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Psychological Expression of Human Personality
Your Building Blocks for Self-Improvement, Great Ways for would-be Greats
Simple yet Critical Ways to Health, The Joy of Life
Ebook series7 titles

Personality Development Series

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About this series

Extraordinariness is not for everybody to attain, but it may be for YOU if you are primarily disciplined, are health-conscious, have strong will-power and understand the mechanism of being an extraordinary person in your own society or in the whole humanity dealt with in this volume, as is evident through its contents headings -
Preface - The Great human Divide
A.Basic Human Existence
Human Body Constitution, States of Consciousness (Chetanaa), Individuality and Society, Meanings of Human Life
B.Personality Flaws
Psychological Disorders in Personality, Destruction of Individuality, Conflict of Individualism and Socialism, Inner Contradictions in Personality, Marked Abnormal, You may be Extraordinary
C.Personality Cultivation
Composition of Human Personality, Power of Thoughts, Simple Ways to Own a Gem Personality, Realizing Power of Personality
D.Human Worth
Five Scales of Human Worth, Health above ALL, Living Purposefully, Creative and Intellectual Sensibility, Emotional Sensitivity, Economic Worth of an Individual
E.Being Extraordinary
What is Extraordinariness, Extraordinariness preached in Vedas, Love and Respect for the Self and Ideas, Aiming at Super-Ageing, Bring Out The Genius You, Being a Pioneer, Being Someone Great
F.Impression Management
Impression and Expression of Personality, Brand tour Personality, Create Aura of Yours

PublisherRam Bansal
Release dateApr 11, 2013
Psychological Expression of Human Personality
Your Building Blocks for Self-Improvement, Great Ways for would-be Greats
Simple yet Critical Ways to Health, The Joy of Life

Titles in the series (7)

  • Simple yet Critical Ways to Health, The Joy of Life


    Simple yet Critical Ways to Health, The Joy of Life
    Simple yet Critical Ways to Health, The Joy of Life

    For a human-being, his/her own health is the organ for realizing the world, through which the world appears to be like the health of the person - good or bad, joyful or painful, etc. Therefore, the world exists for an individual if he/she exists in good health. Human evolution has made a huge number of provisions in the body itself to take care of the health, hence, keeping in good health is neither difficult nor complicated, though its understanding is quite complicated. But for keeping in good health, understanding the body complications and their functionality is not essential. As a child takes birth, he/she keeps a good health and following his/her instincts and genetic information, he maintains good health, usually. Thus, there are simple rules and routines to be followed for keeping in good health for everybody. Our scientific developments have prepared logical support for these rules and routines to get us convinced if we need. This volumes through its 58 treatises spread over 8 sections deals with the simple to follow and understand rules and routines of human life through which any person may keep healthy until his/her last breathe. Most of the narrations and framings in the volume are based on personal experiences and realizations and these are put in simple-to-understand ways without adding technicalities and medical jargon of vocabulary. Hope the readers would enjoy reading the book and following to achieve good health for ever thereafter.

  • Psychological Expression of Human Personality


    Psychological Expression of Human Personality
    Psychological Expression of Human Personality

    The Book consists of 38 treatises distributed into five sections. Section A : Elements of Personality, A1 : Meaning of Good Health, A2 : Individuality, A3 : Grand Meaning of Human Life, A4 : Inspirations, A5 : Humanism, A6 : Wisdom & Intellect, A7 : Personality Traits, A8 : Motive forces, A9 : Emotions, A10 : Bias & Prejudice; Section B : Improving Personality Expression, B1 : Knowledge & Thinking, B2 : Promotion of Ethics, B3 : Earning Individual Power, B4 : Handling negative emotions, B5 : Cultivation & Projection of Individuality, B6 : Being Smart, B7 : Education and Training, B8 : Skill and Professionalism, B9 : Psychological Tools, B10 : Building Creative Expressions; Section C : Social Expression of Personality, C1 : Impression & Expression, C2 : Communicate Skillfully, C3 : Truthfulness versus Conformism & Diplomacy, C4 : Crowd Psychology, C5 : Vicious Cycle of Religions, C6 : Altruism, C7 : Making Choices, C8 : Why nobody Truly Knows Anybody Else, C9 : Strengths from Mutuality, C10 : Relationships; Section D : Objectives of Personality Expressions, D1 : Development of Arts & Sciences, D2 : Developing Art of Living, D3 : Developing Culture and Civilization, D4 : Optimum Development, D5 : Developing Pleasure and Happiness; Section E : Integrated Outcomes Individual Expressions, E1 : The World Humanity Today, E2 : Nature versus Human Life, E3 : Economy

  • Your Building Blocks for Self-Improvement, Great Ways for would-be Greats


    Your Building Blocks for Self-Improvement, Great Ways for would-be Greats
    Your Building Blocks for Self-Improvement, Great Ways for would-be Greats

    This volume consists of 51 articles in 5 sections spread as below - Section A : Physical Parameters A1 Physical Dimensions of Self-Improvement A2 What does Good Health Mean A3 Minimization of Decay in Bio-organism A4 Strategy for Super-Ageing A5 How much Closeness to Nature is Optimum for Life-Intellect A6 Take and Bear Pains A7 Purpose and Effect of Dressing Section B : Personality and Individuality B1 Essentials of Smartness B2 Being Smarter B3 Psychological Traits of Human Personality B4 Personality Traits for Individual Power B5 Three Distinctive Personality Aspects from Scriptures B6 Treasure your Introversion as a Precious Possession B7 Ways to Own a Gem Personality B8 Cultivation and Projection of Individuality B9 Individuality Augmentation and Blending B10 Balancing between Individuality and Relationships Section C : Wisdom Parameters C1 Art of Living C2 Optimum Schedules of Human Life C3 Work Passionately, Express Emotionally, Relax Calmly C4 Secret of Multi-tasking C5 Balancing between Thinking and Performing C6 How to EnJoy Work C7 Apply your Resources Judiciously C8 Avoid the Jargon of Positive and Negative Thinking to Succeed C9 Carve out Your Genius Zone C10 Meaning of Being a Perfectionist C11 Evoke Performance Loop of Motivation-Action-Reward C12 Discipline Yourself Section D : Intellectual Parameters D1 Being an intellectual D2 Respect Yourself, Respect your Ideas D3 Improve your Learning through in-between Naps D4 Why and How to Adopt a Life-Creative D5 Think Critically and Radically Too D6 Thinking Laterally for an Innovation D7 Building the Self through Power of Thought D8 Thinking Big is not Enough, Think Extraordinary Section E : Expression and Impression E1 Impression and Expression of a Personality E2 The Grand Meaning of Human Life E3 Avoid Inner Conflict from Cultural and Genetic Inheritance E4 Develop Positive Beliefs and Resilience to pursue them E5 Make Use of Spontaneity E6 Adopt Modern Form of Narcissism E7 Conscious Realization of Joy under Routine Situations E8 Ways to avoid Sadness, Anger and Anxiety E9 Why Nobody Truly Knows Anybody Else E10 Art and Science of Persuading E11 When to Speak, What to Say, How to Express E12 Develop Personal Magnetism E13 Put Yourself in Leadership Role E14 If You want to be SOMEONE Great

  • Extraordinary Personality Psychosynthetics

    Extraordinary Personality Psychosynthetics
    Extraordinary Personality Psychosynthetics

    Extraordinariness is not for everybody to attain, but it may be for YOU if you are primarily disciplined, are health-conscious, have strong will-power and understand the mechanism of being an extraordinary person in your own society or in the whole humanity dealt with in this volume, as is evident through its contents headings - Preface - The Great human Divide A.Basic Human Existence Human Body Constitution, States of Consciousness (Chetanaa), Individuality and Society, Meanings of Human Life B.Personality Flaws Psychological Disorders in Personality, Destruction of Individuality, Conflict of Individualism and Socialism, Inner Contradictions in Personality, Marked Abnormal, You may be Extraordinary C.Personality Cultivation Composition of Human Personality, Power of Thoughts, Simple Ways to Own a Gem Personality, Realizing Power of Personality D.Human Worth Five Scales of Human Worth, Health above ALL, Living Purposefully, Creative and Intellectual Sensibility, Emotional Sensitivity, Economic Worth of an Individual E.Being Extraordinary What is Extraordinariness, Extraordinariness preached in Vedas, Love and Respect for the Self and Ideas, Aiming at Super-Ageing, Bring Out The Genius You, Being a Pioneer, Being Someone Great F.Impression Management Impression and Expression of Personality, Brand tour Personality, Create Aura of Yours

  • Standing Apart for Reaching the Peak: Follow My Way

    Standing Apart for Reaching the Peak: Follow My Way
    Standing Apart for Reaching the Peak: Follow My Way

    Gradually bringing the focus on the most desired point is the essence of success, and this is achievable only when the person stands on his/her own feet away from mental interventions of the crowd around. Here is an account how I practically stood apart and reached the most desired destination of my life. Each of us has a unique desired destination but ways of reaching that remain the same. Therefore, this volume is a lesson in human psyche why an individual acts in a particular way, particularly against a general and social norm - for his/her individualistic commitments towards his/her the most desired destination. I am committed not just to stand apart from the crowd but for following my own convictions, whether other people do so or not, or what they think or say about me, or whether they like or dislike me for this. As a result of this, I have been different from others, not for my moving away from them but for remaining stable at whatever I inherited and learned during my childhood and later through my social contacts, education and experiences, but people in general have been gradually drifting from social norms of their childhood times, thus making changes even in social norms which are formed through majority view and conduct. I have not been able to move with my society for my commitments, hence stand apart. This standing apart from the crowd has paid rich dividends to me in providing a unique position to me in my society, and more importantly, taking me to the point what I am the most suitable for, and providing me unprecedented success to me in a field which nobody dreamed of in the last 2,000 years. This field is 'understanding of Vedic scriptures with all their secrets' which have been lying hidden from view of everybody else, so far. I have begun translation of those for their public exposure in due course. Until the translated work is published, it may take a few years, I have begun writing articles based on my current knowledge and publishing them online on my website 'Vedic History & Ayurveda'. Gain of the understanding of scripture is not only attaining a unique position in this respect but dreaming of living for about 200 years with youthfulness of 100 years. Secrets of this are provided in the scriptures which I am discovering gradually and applying on myself. Even the initial results I am obtaining are nothing less than miraculous. My discovery of the wealth of knowledge provided in scriptures would, in due course, may change the way human life is today - limited to about 100 years.

  • Word-Smart is Life-Smart

    Word-Smart is Life-Smart
    Word-Smart is Life-Smart

    Nothing can be more descriptive about the Work than the Table of Contents, provided hereunder. YOU seek, WE have it here. Preface Section A : Make-up of a Smart Personality A1 : Essentials of Smartness or Being Effective, A2 : Working Smartly, A3 : Four Sources of Personality Constitution, A4 : Three Elements of Personality, A5 : Personality Traits for Individual Power, A6 : Leadership Beautitudes in Personality, A7 : Expression and Impression of Personality, A8 : Vaidic View of Personality. Section B : Management of Life-Smart B1 : What Controls Life, B2 : What is Management, B3 : Derivations and Divisions of Management Profession, B4 : Six Scales for Quality of Human Life, B5 : Differentiating Smartness, Cleverness and Cunningness, B6 : Education and Training, B7 : Culture and Civilization, B8 : Having own Purpose of Life, Section C : Arts and Sciences at Work C1 : What are Arts and Sciences, C2 : Complementary and Supplementary Roles, C3 : Differences of Arts and Sciences, C4 : Basic Sciences controlling Human Skills, C5 :Skills and Professionalism, C6 : Make-up of Work Space, C7 : Making your Work Meaningful and Enjoying it Section D : Individuals as Social Units D1 : Self and Society, D2 : What enhances Individual's Social Value, D3 : Cause, Reason and Purpose of a Relationship, D4 : Four levels of Discipline, D5 : Command and Leadership, D6 : Love, Sex and Lust, D7 : Independence, Liberty and Freedom, Section E : Psychology E1 : Individual's Conscience and Command of Emotions, E2 : Subjective and Objective Approaches, E3 : Motive and Objective, E4 : Superiority and Inferiority Complexes, E5 : Conduct, Intention and Attitude, E6 : Dedication and Devotion, E7 : Dream, Gamble and Aspiration, E8 : Mind and Brain, E9 : Wisdom and Intellect, E10 : Enjoyment and Addiction, E11 : Pleasure and Happiness Section F : Written Communications F1 : Communication and Its Skills, F2 : Communication, Spatial and Temporal, F3 : Author and Writer, F4 : Depiction through Words, F5 : What adds Value to a Written Work, F6 : Vaidic View on Textual Compositions, Section G : Some Critical Elements of Diction G1 : Each and Every, G2 : Different and Various, G3 : Recreation and Entertainment, G4 : 'Before', 'in-Front of' and 'Facing', G5 : Fame, Reputation and Popularity, G6 : Strategy, Plan and Scheme, G7 : Appreciation, Praise and Hail, G8 : Article, Essay and Treatise, G9 : Person, People and Humans, G10 : Aim and Target About the Author

  • Psychology of The Self

    Psychology of The Self
    Psychology of The Self

    The Self of a person is neither his/her body nor his/her mind, neither his/her physical health nor his/her mental health, neither his/her intrinsic characteristics nor his/her extrinsic conduct, but a sum total of all such things forcing him/her to think and lead his/her life maintaining his/her social relationships. Thus, 'The self' is the overall constitution of the person under consideration. It is even more individualistic than the person appears to be for the external world for each of the constituents of the self is individualistic too. If we want to pinpoint one thing that is the closest to the self is the individuality of the person that isolates him/her from all others yet makes him/her part of the society and environment surrounding him/her. Psychology is the study of a human-being the way he/she thinks and relates him/herself with the external world through his/her speech and actions. Thinking of a person is most often different from his/her conduct, but still depending on it. This proves that the person intentionally creates this difference between this thoughts, words and actions. The psychology takes care of this fact of human life and incorporates in itself reasons of this differentiation. This makes 'Psychology of the Self' a study of the wholesomeness of a person, leaving nothing to be discovered, to be developed, or to be deployed. Hence the study has to be vast, exhaustive and detailed and go through the minutest information on the person. This is possible only when an individual is specifically studied. Therefore, the eBook 'Psychology of The self' doesn't deal with the specific information of any individual but paves way for reaching that information when the concepts provided in the volume are applied to a specific individual. Such a vast study can't be carried out or written about in specific time-frame but goes on for a long period with new frontiers coming to light. The Author had been working on this project for 14 years and writing articles every now-and-then. The eBook is the collection of such articles of the Author written by him on the subject.


Ram Bansal

An Engineering Graduate from University of Roorkee, India (now an IIT) of 1971 batch, has served Engineering Profession for 35 years, now devoted to Social Engineering, Research into Vaidic Scriptures, and Authorship for changing the humanity - the way it thinks.

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    i thought this would help me with my projects. I want to read books for free, but I can't cause it wanted money, money, money and money. grgrgrrrrr it sucks I'm just a student I don't have money to pay. But thanks for the effort???...