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The Demon's Consort
The Withered Rose
The Death of Kings
Ebook series7 titles

The Count of Trall Series

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About this series

The new novel in the saga of the Count of Trall.

Four years ago, King Theofric of Hograth clung on to his throne amidst a desperate war and a treacherous attack by his brother, Harnic. Now Theofric is secure in his realm: his queen has recently given birth, and former battlefields are once more under the plough.

Yet even the strongest ruler must be on his guard. A civil war in neighbouring Ghylliar threatens the Hograthian province of Albanach; and, closer to home, a band of mercenaries are on a secret mission that could bring the realm to its knees.

Kingdoms in Crisis sees the return of the Count of Trall. Once again he finds himself pitted against feuding nobles, vengeful princes and murderous rogues, striving to rescue Hograth from the brink of disaster.

Release dateOct 29, 2011
The Demon's Consort
The Withered Rose
The Death of Kings

Titles in the series (7)

  • The Death of Kings


    The Death of Kings
    The Death of Kings

    "The Death of Kings" is the first volume in the "Fields of Battle" trilogy, part of the Count of Trall series. In the northern kingdom of Luourn the young king, Raegin, languishes in a dungeon, his throne usurped by his own kinsman, Rothgar. Saved from a lingering death by a loyal friend, Raegin escapes from his stolen kingdom with instructions to seek the island of Trall, in the far south, there to throw himself upon the mercy of the island’s ruler. Now Raegin must face some startling revelations, and a journey beset by danger, battles and treason, before he can finally return to Luourn to face, once again, the man who stole his throne ...

  • The Demon's Consort


    The Demon's Consort
    The Demon's Consort

    The second volume in the Fields of Battle trilogy, part of the Count of Trall series. Kieldrou, the Count of Trall, is in the kingdom of Luourn, far from his southern island home. With his help his cousin, Raegin, has recently been restored to the throne of Luourn, the usurper and his wicked supporters killed. With peace restored in Luourn, Kieldrou now plans to return Trall, hoping that he can persuade Rhianne, the woman he loves, to come with him. At the same time war is brewing in the south, and no-one appears to be heeding the warnings that Kieldrou and his followers have given. All the more reason for the Count to get home as quickly as possible. However, deep in the heart of the wasteland known as the Great Og, dwells a mysterious sect known as the Brotherhood of Sheoleth. The priests of this cult have been watching, and following, the Count of Trall, pursuing a feud that stretches back five hundred years. They have already tried to kill him twice, and now they have even more reason to slay him, for Kieldrou carries what they perceive to be a precious relic of their twisted faith. When the priests of Sheoleth strike, and carry off not only the relic but also Rhianne, Kieldrou must leave the fate of the southern kingdoms for a while, choosing instead to follow his devil-worshiping foes, even if it leads to his death. Will he enter the jaws of hell alone, or can his friends, alerted to his plight and guided to the Great Og by a young Trallian priestess, come to his aid in time? And will they still be able to thwart the Hussanian plans for war? As their foes close in on all sides, their greatest enemy appears to be time itself!

  • The Withered Rose


    The Withered Rose
    The Withered Rose

    A novel of the Count of Trall. The daughter of a prince and niece of a king, Atela is the most eligible young woman in the kingdom of Hograth. She has always known that her husband will be chosen for her, and she trusts that her father and uncle will select a good match. The man they have decided upon is Sturgar, heir to the barony of Arbroan. Sturgar yearns for the chance to prove himself as a warrior, and for an heir to carry his name and to inherit his lands. He expects a union with the royal house to bring him opportunities for advancement and glory. "The Withered Rose" is a tale of duty, honour and friendship. It is also a story of pride and folly, and explosions of violence upon brutal battlefields. These combine to drag Atela and Sturgar from a life of love and happiness to the pain of betrayal, and ultimate tragedy. ("The Withered Rose" takes place some years before the events in Marcus Pailing's other novels about the Count of Trall: "The Death of Kings", "The Demon's Consort" and "Fields of Battle". These other novels are also available as eBooks.)

  • Fields of Battle


    Fields of Battle
    Fields of Battle

    The third book in the Fields of Battle trilogy, part of the Count of Trall series. "Fields of Battle" continues the story begun in "The Death of Kings" and "The Demon's Consort". Two great armies clash to decide the future of Gilderaen ... Kieldrou, the Count of Trall, is back in Hograth at last, looking forward to his impending wedding and hoping for a peaceful future now that his recent travels and adventures are over. He has introduced his intended wife, Rhianne, to the Hograthian court; and all of Hograth, it seems, is delighted that the wayward Count is about to relax into settled, married life. But they all know that peace will not last. War is brewing in the south of Gilderaen. The Hussanians have been preparing to invade Barrowgrar for two years. Despite Kieldrou’s constant warnings, the King of Hograth has done nothing to counter the Hussanian threat to its defenceless neighbour. Already there are disturbing tales of banditry, designed to keep the Hograthians focused on events within their own borders. Now the south of Gilderaen reels as the armies of Hussania sweep into Barrowgrar, in the wake of a welter of treachery, treason and assassination. The only one who can prevent total Hussanian victory is Kieldrou, torn away from his new wife’s side to wade once more into the bloody fray, his loyal friends at his side. Yet, with rebellion brewing back in Hograth, the outcome does not seem so assured ...

  • Conspiracy of Silence


    Conspiracy of Silence
    Conspiracy of Silence

    Short story: approx 8,200 words. Derian is a stable-lad in the royal castle of Gerroch. When the King and his court arrive at Gerroch, Derian encounters the famous Count of Trall for the first time. Youthful curiosity and a lack of common sense combine to put the lad in great danger as he overhears some terrible secrets. Yet this event plays a part in shaping the course of Derian’s life, as the prelude to his rise from the lowliness of the stables, to becoming lord of a baronial manor. (This story serves as an introduction to the world of Gilderaen. It features characters from the 'Fields of Battle' trilogy by the same author.)

  • Questions of Allegiance


    Questions of Allegiance
    Questions of Allegiance

    'Conspiracy of Silence' Derian is a stable-lad in the royal castle of Gerroch. When the King and his court arrive at Gerroch, Derian encounters the famous Count of Trall for the first time. Youthful curiosity and a lack of common sense combine to put the lad in great danger as he overhears a terrible secret. (Approx. 8,200 words.) ('Conspiracy of Silence' was originally published as a stand-alone short story. This is a revised version.) 'The Rewards of Loyalty' Derian the stable-lad falls in love. His attempts at courtship receive help from an unexpected quarter when the Count of Trall pays another visit to Gerroch. (Approx. 9,100 words.) 'Questions of Allegiance' Four years after the events in the two previous stories, Derian is now married and has been elevated from the stables. When tragedy and treason strike the kingdom of Hograth, Derian soon finds himself at the heart of great events. His life becomes one of bloody battles and deadly sieges; and finally he discovers that loyalty and bravery can earn great rewards. (Approx. 40,000 words.)

  • Kingdoms in Crisis

    Kingdoms in Crisis
    Kingdoms in Crisis

    The new novel in the saga of the Count of Trall. Four years ago, King Theofric of Hograth clung on to his throne amidst a desperate war and a treacherous attack by his brother, Harnic. Now Theofric is secure in his realm: his queen has recently given birth, and former battlefields are once more under the plough. Yet even the strongest ruler must be on his guard. A civil war in neighbouring Ghylliar threatens the Hograthian province of Albanach; and, closer to home, a band of mercenaries are on a secret mission that could bring the realm to its knees. Kingdoms in Crisis sees the return of the Count of Trall. Once again he finds himself pitted against feuding nobles, vengeful princes and murderous rogues, striving to rescue Hograth from the brink of disaster.


Marcus Pailing

Marcus Pailing took a degree in Ancient History and Archaeology where he specialised in the history of Alexander the Great and the Successor kingdoms. Later he took a Masters degree in Medieval History, specialising this time in 12th century historical writing and the Icelandic Sagas.He worked for a number of years in the business training industry, including a stint as a writer of e-learning courses, before training to be a teacher. He now teaches History in Leicestershire, England.He is a keen traveller, especially in the Middle East and Central Asia, where he busies himself visiting as many ancient and medieval sites as he can. In England, he thrives on visiting medieval castles and cathedrals!

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