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Tales of the Fifth Guardian: Book Two: Bonded
Tales of the Fifth Guardian; Book Three; Taken
Tales of the Fifth Guardian: Book One: The Beginning
Ebook series10 titles

Tales of the Fifth Guardian Series

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About this series

Even the simplest, quietest, and most normal of days can hold the unexpected when you are the King and Queen of two clans and she is the Knowledge Guardian of the People of Otland Iis.

After a night on Emergency Room Duty, a quiet normal day is all Kerreth is expecting until a mysterious package arrives from Devon Compound while he is at work in his office on the hospital floor while Kerrisha is working in the training room. Then, as secrets are revealed, the full nature of Keri’s past with the Princes of the Lost Clans, including Damien, is brought to light. While in the present, Keri’s Power Training Session with the Security Team does not go quite as planned and the full cost of Director Malraen’s short cuts at Dreland Tower becomes known.

Stolen Heirs is the story that has been hinted at and discussed but never fully told. Now, here it is in Damien’s words – The story of when the Princes of the Lost Clans were kidnapped, along with Kerrisha and how she helped Richard free them.

With an Otlantesha Dictionary and Pronunciation Key following the story.

Caution: Contains Mature Situations

PublisherC. M. Johnson
Release dateAug 31, 2006
Tales of the Fifth Guardian: Book Two: Bonded
Tales of the Fifth Guardian; Book Three; Taken
Tales of the Fifth Guardian: Book One: The Beginning

Titles in the series (10)

  • Tales of the Fifth Guardian: Book One: The Beginning


    Tales of the Fifth Guardian: Book One: The Beginning
    Tales of the Fifth Guardian: Book One: The Beginning

    "Who are we to argue the choices of the Power?" "What am I? I am something that has never been seen before; I am the culmination of centuries. I am the last pureblood of my line. I am someone, I am something that will live for centuries and die a little everyday." With those words Kerrisha Drew-Otlander fully steps into her destiny as the Fifth Knowledge Guardian of the People of Otland Iis. But what are the Guardians? The Guardians are born in times of change for the People of Otland Iis and the Fifth Guardian has now been born. She is now coming into her Knowledge. It is her destiny to reunite the Clans but even her own clan does not believe she is a Guardian. Orphaned at twelve-years old, Kerrisha Drew-Otlander, is Queen of the Drew and Otlander Clans as well as the Fifth Guardian of Knowledge of the People of Otland Iis. Thousands of years ago, six clans lived in the seven provinces of Otland Iis (Atlantis to the regular humans) until their island home was destroyed by a cataclysmic volcanic eruption. The descendents of the survivors of Otland Iis now live among us in modern times with all the Power and Abilities of their ancestors. Clan wars over the centuries have divided the People into two factions: The Triad Clans and The Lost Clans. In a modern world they work against each other both in battle and in staying hidden from the humans in the cities surrounding them. Kerrisha must convince her own People she is who she claims as well as bridge the gaps left by centuries of war with the leaders of the other clans. This first book in the series follows Kerrisha on her first true undercover mission to Devon Clan and through a series of struggles, battles, and even places the young Queen on trial for treason. She finds love and romance with her Power-Chosen mate and begins to learn she is not as alone as she imagines. Included after the story is a short dictionary of Otlantesha, the ancient language of Otland Iis with an English-based pronunciation key. Caution: Some mature content.

  • Tales of the Fifth Guardian: Book Two: Bonded


    Tales of the Fifth Guardian: Book Two: Bonded
    Tales of the Fifth Guardian: Book Two: Bonded

    "I could not believe it when Keri went into a vision following the Council meeting; my heart almost stopped when she started screaming, 'NO'." Kerreth's first words to us as his journal entries join Kerrisha's are filled with worry and concern that soon turn to fear as the still new Karth Tesha uses his abilities and Knowledge to help his young fiance. Did he go too far? "Together for centuries in life and forever in the Power." That's all Kerrisha dreams of as events speed her toward her wedding to Kerreth but what was in the vision that seized her as she left the Council chamber at the end of book one? What made her scream in terror? What is the secret she now holds and is desperate to protect? A secret she fears whe will see her placed on house arrest. So, can she hope to keep her secret long enough to break free of the Tower's influence and begin to fulfill her destiny as the Guardian? She can wish for happily ever after but, as the Queen of two clans, can she even hope for a normal quiet wedding? What about the traditions of the Lost Clans when it comes to a royal wedding in the Triad Clans? Control over her own wedding is ripped from Kerrisha's hands as we meet another of the Lost Clans and travel to the hidden and protected world of the Below City. Keri sees a danger no one else does and cries to be heard once again as the wedding approaches and her timid twin sister, Kennisha, becomes a target herself. But Kerrisha is only looking forward, to after the wedding, to the Blood-bond Ceremony when she and Kerreth will link their souls within the Power. What is the one negative effect of the Blood-bond? Will she share it with Kerreth and can they overcome it? Otlantesha dictionary and pronunciation key included after the story. Caution: Some mature content

  • Tales of the Fifth Guardian; Book Three; Taken


    Tales of the Fifth Guardian; Book Three; Taken
    Tales of the Fifth Guardian; Book Three; Taken

    In Book One; The Beginning, Kerrisha Drew-Otlander stepped into her destiny as the Knowledge Guardian of the People of Otland Iis. In Book Two; Bonded, she married her Power Chosen mate, Kerreth Mermshire. Now, in Book Three; Taken, the vision that began at the end of The Beginning comes to pass as a mission ends with Kerrisha becoming a prisoner of Devon Clan once again. Haunted by the fact that the vision showed her throwing all her power at Kerreth she knows she has no choice but to do as the Power has told her: She must surrender to the Devons. But why? What has the Power shown her to convince her to accept such a fate? And can she hide the terrible truth from Kerreth? Kerreth seems almost too willing to let her go and even takes measures to help her prepare...Why? With even more secrets to protect and the fear that she will be the source of Kerreth's destruction, stressful only begins to describe her state of mind during her pregnancy; leaving Kerreth to worry more about her health than anything else and Keri to worry that she will either become a young widow or join Kerreth in the Power with their children when the Blood-bond takes them both. Book Three; Taken, is a continuation of Kerrisha's story with even more twists and surprises and a journal entry from a new and unexpected contributor. An Otlantesha Dictionary and Pronunciation Key follows the story. Caution: Some mature content.

  • Tales of the Fifth Guardian; Book Four; Roderick


    Tales of the Fifth Guardian; Book Four; Roderick
    Tales of the Fifth Guardian; Book Four; Roderick

    Always reluctant to be seen as just the Queen of her clans, Kerrisha would rather be running missions or working to fulfill her destiny as the Fifth Knowledge Guardian of the People of Otland Iis rather than sit on her throne or in Council meetings and, in Roderick, we see that. From the beginning where she wakes after a mission has gone terribly wrong to the end where she is tortured for nearly a week after following the Power, she is working to protect not just Drew, Otlander, and Mermshire, but all the Clans of the long lost island. As some old animosities fade to lead to help coming from unexpected sources, others flare to rear their ugly heads to create havoc at Otland Tower and in other complexes. Kerreth, Edwere, and Jonathan stay by her side throughout it all and struggle themselves with having to follow the Power by not forcing her to run when they would all just rather be home with their family. But what would that mean for Kerrisha and all the Clans? Still, staying quiet is not in Kerreth’s nature as new abilities and Power Levels give him the strength he needs to fight back. The Power has made them equals and, as her Karth Tesha, he can rule her in matters of health. What happens when his Knowledge begins to open even more and his abilities truly begin to rival Keri’s? An Otlantesha dictionary and pronunciation key follows the story. Caution: Some mature content.

  • Tales of the Fifth Guardian; Book Five: Ascension


    Tales of the Fifth Guardian; Book Five: Ascension
    Tales of the Fifth Guardian; Book Five: Ascension

    Finally, their time of Ascension is nearing but it has already been a busy year for Kerrisha and Kerreth and there is no sign that things will get any easier as the time approaches: Roderick was ended as the Power directed and the reconciliation with Devon Clan has begun but, while Kerrisha was left with a worrying prophecy about her visions, Kerreth is worried about her lack of reaction to their imprisonment at what is now being called Devon Fortress. All that is set aside, however, as we join them on the morning of their wedding and coronation anniversaries. The week-long celebration of the start of the Second year of the Era of the Fifth Guardian leads to an unexpected development in Kerrisha’s relationship with the Security team, one that may place her in even more danger. Kerreth invited Richard and Damien to the opening of the Devon archives in the Below City without speaking to King Cristone or Queen Cristaria – How will his parents respond to such an unexpected visitor to the hidden capital of the lost island? The investigation into the compromising of Drew Complex culminates with a visit to the re-taken complex to deliver the findings on the anniversary of the battle. Was Kerrisha's cousin, McAllister, at fault? The Memory Blocks must fall before Ascension comes. What secret has Kerrisha been protecting for so long? Once their secret is revealed and “the past that has been lived is known,” we follow the young King and Queen as they make their preparations for a nice quiet Ascension. What surprise does the Power hold in store for them? How do they react to their new abilities afterward? What secret have Kerreth and Kerrisha been hiding from Edwere and Jonathan?

  • Tales of the Fifth Guardian; Book Six: Thoran


    Tales of the Fifth Guardian; Book Six: Thoran
    Tales of the Fifth Guardian; Book Six: Thoran

    The vision that terrified Kerrisha at the end of Ascension comes to pass as Brindon’s attacks on the Tower continue. What terrible truth does she know about William? As Brindon’s attacks escalate Kerrisha begins to plan a mission that will take them over the ocean and deep into Europe and Thoran territory, visiting new complexes of both the Triad Clans and the Lost Clans. Medical officer seems a natural position for Kerreth to hold as part of the Mission Team but why is he so worried about Keri’s planned route? As Julie’s first mission as Keri’s Tesha Dayou, a mission about negotiating and diplomacy seems a good one for the young Tesha Dayou and David as her Tesha to gain some experience but can spending so much time among the Lost Clans really come without a cost? But, before they leave, a surprise comes that even Kerrisha does not see and Jonathan lends his voice to the narrative to help tell his story. He has always seemed so easy going but we have yet to meet his family. What terrible secret is hidden in his past? An Otlantesha dictionary and pronunciation key follows the story. CAUTION: Contains Mature Situations

  • Tales of the Fifth Guardian; Book Eight: Demon

    Tales of the Fifth Guardian; Book Eight: Demon
    Tales of the Fifth Guardian; Book Eight: Demon

    “Understanding some of the issues now facing the People was the real reason I had arranged the mission into Thoran Territory at this time, in part, it was also to show I was as trustworthy as the High Council had declared me to be by finding me innocent, as both the Guardian and a Tesha, since the court proceedings had exposed my reverse linking to all the People. I had also wanted this time alone in the most Power-filled place I knew of to meditate on what it might mean; now, I needed to cut that trip short.” ~ Kerrisha Year 3 of the Era of the Fifth Guardian has just started and it has already been a busy year including multiple betrayals and the death of a True King. Now, the time has come to return the Heart to Thoran Territory and replenish their stock of the Healing Tea that can only be brewed with the help of her new Tesha’s family. Can another mission into the lands of the Lost Clan be uneventful? But what of the vision? The one of the creature who should not exist and may yet rip their cherished Tesha from their sides. The creature’s reach has stretched beyond Kerrisha’s nightmares and the effects of its presence are already being felt from Drew Corp to Otland Tower, including at Devon Compound. We follow Kerrisha and her men as a new Prophecy, delivered by an unexpected spokesperson from the Power, propels them forward toward a new battle. A battle against the Darkness that all of us, even the People of Otland Iis, might find hidden in a corner of our own heart. We have seen darkness in Tales of the Fifth Guardian, but now we discover a new Darkness. One born of an obsession greater than Richard’s ever was, but this is not an obsession of control. It is a dark obsession of possession. It is an obsession that will put Devon Clan and all of Kerrisha’s men at risk. For it is the Darkness that gives rise to the creature... Includes an Otlantesha Dictionary and Pronunciation Key. Caution: Contains Mature Situations and Recommended for Readers 18+.

  • Tales of the Fifth Guardian; Book Seven: Betrayal


    Tales of the Fifth Guardian; Book Seven: Betrayal
    Tales of the Fifth Guardian; Book Seven: Betrayal

    Kerreth and Kerrisha have been back from the Thoran mission for over a month and it soon becomes apparent that Vynlon has done nothing to stop Brindon from harassing them as he is responsible for yet another attack on Kerrisha. But is he working alone? The vision that started on the Thoran mission continues to plague Kerrisha, even forcing her to cut short an investigation following the return of the vision that gives her a thread of hope: “In the same moment I had seen the responsibility of the Guardian pass from me and onto the shoulders of my young daughter I had seen the one man who had been born to be Tesha to the fifth Guardian standing next to her. It was he I could prepare to deliver a final, desperate, clue to Kerreth to save my child from her fate and restore me to my destiny.” As Kerrisha wrote in her journal after the Thoran mission, they have entered into a year of betrayals that has only begun and the betrayals seem to come from all sides: From the complex director who has been misusing Power. To an oath, sworn to Kerrisha by a family member, that will be rejected. An agent is captured in a secret complex and, as they discover, all is not as it seems when the Cloaked Interrogator is called in. Then the mission ends with one of Kerrisha’s own secrets being exposed. Has she really been lying to Richard after swearing not to? A betrayal begun in King Victor’s time reaches its head, with Kerrisha bearing the brunt of a long forgotten desire for revenge. Finally, everything culminates in the worst betrayal as the Devon Prophecy comes to pass: The head of the line of yellow will face a danger from within. The head will be severed from the body by a betrayal from the line of fire. A Power Sworn oath in fire rejected and bonds broken painfully. The Betrayer’s work completed with an innocent framed. And a life-long friend turns his back on Kerrisha. Includes an Otlantesha Dictionary and Pronunciation key after the story. Caution: Contains Mature Situations.

  • Tales of the Fifth Guardian; Book Nine: Tinotchan

    Tales of the Fifth Guardian; Book Nine: Tinotchan
    Tales of the Fifth Guardian; Book Nine: Tinotchan

    There have been hints of a visit to Tinotchan and now the time has come. With Kerrisha, Edwere, Jonathan, and a number of Damien's people still recovering from the battle with the Demon, the long silent clan has made themselves known. New secrets are discovered and the clan that sent the Fourth Guardian into the Power must answer for that among other crimes. Once again, all is not as it seems and the past that was hidden from all has returned to haunt everyone, especially Kerrisha, who must solve the problems created by jealousy and tradition that have nearly torn a clan in two. Problems that would be solved so easily with the strength of the Darkness that possessed Darrien. Can Kerrisha solve the problems in Tinotchan Clan or those created by the training techniques at Dreland Tower without succumbing to the draw of the Darkness? An Otlantesha dictionary and pronunciation key is included at the rear of the volume. Caution: Recommended for readers over 18 due to mature situations, violence, and possible trigger scenes.

  • Tales of the Fifth Guardian; Book 7.5: Stolen Heirs

    Tales of the Fifth Guardian; Book 7.5: Stolen Heirs
    Tales of the Fifth Guardian; Book 7.5: Stolen Heirs

    Even the simplest, quietest, and most normal of days can hold the unexpected when you are the King and Queen of two clans and she is the Knowledge Guardian of the People of Otland Iis. After a night on Emergency Room Duty, a quiet normal day is all Kerreth is expecting until a mysterious package arrives from Devon Compound while he is at work in his office on the hospital floor while Kerrisha is working in the training room. Then, as secrets are revealed, the full nature of Keri’s past with the Princes of the Lost Clans, including Damien, is brought to light. While in the present, Keri’s Power Training Session with the Security Team does not go quite as planned and the full cost of Director Malraen’s short cuts at Dreland Tower becomes known. Stolen Heirs is the story that has been hinted at and discussed but never fully told. Now, here it is in Damien’s words – The story of when the Princes of the Lost Clans were kidnapped, along with Kerrisha and how she helped Richard free them. With an Otlantesha Dictionary and Pronunciation Key following the story. Caution: Contains Mature Situations


C. M. Johnson

C. M. Johnson is a former teacher in Tampa, Florida, where she lives with her husband who was medically retired from the U.S. navy in 1995 and enjoys writing in her spare time.

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