums, tačiau tik pagalvokite – ši knygelė: prailgins Jūsų gyvenimą, nes juokas – tai sveikata; palengvins anglų kalbos mokymąsi; padės suderinti malonumą su nauda; bus puikiausia dovana, kam bedovanotumėte. Be abejo, pirkti!

  • Learn Spanish with Jokes


    Learn Spanish with Jokes
    Learn Spanish with Jokes

    Learn Spanish with Jokes is a collection of 100 Spanish jokes in very easy Spanish. There is also some vocabulary help to help the reader. 100 jokes for only $4.95! That's just 5 cents a joke! It's not only educational - it's a lot of fun as well! Some of the jokes are a little risqué but anyone over the age of 16 shouldn't blush while reading it.

  • Learn French With Jokes


    Learn French With Jokes
    Learn French With Jokes

    Many millions of people around the world want to improve their French. Are you one of them? You may have tried one of those Learn-French-in-a-week CD ROMS, or a boring grammar course, or perhaps a mind-numbing self-study course? Are you looking for something that’s a joy to use? Something that will entertain you while you learn? Learn some French without even realising it? Something that over fifteen thousand people have downloaded already – and loved? Look no further. In this new version of the book you can not only read the jokes, but also listen to them being read by a charming French woman. You’ll hear classics like: « Maman, je n’aime pas cette viande, est-ce que je peux la donner au chien ? » « Non chéri, c’est le chien. » and this one: « Alors, Docteur, est-ce que mon opération est un succès ? » « Je suis désolé, mon nom est Saint-Pierre. » and who can’t understand this one? Le petit garçon : Tu m’aimes ? La petite fille : Naturellement que je t’aime. Le petit garçon : Combien de temps tu m’aimeras ? La petite fille : Je t’aimerai toujours. Le petit garçon : Combien de temps, toujours ? La petite fille : A peu près une semaine.

  • Learn French With Jokes 2


    Learn French With Jokes 2
    Learn French With Jokes 2

    Do you speak some French? Do you wish it were a lot better? Many experts believe that reading in a foreign language is a great way to improve not only vocabulary, but also grammar and other skills. In Learn French with Jokes 2, there are 100 more jokes in very easy French and any difficult vocabulary is given for you below each joke. Download a sample and see if the level is right for you. You might well be pleasantly surprised at how easy it is.

  • Aprende Inglés Con Chistes 1


    Aprende Inglés Con Chistes 1
    Aprende Inglés Con Chistes 1

    Aprende Inglés Con Chistes es una excelente manera de mejorar tu inglés. Entonces, ¿cómo funciona? Chiste: En cada página tienes un chiste en inglés. Los chistes han sido seleccionados para que no sean demasiado difíciles y no estén basados en juegos de palabras. Vocabulario: Si tu inglés no es excelente, puedes leer el vocabulario antes de comenzar a leer el chiste. Traducción: Si quieres verificar lo que entendiste, hay una traducción en la siguiente página. Caricaturas: Algunas divertidas caricaturas te ayudarán a poner el chiste en contexto. El libro se ha vuelto muy popular entre miles de personas que tienen un conocimiento básico de inglés – prueba la muestra y fíjate qué piensas tú.

  • Anglicko- Slovenská Kniha Vtipov


    Anglicko- Slovenská Kniha Vtipov
    Anglicko- Slovenská Kniha Vtipov

    Kniha plná vtipov pre vsetkych, co sa chcu valat smiechom a popritom pochytit anglictinu. Tato kniha je urcena detom, ucitelom a vsetkym, co chcu naucit anglicky srandovnou cestou. It is also great for English speakers who want to improve their Slovak. Warning: If you die laughing at these jokes, please don't come running to us.

  • Engelsk-Norsk Vitsebok 1


    Engelsk-Norsk Vitsebok 1
    Engelsk-Norsk Vitsebok 1

    Engelsk-Norsk Vitsebok 1 er en samling av 100 vitser på lett engelsk og er en fin måte for deg til å forbedre evnen til å snakke, lese og forstå engelsk på. Så hvordan gjør du det? Vitser: På hver side har du en vits på engelsk. Vitsene er valgt slik at de ikke er for vanskelig å skjønne og går ikke på ordspill. Vokabular: Hvis engelsken din er ikke så bra, kan du lese ordene som står med blått før du begynner å lese en vits. Oversettelse: Hvis du ønsker å sjekke om du har skjønt vitsen, finner du en engelsk oversettelse av vitsen på neste side. Tegninger: Noen morsomme tegninger vil bidra til å sette vitsen i sammenheng. Boken har vist seg å være svært populært blant tusenvis av mennesker som kun har elementære engelskkunnskaper: Prøv selv og finn ut.

  • Engelska-Svenska Vitsar 1 (English Swedish Joke Book 1)


    Engelska-Svenska Vitsar 1 (English Swedish Joke Book 1)
    Engelska-Svenska Vitsar 1 (English Swedish Joke Book 1)

    The English Swedish Joke Book is a collection of 100 jokes in both English and Swedish. Great for Swedes practising their English, or English speakers practising their Swedish. Great for teachers who want to liven up their lessons. Great jokes like: “Mamma, får jag ha behå nu när jag är sexton?” “Nej, David.” “Mummy, can I wear a bra now that I'm sixteen?” “No, David.” Simple, short and should bring a smile to your face. Try the sample and see what you think.

  • Angol- Magyar Viccgyujtemény 1


    Angol- Magyar Viccgyujtemény 1
    Angol- Magyar Viccgyujtemény 1

    Angol- Magyar Viccgyujtemény 1 (The English Hungarian Joke Book 1) is a collection of 100 jokes in very easy English with Hungarian translations and there is also some vocabulary to help Hungarian readers. It's not only educational - it's a lot of fun as well! Some of the jokes are a little risqué but anyone over the age of 16 shouldn't blush while reading it. The book is also suitable for foreigners who are trying to learn Hungarian. Many of the jokes should be familiar to you so it will make reading them in Hungarian much easier.

  • Livro de anedotas Inglês Português 1 (English Portuguese Joke Book 1)


    Livro de anedotas Inglês Português 1 (English Portuguese Joke Book 1)
    Livro de anedotas Inglês Português 1 (English Portuguese Joke Book 1)

    The English Portuguese Joke Book is a collection of 100 jokes in very easy English with Portuguese translations and there is also some vocabulary to help Portuguese readers. 100 jokes for only $3.99! That's less than 4 cents a joke! It's not only educational - it's a lot of fun as well! Some of the jokes are a little risqué but anyone over the age of 16 shouldn't blush while reading it. The book is also suitable for foreigners who are trying to learn Portuguese. Many of the jokes should be familiar to you so it will make reading them in Portuguese much easier.

  • Английско: Български Сборник От Анекдоти – I English- Bulgarian Joke Book 1


    Английско: Български Сборник От Анекдоти – I English- Bulgarian Joke Book 1
    Английско: Български Сборник От Анекдоти – I English- Bulgarian Joke Book 1

    The English Bulgarian joke book is a collection of 100 English jokes together with Bulgarian translations. It is a great way for teachers and students to practice English – and have a laugh at the same time. Английско – Българският сборник е колекция от 100 английски анекдота с превод на български език. Той е чудесно помагало за изучаващите английски и техните учители, както и увлекателно хумористично четиво.

  • Dowcipy Angielsko-Polskie 1 (English Polish Joke Book 1)


    Dowcipy Angielsko-Polskie 1 (English Polish Joke Book 1)
    Dowcipy Angielsko-Polskie 1 (English Polish Joke Book 1)

    Dowcipy Angielsko-Polskie 1 English Polish Joke Book 1 są świetnym sposobem dla Polaków do praktykowania Angielskiego - i dla cudzoziemców którzy próbują nauczyć się Polskiego. Świetnych żartów takich jak: A social worker visited an old lady every week. The old lady was quite poor so the social worker was quite surprised when the old lady gave her a present. When she got home she opened her present to find a box of shelled Brazil nuts. She enjoyed eating the nuts that evening. “Thank you very much for the nuts,” she said to the old lady on her next visit. “But can you really afford them?” “Oh, my sister gave me some chocolate-coated Brazil nuts, but because of my false teeth, all I can do is suck the chocolate off.” shelled Brazil nuts – łuskane Brazylijskie orzechy to afford – pozwolić sobie na coś to suck off – zlizać I na następnej stronie możesz przeczytać tłumaczenie po Polsku: Pracowniczka socjalna odwiedzała co tydzień starszą Panią. Starsza Pani była dosyć biedna więc pracowniczka socjalna był zaskoczona gdy starsza Pani wręczyła jej prezent. Gdy dotarła do domu otworzyła prezent i znalazła pudełko łuskanych Brazylijskich orzechów. Z zadowoleniem zjadła je tego samego wieczora. – Dziękuje bardzo za orzechy, – powiedziała do starszej Pani przy następnej wizycie. ¬ Ale czy na pewno stać Cie na nie? – A no moja siostra dała mi Brazylijskie orzechy w czekoladzie, ale przez to że mam słabe zęby jedyne co mogłam zrobić to zlizać czekoladę. Jest wiele fajnych rysunków w książce, wszystkie narysowane przez wielokrotnie nagradzaną artystkę z Litwy Iije Bereznickas. Kiedy pracujesz nad tym aby polepszyć umiejętności obcego języka, czytanie jest jednym z najlepszych sposobów - i czytanie dowcipów jest pewnie najlepszym.

  • Engelsk Dansk Vittighedsbog 1


    Engelsk Dansk Vittighedsbog 1
    Engelsk Dansk Vittighedsbog 1

    SÅDAN BRUGES DENNE BOG 1. If your English is excellent. Read the jokes and roll around laughing at the hilarious English humour. 2. Hvis dit engelsk er rimeligt. Brug ordlisten, der står nederst på hver side, så du bedre kan forstå vittighederne, og fald så ned af stolen af grin. 3. Hvis dit engelsk er dårligt. Læs den danske oversættelse på venstre side og fald så ned af stolen af grin. (Lad som om du forstod det på engelsk). Helt alvorligt: Brug denne bog ligesom du bruger en swimmingpool, dyp ned i den lejlighedsvis og du vil finde den morsom. Hvis du læser i den for længe af gangen, er den måske ikke så sjov. Den skal jo også være med til at forbedre dit engelsk. Hvis du stadigvæk går i skole, så prøv at få din lærer til at bruge den i undervisningen. Hvis du er lærer, så prøv at få dine elever til at anvende den, så de derigennem vil få et interessant og bedre ordforråd. Bogen er opdelt således, at ordene læres trinvis, og anvendes så igen senere i bogen. Til sidst vil vi håbe, at du vil få det lige så sjovt, nar du læser bogen, som vi havde, da vi skruede den sammen. JT og AD OBS! Vi, der er ansvarlige for denne bog, er modstandere af racisme og diskriminering. Men da det er en kendsgerning, at temmelig mange vittigheder er diskriminerende og ofte hænger en gruppe mennesker ud, der er mindre intelligente, har vi - i samråd med en række lærere og elever - valgt at lade skoleinspektørerne repræsentere denne gruppe. Hvorfor netop skoleinspektørerne? Fordi de kan tåle det. Alle ved jo, at skoleinspektørerne udgør den mest intelligente gruppe mennesker i vort samfund. Og at de desuden er i besiddelse af humoristisk sans. Eller . . ?

  • Apprendre l'anglais: 100 blagues! 2


    Apprendre l'anglais: 100 blagues! 2
    Apprendre l'anglais: 100 blagues! 2

    Vais-je ou non acheter ce livre? Lisez ceci. Ce livre est le fruit d’années d’études et de recherches universitaires, menées par deux anciens de la fac. Mais, bien plus important... 1. C’est l’occasion de passer un bon moment dans la bonne humeur, 2. Il vous permettra d’améliorer votre anglais, 3. C’est une bonne idée de cadeau pour Pâques ou Noël, 4. Il peut être mis entre les mains de lecteurs de tous niveaux, Que de bonnes raisons pour ne plus douter de son utilité! Alors dépêchez-vous de l’acheter !

  • Engels Nederlands Grappenboek


    Engels Nederlands Grappenboek
    Engels Nederlands Grappenboek

    Engels Nederlands Grappenboek is an excellent way for Dutch people to practise their English - and for foreigners who are trying to learn Dutch. Great jokes like: “Ik heb zoveel boeken over roken en drinken gelezen dat ik besloten heb om het niet meer te doen” “Roken of drinken?” “Lezen.” or this classic “Mam, mag ik een bh nu ik zestien ben?” “Nee, David.” I first learnt German by telling jokes to people in my awful German. But I quickly progressed and now I'm pretty fluent - and know lots of great jokes as well. When you're trying to improve your skills in a foreign language, reading is one of the best ways - and reading jokes is probably the best of all. The best way to use this book is to treat it like a swimming pool on a warm day. Dip in now and again and it's a very pleasant experience. If you stay in too long you won't enjoy it as much. Here are 10 ways that you can benefit from downloading The English Dutch Joke Book. It improves your reading skills. It improves your spelling - and your writing. It will give you some interesting new vocabulary. Jokes are short - and you will be rewarded with a laugh (or a groan). Jokes are memorable - so you can tell your friends the jokes later. If you're a teacher, you can entertain your students. If you're a student, you can entertain your teachers. It's available in a wide variety of formats It's available from a wide variety of suppliers so you can choose. It is a GREAT way to improve your English - or Dutch.

  • Barzellette Inglese Italiano


    Barzellette Inglese Italiano
    Barzellette Inglese Italiano

    Barzellette Inglese Italiano is an excellent way for Italian people to practise their English - and for foreigners who are trying to learn some Italian. Great jokes like: Un uomo di ottanta anni viene visitato dal suo medico. “Ho intenzione di sposarmi la prossima settimana, dottore.” “Molto bene,” dice il medico. “Quanti anni ha la sua fidanzata?” “Diciotto”, risponde l'uomo. “Mio Dio!” Dice il dottore. “Devo avvertirla che qualsiasi attività a letto potrebbe essere fatale.” “Beh”, dice l'uomo. “Se lei muore, muore.” I first learnt German by telling jokes to people in my awful German. But I quickly progressed and now I'm pretty fluent - and know lots of great jokes as well. When you're trying to improve your skills in a foreign language, reading is one of the best ways - and reading jokes is probably the best of all. The best way to use this book is to treat it like a swimming pool on a warm day. Dip in now and again and it is a very pleasant experience. If you stay in too long you won't enjoy it as much. Here are 10 ways you can benefit from downloading The English Italian Joke Book. It improves your reading skills. It improves your spelling - and your writing. It will give you some interesting new vocabulary. Jokes are short - and you will be rewarded with a laugh (or a groan). Jokes are memorable - so you can tell your friends the jokes later. If you're a teacher, you can entertain your students. If you're a student, you can entertain your teachers. It's available in a wide variety of formats It's available from a wide variety of suppliers so you can choose. It is a GREAT way to improve your English - or Italian.

  • English Latvian Joke Book


    English Latvian Joke Book
    English Latvian Joke Book

    The English Latvian joke book is a collection of 100 jokes in very easy English together with Latvian translations. There is also some vocabulary help to help the reader and also some great cartoons. Great jokes like: ’’Dakter, dakter, es nepārtraukti zaudēju atmiņu! “Mmmm, un kad tas sākās? “Kas kad sākās?“ or this classic: “Mammu, vai es varu nēsāt krūšturi tagad, kad man ir sešpadsmit?“ “Nē, Deivid.“ The book is not only educational - it's a lot of fun as well! Some of the jokes are a little risqué but anyone over the age of 16 shouldn't blush while reading. The book has proved popular with: * teachers * students * pupils * people with an interest in humour The best thing to do is to have a look inside and make sure that the level of English is okay for you (or your pupils). Don't forget to leave a nice review if you enjoy the book. That way other people can enjoy learning English with jokes.

  • Engelsk-Norsk Vitsebok 2


    Engelsk-Norsk Vitsebok 2
    Engelsk-Norsk Vitsebok 2

    Engelsk-Norsk Vitsebok 2 The English Norwegian Joke Book 2 is an excellent way for Norwegian people to practise their English - and for foreigners who are trying to learn Norwegian. More great jokes just like the first English Norwegian Joke Book. Great jokes like: Gartner: Jeg bruker alltid masse hestemøkk på rabarbraen min. Venn: Personlig foretrekker jeg eggekrem. or this classic En dame satt på bussen med babyen sin da en mann kom bort til henne og sa: «Det er den styggeste babyen jeg noen gang har sett. » Damen ble tilsynelatende svært opphisset over dette. «Hva er i veien?» spurte buss-sjåføren. «Mannen der borte bare plager meg, » sa damen. «Vel, ikke bare sitt der, » sa sjåføren. «Gå bort og si hva du mener om ham: jeg kan holde apen din for deg. » I first learnt German by telling jokes to people in my awful German. But I quickly progressed and now I'm pretty fluent - and know lots of great jokes as well. When you're trying to improve your skills in a foreign language, reading is one of the best ways - and reading jokes is probably the best of all. The best way to use this book is to treat it like a swimming pool on a warm day. Dip in now and again and it is a very pleasant experience. If you stay in too long you won't enjoy it as much. To sum up, 10 good reasons for downloading The English Norwegian Joke Book 2. It improves your reading skills. It improves your spelling - and your writing. It will give you some interesting new vocabulary. Jokes are short - and you will be rewarded with a laugh (or a groan). Jokes are memorable - so you can tell your friends the jokes later. If you're a teacher, you can entertain your students. If you're a student, you can entertain your teachers. It's available in a wide variety of formats It's available from a wide variety of suppliers so you can choose. It is a GREAT way to improve your English - or Norwegian.

  • English Catalan Joke Book


    English Catalan Joke Book
    English Catalan Joke Book

    Submergeix-te en el llibre de tant en tant, com en una piscina. Gaudiràs d’una experiència divertida, i al mateix temps, milloraràs el teu anglès. Si vas a l’escola, intenta que el teu professor s’hi interessi. Si ets professor, intenta utilitzar-lo amb els teus alumnes. Aprendran un vocabulari molt interessant. El llibre està estructurat de manera que el nou vocabulari après torna a repetir-se a mida que avances en la seva lectura. Esperem que t’hi diverteixis tant com nosaltres ens hem divertit recopilant-lo. Els autors detesten el racisme i els racistes. Tanmateix, el nostre humor innocent ha implicat a una categoria d’intel•lectuals: els directors d’escola. I perquè els directors d’escola? Naturalment, perquè tots sabem que constitueixen el grup més intel•lectual de la nostra societat, oi? Gaudiu de la lectura i esperem que us divertiu més aprenent anglès amb aquest llibre que aprenent-lo a l’escola.

  • Englanti: Suomi Vitsikirja 1


    Englanti: Suomi Vitsikirja 1
    Englanti: Suomi Vitsikirja 1

    The English Finnish joke book is a collection of 100 jokes in very easy English together with Finnish translations. There is also some vocabulary help to help the reader and also some great cartoons. The book is not only educational - it's a lot of fun as well! Some of the jokes are a little risqué but anyone over the age of 16 shouldn't blush while reading. The book has proved popular with * teachers * students * pupils * people with an interest in humour The best thing to do is to have a look inside and make sure that the level of English is okay for you (or your pupils). Don't forget to leave a nice review if you enjoy the book. That way other people can enjoy learning English with jokes.

  • Learn Italian With Jokes


    Learn Italian With Jokes
    Learn Italian With Jokes

    Learn Italian With Jokes is an excellent way for people to practise their Italian. Great jokes like: Ragazzo: Mi ami? Ragazza: Certo che ti amo. Ragazzo: Per quanto tempo mi amerai? Ragazza: Ti amerò sempre. Ragazzo: Quanto tempo è sempre? Ragazza: Circa una settimana. or this classic: Come si abbracciano i ricci l’uno con l’altro? Con cautela. abbracciare - to hug un riccio - a hedgehog con cautela - carefully I first learnt German by telling jokes to people in my awful German. But I quickly progressed and now I'm pretty fluent - and know lots of great jokes as well. When you're trying to improve your skills in a foreign language, reading is one of the best ways - and reading jokes is probably the best of all. The best way to use this book is to treat it like a swimming pool on a warm day. Dip in now and again and it is a very pleasant experience. If you stay in too long you won't enjoy it as much. To sum up, 10 good reasons for downloading Learn Italian With Jokes. It improves your reading skills. It improves your spelling - and your writing. It will give you some interesting new vocabulary. Jokes are short - and you will be rewarded with a laugh (or a groan). Jokes are memorable - so you can tell your friends the jokes later. If you're a teacher, you can entertain your students. If you're a student, you can entertain your teachers. It's available in a wide variety of formats It's available from a wide variety of suppliers so you can choose. It is a GREAT way to improve your Italian. Want to start reading some great jokes in easy Italian? Carpe Diem!

  • English Greek Joke Book


    English Greek Joke Book
    English Greek Joke Book

    The English Greek Joke Book is an excellent way for Greeks to practise their English - and for foreigners who are trying to learn Greek. Great jokes like: “Mαμά, μπορώ να φορέσω σουτιέν τώρα που είμαι δεκαέξι; " “Όχι, Ντέιβιντ.” or this classic Ένας άντρας ογδόντα ετών επισκέφτηκε τον γιατρό του. “Πρόκειται να παντρευτώ την επόμενη εβδομάδα, γιατρέ.” “Πολύ καλά”, είπε ο γιατρός. “Πόσων ετών είναι η φίλη σου;” “Δεκαοχτώ”, απάντησε ο άντρας. “Θεέ μου!”, είπε ο γιατρός. “Θα πρέπει να σε προειδοποιήσω ότι οποιαδήποτε δραστηριότητα στο κρεβάτι θα μπορούσε να αποβεί μοιραία.” “Ε”, είπε ο άντρας. “Αν πεθάνει, πέθανε.” I first learnt German by telling jokes to people in my awful German. But I quickly progressed and now I'm pretty fluent - and know lots of great jokes as well. When you're trying to improve your skills in a foreign language, reading is one of the best ways - and reading jokes is probably the best of all. The best way to use this book is to treat it like a swimming pool on a warm day. Dip in now and again and it's a very pleasant experience. If you stay in too long you won't enjoy it as much. To sum up, 10 ways that you can benefit from downloading The English Greek Joke Book. It improves your reading skills. It improves your spelling - and your writing. It will give you some interesting new vocabulary. Jokes are short - and you will be rewarded with a laugh (or a groan). Jokes are memorable - so you can tell your friends the jokes later. If you're a teacher, you can entertain your students. If you're a student, you can entertain your teachers. It's available in a wide variety of formats It's available from a wide variety of suppliers so you can choose. It is a GREAT way to improve your English - or Greek.

  • Anglicko-Česká Kniha Vtipů 1


    Anglicko-Česká Kniha Vtipů 1
    Anglicko-Česká Kniha Vtipů 1

    The English Czech Joke Book is an excellent way for Czechs to practise their English - and for foreigners who are trying to learn Czech. Great jokes like: Učitel: Kde bydlí Pán Bůh? Žák: Myslím, že bydlí v naší koupelnĕ. Učitel: Proč myslíš? Žák: No protože táta každé ráno tluče na dveře a říká:‚Pane Bože, ty jsi tam ještĕ?‘ or this classic „Mami, můžu nosit podprsenku, už mi bylo šestnáct?“ „Ne, Davide.“ I first learnt German by telling jokes to people in my awful German. But I quickly progressed and now I'm pretty fluent - and know lots of great jokes as well. When you're trying to improve your skills in a foreign language, reading is one of the best ways - and reading jokes is probably the best of all. The best way to use this book is to treat it like a swimming pool on a warm day. Dip in now and again and it's a very pleasant experience. If you stay in too long you won't enjoy it as much. To sum up, 10 ways that you can benefit from downloading The English Czech Joke Book. It improves your reading skills. It improves your spelling - and your writing. It will give you some interesting new vocabulary. Jokes are short - and you will be rewarded with a laugh (or a groan). Jokes are memorable - so you can tell your friends the jokes later. If you're a teacher, you can entertain your students. If you're a student, you can entertain your teachers. It's available in a wide variety of formats It's available from a wide variety of suppliers so you can choose. It is a GREAT way to improve your English - or Czech.

  • Книга шуток по-английски и по-русски 1 (The English Russian Joke Book 1)


    Книга шуток по-английски и по-русски 1 (The English Russian Joke Book 1)
    Книга шуток по-английски и по-русски 1 (The English Russian Joke Book 1)

    Книга шуток по-английски и по-русски 1 contains 100 jokes in easy English and in Russian. Great jokes like: Учитель: - Где живет Бог? Малыш: - Я думаю, он живет в нашей ванной. Учитель: - Почему ты так говоришь? Малыш: - Потому что каждое утро мой папа колотит в дверь и говорит: «Господи, ты ещё здесь?!» and this classic: Восьмидесятилетний мужчина пришел на прием к своему врачу. - Я собираюсь жениться на следующей неделе, доктор. - Очень хорошо,- сказал доктор. – Сколько же лет Вашей невесте? - Восемнадцать – ответил мужчина. - Господи!- воскликнул доктор.- Я должен Вас предупредить, что любая активность в постели может стать смертельной. - Ну что же, – сказал мужчина, – если она умрет, значит, она умрет... I first learnt German by telling jokes to people in my awful German. But I quickly progressed and now I’m pretty fluent – and know lots of great jokes as well. When you’re trying to improve your skills in a foreign language, reading is one of the best ways – and reading jokes is probably the best of all. The best way to use this book is to treat it like a swimming pool on a warm day. Dip in now and again and it is a very pleasant experience. If you stay in too long you won’t enjoy it as much. In case you’ve forgotten, 10 good reasons for downloading Книга шуток по-английски и по-русски. It improves your reading skills. It improves your spelling – and your writing. It will give you some interesting new vocabulary. Jokes are short – and you will be rewarded with a laugh (or a groan). Jokes are memorable – so you can tell your friends the jokes later. If you’re a teacher, you can entertain your students. If you’re a student, you can entertain your teachers. It’s available in a wide variety of formats It’s available from a wide variety of suppliers so you can choose. It is a GREAT way to improve your English – or Russian.

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Jeremy Taylor

I've been writing since 1984, had my first book published in 1989 and have published another 55 books since then. I write mostly for teenage learners of English but also write a lot of short stories.

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