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Dating Game
A Deafening Whisper
Music of the Soul
Ebook series13 titles

Music of the Soul Series

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



About this series

McKenzie is a soldier and her girlfriend, Katie, is a contractor with the United Nations peacekeeping force. McKenzie's squad has named her Dead Shot for her uncanny ability with weapons. When her unit is ambushed, will her skills be enough?

McKenzie and Katie meet at a bar while McKenzie is on leave from a Central African Katie must watch helplessly from ops as her girlfriend's unit gets ambushed. Katie's world ends while watching a satellite feed of McKenzie going down in a hailstorm of bullets. Sometimes love can be a bitch.

This is set in the same world as Music of the Soul but is a standalone book.

PublisherErik Schubach
Release dateSep 9, 2004
Dating Game
A Deafening Whisper
Music of the Soul

Titles in the series (13)

  • Music of the Soul


    Music of the Soul
    Music of the Soul

    Mandy Harris, the rock world's bad girl, has lost her sense of self. Turning her back on the music she once loved, she returns to her hometown. After a chance meeting with Anabella, a deaf girl with a unique appreciation for music and life, she finds herself irresistibly drawn to her. Finding love, pain, and a new sense of self. Their passion gives them the strength to heal both of their pasts, and start again.

  • Dating Game


    Dating Game
    Dating Game

    Crystal is straight. She went to an exclusive lesbian bar, the Ballyhoo Club, to cheer up her gay best friend after a bad breakup. There Crystal meets Riley, a spunky and charismatic girl who mocks her about straight girl dating skills. The two bet each other that they could take the other on a better date, the loser has to humiliate themselves at Ballyhoo. In a battle of escalating seduction the girls take each other on a series of dates where the lines between the game and their hearts are blurred.

  • A Deafening Whisper


    A Deafening Whisper
    A Deafening Whisper

    Mia has lived a life full of harassment, for an affliction not many understand. She thought college would be different, her escape, after all, people there are more mature right? She was wrong. A rebellious girl, Vee, saves her from a bad situation and teaches her that every single day is a gift. A romance blooms between them that not even time can erase.

  • Karaoke Queen


    Karaoke Queen
    Karaoke Queen

    Skylar was horribly scarred by a fire in a violent crime, thoughts of suicide plagued her until she found music. It was her savior. She came forward from the shadows to express her pain through song. Karaoke bars were her salvation. Now in an international competition, she finds herself continually vexed by her rival, Kim, who never shows her any quarter. A strange relationship of respect grows between them, but could it be something more? Something beautiful?

  • Five Feet or Less


    Five Feet or Less
    Five Feet or Less

    Reese is a programmer and tech geek who was confined to a wheelchair at a young age. Since then she has locked herself away from the outside in her virtual world. That is, until a chance meeting with an ex-punk rocker girl, Sarah, who teaches her that her world is not defined in five feet or less. The possibilities are endless! This is set in the same world as Music of the Soul but is a standalone book.

  • Silent Bob


    Silent Bob
    Silent Bob

    Roberta Valentine used to be a party girl. But that is all over as she searches for a real relationship. She feels her chances slipping away as she moves into her thirties. She has all but given up. Then she meets her main competitor in the outdoor gear business, Blake. That woman slowly weaves her way into Roberta's heart. The biggest obstacle? Blake is straight. This is set in the same world as Music of the Soul but is a standalone book.

  • Progeny



    Upon their first meeting, Samantha disliked Abbey. But found herself attracted to her anyway. Everyone knew that they were destined to be together. Now if they would only listen. This is set in the same world as Music of the Soul but is a standalone book.

  • Broken Song


    Broken Song
    Broken Song

    Penny Franklin, her name is synonymous with punk/hard rock fusion, has ruled over the airwaves for over two decades. Then things all fell apart around her when she decided to retire and leave it all behind to spend more time with her children. She lost her family, fame, and her fortune, what else could possibly go wrong in her life? That question was answered with a visit to her physician for a physical. With her life in ruins, spiraling out of control in emotional turmoil, she decides to end it all. But she stumbled upon a woman, Sandra, who flips it all upside down. Showing her the power of true selflessness and love, in her own unique and unorthodox manner.

  • Syncopated Rhythm


    Syncopated Rhythm
    Syncopated Rhythm

    Amber LaLanie burst upon the music scene a decade ago like a ball of fun energy. Her "live for the day" attitude has hid her insecurity and extreme loneliness in the sea of people around her. Then she met a production intern, Kylee, who has a way of drawing out the real Amber that lies within. This is set in the same world as Music of the Soul but is a standalone book.

  • Girl Next Door


    Girl Next Door
    Girl Next Door

    When it comes to love. Brandye can't see what is right in front of her. A blind artist, Robin, shows her that all relationships are not doomed to end badly, and soulmates are destined to find each other. This is set in the same world as Music of the Soul but is a standalone book.

  • Lightning Strikes Twice


    Lightning Strikes Twice
    Lightning Strikes Twice

    Returning home to Seattle from a twenty year absence in London... Victoria discovers that time has not erased her feelings for an unrequited love. It soon becomes obvious that with true love, lightning can sometimes strike twice. This is set in the same world as Music of the Soul but is a standalone book.

  • Dead Shot

    Dead Shot
    Dead Shot

    McKenzie is a soldier and her girlfriend, Katie, is a contractor with the United Nations peacekeeping force. McKenzie's squad has named her Dead Shot for her uncanny ability with weapons. When her unit is ambushed, will her skills be enough? McKenzie and Katie meet at a bar while McKenzie is on leave from a Central African Katie must watch helplessly from ops as her girlfriend's unit gets ambushed. Katie's world ends while watching a satellite feed of McKenzie going down in a hailstorm of bullets. Sometimes love can be a bitch. This is set in the same world as Music of the Soul but is a standalone book.

  • June


    The daughter of Mandy Fay Harris is all grown up and like her mother, is a force of nature. She is ready to come into her own and take London by storm. She never expected what what she would find while searching for a scout in New York for her music label and the new relationships she would form. This is set in the same world as Music of the Soul but is a standalone book.


Erik Schubach

I got my start writing romance novels by accident. I have always been drawn to strong female characters in books, like Honor Harrington. And I also believe that there is a lack of LGBT characters in media. So one day I came up with a story idea that combines the two... two days later I completed the manuscript for Music of the Soul. My writing style may not be the most professional nor grammatically correct, but I never profess to be an English major, just a person that wants to share a story. I maintain that my primary language is sarcasm. Each of my books features strong likeable female characters that are flawed. I think that flaws and emotional or physical scars make us human and give us more character than simply conforming to some "social norm". I have also started a SciFi series, The Valkyrie Chronicles which features a Valkyrie, Kara, who was left behind on Earth five thousand years ago to help the Asgard race escape the onslaught of the Ragnarok horde. With the aid of a human, Kate, she holds the line in battle to herald the return of the Asgard! If you like magic, paranormal romance and witches, then my new series Fracture might tickle your fancy. In the first book Fracture: Divergence, Alex King must stop magic from destroying reality. The problem is that Alex must solve the case in parallel universes where in one Alex is male and female in the other. There is even a modern shapeshifter paranormal series, Drakon. Featuring a fiery Irish woman with a sharp wit and sharper temper who finds out she is a dragon of legend.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I absolutely loved this series. I don’t even think I read them in order. I’m sure I’ll read them all again soon.