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Paleo Diet for Athletes: Health Learning Series
Health Benefits of Meditation: Health Learning Series
Ways to Improve Self-Esteem
Ebook series30 titles

Health Learning Series

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About this series

BEAUTY FOR THE BUSY WOMAN -The Six-Day Beauty Program For the Busy Woman

How can a Busy Woman Keep Healthy and Beautiful?
Day One
Day Two
Day Three
Day Four
Day Five
Day Six
Day Seven
Appendix –
How to make rosewater
Author Bio

There was a time when I was so busy that my getting ready schedule on a hectic morning took anywhere between 7 to 10 minutes. And when I asked one of my equally busy colleagues, if she could take some time out, to a spa for the weekend for a little bit of pampering, because we needed it, this was her answer.
“Oh, do me a favor, DJ. Who really has the time to spend trying to beautify herself at home, or in a spa, when one does not even have the time to lie down and expire peacefully. Cannot you see that we are so busy the whole day long that if you imagine we have a few minutes for ourselves that in itself is a blessing. I am not going to be spending that time pampering myself and beautifying myself when I would rather be lying face down on a couch, fast asleep.”
Women have got so into the habit of being busy, busy, busy that they have forgotten the idea of cherishing themselves. How many times have you heard this statement, that one is so busy that one really does not have the time for “beautifying” one. In fact, many women I know use this as a very convenient excuse to look dowdy, and badly groomed. Because they are under the impression that good grooming takes a lot of time, and this should be done only on very special occasions. I beg to differ.
A woman who does not take some time off to cherish and cosset herself is either lacking in self-esteem, or does not seem to have any interest in the mere fact that she is fortunate to have been born a woman.
But then, many of us are going to say who really has the time and energy to spend long periods of time beautifying one when it is go go go from early morning till night. Yes, everybody knows that at the end of the day, a woman would like nothing better than to kick off her shoes, snuggle down in a comfortable sofa close her eyes and think deep deep, deep thoughts.
So let us start a six-day beauty program with just thinking, and eyes closed.
Firstly, let us start with relaxation. Unfortunately, the number of workaholics is increasing, because women have decided that more money in hand is their top priority. They are more focused on their family’s future financial security and so naturally they are not going to spend their time and hard-earned money in long winded beauty treatments in Salons and spas. Also, these women with hectic and busy schedules have forgotten how to relax.
So before we start on our six-day beauty treatment, here are some points, which you have to implement every day, to stay beautiful and stay healthy. Many of them are common sense tips, but how many of us implement them in real life? We do not have the time...

Release dateMar 13, 2014
Paleo Diet for Athletes: Health Learning Series
Health Benefits of Meditation: Health Learning Series
Ways to Improve Self-Esteem

Titles in the series (62)

  • Ways to Improve Self-Esteem

    Ways to Improve Self-Esteem
    Ways to Improve Self-Esteem

    Ways to Improve Self-Esteem Table of Contents Preface Understanding Self-Esteem Chapter # 1: Overview Chapter # 2: Alternative Self-Esteems Chapter # 3: Benefits of a Healthy Self-Esteem Chapter # 4: Causes of Low Self-Esteem Signs & Symptoms Chapter # 1: Introduction Chapter # 2: Emotional Symptoms of Low Self-Esteem Chapter # 3: Behavioral Symptoms of Low Self-Esteem Ways to Boost Low Self-Esteem Chapter # 1: Take a Self-Esteem Inventory Chapter # 2: Set Realistic Expectations Chapter # 3: Set Perfections Aside Chapter # 4: Explore Yourself Chapter # 5: Alter your Self-Image Chapter # 6: Stop Comparing Yourself Chapter # 7: Silence Your Self-Critic Chapter # 8: Self-Compassion Chapter # 9: Get help Chapter # 10: Herbal Remedies Conclusion References Preface There is no doubt about the fact that the society we live is a judgmental one; any person is viewed not by his/her good intentions and virtues but his/her bank balance, the brand of suit he is wearing and his “contacts”. This whole process of classification is not a new one and has been going around for centuries. In addition to judging others, people also tend to judge themselves and the level on which they rank themselves is known as self-esteem. Ask yourself; do I consider myself a capable group-leader? If your answer is somewhat like “No I don't think so. I mess up everything I do. What if I do it wrong? What would people think of me if I got this wrong?” Then you probably have “low self-esteem”. What is the exact definition of self-esteem? How do I boost it? And many more questions would be hovering on your mind. To put it in a light and simple way, self-esteem is your judgmental opinion about yourself. In this book you’ll see for yourself that low self-esteem is not an impregnable dilemma; it is curable and fixable. Furthermore, you will not require any medication or artificial product; you will be able to lift your self-esteem naturally. So what are you waiting for? Stop thinking how you look and start reading this book...

  • Paleo Diet for Athletes: Health Learning Series

    Paleo Diet for Athletes: Health Learning Series
    Paleo Diet for Athletes: Health Learning Series

    Table of Contents Preface SECTION I - Getting Started Chapter # 1: An Introduction Chapter # 2: Between the lines Chapter # 3: Added Beneifts Chapter # 4: Switching to the Paleo Diet SECTION II - Paleo Specifics Chapter # 1: Importance of BCAAs Chapter # 2: Importance of Simple Carbs SECTION III - Diet Plan Chapter # 1: Basic Paleo Plan Chapter # 2: Pre-work out meals Chapter # 3: Post-work out meals Chapter # 4: Breakfast Chapter # 5: Lunch Chapter # 6: Dinner Conclusion References Try our diet and get leaner; try our diet and you’ll lose 10 pounds in a week, try our diet and you’ll never have to do cardio again; and the list goes on and on. In today’s world dieting has become more of a business than a way to benefit people’s lives. There are hundreds of diets out there and dozens making their way into the market, all cleverly advertised to target the core weakness of every consumer: A promise to make your life better. This is largely a hollow promise but still ‘health corporations’ succeed in trapping hundreds of thousands of people. So the question arises what is so special about the Paleo diet that makes it worth trying? For starters, the Paleo diet isn’t a new thing; it wasn’t created a few years or decades ago by some professor in a testing lab. The Paleo diet was a result of humans’ fight for survival, it was what our ancestors used to eat 10,000 years ago; right around the time when there were no grocery stores, super markets and fast-food. Eating wasn’t something to do in free time; to eat one had to search for his/her food, hunt it down and cook it in/on whatever was available. Thus, Paleo is not just a diet it’s a lifestyle, one which will truly make your life healthier. The Paleo diet was just revived and popularized in the 70s by a Gastroenterologist Walter L. Voegtlin. This led to one research paper after another, one book after another being published by several doctors and nutritionists. By the 90s the Paleo diet had made its mark on the dieting market and had started to shape the dieting landscape. Practitioners started to create derivatives of the diet, synthesizing the pure Paleo meals by adding extra ‘ingredients’. In this book, I will only be using pure Paleo meals as a guide to a ‘better life’. This book is written keeping in mind the physical side of a healthier lifestyle. You’ll see how athletes can benefit from the Paleo diet; be it swimmers, wrestlers, runners, or players of any game. The claims will be backed by scientific evidence and you’ll see progress within weeks.

  • Health Benefits of Meditation: Health Learning Series

    Health Benefits of Meditation: Health Learning Series
    Health Benefits of Meditation: Health Learning Series

    Health Benefits of Meditation - Health Learning Series Table of Contents Preface SECTION I – Getting Started Chapter # 1: Intro Chapter # 2: Why Meditate? Chapter # 3: Types of Meditation Chapter # 4: General Guidelines to Meditation SECTION II – Benefits of Meditation to the Brain Chapter # 1: Behind the Scenes Chapter # 2: Better focus & Greater Emotional Response Chapter # 3: More Creativity and Better memory Chapter # 4: Less Stress & Anxiety SECTION III – Benefits of Meditation to the Body Chapter # 1: Better Immunity Chapter # 2: Control on Blood Pressure Chapter # 3: Pain Relief Chapter # 4: Improved Digestion Chapter # 5: Cure Headaches Chapter # 6: Overcome Addictions Chapter # 7: Lower Cholesterol Levels SECTION IV– Conclusion References Preface Social pressure, packed schedules and flailing economies; who has time or the money to even think, let alone practice any type of fitness or health regime. Even those who have the gift of time soon find themselves stuck in the web of, what is mostly an artificial and synthetic dieting market, not realizing they would totally be at the mercy of the industry that’s just out there for their money. In this deranged scene, a world wide revival was made by an art, practiced for over a thousands of years, ‘meditation’. Shooting to fame in the 60s, meditation has been the subject of thousands of scientific studies, with the most heavy ones being taken after the 70s. What is meditation? When most people listen to the word meditation, the image of a Buddhist monk sitting in a weird position comes to mind. This, no doubt is the main idea behind meditation, is still not the extent of it. Before knowing what meditation is, you must know what it is not. Meditation is not: •Concentration: An attempt to hold one’s attention on one specific idea or entity for a usually, long period of time. The techniques used in meditation are just a bit related to the word. •Losing Control: Voices, sounds, involuntary movements and spasms have no relation with meditation. These are just signs of loss of awareness, showing that one no longer controls some or most of his/her body. •Exercises: Physical positions, postures and heavy breathing are also not meditation. These practices can help establish a greater balance in your body, but only if practiced under the supervision of a master. Without a master’s guidance, you’ll just be hindering your body’s to channel its energy in the right way. •Mental effort: For instance, if you keep on thinking about one thing you won’t go anywhere with your practice. Meditation is a tool that helps you rediscover your own inner intelligence. It is keeping the mind quiet, finding the silence that already runs in our nerves and making it an active part of the life. From this increased sense of awareness, you attain intuition, inspiration and complete control and connection, down to the last nerve of the body. In effect you gain countless benefits, not just emotional or spiritual but physical too; you block out countless allergies, disorders and diseases that can or have ravaged through your body. Remember that there is no one way to meditate and in comparison one way is not better than the other as they all use the same principle at the core. In this book you’ll learn all about the benefits of meditation, how it is done and how it provides relief by using only the body’s own ability and not any medication. You will see that nature doesn't put a cost on health and well-being. So forget about your stress and take and relax, because your life is about to get a lot better!

  • The Magic of Coconuts For Cooking and Health

    The Magic of Coconuts For Cooking and Health
    The Magic of Coconuts For Cooking and Health

    The Magic of Coconuts For Cooking and Health Table of Contents Introduction The Power of Coconut Oil Which Coconuts To Plant Coconut Birdhouse Growing of Coconuts in a Nursery Where to Grow a Coconut Harvesting coconuts. Other Uses of Coconuts How to Make Coconut Butter Coconut Cream and Coconut Milk Coconut Cream Coconut Milk Comes First How to Make Coconut Cream Last Longer Coconuts in Cuisine Indonesian Chili Chicken Simple Coconut Chutney Traditional South Indian Coconut Chutney Traditional Coconut Pudding Conclusion Author Bio Introduction The moment you hear the word “nut” you visualize a small, well, nut with a hard shell, which needs to be removed. So how did the coconut get to be called a nut, when it is definitely not a nut, but a drupe? Whether drupe or nut, the name Coco was given to this native of South America, by Spanish explorers, because they thought that it resembled the face of a monkey [Coco.] In fact, the eyes as well as the hairy appearance of the enough, made them think of a monkey, but in ancient eastern mythology, it was considered to be the face of Lord Shiva the destroyer in Hindu mythology who had three eyes For generations, the coconut has been considered to be the tree of life, because it has provided people down the ages, with everything they wished. Oil, juice, food to eat in the shape of coconut meat, coconut milk and everything nourishing, which you can get from the coconut is readily available at hand. All you have to do is climb the tree like a Coco and gather coconuts. Did you know that more than one third of the world subsists on coconuts for survival? Many Countries have based their economies on coconut products. And that is why, in many parts of the East, cutting down the coconut tree is taboo, because of its spiritual, emotional, and traditional associated bond with human beings. Coconuts are extremely rich in minerals, vitamins and in fiber. Doctors in coastal areas know that they do not have to worry about any harm coming to victims of typhoons and epidemics, as long as they are coconuts around. Asian, Eastern and Pacific cultures have long use the products of coconut, for healing and curing, especially in alternative medicines. Coconut oil is considered to be the best moisturizer as well as healing base for medical preparations since ancient times. So everything from massaging to conditioning your hair and making beauty cosmetics from coconut have been a part of Eastern, Pacific and Asian culture for millenniums. The West has finally woken up to the medical and healing potential of the coconut and its products. Thanks to extensive research being done in the UK and in the USA, people have got to know all about the healing power of the coconut. However, it was only when Jennifer Aniston was seen in the supermarket with lots of coconuts, that it began to become really popular in America as a healthy food item. Until then, it was just used as a hair conditioner or a skin moisturizer and in other natural beauty preparations. Nobody can suffer from malnutrition or dehydration, if you have a coconut tree around. It is surprising how recently modern research has found out that coconuts are both antiviral and antibacterial. In ancient Eastern medicine, people knew how to cure throat infections, mouth infections, bladder and urinary infections, kidney related diseases, influenza, pneumonia and other diseases caused by bacteria, viruses and fungi for millenniums. In fact, if you had a tree of life in your garden, you would live almost as long as did the tree. That is because you were eating itself the fruit, which would keep you healthy and with a strong autoimmune system throughout your life.

  • How to Avoid Brain Aging: Dementia – Memory Loss - Health Learning Series

    How to Avoid Brain Aging: Dementia – Memory Loss - Health Learning Series
    How to Avoid Brain Aging: Dementia – Memory Loss - Health Learning Series

    How to Avoid Brain Aging - Dementia – Memory Loss - Health Learning Series Table of Contents Introduction. Section one: How human brain works? What is brain aging? How to avoid brain aging? Section two: Dos to avoid brain aging: Regular exercise. Healthy diet. Healthy social interactions. Improve your brain potential. Section three: Don’ts to avoid brain aging: Alcohol intake. Drug abuse. Inadequate sleep. Stress. Health issues. Excessive use of medicines and supplements. A quick review. Introduction Is increasing age withering the performance of your brain? Are you clueless how to avoid the side effects of aging on your brain health? Is your aging brain ruining your life? No matter how many problems you have faced because of your increasing age, “How to avoid brain aging?” gives you a quick review of all the dos and don’ts for a successful brain aging. Each chapter of this book gives you a deep insight to the basic causes of brain aging and helps answer your basic question: “How to avoid brain aging?” Following the guidelines regarding life style changes, eating habits, social interactions and habits to avoid, you can overcome the problem of brain aging in a quick and effective manner and can lead a healthy and active life.

  • Paleo Diet For Weight Loss: Health Learning Series

    Paleo Diet For Weight Loss: Health Learning Series
    Paleo Diet For Weight Loss: Health Learning Series

    Paleo Diet For Weight Loss Should you be on a Paleo Diet? Find out what the research shows. Table of Contents Paleo Diet - An Introduction Question # 1: What is Paleo Diet ? Question # 2: What can I eat ? Question # 3: What good will it do to me ? Question # 4: Will Paleo Diet have any negative impact on my health ? Question # 5: Do you have any evidence for your claims ? SECTION I - Paleo Diet Weight Loss Chapter # 1: Overview Chapter # 2: Under the hood Chapter # 3: Paleo Diet, What and What not Chapter # 4: Is that it ? SECTION II - Paleo Diet vs Other Popular Diets Chapter # 1: The World of Diets Chapter # 2: Weight Watchers Diet Chapter # 3: Biggest Loser Diet Chapter # 4: Jenny Craig Diet Chapter # 5: Raw Food Diet Chapter # 6: Diet Comparison Chart SECTION III - Paleo Diet Menus Chapter # 1: Breakfast Chapter # 2: Lunch Chapter # 3: Dinner Conclusion References What is Paleo Diet? Basically, Paleo diet is a fancy word for caveman diet; it’s what our ancestors used to consume tens of thousands of years ago when hunting was the only way to acquire food. The fundamental concepts behind the Paleo diet boil down to the genetic level. Simply put, our DNA has not significantly changed over the past 40 thousand years, and therefore, our bodies have not yet fully reformed to the contemporary, highly processed and artificial food items that are available in abundance nowadays. Thus the Paleo style of eating is the most biologically appropriate diet for us. What can I eat? Paleo diet includes anything that can be hunted or gathered. Clearly, hunting is not an option to acquire food nowadays but you can still obtain it from a supermarket, if of course the food was readily available during the Paleolithic period. Paleo diet includes and is not limited to meat, fish, vegetables, eggs, shellfish, tree nuts, roots, fruits, coconut palm sugar and raw honey. Dairy, potatoes, processed oils, grains, legumes and sugars are to be avoided, along with salt and any drinks except water, coconut water and green tea. The diet of course eliminates any processed and readymade foods available today and is gluten free, largely due to the exclusion of grains.

  • How to Get Rid of High Blood Pressure or Hypertension Naturally: Health Learning Series

    How to Get Rid of High Blood Pressure or Hypertension Naturally: Health Learning Series
    How to Get Rid of High Blood Pressure or Hypertension Naturally: Health Learning Series

    How to Get Rid of High Blood Pressure or Hypertension Naturally - Health Learning Series Table of Contents. •Introduction. Section one- Knowing hypertension. •What is hypertension? •Do you have hypertension? - Access by Symptoms. •What causes hypertension? •Health risks due to hypertension- Read Now! Section Two- Treatments of hypertension. •Treatments of hypertension- An overview. •Treat hypertension from common home stuff- Home remedies. •Try some herbs. •Change your life style. •Be careful of what you eat. •Medicines for hypertension- An effective remedy. •Surgical correction of hypertension. Introduction. “In the United States, about 77.9 million (1 out of 3) adults have high blood pressure.” (American Heart Association, 2013 fact sheet) According to the same report, the prevalence of hypertension in the United States population is likely to increase by 7.2% in 2030 as compared to 2013. The American population spends a total of 52 billion $ for the treatment of hypertension and its associated complications. Hypertension is reported as one of the leading causes of death throughout the world. The death toll has significantly increased due to the hypertension induced stroke and heart attack. “In the United States, about 69% of people who have a first heart attack, 77% who have a first stroke, and 74% who have a first congestive heart failure have blood pressure higher than 140/90 mmHg” (American Heart Association, 2013 fact sheet) So, cure of hypertension is essential for healthy living and increasing life expectancy. If you are looking for effective remedies for hypertension, then “How to get rid of hypertension? Read Now!” is the book you need. This book gives a detailed yet quick review of all the homemade, herbal, allopathic and surgical remedies for hypertension. Each chapter of this book gives you a deep insight to the basic causes of hypertension and helps answer your basic question: “How to get rid of hypertension?” Following the guidelines regarding the life style changes, eating habits, herbal and homemade remedies, and allopathic treatments, mentioned in this book, you can overcome this problem in a quick and effective manner and can prevent the relapse of symptoms.

  • How to Get Rid of Asthma Naturally

    How to Get Rid of Asthma Naturally
    How to Get Rid of Asthma Naturally

    How to Get Rid of Asthma Naturally - Health Learning Series Table of Contents. Introduction. Section one- Asthma – an overview. Asthma – What is Asthma? Symptoms – When you know it’s coming... Risk factors and Complications – Why you should bother trying to avoid asthma? Section Two- Reducing Asthma in a natural way. Natural remedies – Who needs a doctor? Try some homemade remedies. Go green, Go for herbs. What to eat, what to avoid? Healthy life style – An effective prophylaxis. Use air conditioner. Change your room décor. Reduce mold spores. Reduce pet dander. Cover your mouth and nose. Stay healthy Get regular exercise. Maintain normal weight. Eat healthy Control heart burn Introduction. “An estimated 22 million Americans have asthma; 6.5 million are under 18” (American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology) Asthma is a serious complication of respiratory track which causes symptoms like chest congestion, coughing and difficulty in breathing. “In America alone, asthma causes 4,000 deaths per year” (American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology) Environmental pollution and too much exposure to harmful chemicals have significantly increased the susceptibility of people getting asthma. The death toll is expected rise even further. The cost of treatment of asthma is increasing. Accept it- No one likes going to a doctor. A single visit to a doctor costs too much. “Americans spend, through direct and indirect expenses, a total of $19.7 million each year for the treatment of asthma" (American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology) This book focuses on describing all the possible natural treatments of asthma. You don’t have to go to great lengths to cure asthma. Sometimes, simple things in your cupboard or refrigerator can serve as homemade remedies for asthma. Another natural way is to treat asthma with herbs. Herbs are being used for the treatment of several ailments for thousands of years. But, it’s an astounding fact that people consider them unsafe and difficult to use. Several experimentations have proved that herbs can cure several health conditions with virtually zero side effects. A simple change in life style can also help in curing asthma. Asthmatic attacks, in some cases, are triggered by eating certain food substances. So, having knowledge of what to eat and what to skip can actually decrease the frequency of asthmatic attacks. Section one - Asthma – an overview Asthma – What is Asthma? Asthma is a common health condition related to an immune reaction taking place in the respiratory track. It’s a breathing disorder characterized by several symptoms like air way obstruction, difficulty in breathing, tightness of chest, coughing and wheezing. For most of the people asthma is not a big problem. But, in reality it can cause serious hindrance in performing routine activities. If it goes untreated, it can produce serious and life threatening conditions. Asthma is an immune reaction triggered when the respiratory track is exposed to certain irritating stimuli. Human body has got a strong immune system which protects it from the harmful effects of foreign substances like chemicals, pollutants and organisms like bacteria and viruses. An important component of this immune system is “mast cells”. These cells respond to the presence of certain “antigens” and release several mediators of inflammation, in the presence of these antigens. For example, if these cells are exposed to the smoke of cigarette, they’ll release several chemicals which, in turn, will start a cascade of events leading to the development of symptoms of inflammation. These mediators cause spasm in the muscles of respiratory track, increase the production of mucus and make the respiration difficult. Asthma is a combination of several environmental and genetic factors.

  • Eliminate Pain! How to Get Rid of Arthritis and Joint Pain Naturally!

    Eliminate Pain! How to Get Rid of Arthritis and Joint Pain Naturally!
    Eliminate Pain! How to Get Rid of Arthritis and Joint Pain Naturally!

    Are you worried about your arthritis problem? Is arthritis pain ruining your life? Does it make you feel useless and handicapped? Do you wish to live a healthy and normal life again? Now arthritis is not an issue of mystery anymore because it can be cured and treated well. Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. What is Arthritis? 3. Types of Arthritis 4. Symptoms of Arthritis 5. Causes of Arthritis 6. Home Remedies for Arthritis 7. Lifestyle Changes During Arthritis 8. Physiotherapy Treatment for Arthritis 9. Foods to Eat During Arthritis 10. Foods to Avoid During Arthritis 11. Allopathic treatment for arthritis 12. Surgical Treatment for Arthritis 13. Photo Credits All your questions, concerns and queries are going to be answered through this book «How to get rid of arthritis and joint pain naturally». This book will give you a brief review of all the possible causes and treatments of arthritis. The book will provide you guideline regarding the lifestyle changes, eating habits, medical treatment, surgical treatment and natural remedies for arthritis. Having a detail look of this book will help you overcome the arthritis within no time.

  • The Magic of Gooseberries For Health and Beauty

    The Magic of Gooseberries For Health and Beauty
    The Magic of Gooseberries For Health and Beauty

    The Magic of Gooseberries For Health and Beauty Table of Contents Introduction How to Grow Gooseberries Gooseberry Varieties Planting a Single Shoot Gooseberry Tree Gooseberry Diseases Gooseberry Cuttings Gooseberry Harvesting Gooseberries for Health Magic Chyavanprash Chyavanprash Recipe: Gulqand – Rose Jam – Recipe: The Natural Cure For Sugar Diabetes Gooseberry for Increasing Brainpower Preventing Excessive Thirst and Prickly Heat Getting Rid of Cough Hoarse Throat Curing Migraine How Useful Is Gooseberry with Honey Try This Tip Preventing Vitamin C Deficiency Liver Problems Curing Jaundice Gooseberries for Beauty Suffering from Skin Ailments? Making a Gooseberry Skincare Cream Hair Loss Recipe Natural Conditioners for the Hair: Traditional Natural Shampoo Best Natural Rinse after a Shampoo How to make Rose water (Gulab Jal) Natural Hair Dye My Own Shampoo Hair Darkener How to Make Gooseberry Hair Oil Taking Care of Your Teeth Pyorreah Shaking teeth Gooseberries in Traditional Cooking Gooseberry Chutney Traditional Gooseberry jam Traditional Gooseberry pickles The Difference between Chutneys and Pickles Conclusion How to dry gooseberries? Desi ghee Author Bio Introduction Playing gooseberry may be an aphorism to describe an unwanted person, who is not needed in a self-contained and self absorbed group of two, but in reality, the common gooseberry is one of the most precious, wanted and valuable of natural plants. Gooseberry shrubs can be found all over the world, where the climate has plenty of sun, and the humidity content in the air is high. Native American gooseberries are larger than their Asian counterparts. Not only is this an excellent medicinal plant, but it is also well-known for its beautifying qualities. In fact, the ancient sages in the East. Make sure that they had plenty of gooseberries, in their daily diet, because they considered this fruit to be the reason for their longevity, everlasting good health, and youthful looks. The ancients called this the gift of the gods, and thought that the gods had given the gooseberry to man because even though they could not give him immortality, they could give him longevity in the shape of gooseberries. That is because Indian myth says that this plant grew from a few drops of nectar, dropping on the earth by the gods taking the treasures of the sea, to the heavens. These treasures were obtained by churning the seas by the gods and the demons. Out of them, the nectar of immortality was one. Gooseberries, also known as Emblica officianalis have long been a religious, and political symbol in India and China.This is the reason why, in ancient Indian history, myth and religious tradition, giving a gooseberry to somebody who you honored and revered was considered to be the prerogative of Kings. The Hindus worship the gooseberry tree, because they consider Lord Vishnu to live in this plant. Living in South India as a child, I consider myself to have been brought upon gooseberries, because that was what we used to gnaw at school, and best friends used to share their “nellikas” among themselves. Hiding your own supply of gooseberries was considered the height of selfishness and treachery among friends. These gooseberries were of course “purloined” from the gooseberry trees, growing in particularly targeted gardens. It is a wonder how we managed to digest those raw gooseberries, along with raw guavas. And all of us had the lyrics of a very popular song of the time down pat, of which the chorus was – Nellikai amma illi baa [lit – gooseberry lady, come here...] We enjoyed the extremely sour taste of gooseberries, when we did not have tamarinds around. And that is why, whenever we had some time to spare, we would be hitting the branches of the deciduous gooseberry tre

  • How to Eliminate Heart Burn and Acid Reflux Naturally: Health Learning Series

    How to Eliminate Heart Burn and Acid Reflux Naturally: Health Learning Series
    How to Eliminate Heart Burn and Acid Reflux Naturally: Health Learning Series

    How to Eliminate Heart Burn and Acid Reflux Naturally - Health Learning Series Table of Contents •Introduction Section one: •What is heart burn? •Symptoms of heart burn. oIn adults oIn children •What are the causes of heart burn? Section two: •How to get rid of heart burn? oLife style changes. oHome remedies for heart burn. oHerbal treatment for heart burn. oMedication for heart burn. oPosture changes while sleeping. oPosture changes while eating. oStress management and heart burn. oSurgical treatment for heart burn Introduction Are you clueless how to get rid of heart burn? Do you need help overcoming the burning pain you experience before or after eating your meals? Is heart burn ruining your life? No matter how old your problem of heart burn may be, “How to get rid of heart burn and Acid Reflux Naturally” gives you a quick review of all homemade, herbal, allopathic and surgical remedies for heart burn. Each chapter of this book gives you a deep insight to the basic causes of heart burn and helps answer your basic question “How to get rid of this condition?” Following the guidelines regarding life style changes, eating habits and medical care, mentioned in this book, you can overcome this problem in a quick and effective manner and can prevent the relapse of symptoms.

  • Paleo Diet: Side Effects- Health Learning Series

    Paleo Diet: Side Effects- Health Learning Series
    Paleo Diet: Side Effects- Health Learning Series

    Should you be on a Paleo Diet? Find out what the research shows. Table of Contents Paleo Diet - An Introduction SECTION I - The trouble begins Chapter # 1: Warning shots Chapter # 2: Behind the scenes Chapter # 3: How to ease these side effects SECTION II - Side effects that play along Chapter # 1: Weakness and Memory Loss Chapter # 2: The threat of Hypothyroidism Chapter # 3: Vitamin B-Complex Deficiency Chapter # 4: Calcium Deficiency Chapter # 5: Sodium Deficiency Chapter # 6: Bad Breath SECTION III - Effects on people with Medical conditions Chapter # 1: Effects on Type II diabetics Chapter # 2: Effects on Cardiovascular health Conclusion References The Trouble Begins Chapter # 1: Warning Shots As obvious, the Paleo diet cuts off a lot of carbohydrates and dairy products from one’s diet. When you start up with the Paleo diet, the first few weeks might be particularly hard on you. Many Paleo gurus brush this off by stating this as an adaption phase for your body, from a high-carb diet to a low one. Many people fall for this trap and continue with the diet plan but the reality is somewhat different; you will find out soon enough. The following are a list of side affects you may experience when starting out with the Paleo regimen: •Headache •Fatigue •Nausea •Lack of energy •Lack of concentration •Weakness •Light-headedness •Dizziness •Irritability •Constipation and/or diarrhea •Body aches •Cold sweats You might start experiencing them within the first 12 hours of dieting. These side effects may resolve within a few days or may last for up to 2 – 4 weeks in some extreme cases. Read about the pros and cons of the paleo diet that is so popular today.

  • Grandma’s Natural Remedies and Ancient Herbal Recipes: Volume 4


    Grandma’s Natural Remedies and Ancient Herbal Recipes: Volume 4
    Grandma’s Natural Remedies and Ancient Herbal Recipes: Volume 4

    Grandma’s Natural Remedies and Ancient Herbal Recipes - Volume 4 Table of Contents Introduction What is The Importance Of fruit, vegetables, herbs And spices? Spices in Your Daily Diet Grandma – Cook and Medicine Woman Garam Masala Recipe Massaman Masala Grandma’s Herbal Tips Controlling High Blood Pressure Why Grandma Did Not Fuss Curing Cuts, Bruises And Wounds Depression Nervous problems/Irritability Obesity Cure Curry leaves Lemon Juice Regime Losing weight Through Exercise? How Boring! Conclusion Author Bio Introduction In this fourth volume of grandma’s ancient natural remedies and herbal recipes, you are going to get a collection of recipes, in which grandmother used fruit, vegetables, herbs and spices to cure her family and also the neighbors around her. These remedies were given to her down the ages from our grandmother, and so on. Many of these remedies have been lost in the mists of time, but there were still some people in ancient times who wrote these remedies down in books. In 800 BC, Homer praised the knowledge of ancient Egyptians, who were extremely skilled in noninvasive surgery, and treatment of ailments. Ancient well-known Greek and Roman medicine men like Galen and Hippocrates gained plenty of their knowledge studying in the University of Amenhotep and the great and glorious physician Lucanus – known in Biblical history as Saint Luke – studied under Greek and Egyptian physicians. There were plenty of physicians who believe in spells, and considered that disease was caused by evil demons. Tibetan and other Eastern medicine still uses incantations to get rid of demons which have possessed a human or an animal body, thus causing it to get sick. In Indian and Chinese medicine, the ancient doctors had a good knowledge of the human anatomy. More than 4000 years ago, doctors in India were practicing plastic surgery, by making up noses from flaps of skin taken from other parts of the body. In the same manner, Chinese doctors knew all about blood circulation and acupuncture. In fact, Chinese medicine can be considered to be one of the most ancient, scientific and knowledgeable science ever known to mankind in today’s world. It was well documented, as was Egyptian medicine, of which many ancient priceless papyri have been found. Many of these ancient doctors knew about cause and effect, even though the belief of disease causing demons possessing a body still lingers on in many parts of the East. People are also under the impression that diseases are under the control and power of gods and goddesses who have to be placated so that they do not send an epidemic in the coming rainy season. Egypt, China, Greece, Mesopotamia, and India were fertile lands. That is why there was absolutely no reason why the people living here could not have plenty of healthy food to eat. Grains, fruit, vegetables, cereals, spices, nuts, and other natural health giving food were in abundance. This is why the ancients lived so long. Because of this healthy natural diet, and most of the people living outdoors, ailments and illnesses were few. That is why people of the 21st century are coming back to nature and looking for natural remedies based on fruit and vegetables, which are going to cure them of diseases and ailments. Chemical-based drugs may heal you very well on a short-term basis, but they are going to have an everlasting long-term effect on your body. That is because they are made up of chemicals, which do not suit the bio-physiological functioning system of your body. On the other hand, fruits and vegetables as well as herbs are going to heal your body naturally, while making sure that you do not suffer from any sort of side effects. This is the reason why grandma ‘s collected herbal lore and knowledge is all about the wonderful medical and beauty enhancing benefits of different herbs, spices, fruit, vegetables

  • Natural Cures of Anxiety: Health Learning Series

    Natural Cures of Anxiety: Health Learning Series
    Natural Cures of Anxiety: Health Learning Series

    Natural Cures of Anxiety Table of Contents Preface Warning Shots Chapter # 1: Overview Chapter # 2: Physiological Symptoms of Anxiety Chapter # 3: Physical Symptoms of Anxiety Chapter # 4: Causes of Anxiety Disorders Chapter # 5: Types of Anxiety Disorders Generalized Anxiety Disorder Chapter # 1: What is it? Chapter # 2: Symptoms of GAD Chapter # 3: Treatment Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Chapter # 1: What is it? Chapter # 2: Symptoms of OCD Chapter # 3: Treatment Phobia Chapter # 1: What is it? Chapter # 2: Symptoms of Phobia Chapter # 3: Treatment Social Anxiety Disorder Chapter # 1: What is it? Chapter # 2: Symptoms of SAD Chapter # 3: Treatment Post-traumatic stress disorder Chapter # 1: What is it? Chapter # 2: Symptoms of PTSD Chapter # 3: Treatment Conclusion References Preface Anxiety, what is it? The common perception of anxiety is a disorder that keeps a person all tense and worried. The reality however is quite different; Anxiety is not itself a disorder, it is a universal term used for a collection of disorders that cause fear, nervousness, worrying, apprehension, etc. These may sometimes be combined with physical symptoms that include shaking, sweating, chest pains and headaches. Anxiety is not a disease or an epidemic but is a natural response to certain events; for example you may feel anxious on a roller-coaster or when you’re trying to finish a test in the last few minutes. Therefore, no one is immune to anxiety; anyone can have a sudden anxiety attack and experience symptoms of anxiety.Many people are not always under the effect of anxiety but experience sudden jitters or anxiety attacks. Initially anxiety is not dangerous but it can become a problem when you start to feel anxious for no reason. This is the first sign of danger and if left unattended can cause problem that can disrupt your entire social and professional life. “Reading, learning and even thinking about tackling anxiety will make you more anxious.” – Unknown Right now and right here, it should be clear to you that this is an entirely false and ridiculous myth and believing it would do you no good. If you don’t know what you’re dealing with how are you supposed to counter it? So do not let this thought become a hurdle in managing anxiety. In this book you’ll learn how to counter every disorder associated with anxiety and you’ll learn to do it naturally! Therefore, just relax and get ready to get all that uninvited anxiety right out of your system.

  • What Makes Me Fat? How to Eliminate Obesity Naturally!

    What Makes Me Fat? How to Eliminate Obesity Naturally!
    What Makes Me Fat? How to Eliminate Obesity Naturally!

    Learn what makes you fat and how to eliminate these factors in your life. An easy to read book to help you live better and eat the right things. Knowledge is power and this book teaches you the proper way to eat and live to live a healthier life. Table of Contents Introduction Section one: What is obesity?- The story behind Causes of obesity-“Why am I getting fat?” Section two: How to treat your obesity? Food you should eat to lose weight-“Eat healthy to stay healthy” Foods to avoid- “Think before you eat” Home remedies for weight loss- “Try them and don’t regret” Herbal remedies for losing weight- “Fall in love with us to get lean and smart” say herbs. Exercises for rapid weight loss- “Burn fats, build muscles and get back in shape” Surgical treatment for obesity- “don’t lose hope” “Overall, more than 10% of the world population is obese” (World health organization- WHO) Superfluous food and the ease with which we can attain all the things we need has made physical activity almost extinct. It’s safe to say that obesity is the gift of modern era; a gift that can potentially be deadly. For instance, according to the same report almost 2.8 million adults die each year of obesity! If you’re suffering from this disease of modern era, this last point should give ample reason for you to try get rid of obesity. This book discusses how dangerous obesity can be and gives you a complete plan regarding how you can get rid of this curse of the modern era. Is obesity as evil as it sounds? Yes, it is. Not only it makes you look unfit but also makes you susceptible to a number of health hazards like high blood pressure, metabolic disorders, diabetes, stroke, joint complications, cancer and heart attack. It’s ironic that how the hearts and souls of people tremble when they hear of diseases like cancer, heart attack and stroke. Obesity; who cares about it? I love food, I live for eating, and eating is my life. People try to hide this foe behind these statements. Why wait for a heart attack or a stroke? Why not try to nip the evil in its bud? I feel no hesitation in saying that obesity is the mother of hundreds of other diseases. It’s not a disease in itself but is the risk factor of several other maladies. By now you would be wondering; “if obesity is so dangerous then it should take a magical pill to get rid of it”. That magical pill is in your hands. A healthy lifestyle is the only way to get rid of this condition. Who needs a doctor when you can cure a condition all by yourself? The major portion of this book focuses on describing the dietary habits, different exercise, herbal alternatives and home remedies to burn extra fat. But sometimes, things do get serious and you need a doctor. The last few pages describe the medicinal and surgical remedies of obesity.

  • The Magic of Cardamoms For Cooking and Health

    The Magic of Cardamoms For Cooking and Health
    The Magic of Cardamoms For Cooking and Health

    The Magic of Cardamoms For Cooking and Health Table of Contents Introduction How to Grow Cardamoms Growing Cardamoms from Seeds. Getting Your Seeds Ready for Sowing When to Harvest Cardamoms How to Store Cardamoms Traditional Spiced Masala Chai Making Traditional Chai Where to Use Black Cardamoms Traditional Noodle Soup Traditional Tandoori Masala Cardamoms for Healing Fighting Depression Throat and Chest Infections Conclusion Author Bio Introduction Cardamoms are considered to be one of the most expensive and precious spices in the world today, taking their place along with saffron, cinnamon, cloves and vanilla. So what is the magic about this fruit, which has made it the cause for sailors and soldiers going out to conquer lands where this plant was a native and grown extensively? Historians say that this plant is native to the Indian subcontinent, and that is why the tropical climate made this plant flourish all over Nepal, Bhutan, India, and surrounding areas. You may find cardamom in the market, packaged in green seed pods, which have to be removed so that you can find aromatic green seeds inside. The shell is papery and is equally aromatic as are the seeds. Guatemala is a top producing country for cardamoms, which are either black or green in color. Both of them belong to the same family, but are two different species. The green cardamoms which you enjoy sprinkling on your desserts , or just enjoy chewing on the seeds to freshen your breath are Elettaria, [this name has been taken from the traditional ancient name for cardamoms –elaichi- taken from the original Sanskrit ellaka] while the dark brown larger pods are Amomum. [This word has been derived from the Greek word amonos Or One without Reproach.] Many researchers believe that this is the spice referred to in the New Testament, – a large portion of which was originally written in Greek – and called amomon. In the same way, a priceless spice tablet going back more than 3000 years, and found in recent excavations in Mycenae in ancient palatial archives, talks about this precious spice-amomon. The great Greek botanist Theophrastus described this spice in 450 BCE, but he was not very certain about whether it originally came from Persia or from India. All he knew that it came from the mysterious lands of spices. Surprisingly enough, this family belongs to the same family as the well-known herb- ginger. The family is Gingiferaceae , with different genus and species making up the members of this family.

  • Paleo Diet: Good or Bad? An Analysis of Arguments and Counter-Arguments

    Paleo Diet: Good or Bad? An Analysis of Arguments and Counter-Arguments
    Paleo Diet: Good or Bad? An Analysis of Arguments and Counter-Arguments

    Should you be on a Paleo Diet? Find out what the research shows. Table of Contents Introduction Part I: A trip through time Part II: Paleo diet explained - The return of the caveman SECTION I - Arguments favoring paleo diet Argument 1: The genes of old Argument 2: Paying the price of modernity Argument 3: Fighting obesity - "They are a lazy people" Argument 4: Fitter and Healthier body - The case of athletes SECTION II - Arguments against paleo diet Argument 1: Did our ancestors really eat paleo? Argument 2: The evolutionary theory challenged Argument 3: The solution for all diseases? Argument 4: The perfect diet or just another fad diet? Argument 5: The 2011 study - The worst in 20 diets Conclusion: A 10,000 year old dispute - The tribe leader and the old man References Imagine yourself travelling back in time - far back. When you open your eyes, you are sitting on a small rock, about 10,000 years ago. The paleolithic era of history is almost at its end. Birds are flying around. There are trees and animals everywhere you look. The air is clean and so nice to breathe in. A cool wind is blowing through your face. Suddenly you feel hungry and you know that it’s time to eat. You call some of your fellow tribe members. Spears are brought out and after some chasing and running you all hunt down a bison. You take out meat from the bison’s body and roast it on fire. Then someone brings in some natural herbs and berries from nearby and thus, a delicious well-balanced meal is served and everyone gets his share. Tired as everyone is after the hunt, everyone sits down to eat. Read about the pros and cons of the paleo diet that is so popular today.

  • The Magic of Cloves For Healing and Cooking

    The Magic of Cloves For Healing and Cooking
    The Magic of Cloves For Healing and Cooking

    The Magic of Cloves For Healing and Cooking Table of Contents Introduction How to Grow Cloves Growing from Seeds Time for Germinating Transplanting Your Seedlings Water Water Everywhere and Not a Drop to Drink... When Do You Get the Flowers and the Seeds? When Do You Harvest Them? Can You Grow Clove Plants from Cuttings? Clove Pomander Clove Oil Cloves in Ancient Remedies Cloves as Insect Repellent Suffering from Diarrhea? Not Feeling Hungry? Chest Congestion Throat Infections Healing Cuts and Bruises Clove – Cinnamon Ointment Cloves in Making Masalas Garam Masala Lamb Roast with Cloves Dal Fry Anyone for Tempering? Conclusion Winter oil Introduction I remember my father recounting a traditional and ancient Persian poem to me, which he had learned when his grandmother was busy cooking in the kitchen. She was just following ancient traditions, when women from the Mogul times – 14th-century – sang this song for fun in the kitchen, while cooking and amusing their kids at the same time. The translation from the vernacular goes something like this – Clove and cardamom – good pals they Went for a forbidden swim for kicks. And soon we heard Clove yelling. “Golly, cardamom has gone for a six ”. ¬ and so on, in more hilarious verses, about how clove would and could not bother to drag the drowning cardamom out of the water, because he would get wet, catch a cold, his momma had told him not to go swimming, and so on! Until cardamom came out of the water and both went home. Home, meaning the tummy of a gourmet who would appreciate the presence of cloves and cardamom in his delicately seasoned dish. The Association of cloves and cardamoms have been a part of the lives of spices in the East. Where you put in a couple of ground cloves, you may be asked whether you want to add some more cardamoms in, too. Most often, you say yes, because after all that is going to increase the taste quotient. Cloves also go well with cinnamon, star anise, basil and pepper. Nevertheless, this book is going to tell you all about the magic of cloves, which has been considered to be one of the most precious spices treasured down the centuries by the West. Wars were fought for cardamoms, cinnamon, pepper and cloves. Trade routes to the Indies, and to the East were jealously guarded by adventurous traders in the West. Cloves first originated in Indonesia from where traders took them all over the world, in ancient times. In fact, 3000 years ago, a Chinese emperor asked his courtiers to chew ding xiang in order to keep their breath fresh, when they came into his presence. Apart from its use in medicine, it was, and is also used extensively to add taste, sweetness, and warmth to a dish. Archaeologists have found traces of cloves in archaeological excavations going back to 1721 BC in Syria. So this shows how long this great and precious spice has been associated with mankind.

  • Amazing Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

    Amazing Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting
    Amazing Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

    Amazing Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting Table of Contents: Preface. Section # 1- Intermittent fasting: An introduction. Chapter # 1: How it works? Chapter # 2: Real or another way to rob you of your money? Section # 2: Intermittent fasting Specifics! Chapter # 1: Pros of Intermittent Fasting Chapter # 2: Cons of Intermittent Fasting Chapter # 3: Employ it in your daily life. How??? Chapter # 4: How to maximize its benefits? Section # 3: A boon for health! Chapter # 1: Loose some extra pounds! Chapter # 2: Maximize your brain potential. Chapter # 3: Cure brain ailments. Chapter # 4: A cure for type II diabetes. Chapter # 5: Strengthen your heart. Chapter # 6: Minimize oxidative stress. Section # 4: Conclusion Intermittent Fasting – More Than A Diet Plan There are different dieting plans present in the world today which can be obtained through different resources. Each of these dieting plans claims to be better than the other one. But the plan mentioned in this book makes no such claims. It is about a popular plan or you should say a complete way of eating and living known as “Intermittent Fasting”. Now you might be wondering what is intermittent fasting, what are its benefits and how to apply it in your own life? But wait a minute. Just take a deep breath. If the answer to all these queries would have been this easy, I would have just sufficed on writing an article and not a whole book on the topic. You will just have to read this book to get your queries answered. Before formally starting the topic, a brief overview of the book will give the readers a better idea about the book. As the title suggests, the focus of this book is to answer only one question and it is that what are the health benefits of intermittent fasting? However, other aspects are also discussed in the book. This book can be divided into three parts. The first part will give a brief introduction about intermittent fasting like what it is, the mechanism behind it and how to apply it in your everyday life? The second portion analyzes the pros and cons of intermittent fasting and ways to maximize its benefits. The third part will discuss the health benefits (the main focus of this book) of intermittent fasting.

  • Health Benefits of Turmeric: Curcumin For Cooking and Health

    Health Benefits of Turmeric: Curcumin For Cooking and Health
    Health Benefits of Turmeric: Curcumin For Cooking and Health

    Health Benefits of Turmeric - Curcumin For Cooking and Health Table of Contents Preface Getting Started Chapter # 1: Intro Chapter # 2: Nutritional Facts Chapter # 3: Uses of Turmeric Chapter # 4: Storing Turmeric Recipes Chapter # 1: Eggless Egg Salad Chapter # 2: Sprouted Lentil Veggie Burger Chapter # 3: Orange Turmeric Cake Chapter # 4: Quick Curried Beef Chapter # 5: Beef Carry Chapter # 6: Tagine of Lamb & Apricots in Honey Sauce Health Benefits of Turmeric Chapter # 1: Introduction Chapter # 2: Inflammation and Oxidation Chapter # 3: Cystic Fibrosis Chapter # 4: Childhood Leukemia Chapter # 5: Cardiovascular Diseases Chapter # 6: Alzheimer’s disease Chapter # 7: Cancer Chapter # 8: A Super Spice Conclusion References Nature has given us cures to every disease known to man in one form or another yet we still choose to pick synthetic treatments full of side-effects over them. These cures are right in front of us but we fail to see them; turmeric is one of these cures hidden in plain sight. Everyone in the western world knows turmeric when it comes to making curries but it is probably the most underestimated and least popular spice when it comes to its medicinal uses. For starters, turmeric is a plant from which the spice of the same name is obtained. The most common form of turmeric is its powder form, which is of bright yellow color. The use of turmeric for flavoring, for cosmetic purposes and for medicinal uses goes back to the Vedic period in India and it is since then that it has had a massive impact over the region which explains its high demand in most Indian households. This book will tell you about the health benefits of turmeric and how it cures & help fight fatal ailments. After reading this book, you will be surprised about how little you knew about this super spice and how including it in your daily life can bring back your body from the verge of expiration.

  • Medical Conditions Requiring Paleo Diet: Health Learning Series

    Medical Conditions Requiring Paleo Diet: Health Learning Series
    Medical Conditions Requiring Paleo Diet: Health Learning Series

    Medical Conditions Requiring Paleo Diet - Health Learning Series Table Of Contents Introduction: The ancient diet Section one: Knowing paleo diet Paleo diet explained. Dissecting paleo diet: An analysis of its components Section two: Medical conditions benefiting from paleo diet Cardiovascular diseases: A heart protecting diet Diabetes: Too much sweetness, too many problems. Obesity: Eat less, get thinner but with more energy Sleep problems: A soothing diet Allergies: “I am totally natural” says paleo diet •Skin problems: Be gone you rashes! •Autoimmune diseases: Protecting you from your own self Introduction: The ancient diet In the search for the best diet, a theory was presented in the 1980s. The theory reminded humans of their ancestors and the healthy lives they used to live. It blamed the development of modern diseases on our present imperfect diet which it considers a recent innovation as compared to what our bodies have been adapting to, for the major part of history. It says that if we eat the diet of our ancestors, we will return to that healthy state and the diseases of our present time will fade away into non-existence. This is the concept behind paleo diet. Paleo diet, a modern adaptation of the supposed diet of our ancestors, is claimed to be the solution to the dietary hazards of our time. Can it really provide benefits over our present diet? Can it really be the solution of hazardous diseases that have plagued the modern society? This book discusses the advantages of paleo diet over modern diet relevant to the cure of diseases and assumes the position that indeed, paleo diet can be the solution for the major diseases of our age.

  • How to Reduce the Chances of a Heart Attack

    How to Reduce the Chances of a Heart Attack
    How to Reduce the Chances of a Heart Attack

    How to Reduce the Chances of a Heart Attack - Health Learning Series Table of Contents Introduction. Section one- Heart attack – an overview Heart attack – A crumbling of your heart. Symptoms – When you know it’s coming... Risk factors – The heart breakers! Grave prognosis -- Why you should bother trying to avoid a heart attack. Section Two- Reducing heart attacks Effective prophylaxis – an introduction Medication free strategies – Who needs a doctor? Dietary changes Say no to smoking Regular exercise Put a check on your weight. Stress management Herbal and nutritional supplements Get regular check ups Medicines – Well, sometimes you do (need a doctor) Anticoagulants Antiplatelet agents Statins ACE inhibitors Angiotensin receptor blockers Diuretics Beta blockers Work Plan – monitor your progress Conclusion References Introduction Imagine that you are breezing through life and life seems to be going so smoothly ; you are so full of life that you do not even have the time to look after yourself, much less others. Visit to your doctor can wait, of course, because right now nothing is wrong with you. You are perfectly okay. And then one day you are running to congratulate your son, who has perhaps just graduated from his high school or maybe you are getting late for some appointment and suddenly, an excruciating pain arises in your chest and goes to your shoulder... you want it to subside but the pain keeps gripping you. You feel as if your life is at an end. But you don’t want it to end. There is so much to do. But you can’t stand on your feet anymore. You feel yourself falling, falling, falling and may be you won’t wake up again. The above account describes heart attack in a nutshell. And according the American Heart Association, "About 7,250,000 Americans have a heart attack each year" So, it’s quite common, common enough that someday I and you could encounter this situation too. However, it’s not like we can’t do anything about it. While there’s no vaccine for heart attack, we can, however, significantly reduce the chances of getting a heart attack by making simple changes in our routines. This book will attempt to highlight the fact that you can, by knowing about heart attack and what risks it poses, make subtle changes in your routine and diet that will go a long way towards reducing the risk of heart attack. I must emphasize here, however, that this is no reference book and it can reinforce but cannot replace a good doctor’s advice. So, while I assure you that you will find it very informative and helpful, do not rely solely on this book for curing a heart attack; instead consult a doctor as well. With this caution in mind, let us now first see what this heart attack, which takes away the lives of so many people each year, really is, before diving into what we can do to avoid it.

  • The Magic of Dry Fruit and Spices With Healthy Remedies and Tasty Recipes

    The Magic of Dry Fruit and Spices With Healthy Remedies and Tasty Recipes
    The Magic of Dry Fruit and Spices With Healthy Remedies and Tasty Recipes

    The Magic of Dry Fruit and Spices With Healthy Remedies and Tasty Recipes Table of Contents Introduction Dates The Hot and Cold Nature of a Date Weight Gain through Dates Date Seeds to Heal Wounds Suffering from Asthma? Multifarious Winter Ailments Cure Cashew Nuts Memory Enhancer Digestive Problems Cashew ice cream How To Make Coconut Cream And Coconut Milk How to Make traditional “Khoya” Cumin Seeds Cumin- water Suffering from Hemorrhoids? Suffering from Mild Fever? Suffering from Infected Skin Ailments – Including Acne? High Blood Pressure Remedy Conclusion Author Bio Introduction Being an avid botanist and herbal knowledge seeker since childhood, and later with a Degree in Natural Sciences, – Botany And Zoology foremost-I was happy to find that most of the plants, which I knew growing in my different gardens or in the woods just outside the boundary wires of our houses, nearly every plant had some medical, culinary or beauty use, coming down from the ages. The first medicinal compendium in the East was written more than 5000 years ago in India and before that, in China. In the West, also Western Wise men , especially in Greece, more than 3000 years ago began noting down the knowledge of the nature of plants and they are medicinal value and remedies, taught to them by their teachers and masters. One blesses the time, dedication, energy and effort taken in writing down all this knowledge, because in prehistoric times, all this knowledge was passed down through word of mouth. And most of it got lost because nobody had any visible and readable records of that knowledge. But the moment human beings got to know about writing materials like clay tablets, wax tablets, dried palm leaves and papyri as well as paper in China, this knowledge was preserved for the generations to come. We just needed to interpret it, and use it in the best way of which we knew. Most of this knowledge, when read from a scientific viewpoint is scoffed as quack remedies and sheer silly ignorance. I remember one of my acquaintances scoffing about an ancient Egyptian remedy, in which Egyptian grandmothers used to apply a paste of moldy bread, to a wound in order to cure it. That was done 4000 years ago. My sophisticated 21st-century totally scientifically minded friend shuddered at this idea full of ignorance, but what could you expect from such barbarians. When I told her that this remedy had passed down through the ages and was still in use, to cure infections. In 16th century Russia, every house had a moldy bread culture. Any bread, catching a mold would be put in a glass utensil, in which there was a little bit of water and some more moldy bread. And this culture was allowed to flourish. Anybody suffering from any cuts and wounds were immediately bandaged after the wound was washed, and treated to a moldy bread paste. When I told her that that same moldy bread was the basis of penicillin and other powerful antibiotics, discovered by Alexander Fleming in the 20th century, she blinked. These are the penicillins and sulfa drugs, which are being used by modern-day doctors. In the same way, she was equally surprised to know that the Gauls used to go to war, with huge quantities of fresh moss. The moment they suffered from wounds while fighting those Romans, those Vikings, those Juts, Firbolgs and perhaps even those Picts, -but not the Tuatha Danaan-they immediately scooped up a handful of moss, squeezed it, tied it on to the wound, bandaged it with a piece of any cloth or rope to keep it in place and continued fighting on.

  • Health Benefits of Cinnamon

    Health Benefits of Cinnamon
    Health Benefits of Cinnamon

    Health Benefits of Cinnamon Table of Contents Preface SECTION I – Getting started Chapter # 1: Intro Chapter # 2: How is cinnamon commonly used? Chapter # 3: Types of cinnamon Chapter # 4: Making the most of cinnamon in daily life Chapter # 5: Maximum daily dosage SECTION II – Benefits of cinnamon to the brain Chapter # 1: Boosts brain activity Chapter # 2: Protects against Alzheimer’s disease SECTION III – Benefits of cinnamon to the body Chapter # 1: Regulates blood sugar Chapter # 2: Aids in weight loss Chapter # 3: Helps fight cancer Chapter # 4: Combats infertility Chapter # 5: Reduces arthritic pain Chapter # 6: Has inherent anti-infectious properties Chapter # 7: Helps against acne SECTIONIV– Conclusion References Preface There is hardly anyone who does not consume spices regularly in one form or another. Spices find diverse uses ranging from natural flavor enhancement and brain simulation to traditional herbal medicine. There was a time when the spice trade was considered the most profitable and lucrative business by merchants who sailed from the West to the Indies. There is a plethora of extremely beneficent spices out there but the one particular spice this book is concerned with is cinnamon. Procured from the internal bark of many trees belonging to the genus Cinnamomum, it is has an international reputation as an integral part of many sweet and savory foods. What most people don’t realize is that this miraculous spice is truly a gift of nature. It has amazing benefits that go far beyond its pleasant taste and aroma. Recent studies in universities and medical research centers from around the world have proven what traditional herbalists claimed for ages: Cinnamon has powerful medicinal applications that are diverse as they are many. Its positive effects on the human physiology include those on both the mind and the body. This book contains information regarding cinnamon that will teach you its benefits and also how to use it effectively in your daily life. As you will see once you reach the end, cinnamon is a humble spice that can be incorporated into your daily consumption without disrupting normalcy. Cinnamon is nature at its most benevolent, and its benefits will leave you wondering what other secrets Mother Nature holds!

  • Health Benefits of Rosemary For Cooking and Health

    Health Benefits of Rosemary For Cooking and Health
    Health Benefits of Rosemary For Cooking and Health

    Health Benefits of Rosemary For Cooking and Health Table of Contents Preface Getting started Chapter # 1: Intro Chapter # 2: How is rosemary commonly used? Chapter # 3: Types of rosemary Chapter # 4: Selection, cultivation and storage tips Chapter # 5: Precautions Benefits of rosemary to the brain Chapter # 1: Enhances memory and concentration Chapter # 2: Provides neurological protection Chapter # 3: Helps against migraines Chapter # 4: Eases stress Benefits of rosemary to the body Chapter # 1: Fights cancer Chapter # 2: Protects from macular degeneration Chapter # 3: Improves hair growth Chapter # 4: Improves digestion Chapter # 5: Skin care Chapter # 6: Good source of Vitamin C Conclusion References Preface Herbs have been used as natural remedies to all sorts of health problems for centuries. The ancients Greeks in particular, put a lot of emphasis on the use of herbs in the treatment of a variety of medical conditions. To this day, Greek medicine is practiced by its advocates as an alternative to contemporary medicine. In fact, modern science has started to prove what the ancient herbalists used in their medicine is actually effective. One prominent herb that has been used in medicine since millennia is rosemary. More specifically known as Rosmarinus officinalis, it is a perennial, woody herb that is characterized by sweet-smelling, needle-shaped leaves and flowers whose color may be white, blue, pink or purple. This herb originates from the Mediterranean region and belongs to the family of mint. Although it is used frequently by many people in several roast dishes and various types of stuffing for its characteristic aroma and strong flavor, in particular, in Italian cuisine, it has an astonishing lot of health benefits, many of which have been proved by research and some which, scientists are still in the process of researching on. These health benefits concern both the human mind and body, ranging from mild health conditions to extremely severe ones. The aim of this book is to provide you with all the information required to get acquainted with this humble yet potent herb, and how to properly include it in your daily consumption so that you can avail its benefits to the fullest. Once you have finished reading, you will realize how simple it is to take advantage of the many health benefits of rosemary. Rosemary is an herb which is surprisingly understated, but once you've read of its benefits, you’ll be convinced that it deserves to stand beside the most renowned of herbal medicines!

  • The Magic of Basil: Tulsi To Heal Naturally

    The Magic of Basil: Tulsi To Heal Naturally
    The Magic of Basil: Tulsi To Heal Naturally

    The Magic of Basil – Tulsi To Heal Naturally Table of Contents Introduction How to Grow Basil Powdered basil As a Herb Getting rid of Malarial Fever Fever Influenza Rock salt Cure Preventive and Curative Fever Cures in Winter Ginger Tulsi Tea Mint Tea for Slimming A Basil Sanatorium Suffering from Acidity? Who Should Not Take Basil? How to Use Basil for Natural Remedies Caffeine addiction? Tulsi for beauty Using the Tulsi Steamer Dark Patches Dark Patches Fever Prevention in Children Fever Prevention in Children Whooping cough/dry Cough Traditional Cough Syrup Surefire Cold Remedy Powder Suffering from Chronic Cough? Curing Eczema Skin Oil To Cure Wounds Curing Burns Basil in Cuisine Preserving Basil Leaves Basil Pesto – a Genoese Dish Healthy Sprouts Mix Conclusion Introduction Basil has long been known as a valuable herb through the ages, when it was used to flavor foods. But this herb has also been a valuable an integral part of ancient alternative medicine. More than 4000 years ago, one of the greatest of ancient doctors Charaka wrote in his compendium that the juice from the leaves of the sacred basil mixed with honey taken three times a day could cure patients suffering from whooping cough and chest ailments. That was the time when people relied on natural cures, and their own inmate good health to keep healthy and live long. I am proud to present this book to you, about one of the most useful herbs available to mankind today, of which the significant benefits have been written in ancient books of the East. Oscimum sanctum is the scientific name given to the sacred basil. What is the difference between cooking basil and sacred basil? Well, to tell you very frankly, most of the cooks in the East prefer to use the plant, which has purplish colored leaves, in their food, just before serving. They call that the cooking basil. On the other hand, the sacred basil has smaller and greener leaves, more pungent in odor and in taste. One rule passed down from the ancients is that milk and Basil do not mix. So when you are getting rid of a cough and cold, you make up a mixture of one teaspoonful each of honey and dried ginger, eight black peppercorns, and 5 to 10 basil leaves and boil them in water. Drink them down twice a day, and there goes your cold. But if you are boiling these ingredients in milk, leave the basil leaves out. Sacred basil has a religious and mythological significance coming down the ages, both in the East and in the West. The Greek Eastern Orthodox church used basil in traditional rituals and the women of the house used to sprinkle sacred basil on the threshold of their houses on St. Basil’s day celebrated on 1 January in order to usher in a new and fruitful prosperous new year.

  • The Magic of Vegetables: Ancient Healing Remedies and Tips

    The Magic of Vegetables: Ancient Healing Remedies and Tips
    The Magic of Vegetables: Ancient Healing Remedies and Tips

    The Magic of Vegetables Ancient Healing Remedies and Tips Table of Contents Introduction Preserving Tomatoes after the Harvest Is in Getting Rid of Strong Mustard Taste Boiling Old Potatoes Curing Baldness with Cucumber Hair Fall Curing Acidity. Fenugreek Leaves and Seeds Getting rid of Jaundice. Organic Brown Sugar Tomatoes for More “Blood”. Juice for Blemishes and Black Spots. Scars Diabetes Cure. Turnips for Controlling Diabetes Healthy Tomato Soup Recipe Preventing Dehydration. Burnt Cure. Curing Heartburn. Curing Night Blindness. Tomato – Potato Mix Getting Rid of Headaches Sugar Syrup. Black Pepper Decoction. Tuberculosis Cure. Cod Liver Treatment Conclusion Author Bio Introduction Vegetables are such an integral part of our daily lives, that we really do not bother much about their natural benefits and value. All we know is that they are those greens which we had to eat when we were children, because mommy said so, and she was bigger than us. And she was not a good cook. And also, she made every vegetable dish taste so boring, so blah and so bland, that one promised oneself that one would never eat it, when one grew up. That is the reason why so many of us grow up with an anti-vegetable subconscious feeling. But did you know that these green and leafy vegetables are the reasons why you kept so healthy, so energetic, and so bouncing when you were a kid. They were the natural mineral resources, which provided you with vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients, which help your muscles grow healthy, your skin glow and made you look so bright eyed and bushy tailed. And then you grew up and stopped eating vegetables. Instead, you began eating and other high-protein diet, without any greens or yellows or reds , which were harvested from plants/vines/herbs or shrubs. And that made your body deficient in all the essential vitamins. It also made you less healthy than what you were when you were a kid. And you did not get to know it. So here are some good reasons why you should eat plant produce, especially when they are green and leafy. Fibrous, leafy and green vegetables, fresh from the farm are, of course, the pride and joy of every health conscious and proud cook. If the proportions of these vegetables are increased in your daily diet, you are going to lessen your intake of carbohydrates, starch, and grain. This is going to benefit you and the general state of your health in the long run. It also means that you will never suffer from constipation. Nothing can take the place of cereals and grains in your daily diet in the same manner, vegetables have their own invaluable and irreplaceable place in the diet groups which make up your daily meals. The benefits of vegetables eaten raw, or cooked, then means that you are going to have a tasty meal, with natural digestive products being added to your system. Your blood circulation is going to get invigorated and your digestive system is going to get rid of any small ailments brought about by eating a starchy, fatty and high-protein high carbohydrate diet. Vegetables are amazing toxin eliminators. So if you are thinking of detoxifying your body with any star – endorsed detoxifying products, think again. Try increasing the amounts of vegetables in your diet. The best thing about fibrous vegetables is that it adds the amount of bulk to the fecal material so that it can be eliminated during the regular bowel movements every day. This keeps your system healthy. It also keeps your skin glowing, and you energetic. That is because there are no toxins accumulating in your body and weakening your system.

  • The Magic of Onions: Onions in Cuisine to Cure and to Heal

    The Magic of Onions: Onions in Cuisine to Cure and to Heal
    The Magic of Onions: Onions in Cuisine to Cure and to Heal

    The Magic of Onions - Onions in Cuisine to Cure and to Heal Table of Contents Introduction – Knowing More about Onions Perfect Salad Recipe How to Grow Onions Planting an onion How and When To Harvest Onions? Traditional Onion Recipes Traditional Onion Soup Croutons Cream of Onion Soup Curry Powder Recipe Traditional chicken – Meat stock with onions Traditional Onion Pickle Kashmir Spice Mix Garam Masala Recipe Meat Doh Pyazah-Literally Meat Two Onions. Traditional Onion Mixed grain Bread Farmers Onion Chutney Traditional Buttermilk Sweet and Sour Onions – French Style Clarified Butter How to dry onions Conclusion Author Bio Introduction – Knowing More about Onions Is there really Magic in onions, you may say, because according to you, onions are those sharp and pungent smelling, vegetables, which you normally do not allow within smelling distance of your nose and kitchen? It is possible that you have been brought up with a feeling that onion and garlic – those odoriferous pungent smelling herbs are not acceptable in select circles. Did you know that the United States is the third-largest producer of onions in the world – after China and India, and followed by Egypt, Iran and Turkey. But then there was a time when onions grew – and still grow – wild all over the lands of the USA and Canada. The Native Americans enjoyed wild onions and the Pilgrim fathers planted the onion plant first and foremost, before corn, on American soil in 1658. That was because they knew a freshly pulled out onion from their garden added this bit of piquancy to their meals. The onions eaten by men more than 5000 years ago, according to archaeological findings may have been wild onions, but 3000 years ago, Egyptians were writing about cultivated onions and the important part this healing herb played in their food. Egyptian workers building Khufu’s pyramids ate these onions along with horse radishes in copious quantities 3000 years ago. [Incidentally, they were not slaves. They were free Egyptians. A majority of them were farmers who were asked by Khufu and afterwards Ramses, Soser and other pharaohs to help build pyramids, during the seasons when the Nile was not in flood to help cultivate their fields. So instead of sitting idly in their fields, they glorified in taking part in the building of monuments, which would magnify the pride of Egypt, and their Pharaohs throughout the world. There were no slave drivers with whips and lashes to make them sweat, whatever Mr. Cecil DeMille may want us to think. The diet of these farmers /pyramid workers was onions with herbs and horse radishes, bread made up of freshly ground corn and beer. They did not mind spending a part of their year building pyramids for their Kings who appreciated their hard work by allowing them grain from the nation’s granaries.] These Egyptians knew all about the value of onions, and worshiped them as a symbol of eternal life in many circles. Ancient Egyptians had onions placed on their eyes, before embalming or mummifying and burial, so that they could enter the circle of eternal life. With daily portions of Onions, salt and herbs Roman soldiers were happy! Roman soldiers also included onions in their diet, especially in the evenings, when they ate onions with red cayenne peppers and the salt they got as salary for the day’s work. In medieval times, onions were held to be so precious in many parts of the world, that landlords demanded onions as rent in lieu of coin from their tenants.

  • The Health Benefits of Oregano For Healing and Cooking

    The Health Benefits of Oregano For Healing and Cooking
    The Health Benefits of Oregano For Healing and Cooking

    The Health Benefits of Oregano For Healing and Cooking Table of Contents Preface Getting Started Chapter # 1: Intro Chapter # 2: How is oregano commonly used? Chapter # 3: Cultivate your own oregano Chapter # 4: Ways to use oregano in cooking Chapter # 5: Oregano storage techniques Chapter # 6: Precautions Benefits of oregano to the brain Chapter # 1: Boosts mood and mental function Benefits of oregano to the body Chapter # 1: A potent antibacterial substance Chapter # 2: Strengthens the immune system Chapter # 3: Fights prostate cancer Chapter # 4: Fights eczema Chapter # 5: Causes weight loss Chapter # 5: Delays menopause in women Conclusion References Preface There are dozens of plants out there that nature has gifted with endless bounties. We use many of these plants merely for decorating our homes or spicing up our foods when in fact, they hold the secret to curing many deadly diseases and improving our lifestyle in novel ways. Our ancestors were aware of the health benefits of these plants but we have forgotten them in favor of contemporary medicine. We spend so much on health treatments when all we need is to inculcate these plants into our routine lives to take care of many dangerous health conditions. Of the many beneficial spices and herbs that nature has provided, oregano is one of particular note. Known scientifically as origanum vulgare, it belongs to the mint family and belongs originally to the warm to moderate regions of Eurasia and the Mediterranean. Having a height ranging from twenty to eighty centimeters, it is characterized by opposite leaves and flowers that are purple and spike shaped. Oregano has found uses in kitchens all over the world because of the scented, warm and somewhat bitter flavor of its leaves. The strength of this flavor is variable between the various types of oregano. Its most common use in modern day cooking can be seen in Italian-American foods which was popularized by the way it easily combines with spicy dishes, native to the south of Italy. It also has diverse uses in the cuisines of many other countries. Aside from this, oregano is rich in health imparting compounds that can boost your wellbeing both mentally and physically. Its health benefits were acknowledged by the Greeks and Austrians. This books will acquaint you with the various health benefits of this amazing herb, whose leaves are as important for medicine as they are for tasty cooking. It will describe all the best ways to utilize oregano and include it in your routine diet. Since it can be grown easily in backyard gardens, this book will also teach you the basics of that. When you finish this book, oregano will no longer be a mere topping for sautés and pizza in your eyes. Every time you visit a pizzeria where an oregano topped pizza flavor is offered, you’ll know that you’re not just eating something tasty, you’ll be eating something that will make you feel better on the inside.

  • The Magic of Spices For Good Health and in Your Cuisine

    The Magic of Spices For Good Health and in Your Cuisine
    The Magic of Spices For Good Health and in Your Cuisine

    The Magic of Spices For Good Health and in Your Cuisine Table of Content Introduction Knowing More about Spices and Curry Powders Garam Masala Authentic Tandoori Mix Alkanet Curry Pastes Red-Hot Curry Paste Mint Best Digestive Booster Traditional Mint Chutney Spicy Mint water – Jal-Jeera – Literally Water – Cumin Seeds Making a Tamarind Infusion Mint Tea Constipation Are You Suffering from a Cough or Cold? Suffering from Nausea and Diarrhea? Asthma and Bronchitis Cure Chillies – The Spice of Life How to Use Chillies Chilblains Treatment Frequent Traveler Tip Powdered Black Salt Traditional Winter Hot Oil Bishops Weed – Lovage Lovage for Stomach Related Problems Lovage cure for Gas and Constipation Heartburn Tummy Ache Sinus Problems Asafoetida Tempering with Asafoetida Making ghee – clarified butter Spiced Salt Recipe Conclusion Author Bio Introduction The words “spice” in itself conjures up an exotic sense of something rare, something precious and valuable. Blessed be the man, who found out millenniums ago that there were grains, vegetables and fruit, which could be eaten and enjoyed. After that, there were other herbs which could enhance the taste of the pottages he made with the fruit, vegetables and grain. And then came more plant products, which he called spices, which would improve, enrich and heighten the eating experience. These spices were dried flowers, nuts, pieces of bark and other parts of trees, bushes and shrubs growing around him. Mankind did not instantly and instinctively get to know about these herbs and spices. He just observed his livestock eating some dried berries without any harm coming to them. So he tried those berries with fear and trembling. This is how coffee was discovered millenniums ago by a goat herder in far-off exotic Araby. He saw his goats munching on the dried berries of a plant. After that, he noticed that those goats were rather frisky and more energetic than their other companions. This adventurous goat herder, decided to collect the berries and grind them, because otherwise, they did not seem to be easily digestible. His wife must have told him to put them in water so that they could soften. Possibly they did not soften, but somebody drank that water. And that somebody showed quite an energetic display of enthusiasm and joie de vivre on a caffeine high. And so coffee was discovered. So what is the ruling that many of the spices discovered by mankind down the millenniums were found in just such a chance manner? Some spices are indigenous to particular areas of the world. That is why, they were very precious and used only by aristocrats. Medieval knights going away on their crusades were always told by their ladies to bring home spices. Not only would they gain respect in the eyes of their neighbors for having gone on The Crusades, but they could always sell the spices and become really rich. Well, they were just following the patterns of their ancestors millenniums ago, when Kings, princes and captured aristocrats were ransomed in spices.

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