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Of Vinegar and Honey, Part IV: "Bittersweet"
Of Vinegar and Honey, Part III: "Quiet Before the Storm"
Of Vinegar and Honey, Part I: "Bitter Meets Sweet"
Ebook series12 titles

Of Vinegar and Honey Series

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About this series

(18+) ~ The final part to the Rory O'Dell and Madelaine Croft erotic romance series, "Of Vinegar and Honey".

Madelaine finds herself at the home of the Hamilton-Dell family in Manhattan, New York. Her mission is to help the Hamilton-Dell's five-year-old daughter, Audrey, who had suffered irreparable brain damage even before she was born. Little Audrey needs a miracle the Hamilton-Dells hope Madelaine can provide it.

But as her stay at their home comes to a close, not one but two miracles unfold that change her life forever.

Release dateNov 7, 2011
Of Vinegar and Honey, Part IV: "Bittersweet"
Of Vinegar and Honey, Part III: "Quiet Before the Storm"
Of Vinegar and Honey, Part I: "Bitter Meets Sweet"

Titles in the series (12)

  • Of Vinegar and Honey, Part I: "Bitter Meets Sweet"


    Of Vinegar and Honey, Part I: "Bitter Meets Sweet"
    Of Vinegar and Honey, Part I: "Bitter Meets Sweet"

    Tall, blond, and charismatic, Rory O'Dell, once had it all. He had more money than he knew what to do with, striking good looks, fame, and all the sexy women he could handle. He lived the life every narcissistic playboy dreamed of, seemingly born for luck. Then, at thirty-eight, his luck ran out and tragedy hit home when his Lamborghini topples during one racing competition, crushing his spine in three places. A quadriplegic now, he becomes bitter and angry, and the most unpleasant and intolerable person in the world. Just when he finally accepts his fate, raven-haired Madelaine Croft enters the picture as his live-in caregiver. He's cruel and crass toward her, but no matter how horrible he is, she refuses to abandon him, and this sparks his curiosity. What he doesn't know is, twenty-six-year-old Madelaine Croft is on a divine mission to help him, but she learns the hard way Rory O'Dell believes he doesn't need anyone's help, and he is not the easiest man to convince otherwise.

  • Of Vinegar and Honey, Part IV: "Bittersweet"


    Of Vinegar and Honey, Part IV: "Bittersweet"
    Of Vinegar and Honey, Part IV: "Bittersweet"

    Part IV of the Of Vinegar and Honey romance series. Desire is the root of all suffering . . . He had almost made it to the top of the stairs when a movement caught his eye in the mirror on the wall, and his finger slipped off the lift button bringing it to a standstill. The mirror was right across her open bedroom door, and the movement that caught his eye, was Maddy’s reflection. His smile suddenly froze, and then faded, because what he saw in the mirror stunned him and rendered him completely speechless. Madelaine appeared in view wrapped only in a white towel. It was clear she’d just exited her shower since her body still glistened with droplets, and her black curls were nearly straight. In the mirror, he watched her rush to her armoire before she threw open the doors and took out a delicate spaghetti strap undershirt. She hadn’t heard the lift, so she was completely oblivious she’d gained herself a stunned audience of one. He held his breath. His heart was thumping hard in his chest and he felt a little dizzy. He finally exhaled as he watched a miracle unfold in the hall mirror, transforming a simple girl into a sexy goddess right before his starving eyes. Her passion awakens . . . She had her lashes down. With one hand, she was now using the washcloth to wipe away the musky streaks from his body, and with the other, her slender fingers carefully wiped away the pearly droplets from her face. “I’m sorry,” he said, breathlessly. She shook her head as if to say he didn’t need to, but he wouldn’t let her get away with that. “No, Maddy,” he said, waiting for her to look at him. She looked a little embarrassed. “I really am. I didn’t mean to. I had no control.” “I know,” she said softly. “That’s why there’s no need to apologize.” She reached by him and shut off the water as his eyes followed; watching her flushed face. “I need to get some fresh towels,” she said before she turned and left him as his lips tightened and he closed his eyes with a troubled frown. He really hoped he hadn’t offended her. As she stood in front of the linen closet in his walk-in, she paused. She raised a hand and touched fingertips to her lips. It was as if she could still feel the thick, warm droplets of his passion lingering there. She gently wiped that corner of her mouth, and paused again. Then, with quiet curiosity, she slipped her fingertips between her lips, and closed her eyes softly, tasting him.

  • Of Vinegar and Honey, Part III: "Quiet Before the Storm"


    Of Vinegar and Honey, Part III: "Quiet Before the Storm"
    Of Vinegar and Honey, Part III: "Quiet Before the Storm"

    Part III of the Of Vinegar and Honey romance series. “Do you like gardening?” he finally asked. She nodded with a soft smile. “Very much,” she answered. “It tends to bring me peace. Silly as it may sound since gardening is physical labor after all.” She smiled, lashes down, as she broke off a piece of lemon cake with slender fingers and fingered it into her mouth. “But it’s labor I, for some reason, enjoy.” She looked at him, a crumb lingering on her lip. “Do you think it’s silly, Sir?” Her slender, tapering fingers have undoubtedly never been in the capable hands of a professional manicurist, he thought, but he had to also admit they were clean and well trimmed, and the unpolished look suited her. “I don’t think it’s silly at all,” he said uncommonly indulgent—a first since her arrival. She looked surprised. “No?” “Well, it can be, but what’s silly to one person isn’t necessarily silly to another, right?” She smiled and nodded. “Right.” She was happy he understood. “Take that first night, for example,” he began, and saw her look curiously at him. “When you came to my room?” “Oh. Yes,” she said, and nodded. “I was suffering hell, and I must’ve made some noise because I’d awakened you, and you came to my bedside before you laid yourself literally at my feet and massaged the pain away. I mean, you didn’t think that was silly, did you?” “No, Sir.” She frowned worried at him. “Did you? I-I mean if you did—do,” she quickly corrected, “I assure you, the reason why I do this is, should you feel another painful attack, I’ll be there to stop it before it escalates—” “—I have to admit, though,” he cut in, “I thought it was pretty silly at first.” She looked a little apprehensive. “Oh.” “But I don’t, now.”

  • Of Vinegar and Honey, Part IX: "Hit and Miss"


    Of Vinegar and Honey, Part IX: "Hit and Miss"
    Of Vinegar and Honey, Part IX: "Hit and Miss"

    {18+} ~ Part nine of the Of Vinegar and Honey romantic drama series. Just when Rory has serious doubts about his decision to come to Freeport, Madelaine pays him a late night surprise visit. But as they begin their reconciliation in his hotel room, a dark conspiracy unfolds elsewhere, and Bishop Reid shows his dark and sinister side as he sets his dark plans for Madelaine into motion that would tear the two apart again.

  • Of Vinegar and Honey, Part II: "Darkest Before Dawn"


    Of Vinegar and Honey, Part II: "Darkest Before Dawn"
    Of Vinegar and Honey, Part II: "Darkest Before Dawn"

    Part II of the Of Vinegar and Honey romance series: This time, however, he didn’t laugh. He saw she was in real physical pain. There were even tears in her eyes even though she fought to hide them from him. He felt something twist in his chest and a genuine sense of remorse in his heart for having laughed at her before. “Are you all right?” he asked with an unusually soft tone. But neither his tone nor the fact that he seemed genuinely concerned about her seemed to sink through with her. “I’m fine, Sir,” she said softly as she carefully rose to her feet, trying not to give in to the overwhelming urge to rub the sting from her butt-cheek. “You need to be more careful,” he said. “I-I will, Sir. I didn’t choose to fall, but thank you.” She looked curiously at him now, finally catching the tone in his voice. When he saw it, he cleared his throat as a troubled frown appeared on his brow. He lowered his gaze so he wouldn’t have to look at golden-amber eyes shimmering with unshed tears of pain. “I’m saying that because,” he paused a moment. “I’m saying that because if it had been serious . . . I’m not . . . I’m not in any condition to help you.”

  • Of Vinegar and Honey, Part VI: "The Captivated and The Captive"


    Of Vinegar and Honey, Part VI: "The Captivated and The Captive"
    Of Vinegar and Honey, Part VI: "The Captivated and The Captive"

    Part VI of the Of Vinegar and Honey romance series. From caregiver to captive... After that fateful afternoon, and the morning after, Rory O'Dell is torn as he struggles with a growing conscience, his pride, and the new and powerful feelings he's having for Maddy. Madelaine is left doubting her sanity when she realizes, even after what had happened, she doesn't hate him. Both struggle with their baffling emotions in their own way. But then he exacerbates the already difficult and confusing situation when he presents her an offer he doesn't intend to let her refuse. And to her shock, she comes to the realization that she'd gone from being his caregiver to becoming his captive.

  • Of Vinegar and Honey, Part V: "Day of Reckoning"


    Of Vinegar and Honey, Part V: "Day of Reckoning"
    Of Vinegar and Honey, Part V: "Day of Reckoning"

    Part V of the Of Vinegar and Honey romance series. He was still flipping listlessly through channels. Careful not to disturb him, she set the tall glass of juice on the small table beside him. With her mind and thoughts already anticipating meeting James, she didn’t notice how his aristocratic nose moved as he caught the scent of her perfume. He arched a brow as he moved his eyes up while she was busy adjusted the position of the glass on the table. She was still oblivious to him as well as the soft blush in her cheeks. “Perfume?” he remarked. “For the post office?” She flickered up big eyes, shaking her head. “I smelled of fried foods.” He calmly studied her big eyes a moment. This usually made her fidget, but come hell or high-water, she wouldn’t show it now and held fast. He finally turned his eyes back to the television. Fighting not to look relieved, she glanced over at the mantle clock. It was almost 12:20. Then she returned her gaze to his profile as she straightened. “Well, I’ll be going then. “Maddy?” he said. She quickly looked back at him. Her cheeks were red, but she thanked the heavens he wasn’t looking at her. “Yes, Sir?” “There are two things that I really, really hate, and what I consider unforgiveable,” he said as he watched the flipping channels. “One is disloyalty.” Then he raised his eyes to her somewhat flushed face. “Two,” he said with deliberate sloth, “are people who lie to me. I consider lying, cowardice, and I can’t emphasize it enough, Maddy, but I loathe cowards above all else.” She barely stopped herself from swallowing a lump, and nodded. “I know, Sir.” Then she looked at him again, but blinked when, to her surprise, he smiled. “Good,” he said lightly, friendly even.

  • Of Vinegar and Honey, Part VII: "End of An Impasse"


    Of Vinegar and Honey, Part VII: "End of An Impasse"
    Of Vinegar and Honey, Part VII: "End of An Impasse"

    Madelaine prepares to end the impasse... There had to be at least twenty dollars or more there. With careful fingers, she unfolded and counted them. Twenty-seven dollars in total. Then she wondered if O’Dell would miss the money. He’d obviously dropped it since she had no money with her, so it must’ve fallen out of his pocket, but . . . would he miss it? She realized that if she ever wanted to leave that place, she’d need money. Since she had no car—and even if she had one she wouldn’t know how to drive it—she knew she’d have to buy a ticket for a bus or train ride. She was certain she’d seen a small bus station on the way up. It was in the small village below, but it was still a long walk from the cabin and an impossible one on bedroom slippers. She rose to her feet and hid the wad of bills inside the folds of the blanket. She had no clue what good it would do, but she felt it was a start. She was a little nervous, but she was also a little rebellious. It had to be a sign of God that she’d found this money. It was a sign that He wanted her to leave.

  • Of Vinegar and Honey, Part X: "Lost & Found"


    Of Vinegar and Honey, Part X: "Lost & Found"
    Of Vinegar and Honey, Part X: "Lost & Found"

    Part 10 of the Rory and Madelaine saga. After kidnapping her, Bishop Reid takes Madelaine back to the house where James returns and finds them. With a renewed sense of independence and empowerment, James steals her away from the priest and rushes her to a safe place, but Madelaine has fallen into a coma. It's now, more than ever, when Rory's infamous fearlessness and passionate determination become Madelaine's only hope when they could mean the difference between her life or her death.

  • Of Vinegar and Honey, Part VIII: "The Hunt Begins"


    Of Vinegar and Honey, Part VIII: "The Hunt Begins"
    Of Vinegar and Honey, Part VIII: "The Hunt Begins"

    Rory is nothing if not stubbornly persistent! Although Madelaine had successfully escaped him - and yes, he knows that's exactly what had happened - he can't let her go. After all, he knows better than anyone he has a lot to make up for. But as he uses his vast resources and sets in the hunt to find her, following her back to her hometown in Freeport, he discovers along the way a sinister plot is unhatching around her with the real possibility it could do her harm. Now he wields his infamous tenacity, determination, and clever brain to not only thwart the plot and protect her, but to set into motion one of his own making in order to gently win her over. For most men this is a tall order ... but not for Rory O'Dell.

  • Of Vinegar and Honey, Part XI: "Promise"


    Of Vinegar and Honey, Part XI: "Promise"
    Of Vinegar and Honey, Part XI: "Promise"

    (18+ for language) ~ They say promises are made to be broken. In Part 11, the second to last part of the Rory and Madelaine saga, many promises are made. Some are good, some are bad, some are made in haste, and some are made in desperation, but the question is, how many will survive and how many will die a slow and quiet death?

  • Of Vinegar and Honey, Part XII: "Honegar"


    Of Vinegar and Honey, Part XII: "Honegar"
    Of Vinegar and Honey, Part XII: "Honegar"

    (18+) ~ The final part to the Rory O'Dell and Madelaine Croft erotic romance series, "Of Vinegar and Honey". Madelaine finds herself at the home of the Hamilton-Dell family in Manhattan, New York. Her mission is to help the Hamilton-Dell's five-year-old daughter, Audrey, who had suffered irreparable brain damage even before she was born. Little Audrey needs a miracle the Hamilton-Dells hope Madelaine can provide it. But as her stay at their home comes to a close, not one but two miracles unfold that change her life forever.


Catharina Shields

{PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR THE LIST OF MY AVAILABLE E-BOOKS} I've always enjoyed storytelling, ever since I was a child. My love for storytelling has evolved from hand-drawn comic strips, to creating hand-puppets - "Meemies and Fluffies" - for my younger brother and sisters' morning puppet show, to writing stories in longhand in spirals armed with only a Penmate pen while battling a stiff hand and dreaming of a day when I'd finally own a typewriter. Today, in my peaceful Southern California home near the mountains, I can't go a day without my computer and I now enjoy storytelling via my e-books, specializing in mystery, drama, Young Adult and paranormal romance. If you've read one of my books and like them, please leave a review, good or bad, and add me as a favorite author {a single click on a button to your left is all it takes}. Remember . . . reviews are tips for Authors.

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