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Ground Stopped!
Flight Into Oblivion
Souls On Board
Ebook series8 titles

Souls On Board Series

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About this series

Casey Click finally gets the charter flight her friends, Bonnie, Bertie and Kit, dreamed of, with Academy Award winning actress, Kathryn Swift. At the same time, Bertie, the preeminent homemaker, surprises her friends when she steps into the political arena as campaign manager. “Someone has to take the first step to battle corruption,” she expounds. Paths collide in Oregon when Casey is interviewed for a television documentary based on her life, a grandmother’s life, as a flight attendant and Bertie’s nemesis, Aminah Daud, arrives in the same place. All is well until Bonnie, Bertie, Kit and Max, Casey’s husband, disappear in the Cascade Mountains. Kit’s previous class in Kintsugi, a Japanese artform using gold, quickly proves that golden moments can be found in the most unlikely places.

PublisherSusan Egner
Release dateDec 1, 2012
Ground Stopped!
Flight Into Oblivion
Souls On Board

Titles in the series (8)

  • Souls On Board


    Souls On Board
    Souls On Board

    Marketing guru Casey Click takes early retirement in hopes of traveling the world with her husband. When the economy impacts their retirement fund, Casey returns to work as a flight attendant. A bomb onboard, a coworker's disappearance, and an attempted murder propel Casey and her friends into an adventure that goes well past the last exit to what she thought would be pleasurable excitement.

  • Ground Stopped!


    Ground Stopped!
    Ground Stopped!

    Flight attendant and part-time sleuth, Casey Click, finds a file left on her plane by a terrorist courier. Her suspicions aroused, Casey and her friends from Souls On Board—including Jack Soul—contact FBI Special Agent Krahl. Together, they uncover ruthless terrorists on a mission of sabotage and murder. The potential disruption to air travel means all affected flights must be Ground Stopped!

  • Flight Into Oblivion


    Flight Into Oblivion
    Flight Into Oblivion

    Flight attendant Casey Click provides clues that eventually identify key players in a politically connected human trafficking network. Working with friends, Bertie, Bonnie and Kit, FBI Agent Krahl and her husband Max, Casey struggles to trust her own instincts rather than the way things appear. Once again, Casey’s former boyfriend Jack Soul provides insights that lead to the right choices.

  • IROP: Irregular Operating Procedures


    IROP: Irregular Operating Procedures
    IROP: Irregular Operating Procedures

    Casey Click, retiree turned flight attendant, had an uncanny knack for stepping into national and international crime scenes. Previous flights had involved crimes of human trafficking, a defection and an attempted murder. But on this flight, the unspoken yet persuasive powers of one passenger sent her scrambling to her friends. In support of one friend studying hypnosis, the three attended the performance of world renown magician, Jason Oh; the very man who had agitated heron a previous flight. As Casey is pulled into the investigation of unusual deaths of young women; Jason Oh reappears on the grid. Would he help or hinder their investigation with Special Agent Krah of the FBI.

  • Destination Unknown

    Destination Unknown
    Destination Unknown

    Following early retirement, Casey Click joined the ranks of flight attendants working for Winterland Airlines, a regional airline based in Minnesota. In her third year, she was selected to be part of an elite few who would attend to the needs of celebrities, politicians and other influential passengers on specially designed, luxurious charter flights. Becoming a flight attendant at the age of sixty had opened new worlds to Casey, allowing her to visit many large and small cities in the US. History, always a fascination, pushed her to explore many of these previously unvisited locations. In this new endeavor, her first charter would take her to Jamaica, home of coffee and fruit plantations, ancient legends of pirates and black magic and expanses of blue water fringed beaches. Her natural curiosity excitedly inhaled the new scents of the tropics and after a troubling tour of a deserted plantation, she invited her husband and friends to join her. Wherever Casey and her band of three friends gathered, trouble seemed to follow with its mysteries and danger. The mystery of the white witch of Rose Hall would throw them into a world of exotic stories, blood red-hued skies and the dark world of human trafficking.

  • Drawing Down the Moon

    Drawing Down the Moon
    Drawing Down the Moon

    Casey Click and her friends were familiar with the variety of classes taken by their friend Kit. However, this time they were more than alarmed. Kit has chosen to study Wicca, a religion tied to pagan practices of ancient witchcraft. Casey wasn’t concerned until Kit’s ritual circle of magic spawned an anger in Kit’s husband the group of friends had never seen before. Enraged Mark threw black dresses, pointed hats, magic wands and pentagrams into a blazing fire, and sped away in his car. Spectral images saved him from a fatality, but opened new questions with fury when Kit’s teacher is slain. Was Kit the next one at risk? The ritual for Drawing Down the Moon will find the fateful conclusion.

  • Capitol Gold

    Capitol Gold
    Capitol Gold

    Casey Click finally gets the charter flight her friends, Bonnie, Bertie and Kit, dreamed of, with Academy Award winning actress, Kathryn Swift. At the same time, Bertie, the preeminent homemaker, surprises her friends when she steps into the political arena as campaign manager. “Someone has to take the first step to battle corruption,” she expounds. Paths collide in Oregon when Casey is interviewed for a television documentary based on her life, a grandmother’s life, as a flight attendant and Bertie’s nemesis, Aminah Daud, arrives in the same place. All is well until Bonnie, Bertie, Kit and Max, Casey’s husband, disappear in the Cascade Mountains. Kit’s previous class in Kintsugi, a Japanese artform using gold, quickly proves that golden moments can be found in the most unlikely places.

  • Ice Flight

    Ice Flight
    Ice Flight

    Book 5 in the Souls on Board Series Casey Click, now a veteran flight attendant assigned to celebrity charter flights, finds herself decked out in high technology winterwear for her flight to Greenland. Casey’s flight transports well-known science writer, Katie Steen, to the location of her scientist father’s death and where an ice station is to be renamed honoring her father. But unusual ice calvings on icebergs, icebergs revealing entombed bodies and polar bears offer up a charter flight like no other. Read Casey Click’s newest flight mystery and be transported to a part of the world few ever visit.


Susan Egner

Minnesota Author Susan Egner followed her father’s footsteps into the life of a newspaper reporter before turning her pen to fiction. Her father, Lou Egner, was the well-known photojournalist for the Florida Times-Union and the former Jacksonville Journal. Now married and living in Burnsville, Minnesota, a suburb of Minneapolis, the mother of two and grandmother of four, fondly recalls, “Daddy gave cameras to my two sisters and me when we were still in elementary school saying, ‘Wherever you go, always remember to take your camera.’ He felt a story could unfold anywhere and he wanted us prepared. That training resulted in my writing about female photographers.”Encouraged by friends after hearing the stories she made up for her own children, Egner wrote and published her own children’s book series, Has Anyone Seen Woodfin? She has made multiple guest appearances with costumed characters in seven states and Shanghai, China; appearing in bookstores, elementary schools, children’s hospitals and the Mall of America. Her work was featured as one of ten programming initiatives at a gala event held in Chicago’s Field Museum by PBS affiliate, WYCC.Egner’s previous writing experience also includes writing and editing for the Dakota County Tribune, a weekly newspaper. In addition, she was a freelance writer for the Dayton Hudson Corporation Santa Bear series.Egner made the transition to e-B­­ook publishing in 2012 with her five-star rated novel, Scotoma. A gifted storyteller, Egner’s characters face challenges and often undergo personal transformation as they confront issues in contemporary society. Her stories are about ordinary people who find themselves in adverse circumstances that could face any of us. The choices each makes—and the resulting consequences—weave a tapestry of mystery, intrigue, and romance that will keep the reader wholly absorbed until the last page.Susan Egner proudly supports Operation eBook Drop, which provides free access to uniformed men and women deployed in service overseas. Learn more about Susan Egner on her website, EgnerINK, on Google+, and on Facebook.

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