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Avatar Gods ~ Alpha Centauri
Avatar Gods: Exodus
Avatar Gods
Ebook series3 titles

Avatar Gods Series

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About this series

This is the second in the Avatar Gods series.
Having defeated the USA in the Freedom War, the Utopians are swamped with migration requests. But Afroditee, and her closest colleagues, are wary of the human tide and make plans to go further into space. In despair of humankind, she leads them to Mars, but after a few years of peace the US destroys their base, forcing the Avatars to retaliate - and then the Exodus begins.
Leaping across the solar system with their teleporting system, the Avatars abandon humankind, and begin the most epic journey in history, the journey to the edge of the solar system, and then the journey to the nearest star.
About the author - Eero Tarik has published 400 works under a variety of pen names.
One reviewer wrote of the Avatar Gods...

..."an imaginative short story that blended futuristic technology, intrigue, political suspense and just plain old science fiction fun. "
"Using a wonderful blend of excellent writing that allows the reader to create vivid images of the book in their mind to a fantastic attention to detail and the use of full formed characters, "Avatar Gods" is an imaginative short story that will draw you in and make a convert out of you!"

PublisherEero Tarik
Release dateJul 13, 2013
Avatar Gods ~ Alpha Centauri
Avatar Gods: Exodus
Avatar Gods

Titles in the series (3)

  • Avatar Gods


    Avatar Gods
    Avatar Gods

    A challenging short story about the future migration of humans to a virtual world, and their struggle against the US government. These lovers of freedom, who are living in their own Utopia, a space based virtual world, rally behind the stunningly beautiful Afroditee and her Temple of the Avatar Gods as they declare war on the US and change human history forever. Bright - fast - imaginative - emotional. Breathtaking in its vision. About the author - Eero Tarik has published 400 works under a variety of pen names. Reviews of some of his other works include... *****OMG! That was the very best laugh ever! I laughed until the tears fell! *****This book is a classic Sci-fi tale of sex, loneliness and the human condition that will keep you turning pages - Highly recommended!!! *****This is a very clever sci-fi short story. It takes a bored and tired bachelor and puts him in an extremely strange and comedic position and we get to watch him struggle to get out of it. *****I love the way you published this book with Cyclone Sandy hitting the USA today. If human kind doesn't stop, then Mother Nature will stop it for you. Good work and was interesting reading especially today with all the events taking place.

  • Avatar Gods ~ Alpha Centauri


    Avatar Gods ~ Alpha Centauri
    Avatar Gods ~ Alpha Centauri

    The Utopians continue their Exodus, teleporting in half light year steps to the Alpha Centauri system. Stopping first at Proxima Centauri they are stunned to learn the truth about one of the planets. Then when they progress to Alpha A, Afroditee feels the strong presence from one of the planets and finally makes contact, with surprising results. Visionary - imaginative - fast paced sci fi at its best. -------------------------------------------- About the author - Eero Tarik has published 400 works under a variety of pen names. Reviews of some of his other works include... *****OMG! That was the very best laugh ever! I laughed until the tears fell! *****This book is a classic Sci-fi tale of sex, loneliness and the human condition that will keep you turning pages - Highly recommended!!! *****This is a very clever sci-fi short story. It takes a bored and tired bachelor and puts him in an extremely strange and comedic position and we get to watch him struggle to get out of it. *****I love the way you published this book with Cyclone Sandy hitting the USA today. If human kind doesn't stop, then Mother Nature will stop it for you. Good work and was interesting reading especially today with all the events taking place.

  • Avatar Gods: Exodus

    Avatar Gods: Exodus
    Avatar Gods: Exodus

    This is the second in the Avatar Gods series. Having defeated the USA in the Freedom War, the Utopians are swamped with migration requests. But Afroditee, and her closest colleagues, are wary of the human tide and make plans to go further into space. In despair of humankind, she leads them to Mars, but after a few years of peace the US destroys their base, forcing the Avatars to retaliate - and then the Exodus begins. Leaping across the solar system with their teleporting system, the Avatars abandon humankind, and begin the most epic journey in history, the journey to the edge of the solar system, and then the journey to the nearest star. ---------------- About the author - Eero Tarik has published 400 works under a variety of pen names. ---------------- One reviewer wrote of the Avatar Gods... ..."an imaginative short story that blended futuristic technology, intrigue, political suspense and just plain old science fiction fun. " "Using a wonderful blend of excellent writing that allows the reader to create vivid images of the book in their mind to a fantastic attention to detail and the use of full formed characters, "Avatar Gods" is an imaginative short story that will draw you in and make a convert out of you!"


Eero Tarik

A few years ago I started to write and publish short stories using a variety of pen names. In 2011, I wrote and published over a million words and I am now one of the world's most prolific short story authors - ever. Recently I turned my hand to writing science fiction. I love imagining what might be in the future, but it may not always be rosy so you tend not to see the hero saving the world on the last page on my stories. I recently discovered that I am genetically a Saami. I suspect part of that identity, and the thousands of years of isolation from humankind in my genes, also comes out in some of my stories. I write quickly, to tell a simple and entertaining story. I write so you can enjoy the story - not the grammar. I don't follow the rule book, I write to communicate, to reach out to you. I believe the more simple the story, the simpler the language, the more people will understand it. I don't plan my stories - I put my fingers on the keyboard and let them tell the story - the ending often unfolds from my fingertips without even thinking what it might be. My favourite sci-fi short stories of the ones I have published so far? I really enjoyed writing 2094, it had been forming in my mind for many years. In 2012, the cover of 2094 was sent to the edge of space on a hot air balloon and then returned - that was a great thrill. The Multiverse Traveler is another favourite and I am tempted to continue on with it into other stories. May I recommend, Androgyne, a recent addition to my bookshelf and a story I thoroughly enjoyed telling, and Avatar Gods which just felt amazing to write. I love the emotion it generates. It really adds to the atmosphere if you listen to the songs mentioned in the story. Some of my ebooks are what I would call "Live Fiction". They are stories I have written, and published, that are based on a real life event that is happening on that very day. For example, Killer Storm was written and published the same day as Hurricane Sandy hit the US East Coast. It is an unique niche story market. I also recently entered a short story into a competition, it will be published soon, which was written the same day as Kevin Rudd regained the Prime Ministership in Australia. It is called Traffic Lights. I enjoy listening to music as I write, it provides the stimulation for moods. Here is my writing playlist on Youtube, for those interested... I hope you enjoy them. For more information and to contact me, go to my website which is listed below.

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