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Expanded Glossary and Notes: Compendium to the Sequetus Series
Final Passage
Ebook series24 titles

Sequetus Series

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About this series

Here’s the sixteenth book in the Sequetus Series. Those subverting the culture and civilizations of the galactic Federation, including Earth, for the past thousands of years, have been exposed. They are the Talkron. While they’re able to subvert time, they have made a real error. They hurt Amy badly, and she is mercilessly evening the score. She’s Amy of Rambus, the Goddess of War, and she’s coming for them.

This is also the fifth volume in the Juggernaut Miniseries. In more detail, the Talkron have been found. Never before has this happened. They are the ones controlling Earth and all the other planets in the Federation, and they are exposed.

A small group, headed by one originally from Earth, has decided to take the fight back to the Talkron stronghold.

Sure, the Talkron have always been there, pervading every planet in the Galaxy, since time was first recorded. They are the ones who have been behind the subversion of every great culture. They are ultimately the ones behind every war, manipulating every oppressive action.

By using a form of mental implanting and controlling thoughts from afar, something that every great planet and nation ventured into before its downfall, they controlled all. And that included the great cultures of the historical Earth.

But in this book, you see the total emergence of something not foreseen by the prophecies. It is Amy of Rambus, who now has the label, Amy, the Goddess of War.

Amy knows who they are and is coming for them. And she seeks revenge, justice, and to even the score. She seeks to eradicate them all from the bowels of the physical universe, and send them back hell or wherever they came from.

She seeks revenge and justice for her family they killed, her youth they perverted, her religion they stole. She seeks to destroy them to their core and then work out how to remove their remnants. She seeks to expunge the very memory of them from all civilization.

She is coming, and they know she is. They had never prepared for this, for she is now the Talkron Hunter.

The Talkron have never known fear before. They always were ready for any setback. They are the masters of time. Time is always on their side, but Amy is not anything they prepared for and nor could they predict her. She is the Talkron Hunter.

What they find might surprise you; it might shock you, or you may just think it could never happen. So why don’t you fasten your seat belt, buckle in, and get catapulted into the next book in this wild and magnificent epic.

As usual, there are great illustrations, maps and diagrams to help the reader, plus there is a full glossary. The book is good for both male and female science fiction readers.

Release dateMay 26, 2014
Expanded Glossary and Notes: Compendium to the Sequetus Series
Final Passage

Titles in the series (24)

  • Final Passage


    Final Passage
    Final Passage

    Here’s the nineteenth Sequetus Series book. The battle lines are drawn. Amy of Rambus, Jaron – originally from Earth, and others have united to flush out and totally eradicate the Talkron. However, it is not that simple when both sides can now control time, use telepathy and telekinesis as weapons of war. Plus, it is suspected that the Talkron may not be originally from this galaxy. This volume is also the second in the Earth Syndrome Miniseries. As further detail, Jaron is back in the Sequetus System. He and others are searching for the Golden Cap, which gave Goren Torren wild abilities, and they have found it. They are also discovering the further secrets of Sequetus and working out a solution to undo the effects of the Talkron, who have been running Sequetus for the past thousands of years. Do not be surprised at what you find. It is good science fiction space opera, with a spiritual twist. Telepathy is in full swing, and it is as normal as having your morning cup of coffee, or kalo. The book begins on Mars, with a crew briefing about Sequetus. Some of the anomalies – moon structures that exist there now, are looked at in more detail. Then they discuss some of the other anomalies on the other planets. They are all Talkron related. Then find out what really killed Earth, though the Earth is not completely dead. There are still parts not totally baron that life had not deserted. As well, there is teleportation and time travel, all within theoretical believable bounds of science fiction. But these are described in a way, you do wonder... hmm.... Maybe.... What is time? If you truly knew what it was, then you could not only look at future events, with ease, and the past, but you could also influence those same events, future and past – with thought. But could you also travel through the confines of time? The answer is, most likely. But we need to understand more about the physical universe construct, and that is what this book is partly about. This is a pivotal book in this whole science fiction epic. Like the other volumes, there are illustrations, pictures, maps, and glossary. Remember it is not all fiction. There is a tapestry of truth supporting the stories. This book is a great read.

  • Expanded Glossary and Notes: Compendium to the Sequetus Series


    Expanded Glossary and Notes: Compendium to the Sequetus Series
    Expanded Glossary and Notes: Compendium to the Sequetus Series

    As well as all the glossary terms, and this book has all the footnotes that many e-pub books cannot accept. If a fan was to write their own short Sequetus story, this compendium would be a must. It has every reference in the Sequetus Series from which to branch out into new stories. This was why the glossary was written in the first place, so the author could write new works, while referring back to his central core of data.

  • Orbat



    This is also the fifth book in the Earth Syndrome Miniseries. You are very close to the end of this whole epic now, and the mystery deepens before it is finally exposed. Learn about the past dark secrets of Earth, and who made it that way, and why. As more detail, the central figure, Jaron, finds himself having to bring the two races of the twin planets, Orbat and Yaltipia, to confront their common enemy, the Talkron. The two races find they have a long common past with this enemy. Follow Jaron as he tries to solve why life on Earth, and other central planets, is simply leaving. What is making these planets barren, and what is causing these death-zones? This book is more than just another book in this long epic saga. It is more than another good read. Learn why. Like the other volumes, there are great illustrations, pictures, maps, and glossary. Have fun and remember it is not all fiction. There is a tapestry of truth below the stories. This book is a great read for both male and female science fiction readers.

  • Galaxy



    Here’s the twenty-third book in the Sequetus Series. The Talkron home galaxy has been found. A counter invasion is being readied, by united forces. More importantly, the dead-zones found on Earth and other civilized planets are widening, consuming everything. This is a brilliant last book to the series. If you read this series in full, you mightn’t be the same again. It is a brilliant mind-bender. Here is the concluding and climatic last book of the Earth Syndrome Miniseries. You absolutely will not be disappointed. You will not. This is wild and way outside of the box, but so real. We are not going to spoil it by giving much away. So, have fun. But we can give hints. To date we have only dealt with life within this galaxy. There is more. Which galaxy has really been invading Earth? Where precisely are they from? Which planet is the center of the hundreds of billions out there? Here is the last and concluding greatest volume of them all. It is the big volume. It has a monster amount of data in it. It answers your questions. It tells you who has been invading this galaxy, and why they came to Earth first. It tells you who they are, where they are from, and what the ultimate handling is. It takes you from the Giza pyramids, to the Sumerians, to the Himalayas, and more out-there. It takes you to the future, where great battles happen to affect the past and present. It takes you back to the past. Do not drop short of reading this one. Like the other volumes, there are great illustrations, pictures, maps, and glossary. Have fun and remember it is not all fiction. There is always this tapestry-of-truth below the stories.

  • Chariots of Sequetus 3

    Chariots of Sequetus 3
    Chariots of Sequetus 3

    This is the third book of the Sequetus Series. The officer sent to Sequetus 3, Earth, escaped. He arrived back at his patron’s palace, systems away. It is 1989. He delivers his intelligence-estimate, on what he found, along with his recommended handling of the situation. Immediately there is an assassination attempt on his life. The threat of galactic civil war erupts, and an armada is sent by others to eliminate Earth. This is also the third volume in the New Earth Miniseries. Here is more: The extraterrestrial intelligence officer, who was sent to Earth, reports that Sequetus 3, as it is really known by out-there, is steeped in mystery. It has elementary space travel, and crude computers. It exports mind-altering drugs by the shipload. And decades before, Earth began work on faster-than-light speed travel. And this work on faster-than-light travel flies in the face of the Federation Warp Drive Bank, which owns the galactic monopoly rights to that secret technology. Being 1989, Earth’s Cold War still has the planet on the brink of self-annihilation. The most intriguing data found was of an experiment to make a ship disappear with its crew. Upon delivering his estimate to his patron on planet Jilta, the known galaxy, begins to change. It turns out that an armada is probably being sent to Earth. Its target is to completely eradicate all life from that planet’s surface. However, the decision to destroy Earth by the ruler of that sector, is not totally shared by all out-there. This is where the book picks up the story. It is still 1989. Should there be a rescue attempt to prevent the annihilation of Earth? And at what cost? And would that cost be worthwhile? And what about the risk to those planets wanting to save Earth’s inhabitants? The galaxy out-there is quickly polarizing into two groups. Those wanting to save Earth are smaller in defenses and numbers. Wouldn’t it be more prudent to do nothing, and let the planet suffer its own consequences? There is good argument for that. Is there something from that planet no one wanted found by others from out-there? Plus, what were those explosions in space, in Earth’s outer solar system, that year? They were reported in the news back then. They were huge. Power grids even went down. Where were you in 1989? There are plenty of illustrations, maps, and diagrams in this one; several dozen or so. Plus there is the beefy glossary. The book is fast and a damn good read. Enjoy it.

  • Over Sequetus 3

    Over Sequetus 3
    Over Sequetus 3

    This is the second book in the Sequetus Series. The intelligence officer from out-there, assigned to investigate Earth, has a team. They finally arrive; it’s 1989. To get information he needs contact with who is running Earth. He already knows it is not Earth’s governments. Seeing that the planet runs on economic lines, he chooses money-making to attract interest, to get information. He doesn’t have approval for any of this and so others decide he has to be stopped, killed. This volume is also the second in the New Earth Miniseries. That extraterrestrial intelligence officer is on Earth, or Sequetus 3 as it is called out-there. He was commissioned by Lorde Hymondy III, his patron from planet Jilta. It is during the peak of Earth’s Cold War. That officer has to prepare an intelligence-estimate, and give his findings and solutions back to his patron, on what is really going on here. He finds the solar system busy with traffic to and from Earth. Plus, he finds the world governments in denial of out-there, while simple evidence shows otherwise. Earth is also listed with a no-go status by out-there. Plus, the planet is not anywhere near being recommended for intragalactic intervention. Follow our character in this next book of the Sequetus Series. His methods to find out what is happening on this planet are unorthodox. He lacks polish. He is almost arrested. He is shot at, and kidnapped. It doesn’t seem to make sense, as it appears the governments of Earth really do have an idea of what is happening around them. Our main character, the officer from out-there, accompanied, finds more than he expected. Someone has been ceding Earth alien technology. They are developing their own faster-than-light travel technology. But Earth’s governments are doing this unwittingly. The entire society of Earth seems setup, by thousands of agents over hundreds of years, manipulating the planet into wars, speeding up materialist advances. The worst, is that people on Earth live extraordinarily short lives, as though they were engineered that way, with a runaway population growth. And that is not just per chance. Our officer from out-there, soon finds his efforts to attract attention worked, but not the way he wanted. Earth intelligence organizations are now working against him, as well as those from out-there. This book has illustrations, a beefy glossary, and more. Enjoy it, as you are now getting the feel of the Sequetus Series. As a side note, this volume was originally penned in 1989, at the height of the Cold War. It has taken from then until now to complete all 24 volumes. It is a classic epic.

  • New Federation

    New Federation
    New Federation

    This is the eighth book of the Sequetus Series. The main character, Goren Torren, has traveled to the future, through a portal in Mexico, tackling a small grey race subverting Earth. This story starts in 2011, but coasts, via the time-portal, decades into the future. Whereupon Goren finds it’s the day of intervention, by out there, for Earth. Bizarrely, when Goren returns to our present, the spiritual following he started on Earth in the previous books, has turned into a full-blown growing religious movement. He does not agree. But the prophecy about him seems to be growing in momentum. He really is now back from the future. That prophecy is being fulfilled. And the more he tries to avoid the prophecy, the more he finds himself drowning in its inevitability. This is also the eighth volume in the New Earth Miniseries, plus it is its concluding book. You mustn’t put it down now. Find out what is on the other side of the time portal, and when it really is. There are some good surprise endings in this one. But in summary, our character, Goren Torren, returns from the future in a round about way. He must travel through and past future known places, such as a destroyed Earth, and a lot more. He is inventive. He is a survivor. Find out how he does it. But find out how it has all changed. You will also find why this story was designed to be the last book of the very original Sequetus Series, when it was first written in 1993. . If you have read the earlier volumes you know that there is a battle out there, as well as on this planet Earth. There are plans afoot for our planet and if they succeed Earth will be thrown into total chaos. . Goren Torren used to have phenomenal abilities, but in this book they are enhanced dramatically, but at a cost. His body longevity is now ticking down. So is the prophecy. . Like the other volumes, there are great illustrations, pictures, maps, and glossary. Have fun and remember it is not all fiction. There is a tapestry of truth lying just beneath the stories. . This book is a great read for both male and female science fiction fans.

  • Advance on Sequetus 3

    Advance on Sequetus 3
    Advance on Sequetus 3

    An intelligence officer, from out there, is assigned to Sequetus 3, known as Earth. It is 1989, during the Cold War. His job is to get here, prepare an intelligence estimate, and return. Planet Earth is an enigma. It does not follow the traditional pattern of planets. People lead short-lives but breed fast. Governments deny extraterrestrials exist, and there is no plan for intervention by out there. Agents from out there often vanish. This is the beginning of the New Earth Miniseries. That intelligence officer has been commissioned by his Royal patron, to go to Earth, Sequetus 3, to find out what is happening. There are too many contrary facts in the lifestyle of Earth inhabitants. They have extremely short-lives, but they have a fast developing technology. Earth governments have atomics, poised to destroy themselves. There are drugs, poison in the food, and plenty of crime. Small wars do not stop, and Earth’s pollution is unheard of out there. The date is 1989, with the Cold War in full swing. There are many signs that the planet has thousands of extraterrestrial visitors, but government authorities are in denial. None of it makes any sense to an outsider. And to get onto the planet, that is almost impossible. There are extraterrestrial bases all through the Earth system, including on its moon. The planet is so isolated that there is no plan for intervention by out-there. The far-away planet Maluka, that runs the sector where Earth is located, appears to be doing all it can to prevent others from finding out what is happening. Out-there is not so easy to understand either. The galaxy is divided into sectors, and they are run by monarchs, often militarily. There are sometimes rivalries between monarchs. And the galactic economy is compounded by the Federation Warp Drive Bank, that has a monopoly on faster-than-light travel. The intelligence officer’s patron, along with others, feels that what is happening on Earth may reflect what they see happening around them. They are scared. There are still plenty of good people out there, but they need answers. This is a wild plot. It runs through all the books. Like every great epic, it takes a little bit of writing to get the readers hot. That is this book. The book was first drafted in 1989 using pen and paper. Since then all 24 books have been finished to complete this epic series. There are pictures and illustrations to help you. There are also maps, and a beefy glossary of terms. Like the Galaxy, this story is big. Soak it up, and strap yourself in. You are about to enter the real world of the Sequetus Series, the world where you actually live, where nothing is as it seems.

  • The Silent Enemy

    The Silent Enemy
    The Silent Enemy

    This is the fifth book of the Sequetus Series. Our agent from out-there has now permanently set up on Earth. He is going to find who is running this planet, by becoming wealthy, and by becoming very popular. His funding is unlimited. His theory is to get the extraterrestrial rulers behind Earth to find him. They quickly do, and try to destroy him at every turn. However, he has many allies. This is also the fifth volume in the New Earth Miniseries. Below is more information: This book turns down a totally new track, but is very believable. To detail this further, our main character, our extraterrestrial intelligence officer, has developed new spiritual abilities, having returned from the Pleiades to Earth. He can do now what he could only once dream of doing. However, the funny thing is, he says all people dream of being able to do these things, and all can do them. Mostly, he says, they just do not know it. He has developed telepathic abilities, telekinesis and extraordinary wisdom. He starts a personal following, to not only make his corporations big, but his name and self as well. The media love him. He is right out there now. They do not know his background, or where he is from. He is just fantastically successful and wise. This does draw out the enemy he seeks. Quickly, there are assassination plots to kill him. Some almost succeed. Where does he come from? People are now asking. The media wants to know, what are his corporations doing, sprawling all over the planet, in a matter of a decade? Why is he really so successful? Does he need to be cut down? A small percentage think so. Are those who run this planet, losing control? It is the late 1990’s, and time is moving on. He has been working on finding this enemy for almost a decade now, and it is beginning to show. He is not aging like the rest of Earth’s population. So he knows, in a strange way, time is running out. And communication with out-there is blank. The old Federation is no more. Whole sections of the galaxy have blacked out, and when ships are sent into some regions, they vanish and never return. What is happening? Like the other volumes, there are great illustrations, pictures, maps, and glossary. Have fun and remember it is not all fiction. There is a tapestry of truth below the stories.

  • Magi: Planet of The Gods

    Magi: Planet of The Gods
    Magi: Planet of The Gods

    Here’s the fourth book in the Sequetus Series. The main character, an agent from out-there, is back on Sequetus 3, Earth, in the early 1990’s. His earlier intelligence estimate was incomplete. Earth was nearly destroyed. Now he has to find who’s really interfering with this planet, and why Earth is so important. He now finds a secret star system, steeped into Earth’s history, and himself central to a very old prophecy. This volume is also the fourth of the New Earth Miniseries. Here is more information: Our extraterrestrial intelligence officer and his select group are back on Earth. The Federation has changed, and our main character is becoming extraordinarily influential, both out-there and on Earth. It is still the early 1990’s. However, Earth remains an enigma, and as much as this officer tries to unravel Earth’s mysteries, new riddles crop up. So, to find who really is running Earth he begins building an economic empire, in an effort to flush out those controlling planetary events. His empire is based on him slowly ceding Federation technology to Earth’s corporations. It spans the continents and is venturing into space. Yet, while he makes heavy profits, it is not exposing what or who he is searching for. Then, with inspiration, our character and his group locate a planetary constellation often mentioned in Earth’s ancient history. The constellation is off limits to the Federation out-there. The off-limits system to the Federation is called the Pleiades, and becomes his new destination. To find what belies the Pleiades constellation, and why it is in almost every one of Earth’s cultures and folklore, yet forbidden to civilizations out-there, read on. Upon venturing to the Pleiades, our troop finds out its true purpose, and who could be interfering with Earth, using it for their own benefit. They also find another race who has been trying to help Earth, that those on the Pleiades do not know about. And they begin to finally understand the forces behind the division of power in the galaxy. Is is like peeling away layers of an onion. And this volume is extraordinarily spiritual. A new dimension is being added here. So, finally, our main character also finds out what others believe his true destiny is. We hope you, the reader, have spiritual patience. There is more to what one sees in this world than the eyes will confess to. This book is about the Planet of the Gods. Enjoy it. Like the other volumes, there are great illustrations, pictures, maps, and glossary. Have fun and remember it is not all fiction. There is a tapestry of truth below the stories. This book is a great read for all science fiction fans.

  • Temples of Sequetus 3

    Temples of Sequetus 3
    Temples of Sequetus 3

    Here’s the ninth Sequetus Series book. It’s been a thousand years since the assassination of Goren Torren, the officer sent to find what was really happening on Earth. He was killed before he could solve who was destroying the Federation. Now Earth, known as Sequetus 3, is being depopulated. The life-force , which was Goren Torren, is still on Earth, but hunted, and about to make an escape in a new body, a new lifetime, as a different person. This is also the first volume of the Templar Miniseries. This is a wild book. Half the world’s populations believe in this concept of living life after life, in different bodies. Life as a life-force continues, and cannot be killed forever. It does not vanish with body-death. Out-there also know this. That is why they still search for who was Goren Torren. They must catch him, imprison him, or else they risk the prophecy of Goren Torren becoming an absolute truth. The religion that Goren Torren began a thousand years ago has started to take hold on other planets out there. The long-lifers do not like it at all, that a planet of short-lifers should have produced such a catch-worthy spiritual philosophy. And that the short-lifers are breeding so fast it worries many of the long-lifers. And while the person that is Goren Torren, has not restored all his own memories back from then, he has some of the ideas, and he still knows what he knows. Also waiting for the new life, that was Goren, is his old Boguard mentor, Letone. Once they meet they both know that they must get off planet Earth. Letone knows it more than anyone else. But will they succeed? Letone knows the prophecy, and and the part he has to play. Letone is at the end of his thousand year lifespan. He knows he must do everything he can to bring the final episodes of the prophecy about. The Boguard have been working on this for a lot longer than Goren Torren was live. Also out there are the Outer Worlds. These worlds are too far away for the ordinary long-lifer to go to and inhabit. But short-lifers love the wildness, and the chance of a new life. They are just happy to be free of their old world, Earth, and its old ways. Many short-lifers relish the idea of starting new beginnings out there where no one else exists. And it gives them a chance to practice their religious faith as taught by Goren Torren, without persecution. And on one of these worlds, Rambus, is a young girl, named Amy. While she is many light-years away from Earth, she is part of the prophecy, and others know it and are hunting for her too. Like the other volumes, there are great illustrations, pictures, maps, and glossary. Have fun and remember it is not all fiction. There is a tapestry of truth below the stories. This book is a great read for both male and female science fiction fans.

  • The Talkron Hunter Part 2

    The Talkron Hunter Part 2
    The Talkron Hunter Part 2

    Here’s the seventeenth book of the Sequetus Series. Amy, of Rambus, dubbed the Goddess of War, is coming. Those grooming the galactic civilizations for takeover, hurt her beyond mental pain thresholds. She lives only to even the score. The race which hurt her is the Talkron, an evil secret race that had infiltrated the galaxy, unknown until now. Their home planet in the Federation has been exposed and Amy is coming. Amy is the Talkron Hunter and the Talkron have never been exposed before. Secrecy was always their core practice. This volume is also the fifth and last in the Juggernaut Miniseries. In further detail, the Talkron have been subverting these galactic civilizations, by controlling the media, the governments and more. Now they have become the hunted. This book is wild, but what do you expect from space opera in its purity? Again, the edges between spiritual fantasy and science fiction are mixed. But Earth is no longer a hollow distant memory. It is realized that Sequetus too is likely a home-ground in the present for the Talkron. So, Commander Beel is leading the first expedition to their religion’s homeland. Yes, Beel takes a column to his historical Earth. Amy goes with others to meet the Talkron on another planet. There is the secretive Temple Guard and the closed-off Cordukes, all part warriors, part intelligence operatives of the Temple. They work for Amy. She works for the Grand Master Templar, or so it is believed. But he knows Amy. He gives her the rope she needs and he knows it is not a leash. She has a destiny. He has seen it, and she must complete it, or else her own spiritual future is in abeyance. Her future is the Temple’s, and he totally trusts her. And this is not all, time is definitely marching on. Jaron has his children and now they are all coming of age. They are part of the prophecy. And it is as if they are driven by a purpose they had long before they were born. And perhaps that is true. We are not going to tell you how this ends. So hold onto your seats. All the characters of this miniseries are present. If you liked it this far, you will be wanting this book without further explanation. As usual there are some great illustrations, diagrams and maps. The story-line is at the edge of reality. There is no adult content, and the book is good for male and female science fiction readers alike.

  • Temples and the Juggernaut

    Temples and the Juggernaut
    Temples and the Juggernaut

    Here’s the tenth book in the Sequetus Series. For a thousand years the Temple religious movement, which began on Earth after the turn of the Twenty-first Century, expanded to the stars. There is hatred of those humans from Earth. Races from out-there live long-lives, hundreds of years. Those who migrated from Earth live short-lives. Both are scared. There are plans to end the plague of Earth short-lifers and their Temple movement. There are plans to resist. Will the Galaxy erupt in violence? Some hope so and are even planning for it. This is the second volume in the Templar Miniseries. In more detail: The story is set on the Outer-World of Rambus. It is hotting up for the Temple, as forces move against them. The Federation seems to be dividing, between the newly arrived short-lifers from Earth, and the established long-lifers. It is fast and wild. And hold your stomachs as you might squirm through the pages of this exciting book. There is a group out there trying to eradicate this new Earth race of humans that has exploded into the Galaxy. There are new groups, jockeying for good, and others, lining up to push the Galaxy to where their own purpose lies. But in the quest to get rid of these short-lifers from Earth, and their new religion, they make a bad mistake. Unknowingly they make an enemy that will be their eventual undoing. This woman seems young, and someone easily matched. But they made a bad mistake. Find out how and why. . Read the future books to find out just how wrong they were in estimating this woman’s threat to them. . You will also learn more about Brandon Mirak, the puppet leader of the planet Palbo. Find out who is behind him and who is manipulating him. . You will learn more of the pirates of the Galaxy and who supports them. . You will learn what they do to human beings when they find them and what they turn those humans into. . But remember, the Boguard are still there, and there is the prophecy they still intend to fulfill. . Like the other volumes, there are great illustrations, pictures, maps, and glossary. Have fun and remember it is not all fiction. There is a tapestry of truth below the stories. . This book is a great read for both male and female science fiction fans. The author really enjoyed writing this one.

  • Escape From Federation

    Escape From Federation
    Escape From Federation

    Here is the eleventh book in the Sequetus Series. The galactic junta, which was ruling the Federation, and interfering with Earth until the Twenty-first Century, is back in full military expansion. Its target is the expanding Temple movement, which sprang from Earth a thousand years ago. The goal is to rid the Federation of the Earth short-lifers, and capture the one foretold to save them. This is the third volume in the Templar Miniseries. It is an exciting book. It moves fast, and the plot follows naturally and effortlessly from the previous volumes. This is straight and pure mind bending science fiction space opera, at its best, but with an incredible and believable spiritual lean woven into it. Learn more about planet Palbo, and Brandon Mirak, and his militarist galactic expansion. Learn of the hideous group behind him, aiming for full galactic domination. In this book our heroine is captured. She is removed from where she was caught, to Planet Sleebo. Yes, there are enemy bases there. But Jaron, and the Boguard, are also being sent there on a mission. Letone is there too, pushing the last of his days to do more good. His body nearing a thousand years old. The enemy is waiting for him. But this is Sleebo, the home of Anki Storm. And while she may have died on Sequetus 3, a millennium ago, she is not forgotten and neither is the honor that she stood for. When Jaron meets Amy, the wrecked prisoner of Jaron’s enemy, he wonders who is this woman, and why she crossed his path. From this chance meeting and rescue, the Galaxy turns away from a path to disaster, to a new course in the unknown. Read the remaining books to find out just where it might be leading. If you liked the first two books in this miniseries you will love this one. But be warned, out there it can be bloodthirsty. If you do not mind your spiritual space opera littered with a bit of guts and blood, but peppered with a fantastic story-line to boot, you will love this book. Like the other volumes, there are great illustrations, pictures, maps, and glossary. Have fun and remember it is not all fiction. There is a tapestry of truth below the stories. This book is a great read for both male and female science fiction fans.

  • The Federation Unravels

    The Federation Unravels
    The Federation Unravels

    This is the sixth book of the Sequetus Series. Our main character, an extraterrestrial intelligence officer, is now digging behind who is attacking him. He finds there is a joint effort between a small grey race of extraterrestrials, which no one from out-there knows anything about, and the Earth governments. It is 1997. Out there, the Federation is quickly falling apart, with their rulers vanishing. This is also the sixth volume of the New Earth Miniseries. On Earth, our extraterrestrials’ corporations are being attacked. They are heavily targeted by sabotage, infiltration, and are falling apart. The key character of these institutions has gone into some other dimension, what they call the time portal. The portal exists on Earth, in Mexico. Without him, his followers’ inability to fight back is bringing down his empire and credibility. His followers and the reliable employees in his corporations do not have foresight, the ability to sense future moments in time. They cannot see what are right decisions before they happen. And who are these attackers of his? There are still thousands of agents out there, now concerting the destruction of his corporations. Who are these agents? If they are not from Earth, and not from the Federation, then from where? Question your existence around you if you dare; the real world you see out-there is not what is seems. Plus, it is not just Earth, or Sequetus 3, which this is happening to, but also the whole galactic Federation. It also is under attack from out-there, but further out than ever before. Who is it, and why does this have to affect Earth? Time is crunching forward. Like the other volumes, there are great illustrations, pictures, maps, and glossary. Have fun and remember it is not all fiction. There is a tapestry of truth below the stories. This book is a great read for all science fiction fans.

  • The Book of War

    The Book of War
    The Book of War

    Here’s the twelfth Sequetus Series book. The military junta that was interfering with Earth, prior to the Twenty-first Century, is now trying to arm the Temple religious movement. The Temple religion started arriving out-there with the short-lived Earth refugees, over a thousand years ago. The junta’s purpose is to put the rest of the long-lived Federation in fear, to make them strike back. They have been waging a massive false propaganda campaign against the Temple. So, finally, it is now war, a step in the prophecy fulfillment. There is one person who seems to be in the center of coming back against the Federation. He is evil. Planet Jilta is really unprepared. But it will fight if needed. While the war from Palbo is now launched at planet Jilta, the head planet of the Temple, there is another who has his own agenda. And his target is right at the center of the galactic Junta. And, additional to that, is yet another person, by his side, named Amy. Amy has her future. She is a wild card that the junta never prepared for. But they created her. They caused her presence, and so now they will be the affect of her. She has a purpose, and knows who her enemies really are. This is the fourth and last volume in the Templar Miniseries. You will have to read the other books before reading this one. So we will not tell you more. But if you have bought this book first, keep it and get the earlier three books in the miniseries. You will love them all. Like the other volumes, there are great illustrations, pictures, maps, and glossary. Have fun and remember it is not all fiction. There is a tapestry of truth laying the foundations of these stories. This book is a great read for both male and female science fiction fans.

  • Temple Worlds

    Temple Worlds
    Temple Worlds

    Here’s the fourteenth book in the Sequetus Series. Within the Federation, something strange is happening. That same strangeness had been affecting Earth for thousands of years. Now, the Boguard, a benevolent galactic force, has been trying to herd all civilizations into an ethical direction. However, they found something scary about the Federation Warp Drive Bank, which holds the monopoly on faster-than-light speed travel. This is also the second volume in the Juggernaut Miniseries. In more detail, the plot is now set back on Jilta. Here you will learn more of planet Jilta, the Imperial Federation Warp Drive Bank, its operations, and technically how faster-than-light speed travel occurs within the Federation. Read the first book in the miniseries before you come to this one. This book is full of action, as usual. It is fun and enlightening. Again it is pure space opera. The plot should have you glued. The book starts with Jaron being whisked away, from assassination, by his personal secret service called the Corduke Network. It is reported that his interceptor exploded in space, and he is dead. His son, Tubin, upon hearing the news is mortified. Tubin’s half brother, Omm, is impatient, and wants the spiritual empire his father built for his own. The Temple in the Palboan planetary sector was going to be Omm’s ... as promised. Now Tubin is feeling strange, as though he could not trust his brother. He wondered.... Omm was carefully explaining that he would now conduct an investigation into what really happened, and remove the Cordukes, down to every last one of them, and take revenge for what happened. You will learn the true secret behind the Warp Drive Bank. But who will change this? It has been going on for millennia. There are illustrations, maps, and a great glossary, to get you to the end of the journey. This book is truly one of the best, and its themes are carried through to the very end of the series. Good luck. This read is good for both male and female science fiction readers, and there is no adult content.

  • Vigil


    Here’s the twentieth book in the Sequetus Series. The Talkron on Sequetus 2, Venus, are being routed. The Federation of planets is united in launching a counter offensive to the invasion of their galaxy. But how, which galaxy and where do these invaders come from? Black Knight has been found orbiting the Earth, but who belongs to it? The answers to these secrets and more are to be found residing in ancient Earth libraries. Here is also the third volume of the Earth Syndrome Miniseries. As further detail, here on Earth, interesting things happen. The Federation Alliance meets head-on, with the Talkron resistance of Sequetus 2 – Venus. Jaron returns through the Mexican time portal known as the Zone, to confront on old nemesis – Centrecom, in search of foolproof time-travel. The book is full-on, with action. There is also a lot of emotion and feeling in this one. The characters are very real. The adventures on Six-Worlds are not over. Remember going there in the New Earth Miniseries? Six-Worlds are six planetoids, surrounding Earth, while only one is in the present, the Moon. The other planetoids are in the future, but nonetheless surrounding Earth, equidistant controlling its inhabitants by thought alone. That is why so many little grey aliens were seen on Earth, and nowhere else in the Galaxy. But remember, Six-Worlds is eighty-six thousand years into the future, and these aliens have the same DNA as us, as once they were us. But who is creating this insane time loop, for if these aliens are really from the larger Earth species, who originally created this loop? And are they still doing it. Some of Earth’s mysteries are being peeled away. Likely, some of these, such as Black Knight, are unknown to most readers. Yes, this object orbits Earth, on a polar orbit, and it is in the shape of a space ship, and has been doing so for a very long time. Well, the truth is a tapestry upon which this story is written. Like the other volumes, there are great illustrations, pictures, maps, and glossary. Have fun and remember it is not all fiction. There is the tapestry-of-truth as a foundation to the stories. This book is a great read for both male and female science fiction fans.

  • Savior of Sequetus 3

    Savior of Sequetus 3
    Savior of Sequetus 3

    This is the seventh book in the Sequetus Series. Here the main character from out-there, now on Earth, is still trying to save Earth. It is 1997, and he has located the source of an extraterrestrial grey race. They have been Earth’s source of wars, and worse, for thousands of years. It seems unrelated, but the Federation out there is also vanishing. Are they the source of the agents that have been corrupting this planet, and perhaps out-there as well? This is also the seventh volume in the New Earth Miniseries. It launches out, in yet another direction searching for the “why” of Earth. The story starts with our extraterrestrial officer now on the other side of the time portal he found in Mexico, called the Zone. He’s acting on discoveries of eighty-six thousand years into the future. Yes, it sounds absurd. But our character, Goren Torren, has new-found abilities. Telepathy is part of it; telekinesis is too. So is wisdom. And sure, he is always with members of the elite Boguard that he travels with. However, none of them are any match for what they find on the other side of the portal. To save Earth, he has to.... It is not just that he is in a future. He discovers where Earth went wrong; he finds what is really wrong with the planet, but can he do anything about it? And how can he use this knowledge to address the present, of 1997? Even with this new information, is someone playing with his mind, trying to get him to do what they need to be done, to bring about the future they want? Has he really found the source of Earth’s problems, or is he merely being given thoughts that allow him to believe he has found his true goal? It is like someone somewhere has control over his mind, and he can sense it, but it is just beyond his perimeter of awareness. And are these thoughts pushing him into ideas that he wants, or is it what they want? Which are correct and how can he tell? Have you ever felt that someone is giving you thoughts you did not want? Have you ever felt someone is trying to control you from a distance with only thought as the medium? If you have, you may be more special than you have been led to believe. Like the other volumes, there are great illustrations, pictures, maps, and glossary. Have fun and remember it is not all fiction. There is a tapestry of truth below the stories. This book is a great read for both male and female science fiction fans.

  • The Earth Syndrome

    The Earth Syndrome
    The Earth Syndrome

    Here’s the eighteenth book in the Sequetus Series. The secret organization bringing about the downfall of all known galactic civilizations has been found. Its nerve center has been traced back to Sequetus, Earth’s solar system. There is a secret race known as the Talkron. The year is now 3057 AD, on Earth, and the Talkron control the entire system. However, Amy of Rambus, and the others are coming. And they do not intend to be invited. This volume starts the last miniseries, the Earth Syndrome Miniseries. Here are more details. Jaron, now Lorde Jaron, is heading back to Sequetus 3, Earth. They need to find why Goren Torren was originally sent to Earth in 1989. Now, a thousand years later, they really need to know. What has been plaguing Earth, and the Galaxy, for these millennia. If you have come this far, you mustn’t leave the series now. You have to find out. Have you ever wondered what artificial intelligence is? Well, it is not artificial at all. There is no such thing. It is real. Read this book and learn how and why a ship, or any computer that is big enough, can and will be imbued with life. Once you know the mechanism, you will understand how. It can be good, or it can be bad. In this book you are introduced to the good version. The cover to this book shows remnants from the last civilization on Mars. Also learn more on how to gather thought and transmit it. They call this quiet-talk. It has been happening since the book Magi, in the first Miniseries. This is a natural phenomena of life. These books have it – this natural occurrence – as part of the fictional story. Goren’s daughter is there, back in Sequetus with him. Amy of Rambus, the Goddess of War, is there too. They are planning, to get to Earth, its moon, and particularly Planet Venus. Venus has something they need. But first, how can they get into Sequetus, relatively unobserved? If the system is that controlled by the Talkron, how can they make it in without tipping who they are? This is your last journey. Buckle in, and suit up, for now you are entering into the eighteenth book of the Sequetus Series. You are about to find out some heavy data. You better be there. The history of the Federation is mirrored in the history of planet Earth, from the the planet’s prehistoric times onward. Learn as Commander Beel delves into the planet’s historic past. Beel’s hope is that if he finds what was really happening on Earth, he can deal with what is happening in the galactic civilizations out-there now. There are illustrations, pictures, maps, and a glossary. Have fun. Remember it is not all fiction. There is still a tapestry of truth below the stories.

  • Far Outer Worlds And Sequetus 3

    Far Outer Worlds And Sequetus 3
    Far Outer Worlds And Sequetus 3

    Here’s the fifteenth book in the Sequetus Series. The head of the Palboan Temple, the largest temple next to Jilta, is being pursued across the Galaxy to the far Outer Worlds. Here Jaron meets others, decedents from Earth pioneers, who have very different understandings of Earth events of back then, a thousand years ago. Now, not only is the Temple being pursued, so are these new groups. This volume is also the third in the Juggernaut Miniseries. The story opens with Jaron, in the back of a canoe, being paddled upstream. He has little memory. The person paddling claims to have a hereditary line back to Yoo-Rup of Earth. That man’s name is Bolton Beel. He explains to Jaron that the people dying above in the stars and clouds are defenders of Jaron, who actually is Lorde Jaron. But Jaron cannot not remember why. He could not think why he could be that important. Above them a cruiser explodes in space. Thousands more die in those few minutes. It is confusing as Amy of Rambus appears on a river bank to save Lorde Jaron from the strange Scotsman Boltan Beel. But Jaron has it in his mind, that perhaps all the fighting and dying might end, if he was to die instead. This book is a little bit crazy. But now they must get off the planet they are marooned on. And if that is not enough. There is an indigenous race on the planet that hails them as gods, and those locals have different names for all of them from their legends. But how can that be? So, in the middle you have the strange Scotsman, with his strange and hard to understand accent, Amy from Rambus with a reputation from hell, a Lorde Jaron who cannot remember his name, but who is the key to total Galactic prophecy. There is an allied enemy out there, along with allied defenders, jockeying for a chance to kill them all or kill each other. And what makes it worse is that the alliances are changing. By the end of this book, you may be relieved. This is wild science fiction thinking and maybe you expect it. True, it is straight space opera. True, it is fast, but this book skirts the edge of scientific thinking mixed with spiritual conjecture. The edges between them blurs in this one. The story can be gruesome in places, but it is non-stop. It is thought-provoking, and if the preposition behind this story is right, it might one day come true. So be warned, put your seat belts on, because as you read this you are being catapulted into the very next story of this very wild Sequetus Series. Like the other volumes, there are great illustrations, pictures, maps, and glossary. Have fun and remember it is not all fiction. There is a tapestry of truth below the stories. This book is great for any age, male and female, science fiction readers .

  • Juggernauts


    Here’s the thirteenth book in the Sequetus Series. In this book the leader of the Palboan Temple, is saved from forces which see him as their only obstacle to unhindered galactic control. They have plans for him, and the Temple. They may have lost their takeover of the Galaxy a generation ago, but that does not mean that those years have been idle. The Corduke network, which is loyal to Jaron and the Master Templar, save him. Others, enemies, because of who this prophesied leader is, and his historic roots back to Earth, want Jaron either disposed of, or destroyed. But there are those who refuse to give in. However, as the air is now being polluted, and the food slowly poisoned, apathy sets into the population. Many have given up on making a better life. And that is exactly what some want. And so, the enemy out-there has time, and patience. It does not mind waiting, planning, manipulating, and putting their people into places to bide their time. Their moment will come. Time is on their side. They set their plans in terms of decades, not years. This book is the first volume in the Juggernaut Miniseries. It is space opera in its purist. It has a spiritual lean on events that you should find fascinating, but which makes total sense. What a spiritual blast into space opera the story is. This is the third set of volumes in this continuing epic Sequetus Series, started 12 books ago. When it was promised in the summary of the first book, Advance on Sequetus 3, that you would learn what is truly happening on Earth, we meant it. You are still doing that, in this and future books. And remember, this story was first penned in around 1992. Think of that as you read this story and look at your own world around you. Like the other volumes, there are great illustrations, pictures, maps, and glossary. Have fun and remember it is not all fiction. There is a tapestry-of-truth below the stories. This book is a great read for both male and female science fiction readers.

  • Maluka Rising

    Maluka Rising
    Maluka Rising

    Here’s the twenty-first book in the Sequetus Series. The Talkron have been completely routed from the Sequetus system, home of Earth. Next is obvious. Push the fight to a higher theater, planet Maluka. It is home of the Transgalactic Ship Corporation, the last Talkron bastion of faster than light speed travel. Maluka is a veritable fortress planet now. It takes stealth, not brute force, to get inside its borders. This also is the fourth volume in the Earth Syndrome Miniseries. As further detail, attention finally goes to the planet Maluka, the home of the Transgalactic Ship Corp, which developed faster than light speed travel, on Earth, in the 1950’s. We find Earth was also a prison planet for spiritual dissidents in most of its glory days gone by. The forces are gathering. The Master Templar has a new crack division, a intelligence corp, known as the Hallowmen. And there are the Cordukes, a spiritual paramilitary group. They are on Planet Jilta and doing their own Estimate of The Situation of Earth, and searching for what Goren Torren missed those years ago. In this book you will be taken to the Prime Planet Center of Maluka. You will meet the internal resistance. You will meet others from Malukan prison planets, who are now being set free. There is more time travel, going well back into the past to change events in the present. There is an entire Boguard section devoted to this. And there is more, so wild we will not say here. In this volume you will find the Boguard armed units. They have been training as well. The Federation now really knows what Maluka has been doing, and is about the change the way this galaxy has been run. However, as soon as the Federation changes the galactic outcome, they find that history has re-altered, and the worlds are not as they were an instant before. Someone has the ability to monkey with time, travel through it, and alter history. In this volume, understand what time really truly is, and use it. This is a fast, riveting, and compelling book. You will learn a lot of what is really possible in travelling time, plus you will learn more how faster-than-light speed travel works in the Federation. Like the other volumes, there are great illustrations, pictures, maps, and glossary. Remember it is not all fiction. There is a tapestry of truth below the stories. This book is a great read for both male and female science fiction fans.

  • The Talkron Hunter Part 1

    The Talkron Hunter Part 1
    The Talkron Hunter Part 1

    Here’s the sixteenth book in the Sequetus Series. Those subverting the culture and civilizations of the galactic Federation, including Earth, for the past thousands of years, have been exposed. They are the Talkron. While they’re able to subvert time, they have made a real error. They hurt Amy badly, and she is mercilessly evening the score. She’s Amy of Rambus, the Goddess of War, and she’s coming for them. This is also the fifth volume in the Juggernaut Miniseries. In more detail, the Talkron have been found. Never before has this happened. They are the ones controlling Earth and all the other planets in the Federation, and they are exposed. A small group, headed by one originally from Earth, has decided to take the fight back to the Talkron stronghold. Sure, the Talkron have always been there, pervading every planet in the Galaxy, since time was first recorded. They are the ones who have been behind the subversion of every great culture. They are ultimately the ones behind every war, manipulating every oppressive action. By using a form of mental implanting and controlling thoughts from afar, something that every great planet and nation ventured into before its downfall, they controlled all. And that included the great cultures of the historical Earth. But in this book, you see the total emergence of something not foreseen by the prophecies. It is Amy of Rambus, who now has the label, Amy, the Goddess of War. Amy knows who they are and is coming for them. And she seeks revenge, justice, and to even the score. She seeks to eradicate them all from the bowels of the physical universe, and send them back hell or wherever they came from. She seeks revenge and justice for her family they killed, her youth they perverted, her religion they stole. She seeks to destroy them to their core and then work out how to remove their remnants. She seeks to expunge the very memory of them from all civilization. She is coming, and they know she is. They had never prepared for this, for she is now the Talkron Hunter. The Talkron have never known fear before. They always were ready for any setback. They are the masters of time. Time is always on their side, but Amy is not anything they prepared for and nor could they predict her. She is the Talkron Hunter. What they find might surprise you; it might shock you, or you may just think it could never happen. So why don’t you fasten your seat belt, buckle in, and get catapulted into the next book in this wild and magnificent epic. As usual, there are great illustrations, maps and diagrams to help the reader, plus there is a full glossary. The book is good for both male and female science fiction readers.


Nick Broadhurst

The Sequetus Series started being written in 1987, the year the story kicks off. I started the first books using pen and paper and compiled many journals. Soon, however, I bought a new Amstrad computer, and was away. By book ten I was living in Tokyo and I was still at it, writing my story. By the twenty-third book, the Sequetus Series was complete, and it is 2014.This series of books is an epic piece of literature. I had never written a book before. I am an architect, and a construction project manager. But I really was interested in where this world was going, and I was going to also write about it - even if it was in fiction. I then did English and writing courses.And after the Sequetus Series, the Captain Kuro From Mars Series begins. It runs for twelve books. It incidentally follows on from the Sequetus Series. Telling the story does not stop.I lived and worked in over a dozen countries around the world, with Australia, Japan, the USA and now Nepal, being the four longest. I lived a life of adventure, and included is a lot of time in Asia, volunteering on disaster sites, and some during civil war. I have lived in a different world to what many of my readers see. The world I was born into did not have mobile phones, computers, or even satellites. I still remember when I looked up and saw the spaceship, as a star in the sky, as it moved from the left to the far right of the night sky. The early 1960s were wild adventure years. I sigh now as we are monitored and tracked.I recall almost fifty years ago, walking through the Australian bush, for two days, and the track I was walking across was littered with a dozen poisonous black-snakes, basking in the early morning winter sun. One bite would be fatal. I was seventeen. I was with another, but two days away from any road. We just carefully talked calmly to the snakes as we stepped over and through them. I still recall the images of them as they looked up to me. I also recall vividly trecking through the remote highlands of New Guinea, flying off cliffs in planes, and a lot more.There have been many different responses to people having read my books. They vary, but many readers claim they benefited. So if you want to read them, good for you. There is a lot in them. It is hoped you enjoy them as much as I did writing them.

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