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Determined Hope
Cautious Hope
Reborn Hope
Ebook series8 titles

Shifting Alliances Series

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About this series

Coming out of a self-imposed emotional freeze is a long and painful process.

For Casey Riggs, she wasn’t prone to looking back. It was too painful and full of betrayal by those she trusted most. She had worked very hard to pack the pain and fury into a box and stow it into a part of her mind she didn’t want to ever see again. When she’s kidnapped in the few weeks her father has left. He’s the only person in the world who never lied to her, never betrayed her, he’s all she has.

When she’s rescued from her attacker, she’s already shut down and refuses to cooperate in any way with her rescuers. The Accord medics are stymied and are ready to send her to a Rehab Planet for the rest of her natural life.
Luckily, someone makes another call, and she gets two weeks on a farm. Insert eyeroll here.

Emerys Maerlon is assigned to guard a Human female at his old friend’s farm as part of her therapy before she’s sent off to a rehab planet. The Elnollian is more than ready to get it over with and head home to find his mate. He’s ready. His race don’t do premarital sex. They have the utmost respect for themselves and for those they eventually take for a mate.

Through caring for something outside herself, Casey learns to begin unpacking her past and begins to discover the new world around her and her place in it. A place that may include a man with beads in his hair.

Release dateJul 19, 2016
Determined Hope
Cautious Hope
Reborn Hope

Titles in the series (8)

  • Reborn Hope


    Reborn Hope
    Reborn Hope

    Hadok’s life is changed forever when he discovers a brutal crime that could change his world permanently. Honor bound to correct the horrendous act committed by his twin brother, he refuses to look the other way. He will do what is right even if it goes against the laws of the society in which he lives. Natasha was ripped from her world. Held captive, her fear only escalates when her captor suddenly dies and leaves her in the hands of his twin brother. She is confused when, instead of killing her, he offers her hope and a safe haven from the Security Forces. Hadok and Natasha soon realize that her presence would start a conflict that will ignite the Selu society. Lies and oppression are only the beginning in a star system where rules are expected to be followed. Can Hadok and Natasha survive in a world where there are those that would silence them at any cost? If they do, what will it mean for the new life that Natasha carries?

  • Determined Hope


    Determined Hope
    Determined Hope

    Having come home to help save his friend and try to find his bond mate, Sailosh was close to giving up when he chanced to catch a glimpse of her. That one look, that momentary glance brought out his mating instinct and he despairs of ever finding her. Then he captures after she’s broken into his house. Irina was not having an easy time. She’d gone to Lake Baikal to come to terms with her grandfather’s death and commune with nature when she’s abducted and taken away from her entire life with no hope of return, but she’s determined to make it back to Earth and her life. But, her immediate needs include food and shelter, and possibly a bath. They both must come to terms with the reality of the other and learn to trust their hearts.

  • Cautious Hope

    Cautious Hope
    Cautious Hope

    Being cautious is how they must proceed. Furgo had been poleaxed the moment he’d seen Marion standing inside a rehab center, waiting to be escorted to her new home. He knew, the moment he saw her that she was his bond mate. The fact that she didn’t experience the bond like he did was troubling. He couldn’t protect himself if she didn’t want him in the same way he wanted her. Forever. Marion had an important life back on Earth. She believed in things she could objectively observe and touch. The bond mate thing sounded too much like some scheme to her for her to trust it. He knew she was it for him, but she didn’t have that same surety and she was hauling heavy baggage that told her otherwise. Furgo must learn not to take the bond or his mate for granted and Marion must learn to trust in something she can’t see.

  • Renegade Hope

    Renegade Hope
    Renegade Hope

    Rylan had spent a lifetime hiding who he was, making sure he and his twin sister, Sensi, appeared to be just like everyone else on their homeworld. But, when he is betrayed and sold into slavery he vows he will find out who did it and why. After his rescue, he plots and he plans, and then he runs into his bond mate. The woman is a cipher to him, a blank slate that he cannot read. Alana Myerson is angry. She is furious with short bursts of terror mixed in as she tries to cope with being on a foreign planet and not allowed to return to Earth. She bides her time learning the new languages that surround her in this new world, and she determines to do what no other linguist on Earth has done in a century, learn a brand-new language from the ground up. It is a new purpose. However, her determination to learn how language develops in telepathic races is stymied by refusal to learn the origins of their languages on their homeworlds. Both are forced to face their destiny together and learn that just because you’ve left Earth doesn’t mean you’ve left politics behind. Rylan and Alana learn that betrayal is not always betrayal, and sometimes you have to betray what you love to rid it of the rot at its center.

  • Lost Hope

    Lost Hope
    Lost Hope

    Out in The Black you can lose everything. Nan’s entire life had been stolen from her before she’d been abducted and given away to pay a debt. All she wanted to do was give up and die and join her dead husband in whatever afterlife there was. Frustrated at not being allowed to go back to what little bit of life she had left on Earth, she grabs on to the chance to learn about new engines and propulsion systems. When she’d invited to visit a new ship with brand new engines, she feels life inside her for the first time she can remember. Miko left Selu as a young man to attend The Academy and become and engineer on the best ships with the best engines The Accord has to offer. He’s given up finding someone he wants to spend his life with until a woman walks into his engine room and he feels the mate bond his people had abjured centuries ago. The two of them discover each other and sabotage out on The Rim and find another piece of the puzzle into the faction that is trying to tear The Accord apart. Things turn especially dangerous when their ship is stranded far from a jump gate and dozens of saboteurs on board. They must discover how and why The Graxxus has been targeted and the discovery puts them into a race to beat the forces determined to rob them of the happiness they have found.

  • Unexpected Hope

    Unexpected Hope
    Unexpected Hope

    Just because you want something doesn’t mean you get it. Andrea Collins had been drifting before she’d been abducted and tossed into a Cosmos that didn’t really care what her desires were. When she was asked to visit the Accord Prime planet to corroborate some data and attend a few lectures on xenobiology she had jumped at the chance. She had met a telepath who had showed her the beauty of the mate bond and she had fallen in love with it. She wanted that bond more than she wanted anything else. Rudderless without her family, she wanted to have someone for herself. Lomar of Masinia had long live with Accord misconceptions of his rave and tried to educate where it was possible. However, he did not desire a bond mate. Despite his defense of his race, he felt like women held too much power in their relationships. When he meets Andrea and recognizes who she is to him, he fights it. Hard. The universe has a way of teaching lessons in a harsh manner and Lomar learns very quickly that denying the bond is possibly his worst decision. The both find themselves fighting preconceived notions and each other until The Universe teaches them a harsh lesson and they find it easier to learn than to fight.

  • True Hope

    True Hope
    True Hope

    Coming out of a self-imposed emotional freeze is a long and painful process. For Casey Riggs, she wasn’t prone to looking back. It was too painful and full of betrayal by those she trusted most. She had worked very hard to pack the pain and fury into a box and stow it into a part of her mind she didn’t want to ever see again. When she’s kidnapped in the few weeks her father has left. He’s the only person in the world who never lied to her, never betrayed her, he’s all she has. When she’s rescued from her attacker, she’s already shut down and refuses to cooperate in any way with her rescuers. The Accord medics are stymied and are ready to send her to a Rehab Planet for the rest of her natural life. Luckily, someone makes another call, and she gets two weeks on a farm. Insert eyeroll here. Emerys Maerlon is assigned to guard a Human female at his old friend’s farm as part of her therapy before she’s sent off to a rehab planet. The Elnollian is more than ready to get it over with and head home to find his mate. He’s ready. His race don’t do premarital sex. They have the utmost respect for themselves and for those they eventually take for a mate. Through caring for something outside herself, Casey learns to begin unpacking her past and begins to discover the new world around her and her place in it. A place that may include a man with beads in his hair.

  • Foresworn Hope

    Foresworn Hope
    Foresworn Hope

    Sometimes it’s as simple as walking into a room... Taka Ogata had one goal and that was to get back to Earth and her Laurel. It didn’t matter that she didn’t know how to fly, or where she was in the universe, her path was unswerving, to the point where she always had a guard assigned to her to keep her from killing herself in the attempt. She had suffered greatly from The Accord and wanted nothing to do with it. Everything in her was desperate to get back home. Oras had seen Taka walking into the room at his friend’s house and immediately knew she was his bond mate. When she attempted to steal a state-of-the-art shuttle, he could not let her harm herself, and he agrees to take her back to Earth, putting his career and life at risk. Taka trusts no one, so Oras is fighting a losing battle from the very beginning. They must both confront what has happened to her when they face her ultimate goal even foreswearing promises he’s made. The only promise he will not foreswear is to protect her to the very end.


Severine Wolfe

Severine Wolfe is a pen name. It's also a name I've used across the gaming world for nearly 20 years. I answer to, "Hey, Sev!" just as easily as my birth name.I am married and have four grown children and three grandchildren. I love to read and I read everything from treatises on philosophy to theories on the speed of light to the most bawdy of bodice rippers. My interests are varied but reading, knitting and gardening are my top three. Extreme knitting, not for the faint of heart.I've had stories running around my head for years and I'm just now letting them out to put themselves on the virtual page. I hope you enjoy the characters as much as I have over the years. You can contact me at

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