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The Killing Season
Monster Mine
Fear University
Ebook series5 titles

Fear University Series

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About this series

I walk the halls of Fear University on the first day of spring semester, and I dare to hope the greatest hope of all:

We will be okay.

Dean and Dr. Milhousse have vanished. I control the aswangs in my father’s pack, which means more than just tall fences and fearmongering protect the university. I have everything under control—even if my closest friends doubt my newfound hope.

Everything will be fine, I think, until she shows up. Marley Summers speaks of fate and eternity, destiny and the moments that define us. She speaks of my mother like they were best friends, and I hate her for that.

Marley says Fear University is changing and that the current is sweeping us all straight toward our fates. She foretells a great and horrible fight is coming to the university, and no matter how hard I try, I can’t alter it. Because in the end, we will come face to face with our scariest monster yet:


For in this world, fear is our greatest motivator—and our greatest ally.

PublisherMeg Collett
Release dateMay 9, 2016
The Killing Season
Monster Mine
Fear University

Titles in the series (5)

  • Fear University


    Fear University
    Fear University

    Bestselling author Meg Collett retells the ancient Filipino legend of the aswang in this sexy, bone-chilling new series. I’ve always known I was a monster, and I don’t mean some teenage vampire shit either. My mother abandoned me when I was ten years old because I have a freakish mutant disease that makes me incapable of feeling pain. I bounced from one foster family to another because too many people like to test my medical condition in a game of “Try To Make Ollie Scream.” At sixteen, I killed a man for taking that game too far. Two years later, I’m still on the run in Kodiak, Alaska. Here, I’m the most dangerous person around, until I come face to face with a creature that should only exist in folklore. The monster is an aswang, and I, with my medical anomaly, am uniquely qualified to hunt the beast that haunts the night. At least, that’s what the two scarred, mostly crazy ’swang hunters tell me when they kidnap me and take me to Fear University, a school where young students learn to hunt and kill aswangs. I arrive at the university a prisoner, but I stay because I finally find my freedom. For once in my life, I belong. I’m needed. I make a home for myself inside the university masquerading as an old Alaskan prison. Something close to happiness warms my icy heart when I’m with my scarred, still mostly crazy tutor, Luke Aultstriver. For a murdering runaway like me, Fear University is a haven where I can put my skills to good use hunting monsters in the night. But when certain truths come to light and even more lies are exposed, I fear that I, Ollie Andrews, am the worst kind of monster of all. And, maybe, they should be hunting me. Warning: This book is recommended for mature readers due to sexual content, violence, and language.

  • The Killing Season


    The Killing Season
    The Killing Season

    In the far Alaskan north, there are places the winter sun cannot reach. Places where light won’t shine for months. These are the places we hunt the monsters who feed on fear. So begins the Killing Season. For the next sixty-five days, we will face the darkness. Some will hunt the aswangs in the ever night, but I, Ollie Andrews, am here for one purpose: to search for answers to my past. They told us to fear the arctic tundra and the monsters hiding in the deep, dark shadows. But, locked inside a base known for driving even the best hunters mad, I fear it’s not the outside we should worry about, but the deepest, darkest parts of ourselves. The real monsters are within. When a brutal murder brings with it the secrets of Fear University—and the threat of an unknown killer on the loose—we all must fight to stay alive. But with madness and paranoia setting in during a whiteout snowstorm, all we can do is hope we don’t destroy ourselves before the sun finally rises again. Because no matter how hard we fight, reality will always threaten to tear us apart. And when faced with the most terrible of truths, even the strongest break. Warning: Recommended for mature readers due to sexual content, violence, and language.

  • Monster Mine


    Monster Mine
    Monster Mine

    I, Sunny Lyons, am chasing my best friend’s ghost. Or at least I thought I was until Ollie calls me on the phone and tells me to come to Anchorage, Alaska. We find her in a renovated warehouse surrounded by halflings and Hex, her father and the greatest aswang warrior who has ever lived. While trying to protect Ollie from the people who want to use her as a weapon, I stumble across a secret the halflings will kill to protect—a secret that could save the man I love. I may be the Cowardly Lyon, but I’m willing to do whatever it takes to protect my friends—even if it kills me. My name is Ollie Volkova, and I am not broken. Though my friends may say otherwise after I spent three weeks with a sadistic madman. They think I’m crazy, but when a monster called the Manananggal surfaces on the outskirts of Anchorage, my father offers to tell me about my mother in exchange for my help in hunting down the winged creature. It’s a deal I can’t pass up. Not when my mother’s past is so important to my future. But the more I learn about her, the more I discover about my monster’s soul, and when my father reveals the final, darkest truth, the decision I make will change the course of my life. Warning: Recommended for mature readers due to sexual content, violence, and language.

  • Paper Tigers


    Paper Tigers
    Paper Tigers

    Fear University has created a new monster ... The infamous fear switch research started with me, Patient Zero. But I am a failure. My mind adapted and now I move through the shadows like the creatures I was created to hunt. I spent my entire life in a cage with scalpels in my brain, but I am finally free—thanks to the Commander. I am Zero, and I will make the bad men at Fear University pay. I, Ollie Volkova, have returned to Fear University to rebuild and restore the school to its former standard of protecting the world against monsters, both human and aswang. But something new is killing Original families all over Kodiak Island and nearly assassinated the president of my university. The hunters call it a ghost, but I know she’s something more. Something worse than monsters and men. Something like me. Fear University is my home, and I will kill to protect it.

  • Dead Man's Stitch


    Dead Man's Stitch
    Dead Man's Stitch

    I walk the halls of Fear University on the first day of spring semester, and I dare to hope the greatest hope of all: We will be okay. Dean and Dr. Milhousse have vanished. I control the aswangs in my father’s pack, which means more than just tall fences and fearmongering protect the university. I have everything under control—even if my closest friends doubt my newfound hope. Everything will be fine, I think, until she shows up. Marley Summers speaks of fate and eternity, destiny and the moments that define us. She speaks of my mother like they were best friends, and I hate her for that. Marley says Fear University is changing and that the current is sweeping us all straight toward our fates. She foretells a great and horrible fight is coming to the university, and no matter how hard I try, I can’t alter it. Because in the end, we will come face to face with our scariest monster yet: Ourselves. For in this world, fear is our greatest motivator—and our greatest ally.

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